I appreciate the intricate physics...
It’s the risk you run when walking dangerous cliffs or doing jumping puzzles. It’s there for a good reason.
| Proud roleplayer! |
| Biyx’s All-For-Nothing Challenge |
It is never convenient to die…
Though I agree.. the Downhill Death is a bit frustrating.
Edit: @MrWubzy: OP is referring to walking down low slopes/hills that we without hindrance can walk up – but die of “falling damage” when we walk down again.
(edited by Ashandar.2570)
It’s the risk you run when walking dangerous cliffs or doing jumping puzzles. It’s there for a good reason.
I’m not even talking about dangerous cliffs or jumping puzzles. I’m talking about perfectly (SEEMINGLY) walkable slopes, just running minding my own business, suddenly death.
I still love this thread from over a year ago in the locked off suggestions forum.
Has a wonderful diagram outlining the hidden OP attack that the nefarious hills have.
I recommend taking a minute to read the OP.
Also, if you strafe sideways or even back and forth while moving forward down the slope then you can usually avoid the OP stealth hill attack.
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(edited by StinVec.3621)
It’s the risk you run when walking dangerous cliffs or doing jumping puzzles. It’s there for a good reason.
There are multiple spots on the terrain where what is visually a gentle slope — and part of a normal traffic area — is functionally a chain reaction of micro falls that can do major damage to you, even though your elevation only changed by about ~1 character height.
My apologies, your OP wasn’t as clear. Even so, the best way to stop that is to avoid those areas. If you have a ground targeting skill, and you’re unsure of a steep slope, target the ground and check the steepness of it.
| Proud roleplayer! |
| Biyx’s All-For-Nothing Challenge |
Actually best way I found to avoid it is to jump, for the time being the slope becomes super deadly lava killing you with micro falls, so jumping negates that.
My apologies, your OP wasn’t as clear. Even so, the best way to stop that is to avoid those areas. If you have a ground targeting skill, and you’re unsure of a steep slope, target the ground and check the steepness of it.
You can actually die by walking down a certain set of stairs in Lion’s Arch if your base movement speed is high enough. You essentially clip past just enough stairs to take a minute amount of falling damage, but with the staircase being as long as it is, you take that same damage dozens of times in quick succession running down it.
I have died on these stairs, from a full-health character. :-| It’s really ridiculous sometimes. I mean, funny, but when it happens out in the “real world”, when you’re trying to run away from a pack of enemies? It’s kinda catastrophic.
Mechanist Gregory [BEER]
Arondight Unfading [ZB]
I have yet to decide if this has to do with collision bug or a trajectory bug.
Anyways. Any time this happens report it via in-game as it will give the coordinates of the location bugged. I think. If I were programming a bug reporting system I would program it that way. But take a picture just in case.
Actually best way I found to avoid it is to jump, for the time being the slope becomes super deadly lava killing you with micro falls, so jumping negates that.
I used to use that approach. But all too often, when landing my character would just slide down the rest of the slope. Bam, dead.
So now I watch my health as I walk down the treacherous hills. As soon as I take any damage, stop all movement and hold my breath until the game figures out that I’m not falling from a great height.
This has been an issue for almost a year now without a fix, just one of the several such seemingly non-fixable bugs in the game.
Mud Bone – Sylvari Ranger