Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
I can't complete Claw of Jormag event
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
Sounds like a PC problem. Are you overheating?
Sounds like a PC problem. Are you overheating?
No, my PC is fine. No problems anywhere at medium with a solid 60-100 fps. I never experienced those kind of crashes until a few weeks ago…
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
This is a known bug, try turning down the sound quality slider in options.
Funny, after reading this thread I had this happen on both my household PC’s during a particularly zergy Jormag event. Never seen the issue before.
To avoid the crash (and more importantly, missing the chest), we logged out and back in again quickly, when the beeping tone started.
I’m getting really kitten off. It’s the second time today I was doing the Claw of Jormag event, but I got a weird kind of crash. First the sound goes away and is replaced by an annoying beep. Then, after 10 seconds my game just crashes…
When I log back in, I’m in overflow. All my efforts wasted and got no rewards…
Turn your sound quality in settings to the lowest. This should fix the sound bug.
Happened to me too. Got the sound error and then I got punted.
Digital surround sound and GPU driver versions have been known to cause issues with game loading and craashing. If my memory serves me right Half-Life 2 is an example.
This may not be the issue here but sound overloading due to the zerg may be what is causing your driver to crash. Like it was mentioned before – turn sound quality down.
Do not click this link!
This happened to me as well. ( A few months ago ) Except I got kicked as the dragon was close to being down. When I logged in the dragon was dead and there was no chest for me. From then on I turned the sound quality down to the minimum and I haven’t had an issue since.
Anet really needs to limit the number of sound effects going off at the same time.
If it is not the alarm tone bug, you get pops and breaks in the sound even at the lowest quality in game.
(edited by Azure Prower.8701)
That happened to me like last year…i havent had this error since then, i thought it was fixed or it got fixed by me, because i havent change any kind of hardware in my comp…just software updates.
Actually did they fix sound bug or is it system problem? I did buy new usb dac and haven’t got sound bug at all. Internal PCI-e sound card did give me bug like every day.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
I had the same problem before, not with crashing but with the beeping noise. Here is what I did – go to options and put the sound quality slider to medium, that fixed it for me.