I encountered the Dev Squad!!!!
The siege cap thing is a bug. Also, SBI is the “anet server”. Has been since beta.
What about us in EU? we can’t kill them
There was a 5th being sneaky in the middle of the zerg bellow the other 3. Hope you went for him first. Teach him for being sneaky!
What about us in EU? we can’t kill them
I remember seeing Chris Whiteside on Whiteside Ridge during the beta. Not sure if he’s still on there to kill though.
The siege cap thing is a bug. Also, SBI is the “anet server”. Has been since beta.
I doubt all or most of the devs are crammed on to a single server. I’ve seen five different Devs on Yak’s bend since beta, including one in WvW, and I only WvW a few times each month.
I’ve seen devs on Tarnished Coast wvw multiple times as well.
Yak Cultist and follower of the Great Golem God
it could have been a mesmer with clones
All I see is name tags. I would turn them off if it didn’t put me at a disadvantage. Tags revealing players locations is one of the main reasons I don’t play WvW.
i ran in 4 of them on the NSP team the other day. I ran up to say hi and they killed me