I don't blame Anet for skimping on festivals

I don't blame Anet for skimping on festivals

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alex Shatter.7956

Alex Shatter.7956

During the first 2-3 years of this game, the festivals were the strongest. Halloween had story progression, and SAB was new and carried novelty. Obviously, festivals are now being rolled out without changes or preparation. But it’s hard to blame Anet when they are clearly devoting their resources to more important, year-round permanent content like raids, new legendaries and fractal content.

Think about it- what was there to do in this game before HoT? Basically the festivals and wait around for LS episodes. HoT added massive amounts of end game content that need resources to maintain, and my guess is that’s why we don’t have as many festivals.

Although I would like for Anet to step up their festival game, I don’t consider the recent lack of attention to festivals a “failure”

I don't blame Anet for skimping on festivals

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Keadron.9570


Personally if they devoted more resources to balance I wouldn’t care what content they decide to focus on

I don't blame Anet for skimping on festivals

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zealex.9410


Personally if they devoted more resources to balance I wouldn’t care what content they decide to focus on

i mean last balance patch made almost all dpsclasses viable in pve give them but yea more focus on balance wouldn’t hurt

I don't blame Anet for skimping on festivals

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TexZero.7910


Sad part is, they have the resources. They just aren’t allocating them to places where players want them to be.

Instead there’s a pretty substantive group of people working on conceptual stuff for expansion pack 2 already.

I don't blame Anet for skimping on festivals

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: as asureus.6287

as asureus.6287

63 million euro in 2016 they have only to recruit

2 years for create the Legendary Armor
6 months for create Storage of materials
always Nothing
Stop the escuse there is no content

(edited by as asureus.6287)

I don't blame Anet for skimping on festivals

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: OnizukaBR.8537


There is a reason all other games only have some skin and things like xp bonus for events. Finally anet realised that having new maps . Fractals. Raid are better then new events and im really happy with this decision.

I don't blame Anet for skimping on festivals

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Liston.9708


imagine being a wvw player…. bupkiss there….

YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→most likely YB

I don't blame Anet for skimping on festivals

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DocRimpel.5280


A festival sometime between April and Halloween would be awesome. Summer holiday festival anyone?

I don't blame Anet for skimping on festivals

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Keadron.9570


Personally if they devoted more resources to balance I wouldn’t care what content they decide to focus on

i mean last balance patch made almost all dpsclasses viable in pve give them but yea more focus on balance wouldn’t hurt

There’s so many underused or just bad traits on all classes that could be changed to make so many different builds. Balance is one thing that benefits everyone who plays the game regardless of mode. Just wish it was focused on more

I don't blame Anet for skimping on festivals

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deihnyx.6318


As long as they make the queen jubilee yearly again (only way for completionnists to get the sovereign set…)

I don't blame Anet for skimping on festivals

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Carighan.6758


i mean last balance patch made almost all dpsclasses viable in pve give them but yea more focus on balance wouldn’t hurt

I dread to call that a balance patch. It was tiny. The game has far far bigger issues balance- and more importantly class-design-wise than what these patches 1-3 times a year can address.

We either need patches of that size monthly, or patches more akin to the class-reworks other MMOs are getting yearly~biyearly.

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

I don't blame Anet for skimping on festivals

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Haleydawn.3764


I wish we had more seasonal content, the Queens Guantlet and Dragon Bashh definitely need to come back.
Meatoberfest could also be a thing, mid-September to mid-October. These would definitely fluff the calendar out.
There should also be a 7 day event, every 2 months, to earn tokens for items which could be built upon a lot with old (currently unobtainable) items aswell as new ones, that varies each time the event is up.


(edited by Haleydawn.3764)

I don't blame Anet for skimping on festivals

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Frediosz.2718


During the first 2-3 years of this game, the festivals were the strongest. Halloween had story progression, and SAB was new and carried novelty. Obviously, festivals are now being rolled out without changes or preparation. But it’s hard to blame Anet when they are clearly devoting their resources to more important, year-round permanent content like raids, new legendaries and fractal content.

No, if anet would be smart about it, they would take few people to work on festivals only as well. Otherwise remove them completly from the game and do not bother with them if you cant finish them off.

Think about it- what was there to do in this game before HoT? Basically the festivals and wait around for LS episodes. HoT added massive amounts of end game content that need resources to maintain, and my guess is that’s why we don’t have as many festivals.

Massive amounts of end game content, eh?
Like what ?
1 and 1/4th raid? Legendary weapons ? fractal ? 4 unoptimized maps or maybe new elite specs ?

As to raid i might agree, it’s a endgame content even though they are done in the worst way possible with outdated mechanics, for sure but rest isn’t.

Legenadries are something that is identical to ascended gear and only about 5% better then rare gear with the ability to swap stats which is something not really awesome since there is a thing called meta. Though it might be useful if ever meta would change in which i doubt. I call them more of a convenience and would not dare to call them end game content.

Fractals – slight changes were made there but it’s more about QOL then endgame, only that new fractal might be called endgame – still it’s only a fraction of whole. Plus fractals were here before hot and hot alone added 1.

Maps – meta maps which not only are plagued by closing you also have everything timed and you need to have a kitten load of people for those meta events. As for endgame thing you would expect to be crowded with people – they are not, most of the time you’ll find a handful of people on them farming flax or other kittenz.

Now my favorite – elite specs.
They nearly destroyed endgame – PvP and WvW. Fact that they are way more powerful then regular ones almost killed PvP and WvW by making them pay-to-win.
A player that was all about competitive gameplay against other players and didn’t care about PvE shenanigans would not buy HoT and therefore they were f at the very start.

You would not believe how many of my friends did quit because they refued to pay 60buck only to be able to have elite specs to their disposal to PvP.

WvW is f-up beyond all repair – dead and there is only HoT to blame for with it’s free to play GW2 policy which stuffed all WvW with fake accounts instead of creating separate servers for them. (but i don’t think you would understand why im telling this unless you are WvW player that used TS)

And why do i consider PvP and WvW as only real endgame content ? Because no matter what, programmed NPC enemies will always be predictable and a real human won’t – it’s the very peak of end game.

Lastly about waiting for LS episodes – it’s still the same, only two things had changed:
1)the scale of LS. We went from epic things like Molten invasion, evacuation of LA, retaking of LA, Tower of nightmares and Benchmaker to basically 2h of talkshow with little action – i know – new maps sob sob but there is nothing to do there. And repeating story is my arch-nemesis with it’s unskipable dialogues which if i would have to listen to on my every character i would go out on killing spree – so no, im not repeating any of the new story, no f-ing way.
2)meanwhile waiting for new episode I was playing WvW which is now destroyed so no WvW for me here to kill some time, raid completed and i won’t bother with it’s half-bottom mechanics taken out straight from 17th century games. Now i only logon do the story when it comes and logoff ain’t even bothering to login during halloween or wintersday anymore since nothing new to do there.

Although I would like for Anet to step up their festival game, I don’t consider the recent lack of attention to festivals a “failure”

I do consider it a failure. If you start something that you can’t finish it’s sure ain’t a succes.

I don't blame Anet for skimping on festivals

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ashen.2907


During the first 2-3 years of this game, the festivals were the strongest. Halloween had story progression, and SAB was new and carried novelty. Obviously, festivals are now being rolled out without changes or preparation. But it’s hard to blame Anet when they are clearly devoting their resources to more important, year-round permanent content like raids, new legendaries and fractal content.

No, if anet would be smart about it, they would take few people to work on festivals only as well. Otherwise remove them completly from the game and do not bother with them if you cant finish them off.

Think about it- what was there to do in this game before HoT? Basically the festivals and wait around for LS episodes. HoT added massive amounts of end game content that need resources to maintain, and my guess is that’s why we don’t have as many festivals.

Massive amounts of end game content, eh?
Like what ?
1 and 1/4th raid? Legendary weapons ? fractal ? 4 unoptimized maps or maybe new elite specs ?

As to raid i might agree, it’s a endgame content even though they are done in the worst way possible with outdated mechanics, for sure but rest isn’t.

Legenadries are something that is identical to ascended gear and only about 5% better then rare gear with the ability to swap stats which is something not really awesome since there is a thing called meta. Though it might be useful if ever meta would change in which i doubt. I call them more of a convenience and would not dare to call them end game content.

Fractals – slight changes were made there but it’s more about QOL then endgame, only that new fractal might be called endgame – still it’s only a fraction of whole. Plus fractals were here before hot and hot alone added 1.

Maps – meta maps which not only are plagued by closing you also have everything timed and you need to have a kitten load of people for those meta events. As for endgame thing you would expect to be crowded with people – they are not, most of the time you’ll find a handful of people on them farming flax or other kittenz.

Now my favorite – elite specs.
They nearly destroyed endgame – PvP and WvW. Fact that they are way more powerful then regular ones almost killed PvP and WvW by making them pay-to-win.
A player that was all about competitive gameplay against other players and didn’t care about PvE shenanigans would not buy HoT and therefore they were f at the very start.

You would not believe how many of my friends did quit because they refued to pay 60buck only to be able to have elite specs to their disposal to PvP.

WvW is f-up beyond all repair – dead and there is only HoT to blame for with it’s free to play GW2 policy which stuffed all WvW with fake accounts instead of creating separate servers for them. (but i don’t think you would understand why im telling this unless you are WvW player that used TS)

And why do i consider PvP and WvW as only real endgame content ? Because no matter what, programmed NPC enemies will always be predictable and a real human won’t – it’s the very peak of end game.

Lastly about waiting for LS episodes – it’s still the same, only two things had changed:
1)the scale of LS. We went from epic things like Molten invasion, evacuation of LA, retaking of LA, Tower of nightmares and Benchmaker to basically 2h of talkshow with little action – i know – new maps sob sob but there is nothing to do there. And repeating story is my arch-nemesis with it’s unskipable dialogues which if i would have to listen to on my every character i would go out on killing spree – so no, im not repeating any of the new story, no f-ing way.
2)meanwhile waiting for new episode I was playing WvW which is now destroyed so no WvW for me here to kill some time, raid completed and i won’t bother with it’s half-bottom mechanics taken out straight from 17th century games. Now i only logon do the story when it comes and logoff ain’t even bothering to login during halloween or wintersday anymore since nothing new to do there.

Although I would like for Anet to step up their festival game, I don’t consider the recent lack of attention to festivals a “failure”

I do consider it a failure. If you start something that you can’t finish it’s sure ain’t a succes.

Legendary and ascended gear are only 5% better than rare?

I suppose that there is always the option to expand upon all of the seasonal content in the game, but other than SAB, a niche mini game developed by one dev in his free time originally and then expanded upon as a gesture by the dev team to the community, what is not finished about festivals in GW2?

They seem fairly finished to me.

I don't blame Anet for skimping on festivals

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fremtid.3528


Legendary and ascended gear are only 5% better than rare?

I suppose that there is always the option to expand upon all of the seasonal content in the game, but other than SAB, a niche mini game developed by one dev in his free time originally and then expanded upon as a gesture by the dev team to the community, what is not finished about festivals in GW2?

They seem fairly finished to me.

I think he means exotic and not counting the trinkets or backpiece (as in armor and weapons only) ascended and legendary have been said to be about 5% better than exotic only