I farm for an hour, but don't get much

I farm for an hour, but don't get much

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Telenn.6945


You arent supposed to farm. Anything you need is easy to craft or cheap on the TP.

I farm for an hour, but don't get much

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: deriver.5381


From my experience the latest do not only apply to farming. After two, three events every drop just disappears for me, no only from random mobs but also from events. That’s unacceptable!

I’m not a farmer. I’m an explorer. I love to discover every corner of the world and do all the stuff I can find, but even I expect some kind of reward for it, for example crafting materials. Good point by the way: Crafting has become impossible for me because the necessary materials don’t drop. And I can’t buy everything in the trading post – because I spend more gold for traveling, repair services and commodities than I earn through playing the game (in four days I’ve lost 80% of my money). Great!

There’s no point for me to leave the cities and do stuff like events or exploring. How do you expect me to play the game? Log in every evening, participate in two or three events until the the mobs stop dropping stuff? And after two weeks I might have enough materials to craft a piece of armor? Thanks, but no deal! I’m off playing Borderlands 2. I might check back in a few weeks to see if you have learned your lesson.

And that’s the game I’ve been eagerly waiting for for five years …

That is because of bug. It is known and will be fixed… I hope!

I farm for an hour, but don't get much

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rpgtabbycat.5869


I hope they fix the bug soon. It’s causing people to leave the game. =(

Wanted to add that once you hit 80 it doesn’t seem to matter where you go. After a bit, stuff just stops dropping. Even when you try to wait it out it seems like you are still stuck not getting very many drops off anything. Or maybe I’m just having really bad luck in general.

I decided to go finish out my personal story and hope that the bug gets fixed.

(edited by Rpgtabbycat.5869)

I farm for an hour, but don't get much

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rarehero.6574


They’ve already said it is bugged. No need for everyone to make drama out of this.

Thanks for the information. A glimpse of hope at least.

But I won’t stop making a drama out of it. How many serious bugs, problems, nuisances and shortcomings does the game have at the moment? Far too many for me to remain patient. There’s the thing with the drop. Insane spawn rates. More faulty events than I can count. Difficulty that switches from “That’s all Zhaitan has to offer!” to “That’s out of this world!” from one moment to another. Chests that do not appear. If you get any loot it’s often not for your class or far below your level. The trading post is constantly out of order.

I’m sure that others could add a few more things to that list. I’m just tired of hearing “It’s a bug! They are working on it!” over and over again. The entire game is still work in progress, and not in the sense of the usual ongoing development. The first 40 levels are fine. No, they are amazing. The best content I’ve played since Prophecies. But as soon as you make your decision for one order and the game starts heading for Zhaitan things become worse with every meter the brings you closer to Orr. And apparently every fix has to go through three iterations of “how not to do it”.

But I don’t want to bore you with my anger and disappointment any further. You are apparently still quite happy with game. I am not. Not anymore. Good for you, bad for me. I just want to have the right make a drama out of it because it is a drama for me. It kills the entire point of playing the game for me. But I’ve made my point now and there’s nothing more to say from my side.

You arent supposed to farm. Anything you need is easy to craft or cheap on the TP.

I do not farm. I just explore. I kill many enemies of course when I take my time to explore the world. When did that become farming?

I farm for an hour, but don't get much

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elydian.1763


You arent supposed to farm. Anything you need is easy to craft or cheap on the TP.

Those things on the TP, where do you think they come from?

I farm for an hour, but don't get much

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RShara.3265


That’s odd, I haven’t hit the anti-botting code yet. I was running between 3-4 events in Cursed Shore for an hour or two last night, still kept getting drops and full xp/karma while waiting for my friend to finish his personal story.

I farm for an hour, but don't get much

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: deriver.5381


That’s odd, I haven’t hit the anti-botting code yet. I was running between 3-4 events in Cursed Shore for an hour or two last night, still kept getting drops and full xp/karma while waiting for my friend to finish his personal story.

They may have been experiencing the bug with the system or maybe just doing exactly what the system is trying to stop: farming the same spot over and over.

I farm for an hour, but don't get much

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zerospin.8604


Why do people farm mats? You can buy all you need on TP, and it will save you loads of time. In that saved time you will make more more than you spent on the mats, and it will be fun on top. So why? In this MMO grinding mats is not needed at all, unless when TP is down maybe. I have 2 professions on 400 and only had to farm for about 1 hour to get low level mats, only because TP was down for a few days at that time.

I farm for an hour, but don't get much

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Light.8253


Why do people farm mats? You can buy all you need on TP, and it will save you loads of time. In that saved time you will make more more than you spent on the mats, and it will be fun on top. So why? In this MMO grinding mats is not needed at all, unless when TP is down maybe. I have 2 professions on 400 and only had to farm for about 1 hour to get low level mats, only because TP was down for a few days at that time.

Where do you get all this money to spend on mats on the TP? What if the player doesn’t want to spend money but his time?

I farm for an hour, but don't get much

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TSLlol.4879


You arent supposed to farm. Anything you need is easy to craft or cheap on the TP.

Please tell me how I can craft or buy the 0.5-1 million karma that I need to craft my legendary… (which i can only do on ONE character since karma isn’t account-wide…)

(edited by TSLlol.4879)

I farm for an hour, but don't get much

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Relentless.5678


It’s only farmville if you play it like it is. Others see a long term goal they will eventually hit. 1000 G, 6 bazillion karma, a thousands ecto and a dozen stacks of ori and a legendary weapon for each hand… There is no race to “the finish”. It WILL take time.

I farm for an hour, but don't get much

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Duckzor.4327


Uhh, no. They didn’t say it was bugged. The said the dungeon DR’s were bugged. Nothing related to Open World mat farming and dynamic event karma/anti-botting code.

Thief WvW Solo Roam Video


I farm for an hour, but don't get much

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dirksherlock.2015


It’s only farmville if you play it like it is. Others see a long term goal they will eventually hit. 1000 G, 6 bazillion karma, a thousands ecto and a dozen stacks of ori and a legendary weapon for each hand… There is no race to “the finish”. It WILL take time.

right, it will take time to finish – why am i being punished when i invest my time to do so?

I farm for an hour, but don't get much

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lysidian.4653


Uhh, no. They didn’t say it was bugged. The said the dungeon DR’s were bugged. Nothing related to Open World mat farming and dynamic event karma/anti-botting code.

It had better be, and reverted rather quick like. Other wise me and mine will be pulling up stakes.

I farm for an hour, but don't get much

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: deriver.5381


No, they said it was a bug that people who were moving between DEs were still having DRs kicking in. The system will ONLY reduce your loot if you do the same DEs over and over…

I farm for an hour, but don't get much

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TSLlol.4879


No, they said it was a bug that people who were moving between DEs were still having DRs kicking in. The system will ONLY reduce your loot if you do the same DEs over and over…

this isn’t about the DE… It’s that eventhough you run multiple DEs in Orr, your loot WILL be reduced more and more after half an hour of killing undead…

I farm for an hour, but don't get much

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Duckzor.4327


No, they said it was a bug that people who were moving between DEs were still having DRs kicking in. The system will ONLY reduce your loot if you do the same DEs over and over…



The glitch is only related to dungeons.

Now show me your evidence that loot is only reduced by doing the same events over and over.

You are heavily misinformed, sir.

Thief WvW Solo Roam Video


I farm for an hour, but don't get much

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rarehero.6574


Why do people farm mats? You can buy all you need on TP, and it will save you loads of time.

And where do the mats come from? When players have like 2 drops of an ingredient per day, the TP will be empty soon – which wouldn’t matter since no one will have money to buy anything from the TP unless they buy there gold from ArenaNet. That describes the last couple of days for me. Two hours in the wilderness, nothing in the backpack. Yesterday I was in need of a huge bone for my crafting. I thought “Well, no need to buy from the TP. It will drop sooner or later while I explore the southern parts of the Cursed Shore!”. Forget it! After two hours, in which I have found like six or seven items/stacks of junk I ended up buying the one item from the TP. And I was and am not farming. I was and am not doing the same events over and over again. I was just exploring the world like I always do.

(edited by Rarehero.6574)

I farm for an hour, but don't get much

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Senti.5372


I haven’t gotten to play GW2 this week up until today. So I finally log on to farm me some karma in Orr. After one hour I notice I’m barely getting loot. I’m lucky if I get 1 white salvage item out of 10 undead killed.

So I ask… Why am I, a faithful player of the game being punished because of bots? Can I not play the game without being forced to leave what I’m doing every hour?

I know right? I hope you survive this horrible punishment with your sanity and body intact.

I farm for an hour, but don't get much

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: deriver.5381


No I’m not, altough I can’t find the post where I saw the dev/mod speaking about it, it was a topic related to DE’s and not dungeons.

The DR is not a dungeon only thing. They implemented the DR system and its a game wide mechanic and affect every aspect of it as it stands right now.

Anyways if it’s not a bug, I agree with you all. So if I’m really wrong and misunderstood the post I saw, I agree that it sounds more like a “stop playing system after 30 mins” then a “stop farming system after 30 mins”

I farm for an hour, but don't get much

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Etgfrog.1836


what i never understood…why is there an event where it summons enough enemies to lag the servers with the aoes that goes off, usually when that sort of thing happens it gets changed to be 1/4th the enemies but they are elites

I farm for an hour, but don't get much

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Faze.6948


Maybe they want all the rushing zerg bunnies who treat loot like it’s the whole purpose of playing a game to go away and never come back…

No, sorry, that’s me. Anet are actually much more inclusive and nicer than I. It’s a bug and they’ll fix it.

I farm for an hour, but don't get much

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bruno Sardine.2907

Bruno Sardine.2907

While I think the anti-botting code tries to encourage you to do more things, if they combo’ed it with cheaper waypoint costs within the local map (where, at minimum, an event completion = cost of traveling to a waypoint in the local map) and being able to see all active events within the local map (rather than what you’re generally close to), that might give folks the drive to move about.

I farm for an hour, but don't get much

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SpectacularYak.6518


I was in Orr for hours last night, Cursed Shore, did many events, never had diminishing returns.

It would help if you gave us more data. Like which events you were doing, in what order, over what period of time, etc, etc.

Like, are you roaming all over the zone, doing events as you come across them? Or are you camping the penitent path, doing the same 1-2 events over and over and over?

Not a judgment, but it would be good to know what exactly it is you’re doing.

I farm for an hour, but don't get much

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TSLlol.4879


I was in Orr for hours last night, Cursed Shore, did many events, never had diminishing returns.

It would help if you gave us more data. Like which events you were doing, in what order, over what period of time, etc, etc.

Like, are you roaming all over the zone, doing events as you come across them? Or are you camping the penitent path, doing the same 1-2 events over and over and over?

Not a judgment, but it would be good to know what exactly it is you’re doing.

Okay, here’s my route:
1: start at Shadowfain
2: run through Fields of gold to R&D waypoint
3: run to Gavbeorn’s Landing (optional)
4: go to Pentient Path
5: Shelter’s Gate
6: Jofast
Then I either do it in reverse order, or I either run back to Shadowfain and repeat. Yes, I do all events I come across this route.

I farm for an hour, but don't get much

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RShara.3265


How long did it take you to do the circuit? And did you stop to kill other mobs/harvest?

I farm for an hour, but don't get much

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TSLlol.4879


How long did it take you to do the circuit? And did you stop to kill other mobs/harvest?

Never really checked how long it takes. I don’t stop for other mobs, but I do stop to harvest most of the times.

I farm for an hour, but don't get much

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RShara.3265


I know that I did a much smaller route (Penitent, Shelter’s, Jofast) for 1-2 hours and didn’t get docked on the DE and didn’t notice any diminishing returns—got some green and gold items just before I left.

I did kill quite a few mobs in between each event, maybe that’s the difference?

I farm for an hour, but don't get much

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yata.8932


You all raised very good points to my comment, I suppose I hadn’t thought that through all the way. Perhaps it was meant to keep individual players from farming all together in a short period of time, whether it works or not. Would this in any way benefit the economy? I ask because I"m not an economic wizard in any way.

I farm for an hour, but don't get much

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Edenknight.9284


No, they said it was a bug that people who were moving between DEs were still having DRs kicking in. The system will ONLY reduce your loot if you do the same DEs over and over…

I legitimately don’t know if you are a troll, a fanboy who just plugs his ears at anything contradicting Arenanet, or just plain idiotic but no, it doesn’t just reduce loot if you do the same DE’s over and over. I hit the darn cap within 15 minutes of farming undead in Orr because of my 170% + MF (forgot exact number). You have no say in what I should be able to do when I want to play this game in a legitimate fashion. Your posts are infuriating to read because you just don’t even listen to reason or logic whatsoever and say “Deal with it, adapt.” Do you really think all of these posts popping up are a coincidence? A bunch of elitist buttheads here just to ruin the forums for everyone? No. It’s a lot of people who are level 80, who ENJOY farming and have a good reason to want to farm for good looking gear. It’s their prerogative to what they enjoy and want to do, why should it be limited? There’s a literal crapton of people who love the heck out of Guild Wars 2 who just want to play the game without being punished for, you know, playing the game.

Edit: And this to everyone – the mechanics don’t even matter, the facts remain the same – you get punished for farming basically most fashions (DE’s, monster picking, etc) unless you are terrible and can only kill monsters at a turtle pace. Oh and fixing kittens..

(edited by Edenknight.9284)

I farm for an hour, but don't get much

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lysidian.4653



I am surprised people are not in full riot over the implementation of this. I assume they just said screw it and are playing something else until it changes.

I farm for an hour, but don't get much

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Edenknight.9284


You all raised very good points to my comment, I suppose I hadn’t thought that through all the way. Perhaps it was meant to keep individual players from farming all together in a short period of time, whether it works or not. Would this in any way benefit the economy? I ask because I"m not an economic wizard in any way.

Yata, yes the farming definitely has an effect on the economy because people can’t farm anything effectively so it kind of limits what legitimate players can obtain while farming. The economy is currently interesting – most, if not all crafted items are going to have near-zero or negative margin if you buy all of the raw materials for any given crafted items. What that means is if crafted item A requires components X, Y, Z, then the sum of (X + Y + Z + Listing Fees + 10% GW2 auction cut) will actually be greater than the amount you will make from selling crafted item A.

What does that mean for economy? Well it just means that the fluctuation you will see in the market will only vary by raw materials. High level items will start to stabilize more and more as the game matures and more people are only farming mostly high level area materials while low level materials will be more than their current prices due to the large amount of people of every level range. Eventually, if the raw material is part of a legendary or cool looking exotic, you can bet that it will be expensive because most people will eventually get to the point where that’s their main goal.

Of course, this is a very simplistic view of economy – the actual details of a full scale economy that GW2 has can get very, very complicated.

You can obtain money by farming ‘expensive’ raw materials by selectively picking monsters or finding good farm spots so the idea behind the anti-farm coding is to force players to run to different zones or areas to get a large variety of different loot and “experience” the game more. The problem with it at a very baseline view is that bots have figured out a way around it and probably will for a long time, while us regular farmers are being punished.

I farm for an hour, but don't get much

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Edenknight.9284



I am surprised people are not in full riot over the implementation of this. I assume they just said screw it and are playing something else until it changes.

The only reason people aren’t in full riot is because the average gamer hasn’t run into the issue yet. A lot of people are still leveling and enjoying the leveling process, or WvW, etc. You’ll actually see an increase of these posts in the coming weeks as people start to finish their housekeeping items at “fresh 80” status because it’s probably one of the most frustrating game mechanics I’ve ever experienced in an MMORPG.

In fact, most of people defending it are probably not even 80 or have a desire to get a legendary so they just defend it blindly without experiencing the downsides.

I farm for an hour, but don't get much

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RShara.3265


No, those of us who aren’t complaining about it haven’t hit it at all.
Yes, I’m level 80.
Yes, I’ve put almost 300 hrs into this game.

I would like to get a Legendary, but it’s not the highest thing on my goals. I’ve farmed quite a bit as you see from my post above.

I have seen diminishing returns on DE’s exactly once, when I knew I was standing in one place doing one event the whole time
Otherwise neither DE nor loot has changed for me.

I farm for an hour, but don't get much

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yata.8932


You all raised very good points to my comment, I suppose I hadn’t thought that through all the way. Perhaps it was meant to keep individual players from farming all together in a short period of time, whether it works or not. Would this in any way benefit the economy? I ask because I"m not an economic wizard in any way.

Yata, yes the farming definitely has an effect on the economy because people can’t farm anything effectively so it kind of limits what legitimate players can obtain while farming. The economy is currently interesting – most, if not all crafted items are going to have near-zero or negative margin if you buy all of the raw materials for any given crafted items. What that means is if crafted item A requires components X, Y, Z, then the sum of (X + Y + Z + Listing Fees + 10% GW2 auction cut) will actually be greater than the amount you will make from selling crafted item A.

What does that mean for economy? Well it just means that the fluctuation you will see in the market will only vary by raw materials. High level items will start to stabilize more and more as the game matures and more people are only farming mostly high level area materials while low level materials will be more than their current prices due to the large amount of people of every level range. Eventually, if the raw material is part of a legendary or cool looking exotic, you can bet that it will be expensive because most people will eventually get to the point where that’s their main goal.

Of course, this is a very simplistic view of economy – the actual details of a full scale economy that GW2 has can get very, very complicated.

You can obtain money by farming ‘expensive’ raw materials by selectively picking monsters or finding good farm spots so the idea behind the anti-farm coding is to force players to run to different zones or areas to get a large variety of different loot and “experience” the game more. The problem with it at a very baseline view is that bots have figured out a way around it and probably will for a long time, while us regular farmers are being punished.

Thank you, that makes a lot of sense. So it seems they implemented it to try and stop the botters sooner rather than later, regardless of if it worked or not, and it kind of backfires. So I would think it won’t last forever, I would expect to see a change in their attempted solution to deal with it. Since it is rather negatively affecting people who do this.