The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Torsailr.8456



I wanted to let you know that I sent a very detailed report of players’ input on this subject to the design team this afternoon. Now, those of you posting 40, 50, or 90 times in the thread were only counted once in my seasonally-appropriate Pumpkin Pie Chart™. But the thoughts posted here (and in a few other threads) — in all their vast variety — are a very welcome part of our forums and we thank you for sharing them.

Any chance you’d be able to share with us what your summary was? Or, at least, the deliciously made Pumpkin Pie Chart?

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Narrrz.7532


I like the new dailies. You guys made an awesome job. they feel more rewarding and actually make me wanna play instead of doing 5 tedious things i hate like on the old system. keep the good work.

They’re too specific. They drive you to a specific area and force you to do specific things. That’s not “play how you want”, that’s, “play in an arbitrary fashion which likely isn’t how you want to play”

There’s a whole screen of achievements if you want to be rewarded for playing that way. Changing the dailies to match is a slap in the face.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beldale.6734


I just wanted to take a moment to voice my displeasure with the change to the daily. As a PVE only player I only have a few options and of those few options some of them take so long to accomplish. After working 12 hours a day 5 days a week I cannot afford to spend that much time on a daily. This was not an improvement for me.

Suggestion: Add more options that allow for people to get the minimum if they are limited on time, and then have these new options with additional achievement points for those who can spend additional time in the game. (I admit it… I’m jealous… I wish I had more time to play).

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


Don’t worry — we were able to gather the gist of player opinion from the many posts in this and other threads. So if you shared, we got it. If you did not share, no worries — we have a large cross-section from which we gathered stats and data.

Of course you’re welcome to post if you wish, but if you’ve already shared, we got ya covered.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wanze.8410


On the other hand, Tyrian bunnies are a lot friendlier, cuter, and cuddlier

Some Chickens however….

Tin Foil [HATS]-Hardcore BLTC-PvP Guild
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stinkehund.3012


I for one love the new daily system. Main reason is that i’m not forced to do them anymore to get my laurels – i can ignore them and all i lose are some AP and mediocre chests, which isn’t nearly as big a deal in the long run.
And if i wanna do them, they’re way faster than the tedious old system (especially when Reviver was on the list) where i pretty much ended up doing one Teq per day for 5 events and 50 kills and then got annoyed when i had to hunt corpses afterwards. And good kittening riddance to “Condition Remover”; i hope that never comes back.

Yeah, i’m not gonna miss the old system one bit.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aerinndis.2730


I miss Ambient Killer. That was my single most favorite daily.

I felt really really guilty about that one. Who smites bunnies?

I smited salmons….they are good eating…..

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crise.9401


Thinking about the new dailies pragmatically I should absolutely love them, as both laurels and AP come comparatively lot easier under this new system.

However, there is something to be missed about the old system and that is getting dailies/achievements (however insignificant) during the course of regular gameplay. I was never one for optimizing my gameplay for dailies which is why in terms of RoI the new system is ultimately vastly superior in my experience. But there is still something nice about playing normally and having an achievement pop without having to go looking for it and for older accounts the old dailies and monthlies were the only real source of that tiny spec of gratification.

This goes slightly off-topic but if anything, I might be one of the few people that is going to miss the aquatic slayer daily, because some of the underwater environments are absolutely gorgeous so I’d always use it as an excuse to go there. Now though there is no longer any real reason to do so sadly.

(edited by Crise.9401)

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rusc.4978


I largely agree with Lishtenbird’s feedback about the PvE daily system.

The PvP daily system is problematic for three main reasons:

1. PvP is swamped with the two daily classes, leading to situations like hotjoins with five Rangers and four games in a row of ranked queue with two different Mesmers.

2. Players have to play classes they dislike to get daily credit.

3. Players can’t complete the class-specific dailies because they don’t have or can’t play either of the available classes.

I think it would be a vast improvement if the PvP profession dailies were simply randomized for every account—à la Hearthstone—to avoid the huge influx of two particular classes that currently exists.

Of course, it would be preferable if a solution were implemented that also addressed the second two issues. More professions could be added to the daily, players could be asked to play with a certain weapon instead of a certain class, and/or the profession-specific requirement could be removed in favor of something else entirely, like “Daily PvP Reviver” or “Daily Point Defender.”

(Edited for redundancy.)


Brought to you by ArenaNet. Soon™.

(edited by Rusc.4978)

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ben K.6238

Ben K.6238

I miss Ambient Killer. That was my single most favorite daily.

I felt really really guilty about that one. Who smites bunnies?

Surely not I.

But seriously, lighting bunnies up is immensely satisfying – and tasty besides.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tobias Trueflight.8350

Tobias Trueflight.8350

I miss Ambient Killer. That was my single most favorite daily.

I felt really really guilty about that one. Who smites bunnies?

Surely not I.

But seriously, lighting bunnies up is immensely satisfying – and tasty besides.

As long as you eat what you kill.

. . . even the Risen Bunnies, yes.

Seeking assistants for the Asuran Catapult Project. Applicants will be tested for aerodynamics.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: fireflyry.7023


Sugar coat it all you want, a shiny kitten is still a kitten .

As is the change to dailies. Repetition of stale content is still that…gloss it up and change it all you want…

This game feels more and more like a work simulator with each update. Dailies suck period imho. Have fun clocking in.

If your having adventurer problems I feel bad for you son, I dodged 99 arrows till my knee took one.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NeoCodex.2438


Coming in with my second post after a week of dailies now – still loving it, even more than before. I do both pve and pvp daily every day, so I have no trouble of finishing my 3 tasks, but I see that it could be a slight problem for some pve only players.

Particulary, the “zone event completer” I think has to be the most uninspiring one. It’s the one I never bothered completing, and seems a huge time sink for nothing of value, while I would do some logging in that area anyway because I need the resources, that is great, but looking for 5 events? Not my thing, the additional reward is not worth the time, even in the old system it took me several hours on some day to finish 5 events during the course of the day, not to mention I would be looking for them in a completely useless area like Queensdale where there is nothing of value to gather or log, nobody needs copper and green wood, so time spent in such areas is a complete waste. I think this event completer really needs to be looked at.

I did the SW events completer; that was good for obvious reasons, but low level ares like Queensdale? Really?? What am I supposed to do there? If we would have Hard Mode that would be another story, but we don’t.

(edited by NeoCodex.2438)

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MAGpie.7962


I miss Ambient Killer. That was my single most favorite daily.

I felt really really guilty about that one. Who smites bunnies?

Monty Pyton?

Well, that rabbit had a vicious streak a mile wide! It was a killer! Honestly, what could one do in that case?

On the other hand, Tyrian bunnies are a lot friendlier, cuter, and cuddlier, which makes taking them out a little guilt-inducing.

Not the ones in Rata Sum… (Fractals)

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: raubvogel.5071


It seems like those who decided these changes don’t know the game. Lets say i start a new charakter how should i now do my dialies?

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Carighan.6758


You’re discounting the possibility that people came to GW2 fully prepared to engage in PvP but ended up not liking the particular way GW2 pulls it off.

Possible. But even given social bindings, that effect is lower than in other games such as EQ1 or WoW because you lack the large-scale efforts which bind players together (because well, we’re assuming they dislike WvW).

In other words I’d reckon they’d be long gone again, if that were the case.

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cafard.8953


For what it’s worth, i love the new system. The old one annoyed me from the day laurels were introduced as they became the single and time-gated path to some items.

The new system removed that, as the laurels now drop just through login AND progress is not reset on failing to log in one day. As for the sytem itself, i never actively hunted APs, but getting 10 through 3 dailies takes me all of 5 minutes thanks to the split across game modes. There’s always some dead easy pve or wvw objectives. Not that the pvp are tough either, but they basically take the time of a match (oh and the class-based win in pvp is not a good idea at all). As for the extra tasks, the thematic chests for each daily are neat as a small incentive to run some bits of content.

I still think the laurel currency is an awful idea and that login rewards are cheesy, but these apart, this revamp is very nice.

Olaf Oakmane [KA]
Save the Bell Choir activity!

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Carighan.6758


I also noticed that if the specific nature of the PvE dailies annoys you, just join WvW. See it as an encouragement.

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lunawisp.2378


Well, I gave up on the dailies again today, two out of three done. Tried to do the mystic forge one and couldn’t actually get the stupid thing to accept anything I put in it. Tried blue weapons, it rejected them all. Tried green weapons, it rejected them all. Tried karma bought items, it rejected them all. Tried all sorts of other junk, it rejected everything. Don’t like pvp so the only other option was a fractal and that’s no option at all for the time I have left to play today. GW2 is, sadly, becoming more frustrating than fun so with another daily two thirds complete, I just logged out. Might try again tomorrow, probably won’t.

Found pottering around on Desolation (EU).
lunawisp was my peacebringer on City of Heroes – she lives on in memory as my gaming id.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


It seems like those who decided these changes don’t know the game. Lets say i start a new charakter how should i now do my dialies?

I"m not sure that your point is. Why couldn’t you do your dailies?

Unless of course you’re unaware that accounts without high level characters get different dailies (I’ve posted screen shots more than once).

In which case it’s not really people who designed them not knowing the game.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Well, I gave up on the dailies again today, two out of three done. Tried to do the mystic forge one and couldn’t actually get the stupid thing to accept anything I put in it. Tried blue weapons, it rejected them all. Tried green weapons, it rejected them all. Tried karma bought items, it rejected them all. Tried all sorts of other junk, it rejected everything. Don’t like pvp so the only other option was a fractal and that’s no option at all for the time I have left to play today. GW2 is, sadly, becoming more frustrating than fun so with another daily two thirds complete, I just logged out. Might try again tomorrow, probably won’t.

Mystic forge daily is massively easy. 4 green sigils or 4 green runes. 4 cheap dyes. 3 mystic forge stones and one of each of the three colored salvage kits to make a mystic salvage kit.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


I miss Ambient Killer. That was my single most favorite daily.

I felt really really guilty about that one. Who smites bunnies?

Monty Pyton?

Well, that rabbit had a vicious streak a mile wide! It was a killer! Honestly, what could one do in that case?

On the other hand, Tyrian bunnies are a lot friendlier, cuter, and cuddlier, which makes taking them out a little guilt-inducing.

Well, i do remember certain innocent rabbit that led me to a certain cave in shiverpeaks. It didn’t end well. And of course there are those “Unsuspicious rabbits” in Mount Maelstrom.
I tell you, they are up to something. We should be prepared.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Olvendred.3027


I miss Ambient Killer. That was my single most favorite daily.

I felt really really guilty about that one. Who smites bunnies?

Monty Pyton?

Well, that rabbit had a vicious streak a mile wide! It was a killer! Honestly, what could one do in that case?

On the other hand, Tyrian bunnies are a lot friendlier, cuter, and cuddlier, which makes taking them out a little guilt-inducing.

But it’ll be so much fun when the flying bunnies update comes out!

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rin.1046


I have but one request, if the dailies are changed. Please do not change the reward structure. Whether we gain dailies by doing 3-4 specified tasks or we have a large selection, please keep the max AP gained to 10 and keep the laurel reward as part of the new login reward system.

There are two things about the new dailies that I like:

1. Players get together and do events in a variety of areas, that were previously empty.
2. Now the laurels are not part of the dailies I no longer feel like I have missed out by missing a daily.

Personally, I would like to see the existing system changed slightly, so that instead of having gathering dailies we have 3 event dailies and 1 world boss daily. That way they can populate 3-4 zones each day. Gathering is boring and something most people do, or learn to do, without being guided. But using dailies to fill zones would be a great way of getting players together and a much better use of the daily system.

Simplicity is complex.

Good feedback is key to getting the developers to listen to you.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lothirieth.3408


I like the new dailies. You guys made an awesome job. they feel more rewarding and actually make me wanna play instead of doing 5 tedious things i hate like on the old system. keep the good work.

Wat? How was gathering anything anywhere, killing anything anywhere, removing conditions anywhere tedious? This is stuff you do through normal gameplay.

You’ve simply missed the whole crux of the matter. People aren’t upset about only having to do three things or the new rewards. People arne’t happy because they want gather 4 of x anywhere, not just gather plants in Ascalon. I mean, today, I’ve done several world bosses and several dungeons and I’ve not even made a dent in my daily. That’s not right or fun.

Gaile, thanks for relaying our feedback.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rin.1046


Personally I think the gathering dailies should be removed altogether. They are not fun and people don’t need their hands held that much. I would much rather see all dailies changed to event dailies.

If they want to teach players how to play the game, they should add things that encourage teamwork. So far we have had things like dodging and interrupting, but why not add dailies where you need to trigger or create combo fields with other players (so not triggered by solo combos), or applying buffs to or removing conditions from allies. All tutorial dailies so far have been solo play focused. If Anet wants to keep the tutorial dailies, I feel team based dailies would be a better way to go.

But personally I don’t feel dailies should be used as tutorials. They should be used to get players together, and this can be achieved by changing them all to event dailies.

Simplicity is complex.

Good feedback is key to getting the developers to listen to you.

(edited by Rin.1046)

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kyrmana.5679


I like the new daylies. I like how the events one gets a whole map full of people and how the pvp ones means I join at least 1 game per day. Gotta work on those tracks!

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rin.1046


Just to add to my previous post, with regards to changing all dailies to event dailies. As well as getting players together, Anet could use it as a clever way of introducing players to new content.

Lets say Anet adds new scenery and event chains to various areas, without telling us. For a few days after release of the new content the dailies could be used to direct players into these areas.

Dailies could have all sorts of interesting uses, but I do not think tutorials is one of them. Mainly because once you have taught a player something, they will not want you teaching them the same thing several times each week.

Simplicity is complex.

Good feedback is key to getting the developers to listen to you.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Carighan.6758


Well, I gave up on the dailies again today, two out of three done. Tried to do the mystic forge one and couldn’t actually get the stupid thing to accept anything I put in it. Tried blue weapons, it rejected them all. Tried green weapons, it rejected them all. Tried karma bought items, it rejected them all. Tried all sorts of other junk, it rejected everything. Don’t like pvp so the only other option was a fractal and that’s no option at all for the time I have left to play today. GW2 is, sadly, becoming more frustrating than fun so with another daily two thirds complete, I just logged out. Might try again tomorrow, probably won’t.

So it never occurred to you to type in something like ‘/wiki Mystic Forge’ and pick the first recipe you can fulfill, of which there’s probably a few dozen if not a hundred?
I’m not sure the dailies are the problem here, tbh…

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xaal.7235


I personally don’t like the idea of being rewarded just for logging in! It looks like a desperate move to get players to log back in and play.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: munkiman.3068


Well, I gave up on the dailies again today, two out of three done. Tried to do the mystic forge one and couldn’t actually get the stupid thing to accept anything I put in it. Tried blue weapons, it rejected them all. Tried green weapons, it rejected them all. Tried karma bought items, it rejected them all. Tried all sorts of other junk, it rejected everything. Don’t like pvp so the only other option was a fractal and that’s no option at all for the time I have left to play today. GW2 is, sadly, becoming more frustrating than fun so with another daily two thirds complete, I just logged out. Might try again tomorrow, probably won’t.

So it never occurred to you to type in something like ‘/wiki Mystic Forge’ and pick the first recipe you can fulfill, of which there’s probably a few dozen if not a hundred?
I’m not sure the dailies are the problem here, tbh…

Interestingly enough, there are tons of people that don’t know that function exists. It would be a nice feature to just have it in-game as part of the UI with a “wiki” button and an in game browser.

I think most of the feedback here can be seen as realistic. The basic complaint being dailies funneling players around, causing things to be less convenient. It does feel like a chore, a checklist, like vacuuming the living room might feel to some. Previously dailies simply allowed people to play most of the content they wanted without paying any attention to it.

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rin.1046


I personally don’t like the idea of being rewarded just for logging in! It looks like a desperate move to get players to log back in and play.

As opposed to encouraging player not to log in and play? I’m not sure what you are complaining about here. Do you think they just created the game for the fun of it? Its a product created by a business, for the sole purpose of making money. It would seem a sensible tactic to try to encourage players to log in as often as possible.

You are getting a reward for nothing more than logging in each day, and you are complaining?! I don’t understand. Ever heard the term “Never look a gift horse in the mouth”?

Simplicity is complex.

Good feedback is key to getting the developers to listen to you.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Carighan.6758


Yes but my counter to that would be that the new dailies aren’t required for a currency as the old ones were. Not doing them has no negative impact, so in that sense, the comparable new system is the log-in rewards. Which is even more “don’t pay attention”. With the old one, maybe you needed to pick up people off the ground, salvage items, etc. With log-in rewards, you can do whatever you want (so long as you still log on, ofc).

There’s also the redundancy issue, but I have that with log-in rewards, too (and ~99,9% of the current achievements):
If I don’t have to do anything for it, what’s the point even having it?!

Why have rewards (old dailies or new log-in rewards) which come automatically? Why not just remove them entirely, including where they are currently needed, and add direct-time-gating? Less obscure system, less complicated resources, less UI and inventory clutter.

Why have achievements I get automatically? Why not just remove them and lower the requirements for the chests accordingly, freeing up clutter, reducing spam, and adding value to any achievement popup given because it has more meaning?

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I personally don’t like the idea of being rewarded just for logging in! It looks like a desperate move to get players to log back in and play.

Why does a company trying to attract people have to be “desperate”.

This is a very very competitive industry. Games in general and MMOs in particular. People have X number of hours in the day and there are Y number of games. But it’s not just other games Guild Wars 2 is competing with. It’s every single other form of entertainment as well.

Every company uses things to get people to log in. Some companies are giving away or selling max level characters, so you don’t have to level. I think that’s far worse than giving someone a free reward for logging in.

Even companies like WoW give incentives for people to come back/log in. Why would any business not try to get more people to make use of them?

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: munkiman.3068


Yes but my counter to that would be that the new dailies aren’t required for a currency as the old ones were. Not doing them has no negative impact, so in that sense, the comparable new system is the log-in rewards. Which is even more “don’t pay attention”. With the old one, maybe you needed to pick up people off the ground, salvage items, etc. With log-in rewards, you can do whatever you want (so long as you still log on, ofc).

There’s also the redundancy issue, but I have that with log-in rewards, too (and ~99,9% of the current achievements):
If I don’t have to do anything for it, what’s the point even having it?!

Why have rewards (old dailies or new log-in rewards) which come automatically? Why not just remove them entirely, including where they are currently needed, and add direct-time-gating? Less obscure system, less complicated resources, less UI and inventory clutter.

Why have achievements I get automatically? Why not just remove them and lower the requirements for the chests accordingly, freeing up clutter, reducing spam, and adding value to any achievement popup given because it has more meaning?

By that token, why not just get everything the old dailies gave for just logging in?

The actual concern here is AP, least for me. I don’t need more laurels, many long-term players don’t either, as the laurel system has basically been the same rewards for awhile now. Some think AP should be harder to come by, but it’s not typically (i.e. how other games handle it) this type of system. Achievements are more goal oriented, that’s where the checklist sits, for people that like to do them. Some harder than others.

Regardless, adding this stuff to the game doesn’t really improve the game itself, if people don’t care for the core game, they won’t log in and i personally think it devalues laurels even more. The focus should always be improving the game, get people interested in playing the content and having fun. I honestly don’t see how the old system was bad at all or why we needed yet another revamp to it.

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xaal.7235


I personally don’t like the idea of being rewarded just for logging in! It looks like a desperate move to get players to log back in and play.

Why does a company trying to attract people have to be “desperate”.

This is a very very competitive industry. Games in general and MMOs in particular. People have X number of hours in the day and there are Y number of games. But it’s not just other games Guild Wars 2 is competing with. It’s every single other form of entertainment as well.

Every company uses things to get people to log in. Some companies are giving away or selling max level characters, so you don’t have to level. I think that’s far worse than giving someone a free reward for logging in.

Even companies like WoW give incentives for people to come back/log in. Why would any business not try to get more people to make use of them?

I’ve no problem with getting people to login and play, but I think they’ve gone the wrong way about it.

It’s only a guess but I think probably basing their one criteria for how successful the game is doing on how many players login into the game during X period, regardless of how long they are actually logged in playing for.

They should be creating a reward system to get people to login and have to play a little bit… otherwise people will just log in just to get the reward and they’ll then simply log off and play something else, and I’ve started doing this.

I use to log in do some world boss hunts and and get my daily while doing that, I’ve now been logging in got my reward and thought I can’t be bothered and play something else… I’m sure I’m not the only person to of done this.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Menadena.7482


I am a bit torn, especially when it comes to doing events in a certain region. More people there for boss events? Great. More people there for events that only a few people now have a chance of winning because there are only a few things to be collected or whatever? Not so great. Since it does say a certain region more than likely you are not familiar with that area of the map so everyone will TP in to an area they know an event will show up at and is near a waypoint.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I personally don’t like the idea of being rewarded just for logging in! It looks like a desperate move to get players to log back in and play.

Why does a company trying to attract people have to be “desperate”.

This is a very very competitive industry. Games in general and MMOs in particular. People have X number of hours in the day and there are Y number of games. But it’s not just other games Guild Wars 2 is competing with. It’s every single other form of entertainment as well.

Every company uses things to get people to log in. Some companies are giving away or selling max level characters, so you don’t have to level. I think that’s far worse than giving someone a free reward for logging in.

Even companies like WoW give incentives for people to come back/log in. Why would any business not try to get more people to make use of them?

I’ve no problem with getting people to login and play, but I think they’ve gone the wrong way about it.

It’s only a guess but I think probably basing their one criteria for how successful the game is doing on how many players login into the game during X period, regardless of how long they are actually logged in playing for.

They should be creating a reward system to get people to login and have to play a little bit… otherwise people will just log in just to get the reward and they’ll then simply log off and play something else, and I’ve started doing this.

I use to log in do some world boss hunts and and get my daily while doing that, I’ve now been logging in got my reward and thought I can’t be bothered and play something else… I’m sure I’m not the only person to of done this.

But there are people in my guild playing more than they did, by the same token. People log in, and they get their reward, and then the see the new daily. Remember, when you get that daily it tells you straight out and makes you choose dailies to do.

If you don’t think people actually do them, or don’t get ideas from that, I don’t really know what to tell you.

Every time I go into a zone with the daily it’s packed and people are shouting out events in map chat…all day long.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: munkiman.3068


I personally don’t like the idea of being rewarded just for logging in! It looks like a desperate move to get players to log back in and play.

Why does a company trying to attract people have to be “desperate”.

This is a very very competitive industry. Games in general and MMOs in particular. People have X number of hours in the day and there are Y number of games. But it’s not just other games Guild Wars 2 is competing with. It’s every single other form of entertainment as well.

Every company uses things to get people to log in. Some companies are giving away or selling max level characters, so you don’t have to level. I think that’s far worse than giving someone a free reward for logging in.

Even companies like WoW give incentives for people to come back/log in. Why would any business not try to get more people to make use of them?

I’ve no problem with getting people to login and play, but I think they’ve gone the wrong way about it.

It’s only a guess but I think probably basing their one criteria for how successful the game is doing on how many players login into the game during X period, regardless of how long they are actually logged in playing for.

They should be creating a reward system to get people to login and have to play a little bit… otherwise people will just log in just to get the reward and they’ll then simply log off and play something else, and I’ve started doing this.

I use to log in do some world boss hunts and and get my daily while doing that, I’ve now been logging in got my reward and thought I can’t be bothered and play something else… I’m sure I’m not the only person to of done this.

I have done this as well. While i did do some of the wintersday stuff and even did a couple dailies since release (just to see how it is). Yet, i feel like that monkey that gets a banana for pressing a button. I really have to agree here, some management came along and said “we need to get our login counts up”. It doesn’t bode well for the lack of content direction we’ve seen so far.

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rin.1046


The focus should always be improving the game, get people interested in playing the content and having fun.

I agree with this completely, but this will not be done with rewards. Core game play is not improved by better rewards or reward systems. Therefore, the dailies and login rewards don’t even factor into it. The type of dailies they use is irrelevant to how fun the core game is.

As I see it, the login system is designed with 2 functions in mind: 1) To encourage frequent logins, and 2) To time gate certain rewards. Therefore it doesn’t need to be part of the core game experience.

As I said in a previous post, I for one would rather they spent their resources on improving the core game, rather than waste them on improving the dailies system. But all the while we (the players) keep complaining about dailies they will continue to waste those resources. So lets just leave the system how it is, be happy with it, and let Anet focus on more important things.

Simplicity is complex.

Good feedback is key to getting the developers to listen to you.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

But there are people in my guild playing more than they did, by the same token. People log in, and they get their reward, and then the see the new daily. Remember, when you get that daily it tells you straight out and makes you choose dailies to do.

If you don’t think people actually do them, or don’t get ideas from that, I don’t really know what to tell you.

I have a hard time believing that the new dailies inspire people to actually play more. Not calling you a liar, I just can’t imagine those tasks having that effect on anyone. The vast majority are shallow, pedestrian little tasks that only inspire me with revulsion at the thought that someone actually thought them up.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


The focus should always be improving the game, get people interested in playing the content and having fun.

I agree with this completely, but this will not be done with rewards. Core game play is not improved by better rewards or reward systems. Therefore, the dailies and login rewards don’t even factor into it. The type of dailies they use is irrelevant to how fun the core game is.

As I see it, the login system is designed for with 2 functions in mind: 1) To encourage frequent logins, and 2) To time gate certain rewards. Therefore it doesn’t need to be part of the core game experience.

As I said in a previous post, I for one would rather they spent their resources on improving the core game, rather than waste them on improving the dailies system. But all the while we (the players) keep complaining about dailies they will continue to waste those resources. So lets just leave the system how it is, be happy with it, and let Anet focus on more important things.

I think this is a blanket statement that is true for some people and not true for others. I know people who play for rewards and that’s their fun. I know people who have fun grinding. I know people who have fun doing stuff I find completely tedious. I know people who have fun dying repeatedly while trying to get past a hard boss. It’s not my fun, but some people find it fun.

There are people who have fun just playing dress up with their characters. In order to do that, you have to be able to craft things, or buy things or a combination of both. If the login rewards give you more resources than you had previously, then the game will be more fun for you.

Because it’s not fun when you’re playing and you don’t feel rewarded, which is one of the big complaints about this game.

This system is more rewarding than the previous system. Anet has been nudging up rewards all along. The labyrinth at halloween was more rewarding this year than last year. Dungeon rewards improved. Champ bags were added. Leveling and personal story rewards were adjusted. And now Anet is adjusting the rewards for the dailies.

You might say in and of itself it’s not fun. And you might even be right. But I know quite a few people who don’t feel any game is fun if they don’t feel rewarded by something more than just fun.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


But there are people in my guild playing more than they did, by the same token. People log in, and they get their reward, and then the see the new daily. Remember, when you get that daily it tells you straight out and makes you choose dailies to do.

If you don’t think people actually do them, or don’t get ideas from that, I don’t really know what to tell you.

I have a hard time believing that the new dailies inspire people to actually play more. Not calling you a liar, I just can’t imagine those tasks having that effect on anyone. The vast majority are shallow, pedestrian little tasks that only inspire me with revulsion at the thought that someone actually thought them up.

Maybe I have a guild filled with shallow pedestrian people. lol

Or maybe, there are people who actually play games like checklists and to them, that is the game. In fact, I’d wager there are more of them out there than not. People who log in and look for a list of something to do.

They’re the people that want to be led around by the nose. They’re the people who want to not think and just have something to work on in game. It doesn’t matter if you wouldn’t be entertained by that.

There are tons of people who if you give them in a list in a game they’ll check it off. In fact there are some games that are nothing more than a checklist, and people still play them.

Yesterday in my guild, there was a PvP thief daily and someone suggested hey let’s all get on thieves, even if we don’t play them and run around in PvP, just for fun. And there were ten of us running around on thieves. I never PvPed on a thief before in my life, but I got on my thief.

It’s not about the task being fun or not fun. It’s about us having fun with it. Which we did. And because there were a lot of us in the arena, some of us got that win.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hybarf Tics.2048

Hybarf Tics.2048

I’ve stopped doing dailies entirely, like I’ve stooped doing key runs. I have a question for Anet, how many things that didn’t need any fixing are we gonna have to stop doing?

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Carighan.6758


By that token, why not just get everything the old dailies gave for just logging in?

The actual concern here is AP, least for me. I don’t need more laurels, many long-term players don’t either, as the laurel system has basically been the same rewards for awhile now.

I’d be in for that, to make the change complete.
That being said, I’d far prefer to just remove the daily AP entirely (and adapt target values).

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

This system is more rewarding than the previous system. Anet has been nudging up rewards all along. The labyrinth at halloween was more rewarding this year than last year. Dungeon rewards improved. Champ bags were added. Leveling and personal story rewards were adjusted. And now Anet is adjusting the rewards for the dailies.

This system is not more rewarding to me. It took away my chance to get an easy, painless 5-8 AP. It replaced it with a dreadful way to gain 10 AP. There was an opportunity to gain 10+ AP for dailies before, the 10 AP reward is nothing new. It has only become easier to get it.

That coupled with log in rewards makes the actual gameplay actually feel less rewarding. What are people with little time to spend on the game going to do that’s going to feel more rewarding than 10 free laurels? Is that a good direction for a game to go? Give people the feeling that they’ve topped out on ‘feeling rewarded’ for the day the moment they log in?

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Carighan.6758


This system is not more rewarding to me. It took away my chance to get an easy, painless 5-8 AP.

Though I still got to wonder how AP can motivate someone. That’s like playing… actually I wanted to say being rewarded just for tapping the screen, but then I looked at my phone. Ah well, “gameplay” nowadays…

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


This system is more rewarding than the previous system. Anet has been nudging up rewards all along. The labyrinth at halloween was more rewarding this year than last year. Dungeon rewards improved. Champ bags were added. Leveling and personal story rewards were adjusted. And now Anet is adjusting the rewards for the dailies.

This system is not more rewarding to me. It took away my chance to get an easy, painless 5-8 AP. It replaced it with a dreadful way to gain 10 AP. There was an opportunity to gain 10+ AP for dailies before, the 10 AP reward is nothing new. It has only become easier to get it. That coupled with log in rewards makes the actual gameplay actually feel less rewarding, What are people with little time to spend on the game going to do that’s more rewarding than 10 free laurels? Is that a good direction for a game to go? Give people the feeling that they’ve topped out on ‘feeling rewarded’ for the day the moment the log in?

From the people I’ve talked to in game, I’m pretty sure more people feel more rewarded than less rewarded.

And it could be just an illusion because they get something for logging in, which doesn’t mean they don’t feel it.

Tangible stuff like tomes of knowledge we never got before. People like that. People who are really into achievement points, find fast and easy ways to get them.

I jumped into Frostgorge today and I had 4 events done in about 15 minutes…which isn’t that much time. So I got 10 achievement points for under a half an hour work, something I’ve never been able to do before….not once.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

This system is not more rewarding to me. It took away my chance to get an easy, painless 5-8 AP.

Though I still got to wonder how AP can motivate someone. That’s like playing… actually I wanted to say being rewarded just for tapping the screen, but then I looked at my phone. Ah well, “gameplay” nowadays…

It didn’t motivate me. I just got it for free while playing. I don’t get that anymore. Now I have to perform stupid pet tricks to get an amount of AP I never aspired to.

The new system doesn’t feel rewarding because it’s too demanding. It feels like: “Hey, glad you could come to the party. I’ll give you 10 bucks if you clean the toilets.”

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rin.1046



I agree, Vayne, some players will play for the rewards and that to them is the core game. I guess the problem with my previous statement is that we each have different ideas of what constitutes core game. I think for most players core game is combat mechanics, dynamic events and activities, which are not made better or worse through improved reward systems.

As to players who see rewards as their core game, I do not see the new daily and login systems negatively impacting that in anyway. Unless they have something against other players getting rewards for free. No rewards have been removed from the game. In fact, as you say, Anet has been gradually improving rewards across all areas of the game. So reward seekers will still get their fix.

I know you are not arguing against the new system, I’m just clarifying and adding to my previous point.

Simplicity is complex.

Good feedback is key to getting the developers to listen to you.