I feel like I am playing this game wrong...

I feel like I am playing this game wrong...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GavNation.4307


So to start out: I am level 20. I am somewhat new to MMORPG’s ( I played Rift for like 40 hours).

This game is a completely knew experience for me and even after 40 hours in GW2 some of the basics are still a little confusing for me.

I essentially play by doing a heart here and there do exploring for a half hour and some personal story. That’s about it. I mean the game is fun but the way I am playing it, it’s more of a “pass the time cause I don’t want to do anything else” type of fun. I feel a part of this is because I have no actual goal for myself (Or there are some that I am just unable to find). I barely understand crafting ( I am disciplined in Armorsmithing and cooking) so I am not able to find goals in that either (like build “this” set of armor etc). Another part of that is because I also don’t understand the stat system. What I mean by that is the fact that I don’t know if my stats correctly match up with my level (like 20 vitality etc). I also don’t know what half of any thing means! Because of all of this, I am not able to find a truly “exciting” type of feeling when I play this game.


Side Note: Would any one be willing to take a newbie under their wing and teach them the game (Blackgate)?

Server: BlackGate
Main: Charr Ranger

I feel like I am playing this game wrong...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Belzebu.3912


Hello and welcome to GW2.

Most important thing, try to join a guild, that changes the game completely, makes easier to find people to play with, ask questions, guild activities and so on.

After that you’ll probably find more things to do and goals.

Charter Vanguard [CV] – HoD
Bardy Belzebuson – Ranger Sir Belzebu – Herald
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)

I feel like I am playing this game wrong...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Schultz.4291


All of this is from my personal experience:

To begin, the approach to this game is way different than most MMO’s. In other games like WoW I felt like you could the game is sculpted to fit the hardcore stat-building, gear-grinding player.

Guild Wars 2 is a game where the intention is to do whatever it is you want. The primary objective in this game wasn’t meant to be for you to reach 80 asap. You’re supposed to explore and enjoy the aspects of the game. That being said you can do that with whatever it is you desire, that’s why you can gain XP from doing almost anything.

I had the feeling like that too like, “What am I doing… I don’t feel the progress that I do in other games.”

TLDR: In this game, this feeling isn’t bad. The game tends to casual players while still rewarding hardcore commitment.

I feel like I am playing this game wrong...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eleshazar.6902


I’m on Gate of Madness, but I understand the struggle of getting into this game at first. The “tutorial” portion of this game leaves something to be desired. At lower levels you are mainly just trying to learn how to fight regular PvE mobs, and how the mechanics of the game work. Your goal when you first start is mainly to get to level 80 (max level).

After you get to max level then you start “gearing up” your character to have the gear with the best stats/and maybe the look you want. From there it progresses to learning new content (dungeons, wvw, pvp), etc.

I would recommend finding a friendly guild to join. I know that in our guild we do events on a decent number of nights together, and we take newer people under our wings and teach them how to play, and teach them about their class, etc. You can ask questions in map chat and usually people are friendly and will answer your question, but a good guild is really the way to go. I’ve found one of the things that keeps this game going most for me is playing with other people, and doing stuff with my guildies. This game isn’t as much fun to play (at least not for me) alone.

Anyway, welcome to Guild Wars 2!

All professions level 80| Champion Paragon, Phantom, Genius
Phoenix Ascendant [ASH] | Rank 80

I feel like I am playing this game wrong...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ceridwen.6703


Regarding crafting, there are a good few guides out there these days, which can start you off. Google GW2 Armorsmith Crafting Guide 0-500, and see what you come up with. Compare and contrast them, and if you have any more questions, guild mates or the forum will help. Rinse repeat for cooking (where my personal mission has always been to attempt to level it solely by crafting baked goods, like cake and bread).

As for levelling up, there’s a few different ways to do it, and all of us will gravitate to our own favoured methods after a while. I tend to focus on map completion/personal story/city exploring/crafting. I also pick up crafting materials as I see them - you’ll have seen copper nodes, various plants and trees for acquisition in the 1-15 zones. Thereafter you’re looking at iron nodes (probably what you’re seeing as a level 20 if you’ve gone out of the starter zones). Hacking at them nets you XP. Do it. Try and do any events you come across as well.

Regarding the gear for your character, I can’t advise as I don’t know what you’re playing. I typically use power based stats, but it does depend on the build. Which brings us to builds and yeah, that can be confusing. Let us know what you’re playing first, though.

“Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Steve R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn.”

I feel like I am playing this game wrong...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

The most important thing of GW2 is that it plays very differently than other MMORPG. By that I mean that you need a different mindset than to WoW or RIFT. I am in Blackgate, message me in game I would be happy to guide you along.

I feel like I am playing this game wrong...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GavNation.4307


Regarding crafting, there are a good few guides out there these days, which can start you off. Google GW2 Armorsmith Crafting Guide 0-500, and see what you come up with. Compare and contrast them, and if you have any more questions, guild mates or the forum will help. Rinse repeat for cooking (where my personal mission has always been to attempt to level it solely by crafting baked goods, like cake and bread).

As for levelling up, there’s a few different ways to do it, and all of us will gravitate to our own favoured methods after a while. I tend to focus on map completion/personal story/city exploring/crafting. I also pick up crafting materials as I see them – you’ll have seen copper nodes, various plants and trees for acquisition in the 1-15 zones. Thereafter you’re looking at iron nodes (probably what you’re seeing as a level 20 if you’ve gone out of the starter zones). Hacking at them nets you XP. Do it. Try and do any events you come across as well.

Regarding the gear for your character, I can’t advise as I don’t know what you’re playing. I typically use power based stats, but it does depend on the build. Which brings us to builds and yeah, that can be confusing. Let us know what you’re playing first, though.

I am currently playing a warrior. Also, when I craft armor, should my goal be to craft armor for me or for money and get armor through other ways?

Server: BlackGate
Main: Charr Ranger

I feel like I am playing this game wrong...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: One Note Chord.5031

One Note Chord.5031

Craft if you enjoy it, but you can always get gear that’s at least as good for less money through the trading post. The only exception is very expensive end-game stuff that’s intended as a long-term goal (and doesn’t give much benefit), which you have to craft for yourself. You don’t need to worry about it right now.

Crafting is not in general a good way to make money.

Colin Johanson: "Everyone, including casual gamers, by level 80 should have the
best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on an equal power base.”
Pre-launch, Colin listed things that make MMOs bad. They are all now in GW2.

I feel like I am playing this game wrong...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GavNation.4307


The most important thing of GW2 is that it plays very differently than other MMORPG. By that I mean that you need a different mindset than to WoW or RIFT. I am in Blackgate, message me in game I would be happy to guide you along.


Server: BlackGate
Main: Charr Ranger

I feel like I am playing this game wrong...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Latinkuro.9420


Crafting is not in general a good way to make money.

T7 deldrimor steel, elonian leather and bolt of damask strongly object to your opinion
not to mention those T7 insignias and inscriptions that sell for 50g+ each

I feel like I am playing this game wrong...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GavNation.4307


Crafting is not in general a good way to make money.

T7 deldrimor steel, elonian leather and bolt of damask strongly object to your opinion
not to mention those T7 insignias and inscriptions that sell for 50g+ each

Now at what point in my GW2 career will I understand a single thing you just said?

Server: BlackGate
Main: Charr Ranger

I feel like I am playing this game wrong...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GavNation.4307


Another problem I have: I can’t find anyone to play with that has a mic!

Server: BlackGate
Main: Charr Ranger

I feel like I am playing this game wrong...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Beorn Raukar.4328

Beorn Raukar.4328

Crafting is not in general a good way to make money.

T7 deldrimor steel, elonian leather and bolt of damask strongly object to your opinion
not to mention those T7 insignias and inscriptions that sell for 50g+ each

Now at what point in my GW2 career will I understand a single thing you just said?

When you dedicate yourself to crafting. It is certainly not for everyone but if you enjoy it and are willing to be consistent you can make money by crafting the highest rarity materials.

Another problem I have: I can’t find anyone to play with that has a mic!

Join a Guild, mine is pretty friendly we have a TS that you can join. Usually people get “interviewed” through the TS, but unless they are total jerks there is no problem with anyone joining in.

I feel like I am playing this game wrong...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Latinkuro.9420


Crafting is not in general a good way to make money.

T7 deldrimor steel, elonian leather and bolt of damask strongly object to your opinion
not to mention those T7 insignias and inscriptions that sell for 50g+ each

Now at what point in my GW2 career will I understand a single thing you just said?

  • once you get through the leveling process.
  • once you get through the exploration experience.
  • once you get through the awe inspiring sceneries.
  • once you find yourself not saying: uh I did not know that to often.
  • once you start wanting to earn loads of gold to acquire all your desired shinies.

I feel like I am playing this game wrong...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cush.4063


One of the big questions is how you like to play games. As that will probably help you out with your main goal. Do you like to be competitive in games against other players to try and be the best? Or do you like to explore and interact with the world and specifically do content that you aren’t facing other players? Guild Wars 2 as well as pretty much every MMO out there are extremely goal oriented. There are 3 different game modes in this game and they are PvE (the open world/dungeons/fractals/world bosses), WvW (Open World PvP/PvE sieging and capturing other servers castles and keeps and such), and sPvP (Arena style Domination and soon to come Team Deathmatch).

One thing you should know is that gearing while leveling to 80 isn’t that important. And if you have a choice between different stats like on the personal story, always pick the stats that have power, precision, and crit damage. Why? Because while leveling the only thing you really need to worry about is killing mobs faster and those stats do that. The other stats that you can get don’t really make much of a difference while leveling. Also, don’t be spending your hard earned gold buying new gear every level. It’s not needed. Every 10 levels or so it would be wise to upgrade if you have gear that’s 10 levels lower, otherwise it’s not a big deal. You want to save your gold for when gear really matters, and that is at level 80.

This link here is a great guide to a lot of the things Guild Wars 2 has and gives some great starters tips as well as telling you how sPvP and WvW works and how to get there. http://intothemists.com/articles/general/new-players-introductory-guide-to-guild-wars-2/ Just scroll down past the Professions part.

The game really starts when you hit 80 because that is when you can participate in everything the game has to offer and also start being competitive in WvW. There is a lot of lingo attached to MMO’s that you probably won’t understand either and this link helps you understand some of it http://almarsguides.com/eq/gettingstarted/mmorpglingo.cfm
Note that some of that lingo does not go directly with this game but most of it does and I would take it all in or just look at it when you hear someone say something you don’t understand. I had that problem for a really long time when I first started getting into MMO’s.

Lastly when it comes to stats they are not a big deal while leveling. But once you reach 80 they are extremely important to know what you’re going for. Some of them are connected to others such as power, precision, and crit damage. I would go through all of them for you but my post is getting really long already. Message me in game! I love helping people out and will explain anything and everything that you ask and will give you suggestions on how to play the game.

I feel like I am playing this game wrong...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GavNation.4307


Crafting is not in general a good way to make money.

T7 deldrimor steel, elonian leather and bolt of damask strongly object to your opinion
not to mention those T7 insignias and inscriptions that sell for 50g+ each

Now at what point in my GW2 career will I understand a single thing you just said?

When you dedicate yourself to crafting. It is certainly not for everyone but if you enjoy it and are willing to be consistent you can make money by crafting the highest rarity materials.

Another problem I have: I can’t find anyone to play with that has a mic!

Join a Guild, mine is pretty friendly we have a TS that you can join. Usually people get “interviewed” through the TS, but unless they are total jerks there is no problem with anyone joining in.

I have a certain criteria that I would want from a guild. So that can run into a problem. My list is this: Will allow newbies, has other newbies around my level, has some people willing to teach/help/play with other people, does WvWvW. Oh and most important of all for me: A good majority use mics.

Server: BlackGate
Main: Charr Ranger

I feel like I am playing this game wrong...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ceridwen.6703


Regarding the gear for your character, I can’t advise as I don’t know what you’re playing. I typically use power based stats, but it does depend on the build. Which brings us to builds and yeah, that can be confusing. Let us know what you’re playing first, though.

I am currently playing a warrior. Also, when I craft armor, should my goal be to craft armor for me or for money and get armor through other ways?

Get on over to the warrior forums and see what they have to offer.
They, like all the profession forums, have info on builds. If you don’t understand what they say, ask them. If you just want to know what the current most effective build is, or the build which works best for new players, ask them. They won’t bite. Much. You’ll get several different answers, I would think, and you should just go with whatever seems the most fun.

Until you get a more definitive build answer, it’s alright for you to slot power as your main gear stat. I am, sadly, not a warrior expert, so wouldn’t want to advise further than that.

As for crafting, as others have said, you can do it for yourself, but it’s typically cheaper to buy things direct from the Black Lion Trade Post (BLTP). As a new player, you probably don’t have all that much money to throw around, so go easy. If you’ve picked up the required ingredients for an item that you want, it’s okay to craft it for yourself. It’s also up to you if you want to salvage your unneeded crafted items – you’ll get some crafting material(s) back and some Essence of Luck, which will up your Magic Find – or you can simply sell them on the trader.

You don’t craft for money, not at first. After a while, you’ll be able to sell your crafting materials and crafted items if you want (they may actually bring more in than a crafted item, but you need to check before you made a decision either way. The economy may make a shift before you get to there). But remember, you don’t have to craft. It might behoove you to play the game, learn your profession, and simply gather the materials in a good quantity before you take it further. You decide.

And one final note on your current profession: it may not even be “your” profession. If after checking some warrior builds out and play testing, you find that it’s not gelling, consider a different profession. Check their respective forums out for builds, and try again.

Good luck with your choices!

“Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Steve R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn.”

I feel like I am playing this game wrong...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GavNation.4307


One of the big questions is how you like to play games. As that will probably help you out with your main goal. Do you like to be competitive in games against other players to try and be the best? Or do you like to explore and interact with the world and specifically do content that you aren’t facing other players? Guild Wars 2 as well as pretty much every MMO out there are extremely goal oriented. There are 3 different game modes in this game and they are PvE (the open world/dungeons/fractals/world bosses), WvW (Open World PvP/PvE sieging and capturing other servers castles and keeps and such), and sPvP (Arena style Domination and soon to come Team Deathmatch).

One thing you should know is that gearing while leveling to 80 isn’t that important. And if you have a choice between different stats like on the personal story, always pick the stats that have power, precision, and crit damage. Why? Because while leveling the only thing you really need to worry about is killing mobs faster and those stats do that. The other stats that you can get don’t really make much of a difference while leveling. Also, don’t be spending your hard earned gold buying new gear every level. It’s not needed. Every 10 levels or so it would be wise to upgrade if you have gear that’s 10 levels lower, otherwise it’s not a big deal. You want to save your gold for when gear really matters, and that is at level 80.

This link here is a great guide to a lot of the things Guild Wars 2 has and gives some great starters tips as well as telling you how sPvP and WvW works and how to get there. http://intothemists.com/articles/general/new-players-introductory-guide-to-guild-wars-2/ Just scroll down past the Professions part.

The game really starts when you hit 80 because that is when you can participate in everything the game has to offer and also start being competitive in WvW. There is a lot of lingo attached to MMO’s that you probably won’t understand either and this link helps you understand some of it http://almarsguides.com/eq/gettingstarted/mmorpglingo.cfm
Note that some of that lingo does not go directly with this game but most of it does and I would take it all in or just look at it when you hear someone say something you don’t understand. I had that problem for a really long time when I first started getting into MMO’s.

Lastly when it comes to stats they are not a big deal while leveling. But once you reach 80 they are extremely important to know what you’re going for. Some of them are connected to others such as power, precision, and crit damage. I would go through all of them for you but my post is getting really long already. Message me in game! I love helping people out and will explain anything and everything that you ask and will give you suggestions on how to play the game.

WOW! Thanks for all the info! And those are the types of websites I have been looking for, for a while! I will def message you the next time I hop on

Server: BlackGate
Main: Charr Ranger

I feel like I am playing this game wrong...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cush.4063


Oh and, play Elementalist! Ele>Warrior. A lot more fun when you have 20 weapon skills instead of 5

I feel like I am playing this game wrong...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GavNation.4307


Oh and, play Elementalist! Ele>Warrior. A lot more fun when you have 20 weapon skills instead of 5

God I tried elementalist for my first character and got her to level 10 before I couldn’t take it anymore >_<

Too many things!

Server: BlackGate
Main: Charr Ranger

I feel like I am playing this game wrong...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vukorep.3081


welcome to gw2

id like to start with you asking your self what makes gw2 fun for you.

you have several aspects of the game that require a different approach.


you have your basic Player vs Environment content, those are your hearts, exploring for vistas ,points of interest, looking for hidden jumping puzzles and treasures, personal story missions. Here you can play as whatever you want. You can tinker with your engeneers turrets, train your rangers pets, or summon a army of minions with a necro,whatever is fun for you works.
You also have some dynamic chain events that pop up every now and then.

Example: The flame legion attacks the nearby charr outpost, players group up and defend it, afterwards the players look for the charr warband and group them up so they can lead an attack on the flame legion temple. The players then charge and capture the flame legion temple.The chain event ends here, however a portal appears that leads you to the normally hidden and locked away burial place that you can explore with the group that just captured the flame temple. Its full of traps and puzzles to solve and has a big treasure chest at the end.


Structured Player vs Player is where you join in a 5v5 arena match,, all players have free access to all gear and all lvls, its up to you to decide what class and what build to go for in a match.

Outwit your opponents, toy with their minds with a mezmer, play tournaments and gain glory!


Dungeons are instances where you enter with 4 other players. You will face hard opponents and harder bosses, traps, puzzles. gear, gold, and tokens to exchange for a special themed set of armor and weapons.

While dungeons are a part of PvE, it requires a whole different aproach than regular PvE. At the moment, it requires a lot of aoes and pure damage. Warriors are usually wanted for speed clears….witch usually end in a hit or miss situation (either you clear the dungeon in 15 minutes, or you keep dying over and over again)


Fractals are something like dungeons, except they are shorter and you play them one after another in a chain. The more you play the better rewards you get, but it also gets a lot stronger.


At the moment, its the thing that most people would call “end game content”

World vs World vs World puts you with the rest of the players on your server in 4 different large zones.

The players then wage wars against one another, use siege weapons against towers and walls and keeps to control more land and gather more points.

The rewards usually come from killing players and getting loot bags, but the better you do on wvw the more “perks” the entire server will have.

I would also suggest joining a guild. Guilds can host events that reward you with some of the best stuff in the game, but they can also provide the “mmo” part in the mmorpg.

Decide what part of the game you see your self spending most of the time. Then pick a class you find most fun, and add stats,weapons,skills and traits that work best with it.