I dont like my dreamer footsteps
How can you not like them? I love them on my dreamer. Besides, if there was one thing this legendary needed, it’s more rainbows and more unicorns.
This is why I have no interest in getting a legendary.
People complain SO much. It now has, IMO, the BEST footsteps in game… and… more qq over AWESOME? YOUR BOW SHOOTS RAINBOWS AND UNICORNS and you are MAD that it has MORE Rainbows and Unicorns!?!?!? <Confused look>
I think the elbow noodle rainbows are a little weird looking TBH hehe.
Arenanet, my wife is too hot, I want a divorce.
I want to see a picture of the new footsteps! My Kudzu got changed a little bit too. Don’t have the Dreamer though.
I specifically made plans around getting a legandary with out footglops as well OP. It’s easy now, I’m just not going to bother.
How about a drip off the end of a blade or arrow? Something tied to the weapon, a snake slithering around the bow shaft, then around your arm. Something interesting that bonds you with your weapon or something, this footglop kitten is terrible.
<3 My footsteps. Never change, Dreamer…. Never change….
It has one of the best footfalls in the entire game…why are you complaining?
^ I find the thought of a Charr named “Vatlaaw Fierceshot” wielding the Dreamer and leaving golden horseshoes in his wake to be utterly hilarious. XD
I kinda agree with the OP, though.. I’ was never one for rainbows either… My feedback on anything with footprints, is that I would love to see an option to toggle some effects off or on. This way, if I’m in any form of PvP, I don’t leave a nice trail so my opponent can follow the dots, find me and have a nice try at killing me. I know I’m currently having a chuckle at the expense of my trail leaving victims….
Just my thought anyhow… I might bother with Legendries if I could make them less plastic toy like.. but my main is a Necro… so I just stick with Howler… and think about one day crafting my Bifrost and skinning it with another scythe… :-\
I want to see a picture of the new footsteps! My Kudzu got changed a little bit too. Don’t have the Dreamer though.
It is literally the best footsteps in the game now along with the best projectile from previous patch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwixEmT_X8U
(edited by Craziplaya.2103)
I love them. Completely. Well done devs.
Anet likes to assert it’s dominance by showing you that it has complete control over the things you love.
It’s sort of like if you had a girlfriend and Anet, on a whim, made out with her in front of you while staring you right in the face.
Now just imagine your legendary’s particle effects were your girlfriend and you have a sufficient but poorly thought out metaphor for Anet’s business practices.
absolutely fantastic, i love my footsteps best ones in the game, all my guildies love it to and they keep telling me now the bow needs to play my little pony music when fired.
Thank you to whoever thought of these steps.
Btw i play asura with t3 cultural with colours to match my bow, the whole rainbow/pony thing suits me brilliantly, ty <3
Copy & Paste Bifrost footsteps..
I made my dreamer when it was without footsteps and i like it. Now after this patch i dont want it. Let me remove those ugly footsteps or give me back my time and gold. Its so annoying if u make ur weapon, u spend hours on it and later anet is changing weapon effects.
Ok. Remove the footsteps and give them to the Bifrost owners. Because ours are pretty nonexistent.
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild
I finished my legendary not too long ago, and even though I was shooting rainbow unicorn goodness, I was a bit envious of the characters that had footfall effects on their legendaries or passive effects. There really isn’t anything special about the Dreamer until you shoot it. No idle or stowed effect at all.
Now I leave a trail of rainbow horseshoe prints in my wake. And it is glorious.
Copy & Paste Bifrost footsteps..
Since when did Bifrost have horse shoe foot falls.
Shunsui Kou Kyoraku~Thief |Afro Claptrap~Warrior|Korra Jorradóttir~Elementalist
Zaraki Bladebreaker~Guardian|Mikasa Ackkermann~Mesmer
I just want to disable my footsteps. Why i cant do it? Im scared about making new legendary cuz anet can change it again
You choose a purple unicorn bow, which looks like a child’s toy, that shoots rainbow unicorns and you’re upset that you got rainbow hoof prints? I’m not knocking it, I think the Dreamer is really awesome, but that weapon is meant to be showy!
The legendary is more than an expensive exotic now: it’s ascended and you can change the stats, so I am going to make at least one for each of my 3 characters.
You choose a purple unicorn bow, which looks like a child’s toy, that shoots rainbow unicorns and you’re upset that you got rainbow hoof prints? I’m not knocking it, I think the Dreamer is really awesome, but that weapon is meant to be showy!
The legendary is more than an expensive exotic now: it’s ascended and you can change the stats, so I am going to make at least one for each of my 3 characters
LoL, good point. My chrome plated car now leaves chrome tire tracks, I want a refund.
Copy & Paste Bifrost footsteps..
yes.. and added a hoof.. bad shortcut, they should have designed a more unique footprint for this, or changed bifrost, though I do think these footprints match the weapon design/projectiles nicely.
I am going to make at least one for each of my 3 characters
you have too much spare gold.
I love the new footfalls on The Dreamer, but I’m building The Dreamer knowing that Anet will change it up at their whim. I could get the item completed, pull it out of the mystic forge and the very next day have Anet remove the unicorns from it completely. That’s how Anet operates. :shrug:
People complain SO much. It now has, IMO, the BEST footsteps in game… and… more qq over AWESOME? YOUR BOW SHOOTS RAINBOWS AND UNICORNS and you are MAD that it has MORE Rainbows and Unicorns!?!?!? <Confused look>
Legacy of Elijah (LoE) – Sanctum of Rall
IMO, equipping the Dreamer should turn you into a pony.
IMO, equipping the Dreamer should turn you into a pony.
Unicorn and pony mounts in 5..4…
Arenanet, my wife is too hot, I want a divorce.
Best post.
IMO, equipping the Dreamer should turn you into a pony.
Unicorn and pony mounts in 5..4…
Why would you want to mount a pony? It’s better to actually BE one!
I only wish my character skipped while wielding ‘The Dreamer’…. that would complete the picture of complete and utter ‘Happy Doom’…
Arenanet, my wife is too hot, I want a divorce.
What if they replaced your wife? But she’s even hotter, so who cares, right? She’s not the same person you married.
I personally think the footfalls look bad. Doesn’t mean they are bad. But when you take the time to craft something as hard as a legendary, you deserve to have the option to toggle off new things that are added to it that weren’t there before.
It doesn’t matter that the majority think the new footfalls are better. It’s a slap in the face to work for months on a weapon with a vision in mind, only to have it changed. Having the ability to toggle legendary footfalls on/off would appeal to both crowds.
And no, I don’t have the Dreamer, nor am I working on it. But it’s not hard to look at something subjective and realize you’re looking at something subjective.
Love love love. Best footfalls. Thank you!!!
Love love love. Best footfalls. Thank you!!!
I kinda agree with the OP, though.. I’ was never one for rainbows either… My feedback on anything with footprints, is that I would love to see an option to toggle some effects off or on. This way, if I’m in any form of PvP, I don’t leave a nice trail so my opponent can follow the dots, find me and have a nice try at killing me. I know I’m currently having a chuckle at the expense of my trail leaving victims….
Just my thought anyhow… I might bother with Legendries if I could make them less plastic toy like.. but my main is a Necro… so I just stick with Howler… and think about one day crafting my Bifrost and skinning it with another scythe… :-\
Do you mean crafting Bifrost and putting another skin on it? Can you do that and retain the properties of being a Legendary weapon (stat change out of combat, Best-in-Slot gear guaranteed)??
Arenanet, my wife is too hot, I want a divorce.
What if they replaced your wife? But she’s even hotter, so who cares, right? She’s not the same person you married.
I personally think the footfalls look bad. Doesn’t mean they are bad. But when you take the time to craft something as hard as a legendary, you deserve to have the option to toggle off new things that are added to it that weren’t there before.
It doesn’t matter that the majority think the new footfalls are better. It’s a slap in the face to work for months on a weapon with a vision in mind, only to have it changed. Having the ability to toggle legendary footfalls on/off would appeal to both crowds.
And no, I don’t have the Dreamer, nor am I working on it. But it’s not hard to look at something subjective and realize you’re looking at something subjective.
No, you’re not saying the same thing. A better analogy would be if they gave my wife implants. And yes, I’d be OK with it.
These types of changes make me glad I decided against getting a legendary. The Dreamer is probably the last one I’d ever consider because I thought it was overly ridiculous in its original state, but there are been changes made to ones I previously liked that I don’t like after the updates. There are several legendaries I don’t like just because of a single aspect of it, so the thought of changes like this being made after crafting makes me afraid to go through the effort.
I know the intention is to help and make them look better. But looking better is subjective, and you need to be careful with making major aesthetic changes to existing items that people put a of time/effort/money into.
I’m not even going to consider any legendaries till Anet straight up says they are done altering them.
Seer Of The Divine | Sarina Starlight | Tireasa | Caedyra
The thing is, people have asked and asked for the updates Anet made. Ive seen here on the forums people ASKING repeatedly for footsteps for Dreamer, more for this weapon, ‘This needs this’. When you ASK for footsteps on a weapon like The Dreamer, you HAVE TO KNOW they are going to be crazy!
Im sorry, but when you CRAFT a bow with a unicorn on it, that SHOOTS rainbowunicorns – you must not be the most serious person in the game. I like to think that everyone I see with The Dreamer has a pretty light sense of humor – normally it works out that way. But to complain when you get rainbow horseshoes, sparkles, and MORE rainbows because you want to be taken seriously!?!?!? Buy a boring bow then and have fun with that. Heck, I redyed my armor to match the rainbow-y goodness, and threw on some Radiant shoulders and gloves. Only seems appropriate now! <3
My only desire for a legendary is the changeable stats; outside of that it is whatever on the skin.
But, that being said, I really wish I could have a short bow legendary that was not flowers, unicorns, and rainbows. It is almost depressing, as a player that the iconic weapon of destruction I strive for looks like it is straight out of a Tele-Tubbies TV episode.
www.twitch.tv/the_chach – Random sPVP/WvW
I don’t think anyone after The Dreamer wants to be taken seriously, unless it’s the type of person that just wants a legendary just because it’s a legendary/to show off. It’s a ridiculous weapon and that’s how it was designed to be. But that doesn’t mean everyone is going to be happy with the changes, even if they love the ridiculousness of the bow.
I do agree that it should have had footfalls at release, all legendaries should have. It didn’t have the unicorn projectiles at release, either. It just fired rainbow trails. Both of the changes are fitting to the weapon, but again, not everyone is going to like them. It’s just a core problem of changing the appearance of something that someone made/bought specifically for its (previous) appearance.
I’m also in the group that would like another option for shortbow. As well as others for the pistol, and now the staff considering the recent updates there. I’m all for the ‘silly’ options being there, I just don’t want them myself. Hopefully the next set of lengedaries helps to fill in full sets of silly and serious weapons.
Seer Of The Divine | Sarina Starlight | Tireasa | Caedyra
(edited by mrstealth.6701)
Everyone is in agreement here, but I thought I’d add the obvious. The thing to remember about Legendaries is that they are just status symbols, Exotics have the same stats, so you can’t really say you’re forced to get a Dreamer because it’s the best in the game. With ascended, this is even more true now.
not 1 image to show others who r not playing gw2 and riding on forums only >:[ nvm saw the video
Exotics have the same stats
Actually exotics have weaker stats now. legendaries are ascended stats and also have the ability to switch stat type to any of the in-game sets like cleric, zerker, sentinels, assassin etc. at any time while out of combat.
(^.^)b Cmdr WhÃte Rabbit, The Bunny Mesmer
d(“)(”) Alias: Thalia Cereus, Cisna Brightwell, Toxic Bunny