I dont get the new luck system. Please help!
From the wiki:
“Everytime you kill a monster you roll on a number of tables, inside these tables are different rarity categories. Magic find increases the chances you will get higher categories. For example if there is a 1 in 10 category, and you have 200% magic find you will have 3/10 chances to get that category. This improves not just the rarity of the items you get but can also improve your chances at getting trophies and rare crafting materials like lodestones.”
This forum is a wretched hive of scum and villainy. ~DevilLordLaser
It makes perfect sense. It’s probability, not a guarantee.
From the wiki:
“Everytime you kill a monster you roll on a number of tables, inside these tables are different rarity categories. Magic find increases the chances you will get higher categories. For example if there is a 1 in 10 category, and you have 200% magic find you will have 3/10 chances to get that category. This improves not just the rarity of the items you get but can also improve your chances at getting trophies and rare crafting materials like lodestones.”
So does this simply mean that now I will be getting much less rare/exotic drops than I used to 8 months ago?
From the wiki:
“Everytime you kill a monster you roll on a number of tables, inside these tables are different rarity categories. Magic find increases the chances you will get higher categories. For example if there is a 1 in 10 category, and you have 200% magic find you will have 3/10 chances to get that category. This improves not just the rarity of the items you get but can also improve your chances at getting trophies and rare crafting materials like lodestones.”
So does this simply mean that now I will be getting much less rare/exotic drops than I used to 8 months ago?
Magic find itself works the exact same way as it always has, acquiring it is the only thing that’s changed.
and the drops have always been bad for some while others get good stuff all the time.
The RNG is flawed (imho) but they are unable to correct it.
Since the update I’ve gone from 0% to 168% base magic find and have noticed exactly 0 improvement in the quality of my drops or chances of T6 mats. I spend lots of time champ farming and I would have noticed an appreciable difference if there was one.
Makes you think about the MF gear crowd that used to sacrifice most of their armor stats for a MF boost that’s barely detectable, if at all.