I feel farming is mandatory, so why keep nerfing it?

I feel farming is mandatory, so why keep nerfing it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Octavius.7462


I’ve personally read numerous articles and heard from various related sources that the developers of Guild Wars 2 do not want farming to be huge part of the game. They say that Guild Wars 2 is different than other MMOs in that farming isn’t required. They make it seem as if you can get everything done, i.e. leveling, achievements, specialty weapons and armor, all without the need or use of farming. I’ve even came across articles where they have taken a sort of anti-farming view, acting as if they were against farming and didn’t want it ruining the “character of the game”. This sounds great doesn’t it? I mean, not having to farm for hours and hours, killing mobs repeatedly and being bored out your mind, all to get some sort of achievement or nice looking Greatsword. Well, I’m very sad to say that in my opinion, and to be honest many others opinions, that this couldn’t be further from the truth.

A perfect example of this is the whole Legendary Weapon Progression. If you have ever made, attempted to make, or read the recipe requirements for a legendary, then you know exactly what I mean. I am almost finished crafting “Sunrise”, the Legendary Greatsword. Now you may think, well then why are you writing this? Well, it has taken me nearly 3.5 months to make, and I am a insanely dedicated GW2 player. I am in a sense addicted to this game. I play 8-18 hours a day. There have been many all-nighters. I take breaks to eat, sleep, go to the bathroom, but other than that I have no life. Now I chose this life style because I wanted to take on the nearly impossible goal of creating a legendary, but I also was putting in the necessary time requirements to obtain this goal. Obtaining a legendary is definitely not for sissies. I may have gotten a little off base in this explaination but the reason for this story is to show how Farming is indeed a MANDATORY REQUIREMENT for obtaining a legendary. 90% of the 8-18 hours of gameplay every day was Farming. Now of course there were days when i would spend less than 8 hours because of numerous things, family engagements for example. However the basic idea is that I would farm and farm, then they would nerf my farming areas, then I would have to just farm longer for the same results. Then they would nerf it again, I would then farm for even longer to get the same results. Sometimes, I would find a new spot, then within a week, it would be nerfed, and again I would just have to work harder and longer for the same result. It was if I was being knocked down repeatedly by a bully, but I kept getting up. I kept at it no matter what, even though through every nerf I was becoming less and less efficient at my gold earning, working three times as long for a third of what I was making pre-nerf. Does this seem fair?

It almost seems as if the developers are trying to put a roadblock up between us and our ability to earn gold. Lets look at the rediculousness of the infamous “PRECURSOR”. Dusk, the precursor for the Legendary Greatsword, Twilight, was just recently listed for over 800 Gold. Do you know how long it would take to just earn 800 gold by playing the game without farming? It would take years. Then it takes about1,000 plus Gold to gather the remaining ingrediants. I dont think Anet intended it to take an estimated 5 years to make a legendary. Which without farming it could easily take this long. So the big question is if Anet is so against farming, then why do they allow these precursors to be sold for 800 Gold. Now I know that we the GW2 community control our own economy and we therefore set the prices. However, these prices are set by supply and demand. The rarer the item, the more it’s going to cost. Anet has its own house economist that helped form the trading post and our working economy. Therefore, they had to have some idea that making a precurosr that “RARE” would indeed make the prices of it on the trading post skyrocket to an extremely high amount. So in a very real way, they are more responsible than the community in allowing the price of precursors to be so high.

The reason I wrote this article is to bring up a discussion or debate on this whole idea behind the consistant nerfing to all types of farming, whether it be dynamic events in orr, dungeons, dragon chest, etc. and how this and Anet’s Anti-Farming view totally contradicts the design of the game. For instance how certain achievements can only be met by farming, as well as Legendaries, Precursors, and other high value items. Why keep nerfing every little farming spot? Why make it nearly impossible to create high value items without farming, then punish us for farming with all these nerfs. For those of you reading, please voice your opinions, I’d love to hear what the rest of you have to say. Perhaps if enough of us speak, we might finally be heard and offered an answer to all of the contradiction and confusion. Till then, see you all on the battlefield. -Octavius of Tyria

I feel farming is mandatory, so why keep nerfing it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mirta.5029


This game has stated at the beginning that it is against all means of farming. It was designed in a way to not allow anyone to farm. You don’t need to farm to gain levels, to gain gear or to gain money. It’s not the game that’s farm inducing, it’s your view on it that’s wrong.
A legendary and other lots of material requiring weapons are supposed to be gotten over a really long period of time. I just ran CoE. Got lucky and 2 bottles of T6 blood dropped. An exotic that I salvaged and sold dropped. If I was collecting the blood I would use the money from the exotic that dropped to buy more of it. I would also sell other T6 mats that I have collected while running dungeons and fractals and buy more blood. See? Easy material management. You don’t need to farm for them

I feel farming is mandatory, so why keep nerfing it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: emikochan.8504


I’ve never had to farm, just stop being so impatient.

Welcome to my world – http://emikochan13.wordpress.com

I feel farming is mandatory, so why keep nerfing it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wiser with Age.3714

Wiser with Age.3714

In theory, ArenaNet’s early comment about Legendary weapons implied that they expect people to take 6 – 12 months to accomplish them. When people got full Legendary weapons within just a couple months of the game’s release, ArenaNet was really caught off guard. For some reason, they really expected everyone to be ultra casual about the process and not so aggressive about farming content.

To be honest, I really don’t know what ArenaNet was so surprised. They were caught with their pants down since Legendary weapons were likely supposed to be a large time sink. As a result of this, they started to nerf the available farming options as a reactive way of creating more artificial time sinks.

While I like many aspects of this game, there are times when I wonder about ArenaNet’s lack of ability to predict obvious reactions in their customer base. The Legendary weapon matter is just one of many in my mind. Like it or not, I don’t really expect ArenaNet to change their minds.

We are Test Group F. (Don’t ask about what happened to the previous Test Groups.)

I feel farming is mandatory, so why keep nerfing it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Meglobob.8620


They are against farming…

They are also pro you buying gems with real $$$…

Its a marriage made in heaven…

I feel farming is mandatory, so why keep nerfing it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mirta.5029


They are against farming…

They are also pro you buying gems with real $$$…

Its a marriage made in heaven…

they limit the amount of gems you can buy directly from them in a month. You’re not supposed to convert gems to gold really.

I feel farming is mandatory, so why keep nerfing it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Interesting article OP.

Not too long ago there was an outcry of making Legiondary Weapons soul bound account because of the outrageous price in the auction house and guess what?
Arenanet refused to address it.

Now let me ask you another question to ‘why Farming is MANDATORY, so why keep nerfing it?’

Why do gold selling/buying exist in guild wars 2?

Don’t you think by now it’s obvious it’s a money making shared business?

There’s your answer.

Not accusing Arenanet of its involvement but the obvious speaks for itself.

There’s a saying that goes, you can not say that you’re for Righteousness while you are Punishing those who stand for it

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

I feel farming is mandatory, so why keep nerfing it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


Op I read your whole post- I am sorry to say but you robbed yourself of a very large chunk of your life for nothing.
Anet does not like you to farm, they like you to play the game and as someone has said have sensible resource and material management.
The fact that you chose to ignore this and basically beat your head against a wall for several months is basically on you.

You could have been playing the game, had a life, and legendary if you paid attention to the actual mechanics of the game.

Gunnar’s Hold

I feel farming is mandatory, so why keep nerfing it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ridley.3691


The economy in this game is just awful, rare items are ridiculously overpriced, and gold is too scarce for people to afford much without farming. Add to this that ANet seem to nerf farming spots pretty frequently and it’s just a chore.

I understand that easier gold = even higher prices, hence why the economy as a whole is screwed, I mean compare it to WoW, where yes, lots of stuff is overpriced, but the average player can more readily afford most stuff, and make gold at a good pace.

I feel farming is mandatory, so why keep nerfing it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mirta.5029


The economy in this game is just awful, rare items are ridiculously overpriced, and gold is too scarce for people to afford much without farming. Add to this that ANet seem to nerf farming spots pretty frequently and it’s just a chore.

I understand that easier gold = even higher prices, hence why the economy as a whole is screwed, I mean compare it to WoW, where yes, lots of stuff is overpriced, but the average player can more readily afford most stuff, and make gold at a good pace.

rare items are overpriced? After making map events guarantee you a rare rare items slumped in price way down. 15 silver for a rare if you’re buying it out, 8 silver if you order it. Rares used to be 30-40 silver before.
I have T3 on my elementalist and just recently afforded a flame dye. Without farming or doing anything special I can amass up to 20 gold in 2 days. People actually working for gold can amass the same sum way faster. It’s not hard to make money in this game.

I feel farming is mandatory, so why keep nerfing it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wouw.5837


It’s easy, because farming isn’t mandatory.

You don’t need to farm for lvl’ing, for donig your PS, to do PvP/WvW/dungeons.

You only need to farm to get legendaries or to get in higher lvl fractals.

Elona is Love, Elona is life.

I feel farming is mandatory, so why keep nerfing it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lambent.6375


I’m not going for a legendary, but I have to ask.

If you have two people who have already fulfilled all requirements to getting a legendary except obtain the precursor, how does the person who chooses to “play the game as it was meant to be” win out over the person who chooses to farm cof 1 repeatedly, and pump fresh gold into their pockets, and into the economy? (aside from general enjoyment for the game)

As far has lodestones go, Anet already made the statement that dungeons were meant to be challenges for coordinated groups, so for some people running dungeons isn’t an option.

Which leaves…

Farming, killing a monster over and over for whatever lodestone or mat you need. Now personally I don’t see anything wrong with this, and I think it is fine as is aside from a few instances, but it would be wrong to not call this farming imo.

“Caithe, someday you’ll see, Tyria needs me. -Scarlet”

I feel farming is mandatory, so why keep nerfing it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ridley.3691


I didn’t mean rare quality gear, I meant the more general use of the term rare, as in things like certain skins, tonics, minis, etc.

And I’m interested in hearing how you amass 20 gold in two days without doing anything special or any kind of farming. This of course means you can’t include farming dungeons, farming fractals, farming events, farming world bosses (doing every single world boss every day).

(edited by Ridley.3691)

I feel farming is mandatory, so why keep nerfing it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seras.5702


I remember that WoW had “Legendaries.” They seemed so far unattainable that it was ridiculous to own one. Now, that game was all about the grind, so is that what differentiated the WoW legendaries from the GW2 legenaries? An immeasurable grind? Cuz if so, I like our legendaries the way they are.

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

I feel farming is mandatory, so why keep nerfing it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Justin.7163


Like others have said, Legendary weapons were most likely meant to take many months for 90% of the player population to achieve but there’s always going to be that 10% who get these things within a short period of time for different reasons: They play for an unhealthy amount of time, they farm high value areas endlessly to make the required gold, they discovered exploits and take advantage of them, or they’re just really lucky when it comes to drops. These are just some possible examples that I can think of. Most people, like myself, may never get a Legendary or it may take a long time because we are more casual people who aren’t into farming or stuff like that, and that’s okay.

I think in some ways these “super-dedicated hardcore players” affect the mindset of other players because of how they achieved their items and therefore others feel like they are falling behind or that getting Legendary stuff is easier than it actually is. Don’t feel like you must follow the path of these players and get your Legendary or other fancy items right away because ultimately you will probably just set yourself up for disappointment and frustration.

I feel farming is mandatory, so why keep nerfing it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mirta.5029


I didn’t mean rare quality gear, I meant the more general use of the term rare, as in things like certain skins, tonics, minis, etc.

And I’m interested in hearing how you amass 20 gold in two days without doing anything special or any kind of farming. This of course means you can’t include farming dungeons, farming fractals, farming events, farming world bosses (doing every single world boss every day).

3 fractal dailies (level 10, 20, 10) that I do anyway
6 runs of SE (was helping a friend out that needed gear. He could open for 3 times, then we would switch character and I open for the next 3 runs)
2 runs of CoE (I really love CoE!)
and map boss events. I’m in a big guild, so normally such events get shouted out.

I feel farming is mandatory, so why keep nerfing it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


Using the nerf bat on everything will not fix every problem. Anet needs to learn this.

I feel farming is mandatory, so why keep nerfing it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ridley.3691


Ah, well, I’m guessing you wouldn’t be running 8 dungeons everyday, I’d certainly consider that farming if you were, since you’d be running them much more often than the average player.

I feel farming is mandatory, so why keep nerfing it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zenith.7301


This game has stated at the beginning that it is against all means of farming. It was designed in a way to not allow anyone to farm. You don’t need to farm to gain levels, to gain gear or to gain money. It’s not the game that’s farm inducing, it’s your view on it that’s wrong.
A legendary and other lots of material requiring weapons are supposed to be gotten over a really long period of time. I just ran CoE. Got lucky and 2 bottles of T6 blood dropped. An exotic that I salvaged and sold dropped. If I was collecting the blood I would use the money from the exotic that dropped to buy more of it. I would also sell other T6 mats that I have collected while running dungeons and fractals and buy more blood. See? Easy material management. You don’t need to farm for them

Assuming you get one charged lodestone per daily run of CoE, which doesn’t even happen most of the time, it would take you 100 days to get enough.

And this doesn’t include the 400-700g precursors. Let’s say per week you make about 15-20g playing without farming. That’s 20-35 weeks if you earn 20g a week, or 27-47 weeks at 15g a week.

That doesn’t include the 500 ectos you need either, or the completely random nature of t6 materials, where you’re lucky to get a couple of one type a day.

So you’re looking about 7 months or more of playing to get close to a legendary.

And that’s 7 months you played to get your legendary, while the random guy got a precursor drop and cut that time to about 2-3 months instead with the amount of money from selling a precursor.

Or the guy who farmed cof for about 7-10g an hour. Or the guy who played TP and got a precursor in 1-2 months.

This game does not reward people who play different aspects of the game. It rewards the lucky and those who spend time farming or playing the market.

(edited by Zenith.7301)

I feel farming is mandatory, so why keep nerfing it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mirta.5029


Ah, well, I’m guessing you wouldn’t be running 8 dungeons everyday, I’d certainly consider that farming if you were, since you’d be running them much more often than the average player.

that’s 8 dungeons trough out 2 days
now farming dungeons in elite farming groups normally include 20 or so runs a day at least (look at LFGs for CoF), I just mostly tag along if a guildie needs help

Assuming you get one charged lodestone per daily run of CoE, which doesn’t even happen most of the time, it would take you 100 days to get enough.

And this doesn’t include the 400-700g precursors. Let’s say per week you make about 15-20g playing without farming. That’s 20-35 weeks if you earn 20g a week, or 27-47 weeks at 15g a week.

That doesn’t include the 500 ectos you need either, or the completely random nature of t6 materials, where you’re lucky to get a couple of one type a day.

So you’re looking about 7 months or more of playing to get close to a legendary.

And that’s 7 months you played to get your legendary, while the random guy got a precursor drop and cut that time to about 2-3 months instead with the amount of money from selling a precursor.

Or the guy who farmed cof for about 7-10g an hour. Or the guy who played TP and got a precursor in 1-2 months.

oh gee, you understood my point that legendaries are time consuming and do take a while to get (hence, legendary).
Playing TP is risky and requires lots of knowledge about the economy and good skills at predicting stuff. That’s why almost no one can do it. The same way that buying shares is not considered cheating in real life.

(edited by Mirta.5029)

I feel farming is mandatory, so why keep nerfing it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TooBz.3065


Desirable weapon skins were always suppose to be a grind / farmed. But the nice skins were not suppose to add any additional stats (and they don’t).

Ascended gear is the first addition that could be considered requiring farming.

Anything I post is just the opinion of a very vocal minority of 1.

I feel farming is mandatory, so why keep nerfing it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ridley.3691


Aha, aye, makes much more sense, I really need to take the plunge and get into doing dungeons/fractals. I like to think I’m a fair solo player, just after trying AC and CM I just got killed repeatedly, and that was on story mode. For those of us who try to avoid dungeons though, there really isn’t many ways to casually make gold.

I feel farming is mandatory, so why keep nerfing it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

There are plenty of programs that utilize the tp data that can be used outside the game to tell you how to play the tp. They will tell you what to buy, when to buy, and even when to sell. There is no skill involved, risk is minimal, and it makes one of the worse things in this game easy. Only real drawback is that it’s not fun for most. Still kinda sad though if ya think about it……

Serenity now~Insanity later

I feel farming is mandatory, so why keep nerfing it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


It’s not the game that’s farm inducing, it’s your view on it that’s wrong.

I love when people claim that the play style, and method of enjoyment of a game, is “wrong”. Arrogance can be so amusing when it isn’t annoying as kitten.

I feel farming is mandatory, so why keep nerfing it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PearlGore.7419


Took you 3.5 months to get the best skins in the game? Most other MMOS would have taken that time to get a full set of gear alone…

I feel farming is mandatory, so why keep nerfing it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jemmi.6058


It’s not the game that’s farm inducing, it’s your view on it that’s wrong.

I love when people claim that the play style, and method of enjoyment of a game, is “wrong”. Arrogance can be so amusing when it isn’t annoying as kitten.

True, but in reference to the post, it makes sense. The post says that farming is mandatory. It is not the play-style that is wrong, it’s “farming is mandatory” that is wrong. Farming is not mandatory, it is one avenue to achieving something. People do it in this game, just as any other, to get what they want faster. It’s not required/mandatory.

You can get your legendary via normal play, by just depositing collectibles as you gain them. Every now and then, check your bank and see how much you have. Over time, you’ll get what you need. It won’t be as fast or direct as farming, but you’re more likely to have more fun that way.

I feel farming is mandatory, so why keep nerfing it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


I remember that WoW had “Legendaries.” They seemed so far unattainable that it was ridiculous to own one. Now, that game was all about the grind, so is that what differentiated the WoW legendaries from the GW2 legenaries? An immeasurable grind? Cuz if so, I like our legendaries the way they are.

Wow legendaries are actually a pretty substantial upgrade however. The fact that ours are really nothing more than a “skin”, I find the effort necessary for ours way out of whack with the reward.

I feel farming is mandatory, so why keep nerfing it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


It’s not the game that’s farm inducing, it’s your view on it that’s wrong.

I love when people claim that the play style, and method of enjoyment of a game, is “wrong”. Arrogance can be so amusing when it isn’t annoying as kitten.

True, but in reference to the post, it makes sense. The post says that farming is mandatory. It is not the play-style that is wrong, it’s “farming is mandatory” that is wrong. Farming is not mandatory, it is one avenue to achieving something. People do it in this game, just as any other, to get what they want faster. It’s not required/mandatory.

You can get your legendary via normal play, by just depositing collectibles as you gain them. Every now and then, check your bank and see how much you have. Over time, you’ll get what you need. It won’t be as fast or direct as farming, but you’re more likely to have more fun that way.

This I would agree with, the statement above that I quoted just rubbed me the wrong way entirely.

I feel farming is mandatory, so why keep nerfing it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Villious.8530


They are against farming…

They are also pro you buying gems with real $$$…

Its a marriage made in heaven…

they limit the amount of gems you can buy directly from them in a month. You’re not supposed to convert gems to gold really.

What??!! My jaw hit the floor so hard, it shattered! You can buy all the gems you want. (See below email snippet) Do you think if you want to throw money at them, they’ll refuse it? Everything they do is about making it harder to earn gold so you’ll spend more RL money, and a lot of people do. If you don’t believe that, I’ve got some cheap land I’d like you to take a look at…

“There is a default purchase limit of $300 per 30 days for the “Card on File” purchase option. This purchase limit is there to help players or parents control their spending for the account.
It appears you have almost or already reached the card on file purchase limit for your account. To resolve this issue, simply remove your card on file, and leave it off. I know it’s not as convenient entering your card information each time you wish to make a purchase. However, leaving the card off file means that you will not never hit that card on file purchase limit.

We have just implemented a way for players to remove the card on file from an account. To do this, simply click the trash can icon next to the saved card on file in the Gem Store. Confirm the deletion, and the card will be removed.

Also, if you are receiving an error, it could be because of too many failed attempts within a short time frame."

Please wait a full 24 hours from your last transaction attempt, then try again. For future reference, please keep in mind that too many failed attempts within a short time frame will always result in an error.

I feel farming is mandatory, so why keep nerfing it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ArchonWing.9480



-Discourages grinding
- Puts stuff in the game that requires lots of grinding


While it is true that nothing is truly mandatory, but there clearly has to be a way to farm stuff, since there is stuff in the game that requires farming to get it. Why else do we have so many currencies? It doesn’t exactly show up in your mailbox when you log in. Nor should it.

For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards,
for there you have been and there you will long to return.

I feel farming is mandatory, so why keep nerfing it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jaall.3420


You’re talking about the same game developers that made GW1, which featured a warning every hour or so telling you to take a break because you’ve been playing too long without one. I don’t think it’s hard to see that this is not the way they intend the game to be played and farming does ruin gaming for the casual players as well so I do fully support them in a way. However, I also feel like there should be some farming available for the people that choose to do that, but there is still that option and they haven’t removed it entirely so choice is yours.

I sometimes like to farm items, in the fact that I go and repeatedly kill things hoping to get 1 specific item, or type of item. It kills a bit of time, but I would never farm day in day out for months, you lose all satisfaction when you saturate farming which kinda kills the object of the game. I completely agree with ANet “fixing” that aspect of farming.

I feel farming is mandatory, so why keep nerfing it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deamhan.9538


There are plenty of programs that utilize the tp data that can be used outside the game to tell you how to play the tp. They will tell you what to buy, when to buy, and even when to sell. There is no skill involved, risk is minimal, and it makes one of the worse things in this game easy. Only real drawback is that it’s not fun for most. Still kinda sad though if ya think about it……

I’ll have to do a search for one of these programs.

I feel farming is mandatory, so why keep nerfing it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zenith.7301


Ah, well, I’m guessing you wouldn’t be running 8 dungeons everyday, I’d certainly consider that farming if you were, since you’d be running them much more often than the average player.

that’s 8 dungeons trough out 2 days
now farming dungeons in elite farming groups normally include 20 or so runs a day at least (look at LFGs for CoF), I just mostly tag along if a guildie needs help

Assuming you get one charged lodestone per daily run of CoE, which doesn’t even happen most of the time, it would take you 100 days to get enough.

And this doesn’t include the 400-700g precursors. Let’s say per week you make about 15-20g playing without farming. That’s 20-35 weeks if you earn 20g a week, or 27-47 weeks at 15g a week.

That doesn’t include the 500 ectos you need either, or the completely random nature of t6 materials, where you’re lucky to get a couple of one type a day.

So you’re looking about 7 months or more of playing to get close to a legendary.

And that’s 7 months you played to get your legendary, while the random guy got a precursor drop and cut that time to about 2-3 months instead with the amount of money from selling a precursor.

Or the guy who farmed cof for about 7-10g an hour. Or the guy who played TP and got a precursor in 1-2 months.

oh gee, you understood my point that legendaries are time consuming and do take a while to get (hence, legendary).
Playing TP is risky and requires lots of knowledge about the economy and good skills at predicting stuff. That’s why almost no one can do it. The same way that buying shares is not considered cheating in real life.

That is such a pile of crap. I got my legendary via TP trading — it’s not hard. My guildie got 2 precursor drops that entirely funded his legendary.

Legendaries are not legendaries because they take long to get — something is legendary when it is an extraordinary feat, and grinds are not extraordinary feats.

I feel farming is mandatory, so why keep nerfing it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Solid Gold.9310

Solid Gold.9310

MMO = Grind

This one is no exception to the rule.

Jumping puzzles, love them or hate them, I hate them. Thread killer.

I feel farming is mandatory, so why keep nerfing it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hawkian.6580


I know the thread is already filled with a lot of serious and less-serious responses to your actual points about farming, but I’m not actually sure if they can be rationally addressed. I need to call attention to this part:

it has taken me nearly 3.5 months to make, and I am a insanely dedicated GW2 player. I am in a sense addicted to this game. I play 8-18 hours a day. There have been many all-nighters. I take breaks to eat, sleep, go to the bathroom, but other than that I have no life. Now I chose this life style because I wanted to take on the nearly impossible goal of creating a legendary

I think the first thing you should do is take a complete break from the game altogether. :-[ I don’t mean just cutting back from eighteen hour days, but not having anything to do with Guild Wars 2 for a while. No logging on “just for an hour” to farm, no posting your impassioned complaints on the boards.

The thing is, I think you’ve correctly identified a possibly clinical obsession and maybe even a compulsion. I hope I don’t come off as sarcastic or dismissive of your complaints, but I don’t think what you’ve brought up here constitutes a healthy desire to see the game change for the better so much as a surfacing of potentially dangerous addiction to the pursuit of a digital item.

Your life will not appreciably improve by obtaining a Legendary weapon. Please take a break!

I feel farming is mandatory, so why keep nerfing it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RebelYell.7132


The OP acknowledged the PR trope of “This is not a game in which you farm, we’ve evolved beyond that”. It’s not about him not knowing that, because he does

It’s about the dissonance between that line, and how the game actually plays.

There’s a distinct lack of cohesion between how Legendaries work, systems like Diminishing Returns on mats, and the “no farming” line. None of these ideas play nicely with each other.

My theory: there are too many chefs in the kitchen. Now, this may not be the situation, but its how I can see it playing out.

  • One designer, who’s incredibly naive and idealistic, thinks he has a grand vision of this game, where people never farm, they just have fun without thinking about it, like an ant gathering food. He thinks people will either “get” his vision, or they’ll go back to WoW if they want to grind so badly.
  • A suit from NexonC Soft, who doesn’t actually play this game, nor have a practical understanding of online games in general, but he gets to monkey with it all the same.
  • A programmer who doesn’t have the luxury of the aforementioned designer’s idealism, has to deal with the day to day issues of a live game. He’s caught between meeting the demands of both Designer and Suit, as well as juggling priorities between what they want, and fixing things that are blatantly broken. People aren’t being good little sheep and admiring other people’s Legendaries, and instead are trying to grind them out themselves? Better get on that! Some anti-social guy figured out how to grind Crystalline Dust so he doesn’t have to do CoFp1 with four strangers in order to have money! NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRFFFFFF! People aren’t converting gems to gold? Better put in a million stopgaps that make this B2P game more like MapleStory. No one’s playing Engineers and Necromancers in PvE? Sorry, don’t have any time to address this.

Whether you think the OP needs to get a life or not, he’s hit upon an issue with the lack of focus with this game’s live team.

User was infracted for being awesome.

I feel farming is mandatory, so why keep nerfing it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Firegoth.6427


OP, even me with 0 understanding of economics can figure out this simple chain reaction… now stay with me and read carefully:

High valued precursors prices drop by 300g each (by becoming more common) —> T6 mats prices go up.

Another example we’re experiencing right now:
World boss chests spawn a 100% rare loot per day per account —> Certain mats prices go higher due to ectos becoming cheaper. This has globably shifted a lot of mats prices since they are all tied together in one way or another.

Creating better farming spots or destroying ones, does not make things harder for everyone.
The value of all the items on TP is decided by the community, by putting together everyone’s capabilities in getting them.
So if you can’t get gold fast enough, you need to get on with the program, and stop being so persistent, others made it better that you. Ask yourself how and don’t be too lazy to figure it out.

Also, an argument of “I’d rather play the game my way” won’t hold water, why?
Because you bloody farm 8-18 hours a day, and if that was fun for you, then you wouldn’t have made this topic.

1+1 = potato

I feel farming is mandatory, so why keep nerfing it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jack of Tears.9458

Jack of Tears.9458

rare items are overpriced? After making map events guarantee you a rare rare items slumped in price way down. 15 silver for a rare if you’re buying it out, 8 silver if you order it. Rares used to be 30-40 silver before.

Yeah, see, I have ta agree here. When I hit lvl 80 the first thing I did was buy full exotics for my character and it cost me about 7 gold, and that was with a couple high demand pieces.

I probably spend a Gold every day or two using the Waypoints because I get too lazy to run from one city to the next. If I saved my money, and just kept what I made from picking up drops and selling the resources I gather to get my daily; in the couple hours I play a day I could easily have 60+ gold a month. If I were playing 8+ hours a day I’d quadrupedal that and still without making any special effort.

The only reason a person grinds in this game is if they want to. If they think they need that legendary so bad and so fast they can’t stretch it out over a year. In which case, that’s on you, buddy.

I’m sorry I stepped outta yer box, don’ worry, if
ya whine enough they’ll put me right back.

I feel farming is mandatory, so why keep nerfing it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fungalfoot.7213


It would be one thing of the game was achievement driven and you actually got your legendary from doing all these various feats across the world. But it’s not, it’s gold driven like every other MMO under the sun and this is why people are forced to rely on farming unless they get astronomically lucky or just decide to play the TP for a month or so.

I feel farming is mandatory, so why keep nerfing it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

OP, even me with 0 understanding of economics can figure out this simple chain reaction… now stay with me and read carefully:

High valued precursors prices drop by 300g each (by becoming more common) —> T6 mats prices go up.

Another example we’re experiencing right now:
World boss chests spawn a 100% rare loot per day per account —> Certain mats prices go higher due to ectos becoming cheaper. This has globably shifted a lot of mats prices since they are all tied together in one way or another.

Creating better farming spots or destroying ones, does not make things harder for everyone.
The value of all the items on TP is decided by the community, by putting together everyone’s capabilities in getting them.
So if you can’t get gold fast enough, you need to get on with the program, and stop being so persistent, others made it better that you. Ask yourself how and don’t be too lazy to figure it out.

Also, an argument of “I’d rather play the game my way” won’t hold water, why?
Because you bloody farm 8-18 hours a day, and if that was fun for you, then you wouldn’t have made this topic.

All t6 are tied to dust…..the drop rate of dust.

Something you are forgetting is that the whole community is not needed to determine prices. As long as a portion of players exceeds the supply of an item, that portion has the ability to set prices…..ie if 1 item drops and 2 of the richest players are willing to pay x amount above everyone else for it…it doesn’t matter what the rest of the community decides.
Get on with the program of playing tp or grinding quick easy paths? That’s…..well think about it a bit and see if it really makes sense in terms of a mmorpg’s overall health.

Serenity now~Insanity later

I feel farming is mandatory, so why keep nerfing it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RebelYell.7132


OP, even me with 0 understanding of economics can figure out this simple chain reaction… now stay with me and read carefully:

High valued precursors prices drop by 300g each (by becoming more common) —> T6 mats prices go up.

Another example we’re experiencing right now:
World boss chests spawn a 100% rare loot per day per account —> Certain mats prices go higher due to ectos becoming cheaper. This has globably shifted a lot of mats prices since they are all tied together in one way or another.

Creating better farming spots or destroying ones, does not make things harder for everyone.
The value of all the items on TP is decided by the community, by putting together everyone’s capabilities in getting them.
So if you can’t get gold fast enough, you need to get on with the program, and stop being so persistent, others made it better that you. Ask yourself how and don’t be too lazy to figure it out.

Also, an argument of “I’d rather play the game my way” won’t hold water, why?
Because you bloody farm 8-18 hours a day, and if that was fun for you, then you wouldn’t have made this topic.

All t6 are tied to dust…..the drop rate of dust.

Something you are forgetting is that the whole community is not needed to determine prices. As long as a portion of players exceeds the supply of an item, that portion has the ability to set prices…..ie if 1 item drops and 2 of the richest players are willing to pay x amount above everyone else for it…it doesn’t matter what the rest of the community decides.
Get on with the program of playing tp or grinding quick easy paths? That’s…..well think about it a bit and see if it really makes sense in terms of a mmorpg’s overall health.

Excellent post.

There seems to be this pervasive idea people have that the economy is a gestalt of every player’s actions, and that, if a sink like waypoint costs were remove, the entire game would be swamped in a sea of crippling inflation.

It’s not true. Only people who sell things CoFp1 farmers want have any effect on the economy. Every other interaction amounts to less than a drop in a bathtub.

User was infracted for being awesome.

I feel farming is mandatory, so why keep nerfing it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Firegoth.6427


OP, even me with 0 understanding of economics can figure out this simple chain reaction… now stay with me and read carefully:

High valued precursors prices drop by 300g each (by becoming more common) —> T6 mats prices go up.

Another example we’re experiencing right now:
World boss chests spawn a 100% rare loot per day per account —> Certain mats prices go higher due to ectos becoming cheaper. This has globably shifted a lot of mats prices since they are all tied together in one way or another.

Creating better farming spots or destroying ones, does not make things harder for everyone.
The value of all the items on TP is decided by the community, by putting together everyone’s capabilities in getting them.
So if you can’t get gold fast enough, you need to get on with the program, and stop being so persistent, others made it better that you. Ask yourself how and don’t be too lazy to figure it out.

Also, an argument of “I’d rather play the game my way” won’t hold water, why?
Because you bloody farm 8-18 hours a day, and if that was fun for you, then you wouldn’t have made this topic.

All t6 are tied to dust…..the drop rate of dust.

Something you are forgetting is that the whole community is not needed to determine prices. As long as a portion of players exceeds the supply of an item, that portion has the ability to set prices…..ie if 1 item drops and 2 of the richest players are willing to pay x amount above everyone else for it…it doesn’t matter what the rest of the community decides.
Get on with the program of playing tp or grinding quick easy paths? That’s…..well think about it a bit and see if it really makes sense in terms of a mmorpg’s overall health.

It takes a lot more than a couple of rich players to change the flow of the market.
Everyone are willing to pay these prices, there aren’t these imaginary rich players who keep purchasing precursors.

Just a couple of days ago, there was a player who earned 1kg by playing the game over a long time, he bought both Dusk and Dawn, just a regular player like most people or the OP here.

As long as there are people who are willing to pay those prices, the rarity will remain the same.

1+1 = potato

I feel farming is mandatory, so why keep nerfing it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dante.1508


Agreed OP, this game is a contradiction (i think made that way to be frustrating so you buy gems and take the easy road) can’t farm but you must farm..

I’m never going to bother with a legendary, all that work for such an ugly skin is pointless to me, that said many other things need farming,

Need a piece of gear only gotten through crafting, off farming you go, about 5 hours to get 5 powerful bloods, same for venom sacs etc…if you’re lucky RNG FTW..

Need Ascended to be on par with WvW zergs (and you do) time to farm Fotm or settle for months of time gating…

Need gold, time to farm CoF 1 or HoTW 1 or CM1 etc etc..

I feel farming is mandatory, so why keep nerfing it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hoyvin.3241


You’re not supposed to convert gems to gold really.

Says who? Why on earth would they give you an option like that if they didn’t want you to do it?

I feel farming is mandatory, so why keep nerfing it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Huck.1405


They are against farming…

They are also pro you buying gems with real $$$…

Its a marriage made in heaven…

IMHO, that pretty well sums it up. Anet dos’nt want us to farm gold, they want us to BUY gold, from them.

“You can teach ’em, but you cant learn ’em.”

I feel farming is mandatory, so why keep nerfing it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mirta.5029


You’re not supposed to convert gems to gold really.

Says who? Why on earth would they give you an option like that if they didn’t want you to do it?

so you could convert your gold back if you made a mistake converting gold to gems?
Why would you convert gems to gold when the conversion rate just decreases and you get less and less gold?

I feel farming is mandatory, so why keep nerfing it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: taomang.2183


There is a simple answer to this: Money. It’s always about money. Keeping your gold income low only makes people spend money on gems to convert to gold. I see this as a necessary evil to keep the game alive since we dont pay a subscription.

- To all of the people who claim they don’t farm, that’s a disgusting lie. You’re either lying, or you have never in your life decided to get anything that costs more than 30g. If you are happy with your 5g armor, and common exotic skin, good for you. But you simply don’t have the right to tell the OP how he wasted his efforts because you’re happy without a legendary. Get off your high horse.
Yes, you do not need gold to lvl up or gear your toon. But if you want a fancy skin you do need gold and sometimes hundreds.

The main problem with these items is how you obtain them (through purchase), when there could’ve been better ways, through achievements and feats. But again this is all about money so thats never gonna happen.

I feel your pain OP, and don’t give up. I completed my Incinerator about 3 weeks ago and only because i got Spark out of a chest in HOTW. I’ve been playing since pre-launch and just now i got my Legendary. I can’t say i played it casually, i would classify myself as a above casual but under hardcore, and i am poor at making gold in the game. I farm sometimes when i feel like shutting my brain in Orr and just go with the zerg. I can’t run more than 3 runs of COF a day because it bores the kitten out of my mind. I don’t do fractals. I don’t run around chasing meta events for rares. I have no idea how to flip items or play the TP so there goes that.

This isn’t a very popular advice and most people would tell you that’s insane, but its better to just buy gems with $$$ and then exchange it to gold when the rate is good. You probably earn more $$$ per hour, than gold by farming or “just playing the game”. Plus my job is way more fun and satisfying than farming in GW2. Which is just sad.

There is absolutely nothing legendary about Legendaries. By now a lot of people have them, and they aren’t even special or good looking. The way we obtain them is just stupid. The only good they are for is having that achievement on your log in screen. If some people really believe they are something prestigious, they are mistaken and no one cares that you have it.

I wish you the best of luck OP and i hope you’ll be satisfied with your Sunrise

I feel farming is mandatory, so why keep nerfing it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Firegoth.6427


There is absolutely nothing legendary about Legendaries. By now a lot of people have them, and they aren’t even special or good looking.

You can say many things about legendaries, but how is:
*Shooting oversized unicorns
*Shooting confettis with irritating sounds
*Opening a window to the sky / abyss
*Covering yourself in chromatic skin
*Zapping everything around you
*Creating footsteps of all the above

Not special enough for you?

1+1 = potato

I feel farming is mandatory, so why keep nerfing it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Navzar.2938


Not farming is a disgusting lie? What? You only need to farm if you want one of the expensive exotics with awesome skins and don’t feel like waiting for it either. You get at least 1g an hour playing normally in higher lvl zones or dungeon/fractals. Sure it’s not much, but it’s enough to gear up 1 character with lvl 80 exotics or you spend karma, only 252k for a full set or just save the dungeon tokens (unless you count doing ~3 paths a week until you have your armor set farming too?).

If you want pretty pixels, then yes, you have to farm for it. If you think that’s worth it to look good, or enjoy farming, then great and congratulations. But if you hate farming and don’t wanna do it, then don’t do it. No statistical difference because of those awesome particle effects, and it costs close to nothing to maintain a character. It’s perfectally believable to play a game for fun and not farm.

As for the original topic. Yes, it’s mandatory if you want legendaries, bu ledendaries aren’t mandatory. I think they keep it difficult, by which I mean grindy, because awesome weapons mean a lot less when everyone has it (to many people anyway) and because it’s a way to keep people playing their game because they have unfulfilled goals for a longer period of time.

I feel farming is mandatory, so why keep nerfing it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LordEnki.9283


I thought I would would be considering other gaming options. The debate above is great, but the truth is with each update I feel betrayed. How is it fair that people who who already have taken advantage of past farming spots have their legendary so quick while the rest of us are expected to take our time to get it . Not to mention those who can build a legendary by running something like CoF or AC vs those of us who would be forced to run Arah repeatedly to build the one we want. I’m sure someone will come along and claim their awesomeness at Arah, but ego stroking aside it is extremely harder than CoF (which keeps missing the nerf hammer for a company that hates farmers so much). This is just another imbalance in the game. I don’t understand the people here who are basically saying that it’s okay to accept mediocrity and continue being forced to play only in the way that makes Anet richer. Some people actually like farming too. I know I did. After Pent/Shelt was nerfed it was harder, but still manageable as long as it was prime hours. Even with slower event times and big waits that wasted food/ boosters you could make decent money. I told myself it’s okay because at least the economy won’t be inflated and they didn’t take the farm spot away from us at least. I noticed more and more events I frequented across the map got nearly impossible with OP champs and hordes of minions. Then came the last update. I cannot fathom what Anet is thinking. Let’s make all the creatures deadlier to slow down kill rates and increase repair cost? I do not understand what is fun about getting forcibly kitten by a champion risen spider (it injects it’s eggs into you forcefully, I am not trying to use the word kitten improperly) then have it’s young burst out of you who are now veteran spider hatchlings that are ridiculously powerful and make pent/shelt so difficult on even the biggest servers that I’ve seen the events starting to be abandoned. I guess we were still making money there so Anet had to put a stop to that. I’ve spent plenty of real cash on premium items. At least a hundred bucks a month, but I like to farm my gold. Even opening BL chests is rigged. I opened 20 chests on my level 80 character and most of the boosts I recieved where for XP or killstreak. Sure I can use them on alts, but they are useless on my main. So I decided to open the same amount on a level 5 character. I didn’t receive ONE XP boost. 20 chests and not one, but got plenty of boosts that don’t mean as much for a low level character. I’m sure that was just coincidence. So I did it again and ZERO XP boost. I’ve justified time and time again in my mind that maybe they aren’t greedy. Maybe they do care about the players. Since opening week I’ve justified and tried believing in Anet. I love this game so much, but they have finally ruined it for me. It breaks my heart, but I just can’t play anymore knowing that there is no realism in the world, Anet doesn’t care about balance (just money), and it’s just not fun anymore. For those who will surely defend the game I wish you luck in justifying it to yourselves forever. I hope you never loose your love of the game because it was great while it lasted for me. Ignorance is bliss I guess.