I'd Like to See Some Combos

I'd Like to See Some Combos

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Calae.1738


On my Dagger/Dagger Elementalist I have a really cool combo. I start in Air and Ride the Lightning (Air 4) to my foe, I hit Updraft (Air 5) to knock him down while at the same time evading backwards. I switch to Fire attunment, hit Burning Speed (fire 3) to bridge the gap and immediately hit Fire Grab (fire 5) for a 4 hit combo burst.

My problem with this combo is that it’s probably an accidental design.

Fire Grab does double damage on burning targets and Burning Speed only burns for 1 second. The window of time needed to land this combo is miniscule. If Burning Speed caused burning for 2 or 3 seconds; then I would have concluded the the combo was designed.

Look at the Guardian.

(Hammer 4) Banish, launches your foe 750 yards and knocks them down. (Hammer 2) Mighty Blow is a 300 yard range jumping attack. What if Mighty Blow had a 750 yard range and did double damage to knocked down targets? That would force your opponent to use an ability to break stun in order to avoid the combo.

Look at the Thief.

Take the bleeds from Death Blossom (dagger 3) and place them in auto attack (dagger 1). If Death Blossom caused stealth and immobilized for 2 seconds the player could create a backstab combo by summersaulting behind the opponment. This would force the opponent to use condition removal in order to avoid the Backstab. Adjust Backstab cooldown for balance.

Heart Seeker could cause addional damage to crippled targets instead of dealing more damage to targets with lower health. Dancing Dagger could cause additional damage while stealthed. Picture this combo; Cloak & Dagger (dagger 5), Dancing Dagger (dagger 4) from range to cripple your opponent, Heart Seeker (dagger 2) to bridge gap, Death Blossom (dagger 3) to immobilize and stealth, and then finally Backstab (dagger 1). This would be a 5 hit combo.

Design abilities that allows us to dance with them. Be creative.

(edited by Calae.1738)

I'd Like to See Some Combos

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ethics.4519


Use fire breath #2 before using #5 if you want the extra damage.

RIP in peace Robert

I'd Like to See Some Combos

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Randulf.7614


I like your Guardian idea

I'd Like to See Some Combos

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Calae.1738


Use fire breath #2 before using #5 if you want the extra damage.

Combos are a sequence of abilities that players must execute with timing and accuracy. Timing and accuracy are skills that players can sharpen with practice. With enough practice, you can execute the combo faster, giving your opponent less time to react.

Fire 2 is a channeled ability, similar to a flame thrower. This ability would have to be interrupted midway through to land the combo quickly. Even though your solution works, I would’ve built Fire 2 differently. Instead of channeled, it would’ve been a 1 hit attack that applies burning.

However, if Fire 3 had burning, Fire 2 would be redundant. Fire 2 could be retooled to work in a combo with Fire 4. Fire 4 is a Ring of Fire on the ground. Fire 2 could be a flaming fist ground slam that caused AoE damage but; also causes an AoE knockback stun when used inside the Ring of Fire.

The combo then would be, Air 4, Air 5, switch to Fire, Fire 3, Fire 5, Fire 4, Fire 2.

A more complex version would be, Air 4, Air 5, switch to Fire, Fire 3, Fire 5, Fire 4, Fire 2, switch to Earth, Earth 3 (magnetic grasp to bridge the gap), Earth 4 (Earthquake knockdown), Earth 5 (Churning Earth), Lightning Flash teleport if target gets out of range.

(edited by Calae.1738)

I'd Like to See Some Combos

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kakeru.2873


This is the kind of depth that would bring me back Actual beneficial combos! Guardian hammer is so boring atm but it’s my favorite weapon (i love hammers).

Also they would vary combos fields, e.g the hammer protection symbol should be able to be blast finished into a protection black finisher or the mace healing symbol into a regeneration black finisher instead of all symbols giving might on blast finisher rendering them useless for other play styles that aren’t about dps dps dps.

I'd Like to See Some Combos

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Calae.1738


If you think this is complex, what if every ability could be woven together to create an ultra combo. If every profession had acces to 5 skills per weapon and could swap to 4 different weapons; you could create a sequence that consisted of 20 hits.

Thats not even the best part.

The best part is that players could create thier own combos, shorter combos. In PVP, players would need to use combo breakers to avoid from getting owned. You have Dodge, Stun Breakers, Condition Removals, Invulerability, Teleports, Stealth, Knockbacks, Immobilize and Stability.

(edited by Calae.1738)

I'd Like to See Some Combos

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kakeru.2873


If you think this is complex, what if every ability could be woven together to create an ultra combo. If every profession had acces to 5 skills per weapon and could swap to 4 different weapons; you could create a sequence that consisted of 20 hits.

Thats not even the best part.

The best part is that players could create thier own combos, shorter combos. In PVP, players would need to use combo breakers to avoid from getting owned. You have Dodge, Stun Breakers, Condition Removals, Invulerability, Teleports, Stealth, Knockbacks and Immobilize.

I don’t think it’s that complex but it’s a step above the simplistic system we have now, pvp is so dull because of it, sure being able to pull of a simple sequence with the 100nades is sweet but it’s the most basic type of skill play.

I'd Like to See Some Combos

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JSmooth.7654


If you think this is complex, what if every ability could be woven together to create an ultra combo. If every profession had acces to 5 skills per weapon and could swap to 4 different weapons; you could create a sequence that consisted of 20 hits.

Thats not even the best part.

The best part is that players could create thier own combos, shorter combos. In PVP, players would need to use combo breakers to avoid from getting owned. You have Dodge, Stun Breakers, Condition Removals, Invulerability, Teleports, Stealth, Knockbacks, Immobilize and Stability.

Some players would then complain that the added combos would detract from the complexity of the game. They would say that there is depth in simplicity and the extra combo chains would take away from the game… The same argument is made for not adding more skills to the skill bar. Blows my mind…

I personally like the idea of a 3 combo (field) sequence instead of the 2 step we currently have. It may not work well in a zerg environment; but I can still dream. I also think that removing the weapon swap delay would promote weapon skill combos… but that may need to be balanced in other ways to prevent over powered combos.

I am a tank at heart.
Sometimes I wonder what I’m doing here…

I'd Like to See Some Combos

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Calae.1738


If you think this is complex, what if every ability could be woven together to create an ultra combo. If every profession had acces to 5 skills per weapon and could swap to 4 different weapons; you could create a sequence that consisted of 20 hits.

Thats not even the best part.

The best part is that players could create thier own combos, shorter combos. In PVP, players would need to use combo breakers to avoid from getting owned. You have Dodge, Stun Breakers, Condition Removals, Invulerability, Teleports, Stealth, Knockbacks and Immobilize.

I don’t think it’s that complex but it’s a step above the simplistic system we have now, pvp is so dull because of it, sure being able to pull of a simple sequence with the 100nades is sweet but it’s the most basic type of skill play.

I agree. Lets see if we can change the Greatsword Warrior a bit.

Bladetrail (Greatsword 4) cripples targets from 900 yards. Rush (Greatsword 5) charges your target and slashes them but, what if Rush did additional damage to targets that are crippled and launched your target in the air causing a short knock down stun? Whirlwind Attack (Greatsword 3) would be used to bridge the gap and deal additional damage to knocked down targets.

Hundred Blades (Greatsword 2) makes you stand still and slash targets repeatingly (yawn).

I would change this to Triple Strike. Triple Strike is an ability that slashes your target 3 times. Each strike must hit the target or else the ability is interrupted. You can use this ability while moving and each strike has a different effect. The first strike applies a short cripple, The second strike causes a short immobilize and the third strike causes a knock down. The idea behind this ability is that if the opponent eats all 3 strikes, he’ll be in a world of hurt. He can dodge the second strike but, can’t dodge the third. If he gets hit on the second strike he has to use a condition removal to avoid the third strike. The cool thing about this ability is that you can use it as a combo opener or a combo finisher.


Triple Strike (Greatsword 2) if all 3 strikes land, the target will be knocked down, Whirlwind Attack (Greatsword 3) to deal addional damage to knocked down targets, Bladetrail (Greatsword 4) from a distance to cause cripple, Rush (Greatsword 5) to bridge the gap, cause addional damage and knock back/knock down your target. Since this combo ended with the target knocked down, you can swap to another weapon to continue the combo.


Bladtrail (Greatsword 4) from 900 yard range to cause a cripple, Rush (Greatsword 5) to bridge the gap and cause a knock back/knock down, Whirlwind Attack (Greatsword 3) to bridge the gap and cause additional damage to knocked down targets, Triple Strike (Greatsword 2) if all 3 strike land, the target will be knocked down. Since this combo ended with the target knocked down, you can swap to another weapon to continue the combo.

(edited by Calae.1738)

I'd Like to See Some Combos

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sokar Rostau.7316

Sokar Rostau.7316

Reminds me of Mortal Kombat. Back when it first came out there wasn’t even a hint to the combo’s (and Fatalities) possible and figuring them all out was part of the game. That was over 20 years ago, and they’re still making that game.

There might be a couple of drawbacks, though. Something like this may result in locking players into ideal skill rotations and it may also mean that some skills get under-used, either because you’re saving them for a combo or because they’re junk in a combo.

Dragonbrand – Reforged Vanguard [ReVa]
Kyxha 80 Ranger, Sokar 80 Necro
Niobe 80 Guardian, Symbaoe 45 Ele

I'd Like to See Some Combos

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Errant Venture.9371

Errant Venture.9371

Death blossom giving dodge + stealth + immobilize AND positioning you BEHIND your target? Girl you cray, that would be the most hella OP skill in game. And this is coming from a skirmisher sin with 7k+ WvW kills O.o

The Battle Bakery [vPie]

I'd Like to See Some Combos

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Calae.1738


Death blossom giving dodge + stealth + immobilize AND positioning you BEHIND your target? Girl you cray, that would be the most hella OP skill in game. And this is coming from a skirmisher sin with 7k+ WvW kills O.o

The reason thieves are overpowered is because of the initiative system. Put a cooldown on every single one of thier skills, reduce thier burst to reasonable levels and the overpowered Thief disapears. The developers will be spinning in circles forever trying to balance the Thief until the initiative system is scrapped.

I'd Like to See Some Combos

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Errant Venture.9371

Errant Venture.9371

Death blossom giving dodge + stealth + immobilize AND positioning you BEHIND your target? Girl you cray, that would be the most hella OP skill in game. And this is coming from a skirmisher sin with 7k+ WvW kills O.o

The reason thieves are overpowered is because of the initiative system. Put a cooldown on every single one of thier skills, reduce thier burst to reasonable levels and the overpowered Thief disapears. The developers will be spinning in circles forever trying to balance the Thief until the initiative system is scrapped.

Right, because simplifying the game makes it better. The initiative system mirrors the energy system from GW1 and actually makes the game COMPLEX and raises the SKILL CAP on thieves. The lack of a broad energy mechanic makes the game too simple. Don’t complain when you spec full glass and a skirmisher class drops you. That’s their JOB.

The Battle Bakery [vPie]

I'd Like to See Some Combos

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Calae.1738


Death blossom giving dodge + stealth + immobilize AND positioning you BEHIND your target? Girl you cray, that would be the most hella OP skill in game. And this is coming from a skirmisher sin with 7k+ WvW kills O.o

The reason thieves are overpowered is because of the initiative system. Put a cooldown on every single one of thier skills, reduce thier burst to reasonable levels and the overpowered Thief disapears. The developers will be spinning in circles forever trying to balance the Thief until the initiative system is scrapped.

Right, because simplifying the game makes it better. The initiative system mirrors the energy system from GW1 and actually makes the game COMPLEX and raises the SKILL CAP on thieves. The lack of a broad energy mechanic makes the game too simple. Don’t complain when you spec full glass and a skirmisher class drops you. That’s their JOB.

According to your logic, we should make every profession in the game have an energy system and remove all cooldowns.

I'd Like to See Some Combos

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Calae.1738


Ranger (Longbow)

Hunter’s Shot (Longbow 1)
Deals additional damage to crippled targets.

Aimed Shot (Longbow 2)
2 second cast, deals double damage to immobilized targets and a short stun. If the target is not immobilized, deals normal damage and does NOT stun.

Trap Shot (Longbow 3)
Ground targeted AoE immobilize

Explosive Shot (Longbow 4)
Ground targeted AoE Knock Back / Knock Down

Barrage (Longbow 5)
Ground targted AoE, deals additional damage to knocked down targets and cripples.


Trap Shot (Longbow 3) to immobilize target, Aimed Shot (Longbow 2) for double damage and stun, Explosive Shot (Longbow 4) for knock back / knock down, Barrage (Longbow 5) for additional damage and cripple, Hunter’s Shot (Longbow 1) for additional damage on crippled target.

I'd Like to See Some Combos

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Errant Venture.9371

Errant Venture.9371

Death blossom giving dodge + stealth + immobilize AND positioning you BEHIND your target? Girl you cray, that would be the most hella OP skill in game. And this is coming from a skirmisher sin with 7k+ WvW kills O.o

The reason thieves are overpowered is because of the initiative system. Put a cooldown on every single one of thier skills, reduce thier burst to reasonable levels and the overpowered Thief disapears. The developers will be spinning in circles forever trying to balance the Thief until the initiative system is scrapped.

Right, because simplifying the game makes it better. The initiative system mirrors the energy system from GW1 and actually makes the game COMPLEX and raises the SKILL CAP on thieves. The lack of a broad energy mechanic makes the game too simple. Don’t complain when you spec full glass and a skirmisher class drops you. That’s their JOB.

According to your logic, we should make every profession in the game have an energy system and remove all cooldowns.

Cooldowns are fine as a complementary system, but yes, every profession should have an energy mechanic.

The Battle Bakery [vPie]

I'd Like to See Some Combos

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Calae.1738


Death blossom giving dodge + stealth + immobilize AND positioning you BEHIND your target? Girl you cray, that would be the most hella OP skill in game. And this is coming from a skirmisher sin with 7k+ WvW kills O.o

The reason thieves are overpowered is because of the initiative system. Put a cooldown on every single one of thier skills, reduce thier burst to reasonable levels and the overpowered Thief disapears. The developers will be spinning in circles forever trying to balance the Thief until the initiative system is scrapped.

Right, because simplifying the game makes it better. The initiative system mirrors the energy system from GW1 and actually makes the game COMPLEX and raises the SKILL CAP on thieves. The lack of a broad energy mechanic makes the game too simple. Don’t complain when you spec full glass and a skirmisher class drops you. That’s their JOB.

According to your logic, we should make every profession in the game have an energy system and remove all cooldowns.

Cooldowns are fine as a complementary system, but yes, every profession should have an energy mechanic.

Thats fine. It reminds me of the stamina system in Demon’s Souls and Dark Souls.

I'd Like to See Some Combos

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Calae.1738


Death blossom giving dodge + stealth + immobilize AND positioning you BEHIND your target? Girl you cray, that would be the most hella OP skill in game. And this is coming from a skirmisher sin with 7k+ WvW kills O.o

The reason thieves are overpowered is because of the initiative system. Put a cooldown on every single one of thier skills, reduce thier burst to reasonable levels and the overpowered Thief disapears. The developers will be spinning in circles forever trying to balance the Thief until the initiative system is scrapped.

Right, because simplifying the game makes it better. The initiative system mirrors the energy system from GW1 and actually makes the game COMPLEX and raises the SKILL CAP on thieves. The lack of a broad energy mechanic makes the game too simple. Don’t complain when you spec full glass and a skirmisher class drops you. That’s their JOB.

According to your logic, we should make every profession in the game have an energy system and remove all cooldowns.

Cooldowns are fine as a complementary system, but yes, every profession should have an energy mechanic.

I’d like to add that in a cooldown system, elite players count your cooldowns and develop strategies to force your cooldowns.

In the absence of a cooldown system, the player would require to guess the opponent’s energy. This becomes convoluted when traits effects energy cost and recharge rates.

I'd Like to See Some Combos

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ethics.4519


Use fire breath #2 before using #5 if you want the extra damage.

Combos are a sequence of abilities that players must execute with timing and accuracy. Timing and accuracy are skills that players can sharpen with practice. With enough practice, you can execute the combo faster, giving your opponent less time to react.

Fire 2 is a channeled ability, similar to a flame thrower. This ability would have to be interrupted midway through to land the combo quickly. Even though your solution works, I would’ve built Fire 2 differently. Instead of channeled, it would’ve been a 1 hit attack that applies burning.

However, if Fire 3 had burning, Fire 2 would be redundant. Fire 2 could be retooled to work in a combo with Fire 4. Fire 4 is a Ring of Fire on the ground. Fire 2 could be a flaming fist ground slam that caused AoE damage but; also causes an AoE knockback stun when used inside the Ring of Fire.

The combo then would be, Air 4, Air 5, switch to Fire, Fire 3, Fire 5, Fire 4, Fire 2.

A more complex version would be, Air 4, Air 5, switch to Fire, Fire 3, Fire 5, Fire 4, Fire 2, switch to Earth, Earth 3 (magnetic grasp to bridge the gap), Earth 4 (Earthquake knockdown), Earth 5 (Churning Earth), Lightning Flash teleport if target gets out of range.

You seem to contradict yourself a little. In your original post, from what I understand, you’re saying that you want the #3 to have longer last burning, to allow you to hit #5, but then you say my idea wouldn’t work because you wanted the combo to be fast, and you want skill to come into play so you have to pull it off quickly, counter to your original complaint.

My combo is similar to yours, except I use the #2 and interrupt it halfway through (sometimes) which I think is worth it. Then I switch to earth, hit #3 to share fire aura, hit arcana blast for the finisher, then hopefully pop in #5 to get an extra 3 stacks of might, maybe popping my cantrip to gain stability, depending on the mob I’m fighting.

All your combo ideas are good and interesting, but what I just said is interesting enough as well. The issue is that it eventually becomes button mashing. It no longer becomes “zoom in, knock down, surge ahead, burn, hit big damage, combo field, share aura, share might” after awhile it turns into “f3, 4, 5, f1, 3, 2, 5, f4, 3, r, 5, e” (with my keybindings)

Edit: My big grief is that combos seem to happen too often, and don’t contribute to the fight that much. If a ranger is sitting there pew pewing and an ele is fighting normally, coincidentally there will combos between the projectiles and fields.

I would like to see it revamped so that the combos are a lot more significant, but they hapeen less often and have to be planned or intended. I think there should be less finishers, and I think the fields should last longer. Look at a poison field for instance, it’s up for a couple of seconds usually, and all the projectile does is poison…. but it’s already poisoned, so it’s pointless. If it added a different type of poison that lasted longer or ticked more, that would make it worth it.

RIP in peace Robert

(edited by Ethics.4519)

I'd Like to See Some Combos

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Redfeather.6401


Would be nice if Anet held a contest for the community to come with with skills that synergize well.
I made up an engineer kit revolving around skills cross comboing with each other. It is really fun to think about too.

I'd Like to See Some Combos

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Calae.1738


Use fire breath #2 before using #5 if you want the extra damage.

Combos are a sequence of abilities that players must execute with timing and accuracy. Timing and accuracy are skills that players can sharpen with practice. With enough practice, you can execute the combo faster, giving your opponent less time to react.

Fire 2 is a channeled ability, similar to a flame thrower. This ability would have to be interrupted midway through to land the combo quickly. Even though your solution works, I would’ve built Fire 2 differently. Instead of channeled, it would’ve been a 1 hit attack that applies burning.

However, if Fire 3 had burning, Fire 2 would be redundant. Fire 2 could be retooled to work in a combo with Fire 4. Fire 4 is a Ring of Fire on the ground. Fire 2 could be a flaming fist ground slam that caused AoE damage but; also causes an AoE knockback stun when used inside the Ring of Fire.

The combo then would be, Air 4, Air 5, switch to Fire, Fire 3, Fire 5, Fire 4, Fire 2.

A more complex version would be, Air 4, Air 5, switch to Fire, Fire 3, Fire 5, Fire 4, Fire 2, switch to Earth, Earth 3 (magnetic grasp to bridge the gap), Earth 4 (Earthquake knockdown), Earth 5 (Churning Earth), Lightning Flash teleport if target gets out of range.

You seem to contradict yourself a little. In your original post, from what I understand, you’re saying that you want the #3 to have longer last burning, to allow you to hit #5, but then you say my idea wouldn’t work because you wanted the combo to be fast, and you want skill to come into play so you have to pull it off quickly, counter to your original complaint.

My combo is similar to yours, except I use the #2 and interrupt it halfway through (sometimes) which I think is worth it. Then I switch to earth, hit #3 to share fire aura, hit arcana blast for the finisher, then hopefully pop in #5 to get an extra 3 stacks of might, maybe popping my cantrip to gain stability, depending on the mob I’m fighting.

All your combo ideas are good and interesting, but what I just said is interesting enough as well. The issue is that it eventually becomes button mashing. It no longer becomes “zoom in, knock down, surge ahead, burn, hit big damage, combo field, share aura, share might” after awhile it turns into “f3, 4, 5, f1, 3, 2, 5, f4, 3, r, 5, e” (with my keybindings)

That’s what a combo is.

A sequence of attacks that if executed correctly and precisely would reward you with additional damage. You can choose to not execute any combo but, you would not be rewarded for spamming auto attacks.

In the current meta, some professions deal more damage just standing there hitting auto attack. Hitting ANY other button would be a DPS LOSS. Think about it.

I'd Like to See Some Combos

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MaRko.3165


If I look at the current ‘combo fields’ the ones I’ve looked at don’t work with the auto attack. So the non-auto’s were scaled down as they could be used with combo fields.

Granted with attacks and combo-fields having all their own timers and cool downs you can’t always have a combo field so this can only be used for short burst damage and your auto attacks will end up having higher DPM.

So its, lay down combo field – pop special attacks, switch to auto while waiting for special attacks CD or longer for combo field CD (or switch weapon sets) then rinse repeat.

“I was playing Farmville and a kitten MMO GW2 broke out of it…”
I cut my gaming teeth on Adventure&ZorkI,II,III.

(edited by MaRko.3165)

I'd Like to See Some Combos

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: phys.7689


Use fire breath #2 before using #5 if you want the extra damage.

Combos are a sequence of abilities that players must execute with timing and accuracy. Timing and accuracy are skills that players can sharpen with practice. With enough practice, you can execute the combo faster, giving your opponent less time to react.

Fire 2 is a channeled ability, similar to a flame thrower. This ability would have to be interrupted midway through to land the combo quickly. Even though your solution works, I would’ve built Fire 2 differently. Instead of channeled, it would’ve been a 1 hit attack that applies burning.

However, if Fire 3 had burning, Fire 2 would be redundant. Fire 2 could be retooled to work in a combo with Fire 4. Fire 4 is a Ring of Fire on the ground. Fire 2 could be a flaming fist ground slam that caused AoE damage but; also causes an AoE knockback stun when used inside the Ring of Fire.

The combo then would be, Air 4, Air 5, switch to Fire, Fire 3, Fire 5, Fire 4, Fire 2.

A more complex version would be, Air 4, Air 5, switch to Fire, Fire 3, Fire 5, Fire 4, Fire 2, switch to Earth, Earth 3 (magnetic grasp to bridge the gap), Earth 4 (Earthquake knockdown), Earth 5 (Churning Earth), Lightning Flash teleport if target gets out of range.

You seem to contradict yourself a little. In your original post, from what I understand, you’re saying that you want the #3 to have longer last burning, to allow you to hit #5, but then you say my idea wouldn’t work because you wanted the combo to be fast, and you want skill to come into play so you have to pull it off quickly, counter to your original complaint.

My combo is similar to yours, except I use the #2 and interrupt it halfway through (sometimes) which I think is worth it. Then I switch to earth, hit #3 to share fire aura, hit arcana blast for the finisher, then hopefully pop in #5 to get an extra 3 stacks of might, maybe popping my cantrip to gain stability, depending on the mob I’m fighting.

All your combo ideas are good and interesting, but what I just said is interesting enough as well. The issue is that it eventually becomes button mashing. It no longer becomes “zoom in, knock down, surge ahead, burn, hit big damage, combo field, share aura, share might” after awhile it turns into “f3, 4, 5, f1, 3, 2, 5, f4, 3, r, 5, e” (with my keybindings)

That’s what a combo is.

A sequence of attacks that if executed correctly and precisely would reward you with additional damage. You can choose to not execute any combo but, you would not be rewarded for spamming auto attacks.

In the current meta, some professions deal more damage just standing there hitting auto attack. Hitting ANY other button would be a DPS LOSS. Think about it.

i think overall your choice in design is too specifically combo heavy, which would lead to very few good builds and what not.
However i agree that for many classes there isnt enough ways to synergize that are advantageous.

also spamming one button is the best way to play for many classes, that should probably stop.

So yeah i think they need more synergy, and even combos, but i think your combo style is too static and leads to less options for fighting.

I'd Like to See Some Combos

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: silvermember.8941


I think we should have some more skill synergy, but given that it is an MMO, I realistically don’t expect it. If I want an extremely deep combat, I go play console/PC varients because they are designed for people like me, now given that MMOs are design to pull in everyone including people that can’t handle real combat or WoW players, I am not expecting it.

As u know im pro. ~Tomonobu Itagaki

This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.

I'd Like to See Some Combos

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: plasmacutter.2709


Use fire breath #2 before using #5 if you want the extra damage.

Combos are a sequence of abilities that players must execute with timing and accuracy. Timing and accuracy are skills that players can sharpen with practice. With enough practice, you can execute the combo faster, giving your opponent less time to react.

Fire 2 is a channeled ability, similar to a flame thrower. This ability would have to be interrupted midway through to land the combo quickly. Even though your solution works, I would’ve built Fire 2 differently. Instead of channeled, it would’ve been a 1 hit attack that applies burning.

However, if Fire 3 had burning, Fire 2 would be redundant. Fire 2 could be retooled to work in a combo with Fire 4. Fire 4 is a Ring of Fire on the ground. Fire 2 could be a flaming fist ground slam that caused AoE damage but; also causes an AoE knockback stun when used inside the Ring of Fire.

The combo then would be, Air 4, Air 5, switch to Fire, Fire 3, Fire 5, Fire 4, Fire 2.

A more complex version would be, Air 4, Air 5, switch to Fire, Fire 3, Fire 5, Fire 4, Fire 2, switch to Earth, Earth 3 (magnetic grasp to bridge the gap), Earth 4 (Earthquake knockdown), Earth 5 (Churning Earth), Lightning Flash teleport if target gets out of range.

You seem to contradict yourself a little. In your original post, from what I understand, you’re saying that you want the #3 to have longer last burning, to allow you to hit #5, but then you say my idea wouldn’t work because you wanted the combo to be fast, and you want skill to come into play so you have to pull it off quickly, counter to your original complaint.

My combo is similar to yours, except I use the #2 and interrupt it halfway through (sometimes) which I think is worth it. Then I switch to earth, hit #3 to share fire aura, hit arcana blast for the finisher, then hopefully pop in #5 to get an extra 3 stacks of might, maybe popping my cantrip to gain stability, depending on the mob I’m fighting.

All your combo ideas are good and interesting, but what I just said is interesting enough as well. The issue is that it eventually becomes button mashing. It no longer becomes “zoom in, knock down, surge ahead, burn, hit big damage, combo field, share aura, share might” after awhile it turns into “f3, 4, 5, f1, 3, 2, 5, f4, 3, r, 5, e” (with my keybindings)

That’s what a combo is.

A sequence of attacks that if executed correctly and precisely would reward you with additional damage. You can choose to not execute any combo but, you would not be rewarded for spamming auto attacks.

In the current meta, some professions deal more damage just standing there hitting auto attack. Hitting ANY other button would be a DPS LOSS. Think about it.

i think overall your choice in design is too specifically combo heavy, which would lead to very few good builds and what not.
However i agree that for many classes there isnt enough ways to synergize that are advantageous.

also spamming one button is the best way to play for many classes, that should probably stop.

So yeah i think they need more synergy, and even combos, but i think your combo style is too static and leads to less options for fighting.

Trait synergy and actual “counter-mechanics” in game are really lacking.

This is why I’m so against the D/D nerf. D/D should be the gold standard and everyone else raised TO that standard. D/D should not be dismantled just because they’re too lazy to make other professions have better trait synergy.

At the same time, stun breaks should be made base-line, and more specialized utilities like corrupt boon added to the game.

I'd Like to See Some Combos

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ethics.4519


That’s what a combo is.

A sequence of attacks that if executed correctly and precisely would reward you with additional damage. You can choose to not execute any combo but, you would not be rewarded for spamming auto attacks.

In the current meta, some professions deal more damage just standing there hitting auto attack. Hitting ANY other button would be a DPS LOSS. Think about it.

It’s almost as if you didn’t even read my post. I’m not sure what you’re even arguing in this one. Your meta point, although I agree with it, is irrelevant to your original post.

RIP in peace Robert

I'd Like to See Some Combos

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kakeru.2873



Trait synergy and actual “counter-mechanics” in game are really lacking.

This is why I’m so against the D/D nerf. D/D should be the gold standard and everyone else raised TO that standard. D/D should not be dismantled just because they’re too lazy to make other professions have better trait synergy.

At the same time, stun breaks should be made base-line, and more specialized utilities like corrupt boon added to the game.

The thing is what Eles don’t realise is. Other profession simply cannot and will not ever beable to perform on a level of the D/D because they do not have the tools to do so. You realise an Ele at any given time has 2x more kills to pop then a guardian or ranger or necro. Having attunements allowed you to constantly spawn skill slots allowing 0 downtime and the ablitly to instantly deal damage or heal while others are skill waiting on there skill recharges.

IT isn’t a gold standard it’s a standard that can only be reached by 2 proffesions in the game Engi and Ele. You realise not every class has 3+ types of combos fields and has the ablity to blasy,leap,whirl there own fields?

Warriors have 1 combo field available a fire field as a burst skill that need adrenaline on the longbow their worst and most useless weapon.
Guardians have 2 combo fields light and fire, allows them to stack might and cure conditions they will never be able to have as much ulitlity as a Ele who has Water,fire,Ice,Lighting fields and every type of finisher.

Right now there are ele builds which give them the ablitly to have perma swiftness, that alone needs to be looked at.

I'd Like to See Some Combos

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: plasmacutter.2709


Trait synergy and actual “counter-mechanics” in game are really lacking.

This is why I’m so against the D/D nerf. D/D should be the gold standard and everyone else raised TO that standard. D/D should not be dismantled just because they’re too lazy to make other professions have better trait synergy.

At the same time, stun breaks should be made base-line, and more specialized utilities like corrupt boon added to the game.

The thing is what Eles don’t realise is. Other profession simply cannot and will not ever beable to perform on a level of the D/D because they do not have the tools to do so. You realise an Ele at any given time has 2x more kills to pop then a guardian or ranger or necro. Having attunements allowed you to constantly spawn skill slots allowing 0 downtime and the ablitly to instantly deal damage or heal while others are skill waiting on there skill recharges.

IT isn’t a gold standard it’s a standard that can only be reached by 2 proffesions in the game Engi and Ele. You realise not every class has 3+ types of combos fields and has the ablity to blasy,leap,whirl there own fields?

Warriors have 1 combo field available a fire field as a burst skill that need adrenaline on the longbow their worst and most useless weapon.
Guardians have 2 combo fields light and fire, allows them to stack might and cure conditions they will never be able to have as much ulitlity as a Ele who has Water,fire,Ice,Lighting fields and every type of finisher.

Right now there are ele builds which give them the ablitly to have perma swiftness, that alone needs to be looked at.

Every skill an ele has is on a cooldown easily double to 4 times as high as everyone else’s skills. About 1/3 of those skills are “junk skills” that are simply not used. The APM of an ele is no higher than a necro, and as bunkers all those abilities add up to all the damage of ONE stack of bleeding.

Ele has 10k hp base, and only 17k at full HP in full tank gear. That’s about as much as some other classes in valks, knigths, and even berserkers.

Without the boons as compensation (particularly swiftness, protection, fury and regen), they better be upping ele HP by about 100% and giving them heavy armor.

Right now they can’t stack zerker’s like everyone else, and the devs have flat out said it on some of their streams from early BWE’s.

I repeat, they have no higher APM, they do no more damage than a single bleed stack, and they have the lowest HP and armor in the game. The best they can do is harass you. If you die to them you are BAD

(edited by plasmacutter.2709)

I'd Like to See Some Combos

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xavori.3768


Uh…there are combos and attack sequences already in place.

For example, the very underutilized focus phantasm on a mezzie combos with any field to turn what is otherwise a stationary melee phantasm into a PBAoE spray of fun. I’m building my newest mezzie entirely around this concept (focus-glamours-funzorz!)

Thieves also have a pile of built-in combos. They can drop poison fields anywhere with shortbow 2, and shadow refuge, in addition to being an awesome skill on its own, is a dark field, and dagger storm which is a spray of daggers everywhere, when fired off inside shadow refuge or poison cloud becomes a spray of daggers and darkness or poison and awesomesause.

If you dig through practically every class, you can find things like this. Ellies even have some tricks that aren’t formal combos but work so well together they might as well be. For example Ride the Lightning into Updraft into attune fire into Burning Speed into Ring of Fire into attune water into Frozen Burst into dodge backwards and start again.

It’s entirely possible to run that sequence and have an opponent never get a shot in in response. Unless they can get you to hold still, in which case you have things like shocking aura to to mess with them.

Hey I just met you – And this is crazy –
But here’s my body – So rez me maybe?

I'd Like to See Some Combos

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Calae.1738


Combo fields are quite dull. Its just a puddle on the ground that gives your abilities X, Y or Z. I understand that its there for large open world group play but, it’s not a combo that provides much control.

Shoot your arrow through the fire field and it becomes a burning arrow. Oh… cool… yeah… that’s nice. What about an explosive arrow that causes knock backs?

I'd Like to See Some Combos

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Redfeather.6401


Combo fields are quite dull. Its just a puddle on the ground that gives your abilities X, Y or Z. I understand that its there for large open world group play but, it’s not a combo that provides much control.

Shoot your arrow through the fire field and it becomes a burning arrow. Oh… cool… yeah… that’s nice. What about an explosive arrow that causes knock backs?

Yeah, combo field/finisher effects don’t even last that long. I’m not going to worry about repositioning a character to leap or whirl through a field just for a few seconds of chaos armor or retaliation.
Most of the time combos are just projectiles from a zerg, stacking 1 second poison/burning on trash mobs. Or a group spamming blast finishers on water fields. That’s about it.