I feel bad for new players.

I feel bad for new players.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gotejjeken.1267


The current event is a prime example of why it is utterly terrible to be a new GW2 player.

I personally have every event achievement, and have noticed that they are declining in quality quite rapidly. Thinking back to the stellar Halloween event last October and all the things that came with it (a jumping puzzle, new area, dungeon, loot, theme, etc.) to the current event…it just has to be frustrating not to have any gold.

That is, all the things for Halloween were both fun and free. Free of gold and rather free of RNG. In fact, things like the jumping puzzle actually required skill to complete. Anyone could participate, even someone who picked up the game that day.

Fast forward to today, and new players are forced to participate in the most mundane activities ever. Moa Racing is probably the main example of what not to do to attract new players…a 50s ante is ridiculous if you have no gold to begin with. If it has to be random like this, how about making the ante dependent on how much gold one has on their account? This way you still hit the main gold holders without killing off interest for new players.

In summary, please for the love of all that is holy stop making events. They are terrible now. Take a few months and make something quality….

I feel bad for new players.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JustTrogdor.7892


Fast forward to today, and new players are forced to participate in the most mundane activities ever.

No one is forced to participate in these events. I’ve logged in everyday since the event started and have yet to see a screen that said, “You Must Now Participate In The Dragon Bash Event To Continue Playing” The new players have a bigger advantage when it comes to this because they have a whole lot of things outside the event to discover.

The Burninator

I feel bad for new players.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: danbuter.2314


I swear it’s some kind of psychosis with gamers and their favorite MMO company. They will defend every single aspect of a company and its game, even stuff that is obviously broken. I love gw2, but I have to admit things like RNG and requiring 50s to even participate in the moa race is just beyond stupid.

I feel bad for new players.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BlackLotus.8349


Honestly I would love this event as a new player. You can earn gold from selling coffers quite fast for a new player, even with the decreased price that coffers are going for now; certainly faster than I ever made gold back at launch.

I feel bad for new players.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JustTrogdor.7892


I swear it’s some kind of psychosis with gamers and their favorite MMO company. They will defend every single aspect of a company and its game, even stuff that is obviously broken. I love gw2, but I have to admit things like RNG and requiring 50s to even participate in the moa race is just beyond stupid.

I don’t have a favorite MMO company. I’m not even a fan of Anet. A quick look at the Mac support forum will easily show that I am not very happy with their level of service.

I simply stated a fact, no one has to do the event. No one.

The Burninator

I feel bad for new players.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Resonance.4216


Remember Rollerbeetle racing? Anet surely doesn’t.

That was a fun event, the current event is just more gambling RNG bullkitten.

Elementalist of Oceanix [OCX]

I feel bad for new players.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tolunart.2095


I did the latest story-based instance and got a bag of gold for it. Chests drop every 3rd kill and I sell the stuff in it. Plus two weapon skin tickets. Dunno what game you’re playing but I’ve gotten plenty of loot from this one.

I feel bad for new players.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gotejjeken.1267


Honestly I would love this event as a new player. You can earn gold from selling coffers quite fast for a new player, even with the decreased price that coffers are going for now; certainly faster than I ever made gold back at launch.

Well sure that is an upside, if you are a dedicated new player. Though one can argue that things cost more now so it evens out, but I digress.

Also, sure no one is forcing anyone into participation…but IMO that defeats the whole point of an event which is to encourage participation. That is, you are basically saying ‘this is for people with gold, move along’…which I personally do not think fosters a great community spirit.

I would have been much happier if more effort was stuck into one particular part of the event instead of making it seem half finished all the way across. Like how about sound effects or more polish for dragon ball? Actually making moas player race-able like rollerbeetle? Making the fireworks display player driven? Etc.

This really goes for every event since last year…we have them in massive quantity now but we really need the quality back.

I feel bad for new players.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xeph.4718


I did the latest story-based instance and got a bag of gold for it. Chests drop every 3rd kill and I sell the stuff in it. Plus two weapon skin tickets. Dunno what game you’re playing but I’ve gotten plenty of loot from this one.

Judging by the amount of people posting they’ve opened a couple thousand chests and not got a ticket yet, probably a different game to the one you are!

Pandion Knights – Seafarer’s Rest
Ava Solaris – Warrior SFR

I feel bad for new players.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JustTrogdor.7892


That is, you are basically saying ‘this is for people with gold, move along’…which I personally do not think fosters a great community spirit.

I bet on a Moa once. Didn’t win. -50s. Work on map completion while also tagging holos along the way + roughly 15 gold after selling items I looted, + 8 minis from coffer drops, a half dozen or so dyes and a pair of wings.

I’m a very casual player. I have gotten so far what was stated above plus a hat for each of my armor types, leveled up several alts significantly and completed some maps. I did however make a post when the event started that the Moa racing was too costly for lower level/casual players. I agree with that so I didn’t do the Moa race again.

Insert fanboy comments v v v here v v v what ever that even means.

The Burninator

I feel bad for new players.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lucky Shot.7650

Lucky Shot.7650

Fast forward to today, and new players are forced to participate in the most mundane activities ever.

No one is forced to participate in these events. I’ve logged in everyday since the event started and have yet to see a screen that said, “You Must Now Participate In The Dragon Bash Event To Continue Playing” The new players have a bigger advantage when it comes to this because they have a whole lot of things outside the event to discover.

So basically if you’re not forced to do the event you don’t have any right to talk about those activities quality?

I’m not forced to comment on Living Story events, but I do so because I feel the focus of this game is shifting on those activities and by doing so other aspects of the game that I like and need fixing are being ignored, so I have all rights to complain since I paid the game and a quite decent amount of gems. When I think about 2012 updates (oh God November update) and I compare them to 2013 updates I can’t help but being angry about the direction they took.

You also wasn’t forced to answer the topic, but you did.

I feel bad for new players.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JustTrogdor.7892


Fast forward to today, and new players are forced to participate in the most mundane activities ever.

No one is forced to participate in these events. I’ve logged in everyday since the event started and have yet to see a screen that said, “You Must Now Participate In The Dragon Bash Event To Continue Playing” The new players have a bigger advantage when it comes to this because they have a whole lot of things outside the event to discover.

So basically if you’re not forced to do the event you don’t have any right to talk about those activities quality?

I’m not forced to comment on Living Story events, but I do so because I feel the focus of this game is shifting on those activities and by doing so other aspects of the game that I like and need fixing are being ignored, so I have all rights to complain since I paid the game and a quite decent amount of gems. When I think about 2012 updates (oh God November update) and I compare them to 2013 updates I can’t help but being angry about the direction they took.

You also wasn’t forced to answer the topic, but you did.

I responding to this specifically.

Fast forward to today, and new players are forced to participate in the most mundane activities ever.

The Burninator

I feel bad for new players.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Galphar.3901


You guys should be glad they didn’t bring back the REAL Dragon Festival from Factions then. They had tons of gambling in it.
Check out the Shing Jea Boardwalk

I feel bad for new players.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tolunart.2095


I did the latest story-based instance and got a bag of gold for it. Chests drop every 3rd kill and I sell the stuff in it. Plus two weapon skin tickets. Dunno what game you’re playing but I’ve gotten plenty of loot from this one.

Judging by the amount of people posting they’ve opened a couple thousand chests and not got a ticket yet, probably a different game to the one you are!

I’ve been leveling alts and killing lots of mobs as well as activating every holo projector I come across. That’s a lot of dragon coffers.

I feel bad for new players.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ArchonWing.9480


I played this game from release for a month. Then I got bored, and didn’t come back til Wintersday. I didn’t participate in that much either but what little I did was fun with the new decorations and stuff. But man, that just made things fun again. It helps way more than you would think, even if Southsun Cove was a flop.

I have never felt pressured to acquire anything I didn’t feel like. The worst examples of grinding are ones that don’t require gold (laurels, earrings) and everyone was time gated for those anyways. I didn’t even give a single thought to wasting coin on a Moa race, but yes, I guess they could have smaller bets. And I actually thought the Dragon Ball thing was a fun distraction. And those Dragon chest things. Why focus on something as irrelevant as Moa racing?

Oh, and I thought the living story save for that dungeon and SSC was pretty lame, fyi.

For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards,
for there you have been and there you will long to return.

(edited by ArchonWing.9480)

I feel bad for new players.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lucky Shot.7650

Lucky Shot.7650

Fast forward to today, and new players are forced to participate in the most mundane activities ever.

No one is forced to participate in these events. I’ve logged in everyday since the event started and have yet to see a screen that said, “You Must Now Participate In The Dragon Bash Event To Continue Playing” The new players have a bigger advantage when it comes to this because they have a whole lot of things outside the event to discover.

So basically if you’re not forced to do the event you don’t have any right to talk about those activities quality?

I’m not forced to comment on Living Story events, but I do so because I feel the focus of this game is shifting on those activities and by doing so other aspects of the game that I like and need fixing are being ignored, so I have all rights to complain since I paid the game and a quite decent amount of gems. When I think about 2012 updates (oh God November update) and I compare them to 2013 updates I can’t help but being angry about the direction they took.

You also wasn’t forced to answer the topic, but you did.

I responding to this specifically.

Fast forward to today, and new players are forced to participate in the most mundane activities ever.

I chuckled, didn’t notice! XD

I feel bad for new players.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tolunart.2095


…so I have all rights to complain since I paid the game and a quite decent amount of gems. When I think about 2012 updates (oh God November update) and I compare them to 2013 updates I can’t help but being angry about the direction they took.

I bought TWO copies of the game, for my wife and I, so we get two votes. And we both like the way the game is going just fine.

I’m sure your voice has been heard, though…

I feel bad for new players.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JustTrogdor.7892


I chuckled, didn’t notice! XD

Appreciate your noting that. Forum smile of the day for me.

Well aside from that goofy picture I posted in the hat thread.

The Burninator

I feel bad for new players.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tolunart.2095


I didn’t even give a single thought to wasting coin on a Moa race, but yes, I guess they could have smaller bets. And I actually thought the Dragon Ball thing was a fun distraction.

Moa racing is for people who have tons of gold sitting around with nothing to spend it on. And, yes, there are more of them than you think.

I feel bad for new players.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lucky Shot.7650

Lucky Shot.7650

I bought TWO copies of the game, for my wife and I, so we get two votes. And we both like the way the game is going just fine.

Are you implying my opinion is less valuable then yours according on how much you spent on the game?

… because if it’s so, two copies don’t come any closer to what I spent on gems! XD

And, since LS continues with it’s “press F to watch your fully exotics/ascended character perform a random animation and get achievements” stuff no, my opinion wasn’t heard at all. XD

I feel bad for new players.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gotejjeken.1267


Fast forward to today, and new players are forced to participate in the most mundane activities ever.

No one is forced to participate in these events. I’ve logged in everyday since the event started and have yet to see a screen that said, “You Must Now Participate In The Dragon Bash Event To Continue Playing” The new players have a bigger advantage when it comes to this because they have a whole lot of things outside the event to discover.

So basically if you’re not forced to do the event you don’t have any right to talk about those activities quality?

I’m not forced to comment on Living Story events, but I do so because I feel the focus of this game is shifting on those activities and by doing so other aspects of the game that I like and need fixing are being ignored, so I have all rights to complain since I paid the game and a quite decent amount of gems. When I think about 2012 updates (oh God November update) and I compare them to 2013 updates I can’t help but being angry about the direction they took.

You also wasn’t forced to answer the topic, but you did.

I responding to this specifically.

Fast forward to today, and new players are forced to participate in the most mundane activities ever.

You did take what I said out of context…while admittedly no one is ‘holding a gun to your head’ for participation, the previous paragraph to that snippet set up the comparison to a past event, thus assumes participation as a premise.

To clarify, when I say ‘forced’ I mean this event (and the previous few) forces you to do some of the most mundane things ever. You are of course free to avoid them, but that really is counter-intuitive to the whole point of an event in general.

I feel bad for new players.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JustTrogdor.7892


You did take what I said out of context…while admittedly no one is ‘holding a gun to your head’ for participation, the previous paragraph to that snippet set up the comparison to a past event, thus assumes participation as a premise.

To clarify, when I say ‘forced’ I mean this event (and the previous few) forces you to do some of the most mundane things ever. You are of course free to avoid them, but that really is counter-intuitive to the whole point of an event in general.

Well this comes down to who is speaking for who sort of debate and neither is correct. I started playing in the middle of the update before the last update, what ever that was. I can’t remember the name. I do know that there were some mails and such but being new I had no idea what the purpose was or what to do. When the second one came I saw it and noticed that the events appeared to be in levels to far ahead for me. So I just went about my business learning the game and enjoying it.

Now we get Dragon Bash, have a few mid level characters now and look at the events and think cool, here are some I can do because they don’t involve going to exotic place on the map I have not discovered yet. I have participated in the events the revolved around my game play. I will agree that some events are a little over kill as far as redundancy such as eating a bunch of candy. But even that was a bit of fun in role play situation throwing up all over the place.

Moa racing, yes not for new players. Effigies, one of those things where it is what you make of it. For map explorers and role players there are many ways to incorporate them in to usual play style. Fireworks, another role play situation and get a party favor, 3 hats.

The holos were apparently designed for all levels but unfortunately some players felt the need to camp them and kill them as fast as possible. That got fixed a little by making the holos stronger, but eventually leveled out on it’s own when the campers finished the achievement. Now they are sitting around active all over the place.

Dragon coffers, cool, they drop from all levels of mobs. I’m sure newer players appreciated this and many probably got wings and tickets. It was nice that these prizes didn’t require going to the far ends of the map for lower level players.

The thing with events like this is that they try to put a little bit in for all types of game play. Dragon ball for PvP and so on. Some of these events I’m fairly sure were incorporated for role playing and map wanderers. At least that is how they have been integrated into my game.

Yes there are some aspects that are not as desirable as myself an many had hoped. In this market of gaming this will always be the case. However there is a lot more to do in this game and it can’t be said that new players feel obligated to participate in Dragon Bash. However, if they chose to do so there is level appropriate things for them to do to accomplish this goal. I did the instance today and I was surprised. I saw these level 80 mobs and thought oh crud I’m toast but then I noticed I’d been upscaled.

The Burninator

I feel bad for new players.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tolunart.2095


Are you implying my opinion is less valuable then yours according on how much you spent on the game?

… because if it’s so, two copies don’t come any closer to what I spent on gems! XD

And, since LS continues with it’s “press F to watch your fully exotics/ascended character perform a random animation and get achievements” stuff no, my opinion wasn’t heard at all. XD

Actually I mean just the opposite! It doesn’t matter how much you spend at the gemstore, your opinion matters exactly as much as mine, and the other 4 million people who bought the game.

When the CEO of Anet calls you for advice on what to do with the game, let me know.

I feel bad for new players.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fortus.6175


No one is forced to participate in these events.

followed by; nobody is forcing you to do the daily, followed by nobody is forcing you to get weapon skins, followed by nobody is forcing you to log in to get laurels for ascended items, followed by nobody is forcing you to play this game.

You are whats wrong with the community, brainwashed players whose only responses to everything are “nobody is forcing you” and “this game is just not for you”. Please next time you try to comment something like this read it, read it, go take a cup of coffee, and then delete the post.

[GoM] Gate of Madness Server Elementalist|Guardian
Legendary SoloQ

I feel bad for new players.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tolunart.2095


No one is forced to participate in these events.

followed by; nobody is forcing you to do the daily, followed by nobody is forcing you to get weapon skins, followed by nobody is forcing you to log in to get laurels for ascended items, followed by nobody is forcing you to play this game.

You are whats wrong with the community, brainwashed players whose only responses to everything are “nobody is forcing you” and “this game is just not for you”. Please next time you try to comment something like this read it, read it, go take a cup of coffee, and then delete the post.

Yeah! What do you think this is, a game or something? This is SERIOUS BUSINESS!

I feel bad for new players.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JustTrogdor.7892


No one is forced to participate in these events.

followed by; nobody is forcing you to do the daily, followed by nobody is forcing you to get weapon skins, followed by nobody is forcing you to log in to get laurels for ascended items, followed by nobody is forcing you to play this game.

You are whats wrong with the community, brainwashed players whose only responses to everything are “nobody is forcing you” and “this game is just not for you”. Please next time you try to comment something like this read it, read it, go take a cup of coffee, and then delete the post.

I don’t recall saying this game isn’t for you or anyone else. I’m sorry that you feel I’m such a bane on the community because I stated a fact that no one has to do Dragon Bash events. The majority of your post is more or less putting words in my mouth or postulating what I might say next which might be a way for you to express your frustration with GW2 as a whole. I’m sorry that you feel that way toward me but I plan to continue being a part of the community as I’m sure you will as well. I’m pretty sure that we can both coexist and do so without using insults.

The Burninator

I feel bad for new players.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


Based on the new players I’ve seen — and my guild has a lot of them — I would think players-since-launch might envy them. They’re still enjoying the game, a feeling that I still feel while playing but which seems to be gone for a lot of posters, if they ever had it.

I still maintain that GW2 has less grind, more to do and better rewards from drops than any other MMO I’ve played. I realize some other players don’t have that experience. I think they’re their own worst enemy as far as enjoying a game goes, but that’s just my opinion, and I’m sure they’d disagree. Everyone doesn’t like the same things about games. The problems come with how we define fun. I had that problem in WoW. The “flies theory” says that WOW is a good game, but I hate it with a passion.

I feel bad for new players.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kitanas.3596


I would like to point out that moa racing is stated to be a permanent part of the game.

I feel bad for new players.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gotejjeken.1267


Based on the new players I’ve seen — and my guild has a lot of them — I would think players-since-launch might envy them. They’re still enjoying the game, a feeling that I still feel while playing but which seems to be gone for a lot of posters, if they ever had it.

I still maintain that GW2 has less grind, more to do and better rewards from drops than any other MMO I’ve played. I realize some other players don’t have that experience. I think they’re their own worst enemy as far as enjoying a game goes, but that’s just my opinion, and I’m sure they’d disagree. Everyone doesn’t like the same things about games. The problems come with how we define fun. I had that problem in WoW. The “flies theory” says that WOW is a good game, but I hate it with a passion.

Oh, I for one still enjoy the game immensely, and I have been around since beta. I just would rather see fully realized ideas rather than all these experiments we have seen lately.

For a quick, recent one, look at dragon ball. The concept itself is awesome, however the utter lack of any grouping functionality, vote kicking, or variety kills most players interest within a couple of minutes.

This kind of thing did not seem to happen with last year’s events. Things like Halloween and Wintersday were fully realized on release. Even the small mini-game types were complete (such as making music with the bells GH style during Wintersday). Now we are seemingly at a point to where clicking on an NPC and waiting a few minutes to quite possibly lose money is considered ‘complete’.

I feel bad for new players.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tolunart.2095


Oh, I for one still enjoy the game immensely, and I have been around since beta. I just would rather see fully realized ideas rather than all these experiments we have seen lately.

You don’t get those fully realized ideas without experimenting with different things and improving upon the good ideas while discarding the bad ones. I, for one, am glad that we are not stuck with playing Pong and Zork on a Commodore 64.

I feel bad for new players.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Resonance.4216


Oh, I for one still enjoy the game immensely, and I have been around since beta. I just would rather see fully realized ideas rather than all these experiments we have seen lately.

You don’t get those fully realized ideas without experimenting with different things and improving upon the good ideas while discarding the bad ones. I, for one, am glad that we are not stuck with playing Pong and Zork on a Commodore 64.

If only there was an entire game that ANet made before this one!

Build Thor’s Gun? Or something?

Elementalist of Oceanix [OCX]

I feel bad for new players.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Villious.8530


No one is forced to participate in these events.

followed by; nobody is forcing you to do the daily, followed by nobody is forcing you to get weapon skins, followed by nobody is forcing you to log in to get laurels for ascended items, followed by nobody is forcing you to play this game.

You are whats wrong with the community, brainwashed players whose only responses to everything are “nobody is forcing you” and “this game is just not for you”. Please next time you try to comment something like this read it, read it, go take a cup of coffee, and then delete the post.

Amen!….a thousand times over! It gets so old seeing people make these statements and try to use them as a valid argument. In the end, it’s a game. We don’t NEED to do anything.

I feel bad for new players.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tolunart.2095


If only there was an entire game that ANet made before this one!

Build Thor’s Gun? Or something?

I hear you can still play it. I like this one better. Have fun.

I feel bad for new players.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tolunart.2095


No one is forced to participate in these events.

followed by; nobody is forcing you to do the daily, followed by nobody is forcing you to get weapon skins, followed by nobody is forcing you to log in to get laurels for ascended items, followed by nobody is forcing you to play this game.

You are whats wrong with the community, brainwashed players whose only responses to everything are “nobody is forcing you” and “this game is just not for you”. Please next time you try to comment something like this read it, read it, go take a cup of coffee, and then delete the post.

Amen!….a thousand times over! It gets so old seeing people make these statements and try to use them as a valid argument. In the end, it’s a game. We don’t NEED to do anything.

Perhaps one day everyone will realize this and we won’t have to remind them.

It’s about as likely as thinking that people will stop saying “I spent money so I get to tell the company what to do!”

I feel bad for new players.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dog.1472


No one is forced to participate in these events.

followed by; nobody is forcing you to do the daily, followed by nobody is forcing you to get weapon skins, followed by nobody is forcing you to log in to get laurels for ascended items, followed by nobody is forcing you to play this game.

You are whats wrong with the community, brainwashed players whose only responses to everything are “nobody is forcing you” and “this game is just not for you”. Please next time you try to comment something like this read it, read it, go take a cup of coffee, and then delete the post.

Amen!….a thousand times over! It gets so old seeing people make these statements and try to use them as a valid argument. In the end, it’s a game. We don’t NEED to do anything.

Perhaps one day everyone will realize this and we won’t have to remind them.

It’s about as likely as thinking that people will stop saying “I spent money so I get to tell the company what to do!”

Okay guys, let’s all stop providing feedback now and just let Anet do what it wants for the game that they’re making for us. It clearly isn’t in our right to let them know what we think is or isn’t fun.

“Please, you can look down on people without having to be physically above them.
As an asura, I do this all the time.”

I feel bad for new players.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lambent.6375


In past MMOs I’ve played with events similar to this, I was always happy when they occurred, I just sold all the event items to higher level players, and got some nice start up money.

“Caithe, someday you’ll see, Tyria needs me. -Scarlet”

(edited by Lambent.6375)

I feel bad for new players.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


While I dislike the whole idea behind Moa Racing, I have no problem with the rest of Dragon Bakitten’s something that, for the most part, you can accomplish while playing. Dragonball doesn’t add to the meta event at all, but it remains a fun minigame for those who like it. I like it. Why shouldn’t I have a fun minigame to play?

The addition of the giving out of wings and minis and such from drops hurts no one. I think Anet could dial up the jade weapon skin drops in free chests however.

In short this event isn’t perfect, but it’s not the crap the OP paints it as. And Halloween will be back again later this year.

I feel bad for new players.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bloodletting wolf.2837

bloodletting wolf.2837

I don’t get it – you don’t have to do the moa racing to get the achievement so what exactly is the problem.

Kaa Mchorror NSP grenadier [hayt]

I feel bad for new players.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CobaltSixty.1542


No one is forced to participate in these events.

followed by; nobody is forcing you to do the daily, followed by nobody is forcing you to get weapon skins, followed by nobody is forcing you to log in to get laurels for ascended items, followed by nobody is forcing you to play this game.

You are whats wrong with the community, brainwashed players whose only responses to everything are “nobody is forcing you” and “this game is just not for you”. Please next time you try to comment something like this read it, read it, go take a cup of coffee, and then delete the post.

You are what’s wrong with the community.

This game isn’t for you.


I feel bad for new players.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tolunart.2095


Okay guys, let’s all stop providing feedback now and just let Anet do what it wants for the game that they’re making for us. It clearly isn’t in our right to let them know what we think is or isn’t fun.

You could do what I do, and stop wasting time and money on something that doesn’t satisfy me.

Or just keep wasting your time jousting with windmills. I’m sure that’s just as productive and satisfying.

I feel bad for new players.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


Based on the new players I’ve seen — and my guild has a lot of them — I would think players-since-launch might envy them. They’re still enjoying the game, a feeling that I still feel while playing but which seems to be gone for a lot of posters, if they ever had it.

I still maintain that GW2 has less grind, more to do and better rewards from drops than any other MMO I’ve played. I realize some other players don’t have that experience. I think they’re their own worst enemy as far as enjoying a game goes, but that’s just my opinion, and I’m sure they’d disagree. Everyone doesn’t like the same things about games. The problems come with how we define fun. I had that problem in WoW. The “flies theory” says that WOW is a good game, but I hate it with a passion.

Oh, I for one still enjoy the game immensely, and I have been around since beta. I just would rather see fully realized ideas rather than all these experiments we have seen lately.

For a quick, recent one, look at dragon ball. The concept itself is awesome, however the utter lack of any grouping functionality, vote kicking, or variety kills most players interest within a couple of minutes.

This kind of thing did not seem to happen with last year’s events. Things like Halloween and Wintersday were fully realized on release. Even the small mini-game types were complete (such as making music with the bells GH style during Wintersday). Now we are seemingly at a point to where clicking on an NPC and waiting a few minutes to quite possibly lose money is considered ‘complete’.

It’s likely that Halloween and Wintersday were on the planning table long before launch. Those holidays have always been a big deal for ANet, so I believe they had done some work on that content and those systems beforehand.

More recent stuff had been spotty, I agree. Southsun and the whole Karka fiasco in LA felt very unfinished. Perhaps the devs are rushing to get content out. If more people who complained exhibited some patience, perhaps they’d feel they had the time to do a more thorough job.

Perhaps producing an update every 6-8 weeks — if it was better quality, more involved, more realized (as you put it) — would be better than more frequent updates of the current type? I’m just not sure that the player-base has that kind of patience — although when I played that other game (Wow), it seemed like updates were considerably less frequent than I am seeing here.