I feel like quitting the game due to Ascended Gear

I feel like quitting the game due to Ascended Gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ruby Red.4019

Ruby Red.4019

Impatience is the reason for your anxiety. You want the gear NOW instead of later.

Your fault. Not Anet’s.

Actually no…. I want the game I bought which advertised itself as being a different kind of MMO with horizontal progression and no gear treadmill. Anets fault.

I don’t like this change of direction and I don’t like the way it has been done when they’ve admitted on reddit they knew there was going to be a negative reaction to it. I don’t like the total lack of communication between Anet and it’s customer base.

So with all that in mind here’s a central question to ask some of you complaining about ascended gear.

If it was in the game prior to launch, would you still be angry?

If so, why?

If they had been honest about what type of game they wanted and had advertised it as all your old favourites like gear treadmills and gated content (heck now the are whispers have started about bringing in a holy trinity) and if they had said the vast majority of players would be sat in LA day in day out leaving a virtually empty pve world after 3 months I would not have bought the game. So would I be complaining no.

I feel like quitting the game due to Ascended Gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tiger.7506


My God!
You really want to play an MMORPG?
Have a minimum of dedication!
If you do not have any time, go to CS, street fighter, Mario bross, sonic!

I feel like quitting the game due to Ascended Gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Quaz.4931


My God!
You really want to play an MMORPG?
Have a minimum of dedication!
If you do not have any time, go to CS, street fighter, Mario bross, sonic!


“WoW and all other games that copied WoW have VP, VP is the defining aspect of WoW and therefore by extention all MMOs. GW2 is officially an MMO so needs VP. Why can’t you guys be happy with farming up for the next tier? It’s what MMOs are ALL about, it’s the only thing that matters, without vertical progression MMOs are empty and useless.

Why Don’t you just live the game instead of just “play” it, geeze"

How about this? The map/mission/dungeon should be fun enough to play without the need for an extra number on my stats. And should be rewarding, so the reward should not be randomly given and should be appropriate for the effort/time spent. Rewards should be vanity items like armour skins or titles.


Hope I didn’t blow your mind there buddy

I feel like quitting the game due to Ascended Gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pray For Kosmos.5849

Pray For Kosmos.5849

Ascended gear, infusions, FotM-levels and the confirmation that the level-cap will be raised that the game that’s currently called “GW2” is not the “GW2” we bought. So we stop playing it.

The hell? Level cap being raised ALSO?!

Link please?


Because if this, I just gave up on Guild Wars 2. Such a tremendous disappointment. I loved Guild Wars so very much for many years. This game is exactly the opposite of everything ArenaNet and Guild Wars ever stood for. It’s grindy, it’s broken, the economy is in a shambles…it’s a pain in the kitten to do anything, and it’s just simply not fun.

Sigh. I had so much hope for this game.

Okay, I’m trying to think of solutions here… Obviously, Ascended Gear is here to stay, and the STATS too?

What will it take for me to return to GW2?

- I would like for gear treadmill to end w/ Ascended Gear
- Crafting Ascended not related to RNG in any way
- Crafting Ascended should not be so expensive
- Need other ways to acquire Ascended Gear (Karma and Dungeon vendor, etc.)
- Not a fan of level increase. I’m okay with it as long as it doesn’t affect stats whatsoever or block progress for other players.
- The leveling system in FOTM should be removed; it completely divided much of the community
- ANET needs to make difficult dungeons from the get-go, like FoW or UW. Not a dungeon that only gets harder the higher up you go. We need high level content! FOTM is not the answer!

Colin Johanson: “Everyone, including casual gamers, by level 80 should have the
best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on an equal power base.”

I feel like quitting the game due to Ascended Gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ahlen.7591


What’s funny is all this time you spent talking about on forums, you could’ve gotten quite a few pieces of ascended gear by now or enough gold/badges/ whatever to invest in it in the future. If you think you need ascended gear now; does that mean you think others need ascended gear as well? Are you the kind of person to reject people without the top-of-the-line gear? Just like how I don’t care what people wear, I don’t think people should either unless they can really help themselves (staying in green, getting carried the way through, while hoarding gold—bad manner). But seriously, the need for ascended gear now is what is killing you guys; you do not need it now and it hasn’t been a game changer for anyone. And as they reported they are going to make it a lot more available in the future. I’m just going to wait 1-2 years from now and bump this thread up so people can be embarassed on how much ascended gears did not become a starting point for a endless progression theme for this game overall.

It has nothing whatsoever to do with how much or little ascended gear actually affects character power; it’s the principle of the thing and how it makes people feel about playing.

I have over 500 hrs played. I don’t have *any** exotics yet.* Never really planned on it. Ascended gear and the fractals doesn’t impact my actual gameplay one bit, but what mattered to me was the principle of a capped-stat system and the knowledge that my characters would always be approaching the top grade and always be right where I left them in relationship to the power structure.

What’s important is how a power-creep gear treadmill – no matter how slight the incline is set – makes me (and others) feel about playing. It makes me feel like I’m always losing ground, and so gives me a sense of being 2nd rate and makes my time in the game feel useless. That’s ultimtely how I felt in every MMORPG I played before GW2, why I left them, why I stopped playing for a few years, and why I bought GW2 – because I thought (mistakenly) it would have a capped stat/gear/level system.

WHAT? Seriously? Do you even actually play the game…? In 500 hours you should have at least accidentally gotten full exotics.

Actually no…. I want the game I bought which advertised itself as being a different kind of MMO with horizontal progression and no gear treadmill. Anets fault.

Show me explicit advertising that there would be only horizontal progression. Basically, it’s GW1 players whining that GW2 is not GW1. If you want GW1 so badly, go play that!

I feel like quitting the game due to Ascended Gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Oxstar.7643


GW2 is supposed to ensure that skill always beats gear.
They will have to be very careful with this ascended gear and especially the coming buff to legendary items.

I feel like quitting the game due to Ascended Gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: treborIRL.4521


everyone is actling like every player is going to have ascended gear and that its going to ruin wvw etc? really? i don’t see the big issue when in reality that ascended gear is going to be used for running a a dungeon/pve content. how is that really a huge issue with everyone? you just want the best gear no matter what? ^__^ there is only a ring and a back item. both of which i have but still, it wasnt a huge inscrease in ANY dmg.

I feel like quitting the game due to Ascended Gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pray For Kosmos.5849

Pray For Kosmos.5849

everyone is actling like every player is going to have ascended gear and that its going to ruin wvw etc? really? i don’t see the big issue when in reality that ascended gear is going to be used for running a a dungeon/pve content. how is that really a huge issue with everyone? you just want the best gear no matter what? ^__^ there is only a ring and a back item. both of which i have but still, it wasnt a huge inscrease in ANY dmg.

Read the entire thread first and you’ll find out.

Colin Johanson: “Everyone, including casual gamers, by level 80 should have the
best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on an equal power base.”

I feel like quitting the game due to Ascended Gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

I’m personally sticking to exotics until ascended tier has better ways to be obtained.
Currently, we only have 3 ways:
1) RNG, luck based.
2) Crafting, recipes are very very grindy.
3) Tokens, requires tons of fractal grinding.

When I start a game I want to have fun, not starting a slow chase toward gear.

I’m confident Anet will fix all these things soon tho.
They always find a way to fix their mistakes and bring some fun

I feel like quitting the game due to Ascended Gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: johnnycosmic.9130


I agree with ya Kosmos about the disappointment, but since its free to quit just means I don’t play much, I guess if I haven’t touched the game in a really long time I might uninstall to free up space, but since im not paying a monthly fee im not to broken up.
All I can add is until anet make some serious changes I wont be spreading any good words to my brethren about guildwars 2, and I sure wont be buying any expansions.

I feel like quitting the game due to Ascended Gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tiger.7506


Do not compare the progression of GW2 with the progression of Wow!
GW2 has vertical progression, but you’re still competitive even without the endgear !
We need vertical progression to end game.
if you do not have to endgear you still is competitive, will have only a little more difficult!

I feel like quitting the game due to Ascended Gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Star Ace.5207

Star Ace.5207

To be honest, besides the principles against vertical progression, the problem is that ascended gear is too expensive to be worth it vs just saving up for Legendaries, which have been promised to have max stats. This has the following consequences:

-Not everybody will have access to Legendaries (they ARE incredibly pricey/hard to get), thus most of our alts will be in Exotic Tier forever (which is fine, I guess.)

-There’s no point in having our main character actually get Ascended items, so we could just wait for them to add Legendary armor/accesories at some point and farm for THAT instead, totally skipping the Ascended tier step.

-By consequence of the statement made by ANet members, anyone who doesn’t have Ascended/Legendary gear isn’t a “dedicated player”-what if a truly dedicated player didn’t want to go for a Legendary in the first place, deeming it a wholy optional and unnecessary grind? I played GW1 for years and never got 15,000 armor ever-and was playing happily all that time! Commitment to the game =/= commitment to optional grinds, which is what Legendary is for the most part (or was if you want the best stats.)

Which begs the following questions. Was there a Legendary wall, or was that an excuse to implement Ascended gear? I have not seen many people wielding Legendary weapons (though, perhaps there are many and I am not looking for them, thus I can’t find what I am not looking for). If it was a means to close the gap, why is it only widened in practice by requiring the same mats, only in slightly lesser numbers?

In all honestly, and I don’t mean any offense to the developers or the person responsible for that AMA, I think some of them are not being honest with us, as I don’t believe ascended was planned to ship “from the beginnig” as claimed, because it has so far been so poorly implemented. In fact, it’s totally incomplete, and seems like an afterthought rather than a finished concept. An unfinished, beta project, much like Southsun Cove’s current resemblance. Which to me means it was in fact just pushed out to satisfy a few players that supposedly had “nothing to do” (supposedly “dedicated players”?), in an effort to keep them entertained-not really something they seriously meant to implement when the game went live.

The biggest apparent lie, though (again, please don’t feel offended ANet members, as it’s only my opinion of how your comments come accross, even if you don’t intend to lie), is that there were tons of people hitting a “Legendary Wall.” I does sound like a bad excuse to implement ascended gear, because it doesn’t actually helps with any “gap”(there was NO gap, save for time and affort!) between Exotic tier and Legendary tier. Also, by this game’s purposes, there wasn’t supposed to be any “wall”, as there’s theoretically always something to do-unless that was a lie too?

(Yes, for me there’s always something to do, even if for others there isn’t. I also have over a thousand hours invested-am I dedicated enough?-and more than 830 with my main.)

That said, I didn’t stop playing, and won’t stop playing, because I am just totally ignoring Ascended gear as if it didn’t happen (and the good community at Anvil Rock offsets the negativity on the forums-honestly, there are people playing all over the map at Anvil Rock, and not everybody is doing FotM as often suggested in here.) I won’t spend money on Ascended tier which seems to expensive to get for the minor benefits at the moment. The Fractals are fine, but not my cup of tea, and I cannot imagine playing them over and over as anything really fun to do/achieve. (BTW, going against the grain, “RNG” is fine if the chance to get those rings/items is realistic enough-luck is always a fun component in farming stuff-as long as it’s not a ridiculous .00000000001 chance as it usually is.) I do them ocassionally for loot and monthly achievements (I have 7 so far, so don’t need to do them anymore for the month), but they are not a big fraw for me, since I don’t even want nor desire Ascended accesories (so ANet missed me as the target demographic with that.) If Ascended items are given an alternate, “realistic” way of being acquired that doesn’t require similar mats as Legendary stuff, then I may consider getting them over time, but the current way doesn’t make much sense to me, as it all but increases the grind towards that already elusive goal, the Legendary tier.

(edited by Star Ace.5207)

I feel like quitting the game due to Ascended Gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Star Ace.5207

Star Ace.5207

So my solution will be ignoring Ascended gear until they figure out away out of this beta Ascended gear phase (that’s what it is, IMHO). No point in paying too much-especially on T6 mats and Ectos-for something that’s not needed and not fully fleshed out at the moment. Not worth leaving the game for this admitted mistake on their part. Even if many of my guildies are not that active at the moment, I know it was not because of the FotM patch-it was happening from before because we all have busy, adult lives, not necessarily because the game wasn’t interesting anymore (at least to me, it’s still fun to play.) I will play for the new friendships and challenges (honestly, one can make online friends daily in this game, even total strangers who aren’t part of your guild), and to have FUN-and will dutifully ignore Ascended gear until it’s a finished concept!

In short, whatever they decide to do with this unfinished, beta Ascended gear concept in the future will determine whether I invest on Ascended at all, and not necessarily whether I’ll stop/keep playing (I am not even sure if I’ll go for a Legendary, though perhaps in a year or two I’ll be ready.) It’s all but pointless now, IMHO, and I can only suggest to people who don’t like Ascended and what it will mean for the game to just ignore it for the time being, and pretend it didn’t happen, because in a way, it hasn’t happened yet, and who knows, they may implement the whole thing better in the future.

No offense to ANet: just a piece of this player’s mind. Take care and good luck to you.

I feel like quitting the game due to Ascended Gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Star Ace.5207

Star Ace.5207

Do not compare the progression of GW2 with the progression of Wow!
GW2 has vertical progression, but you’re still competitive even without the endgear !
We need vertical progression to end game.
if you do not have to endgear you still is competitive, will have only a little more difficult!

I disagree in that we “need” vertical progression-we clearly do not. HOWEVER, I do agree that playing with Exotics is probably the most reasonable choice, since Ascended gear seems to require too much of a grind to be viable/realistic (until they implement other ways to acquire it). We’ll be able to compete with Exotics, and it’s probably the one logical thing to do, unless you have and endless supply of gold and time-however, I don’t follow the logic behind vertical progression, however minimal (the officially offered explanations make no sense to me.)

I feel like quitting the game due to Ascended Gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tiger.7506


I’m on level 10 and I killed several players with gear exotica at WvW!
Follow this example!
Stop crying!

(edited by Tiger.7506)

I feel like quitting the game due to Ascended Gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ansultares.1567


And once again, I’m left wondering why include the stat upgrades at all.

That’s the million dollar question, which we’ll never get a real answer to.

We all have a good idea why of course, it just doesn’t make sense, not to me anyway.

Else the WvW people will not do the dungeon at all and they will get bored faster.

Of course we don’t want them in WvW, because that’s boring and broken, and if the WvW guild I was a part of is any example, the vast majority of WvW/PvP focused players have already left the game.

I feel like quitting the game due to Ascended Gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhotsbin.8579


I’m on level 10 and I killed several players with gear exotica at WvW!
Follow this example!
Stop crying!

Nexon infiltrator! Lose ascended gear, and any sense of stat-bloated carrot chasing, and I’m back playing in a heartbeat.

Ascending gear. Descending game.

I feel like quitting the game due to Ascended Gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Regizer.1763


So this gear has been out for a while now, have you even noticed any major impact on player base at all? I didn’t.

I feel like quitting the game due to Ascended Gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pray For Kosmos.5849

Pray For Kosmos.5849

lol what a bunch of tripe. They havn’t even finished with the ‘ascended gear’ implementation and your all upset that people who are doing fractals have better rings then you do.

Grow up

You clearly didn’t read the thread. The concerns are much greater than the fact that Ascended Gear exists. There is much more to the story…

Colin Johanson: “Everyone, including casual gamers, by level 80 should have the
best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on an equal power base.”

I feel like quitting the game due to Ascended Gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pray For Kosmos.5849

Pray For Kosmos.5849

lol what a bunch of tripe. They havn’t even finished with the ‘ascended gear’ implementation and your all upset that people who are doing fractals have better rings then you do.

Grow up

You clearly didn’t read the thread. The concerns are much greater than the fact that Ascended Gear exists. There is much more to the story…

What are the concerns? I don’t want to read the whole thread if its full of self centered whine.

I stopped reading at “I don’t want to read.”

Colin Johanson: “Everyone, including casual gamers, by level 80 should have the
best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on an equal power base.”

I feel like quitting the game due to Ascended Gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lionaeron.5724


Grow up

Grow down


I feel like quitting the game due to Ascended Gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lionaeron.5724


lol what a bunch of tripe. They havn’t even finished with the ‘ascended gear’ implementation and your all upset that people who are doing fractals have better rings then you do.

Grow up

You clearly didn’t read the thread. The concerns are much greater than the fact that Ascended Gear exists. There is much more to the story…

What are the concerns? I don’t want to read the whole thread if its full of self centered whine.

Like you’re doing right now?


I feel like quitting the game due to Ascended Gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Regizer.1763


doing what? please, go on…

I feel like quitting the game due to Ascended Gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pray For Kosmos.5849

Pray For Kosmos.5849

If you guys aren’t gonna explain yourself intelligently, and try to understand the content in the thread, there is really no reason to post. It’s not here to flame other people because they’ve quit the game or temporarily stopped playing. We may be the minority, but we’re definitely not “whining.”

Colin Johanson: “Everyone, including casual gamers, by level 80 should have the
best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on an equal power base.”

I feel like quitting the game due to Ascended Gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Regizer.1763


Well you say there are “bigger concerns” on this issue and yet to find these concerns you want us to read 400 posts. Update your OP with information or something.

I feel like quitting the game due to Ascended Gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pray For Kosmos.5849

Pray For Kosmos.5849

Well you say there are “bigger concerns” on this issue and yet to find these concerns you want us to read 400 posts. Update your OP with information or something.

Well, I guess this thread is useless to you then. Best to move on…

Colin Johanson: “Everyone, including casual gamers, by level 80 should have the
best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on an equal power base.”

I feel like quitting the game due to Ascended Gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Regizer.1763


Yep, useless indeed.

I feel like quitting the game due to Ascended Gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lionaeron.5724


Well you say there are “bigger concerns” on this issue and yet to find these concerns you want us to read 400 posts. Update your OP with information or something.

You’re reading it wrong


I feel like quitting the game due to Ascended Gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Regizer.1763


I’m not reading at all so I can’t be wrong. Check and mate.

I feel like quitting the game due to Ascended Gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lionaeron.5724


I’m not reading at all so I can’t be wrong. Check and mate.

Dam gots me good that time bro.


I feel like quitting the game due to Ascended Gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Regizer.1763


Thanks babe, I try

I feel like quitting the game due to Ascended Gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nofo.8469


Do not compare the progression of GW2 with the progression of Wow!
GW2 has vertical progression, but you’re still competitive even without the endgear !
We need vertical progression to end game.
if you do not have to endgear you still is competitive, will have only a little more difficult!

They already ended the game with vertical progression.

Wish granted.

I feel like quitting the game due to Ascended Gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Columba.9730


everyone is actling like every player is going to have ascended gear and that its going to ruin wvw etc? really? i don’t see the big issue when in reality that ascended gear is going to be used for running a a dungeon/pve content. how is that really a huge issue with everyone? you just want the best gear no matter what? ^__^ there is only a ring and a back item. both of which i have but still, it wasnt a huge inscrease in ANY dmg.

20-50% higher stats than exotics tells me that they aren’t just for fractals, lol

only thieves know how to play, they chant “L2P” every time their god mode is challenged.

I feel like quitting the game due to Ascended Gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Columba.9730


I’m not reading at all so I can’t be wrong. Check and mate.

Well read the entire thread then get back to us. Thanks.

only thieves know how to play, they chant “L2P” every time their god mode is challenged.

I feel like quitting the game due to Ascended Gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chadramar.8156


My God!
You really want to play an MMORPG?
Have a minimum of dedication!
If you do not have any time, go to CS, street fighter, Mario bross, sonic!

So if we’re unwilling or unable to grind, we’re have no business playing and make a legitimate target for insults? Yeah, a perfect example of the awful mentality that is entirely too common in gear-obsessed games. Also extremely counterproductive to the developers who need to make money form their product — which is harder when only grinders are welcome and anyone else should just STFU and GTFO.

Grinding endlessly certainly is one way to show “dedication”, but is it the only one? No. And certain people — which sadly appears to include at least some of the developers — need to bloody well stop acting as it it was. Just off the top of my head, there is also:

  • Buying gems. With no monthly fee, this is the developers’ only source of post-purchase income from the game and thus rather important.
  • Founding or running a guild, guild alliance or other community.
  • Creating and maintaining a website, forum, chat or voicechat channel for said community.
  • Writing guides and walkthroughs, making maps and videos, or otherwise increasing the overall wealth of knowledge about the game.
  • Reaching out to new players with advice, answers and patience.
  • Hosting events, be it RP, PvP, dungeons, dance-offs or anything else.
  • Giving constructive feedback, criticism and suggestions for anything from the story to class balance.
  • Running content you outgear and/or outlevel simply in order to help other players, even if you don’t gain anything from it.
  • Be active, friendly, helpful and polite in-game, on the forums and in other game-related venues, thus helping to foster a positive, welcoming atmosphere.

All of these activities can be just as time-consuming as any grind and they aid the community. Jumping on the gear treadmill on the other hand is essentially a purely selfish thing. And when said treadmill becomes the only measure of a player’s worth, it’s downright toxic to the community.

I’m seriously, seriously sick of the MMO mentality that we’re worth less, or worthless, as players and customers if we don’t grind our brains out because that is the only approved and acknowledged way to show “dedication”.

(edited by Chadramar.8156)

I feel like quitting the game due to Ascended Gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chuo.4238


I’m seriously, seriously sick of the MMO mentality that we’re worth less, or worthless, as players and customers if we don’t grind our brains out because that is the only approved and acknowledged way to show “dedication”.

I am, too. Thank you for saying this! I will never, ever play a grindy game again. They are not fun, and the mentality of the communities in general is very selfish and negative.

I LOVED Guild Wars because it got far, far away from all of that. GW2 has walked right back into the middle of it.

I feel like quitting the game due to Ascended Gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ganzo.5079


I talk as one of those that stopped to play, but that is still continue to read the forum, bacause that game basis are very good, its the current release method that is extremly bad.(release timing and release communication)

Now we all know that this ascended stuff is a lot better than the exotic one, and its here to stay, but i start thinking that this cant be so bad if:

  • The ascended stats level is the LAST step of item progression.
  • The ascended item are harder to make then the exotics one, but obtainable through the whole game like the exotics ones.
  • The ascended set will be completely released in short time, and not a piece for month, because this is only a trick to give to people a sense of “no change”, but its a hit to that type of players that love to program builds and equipment. (and with the ascended set release they hit me once, i dont let them to hit me twice ^^)
  • The ascended machanic will be more similar to the existing ones, so no armors with crest value integrated, i prefer the double slot instead (one for runes\crests\sigils, and one for infusion) so runes and sigils will not become obsolete.

Now im not playing because i really hate blind releases, when the whole set will be fully released i will judge if it fit the game i buyed, and then i will decide if restart to play or quit definitively.

Because, like Guild Wars before it, GW2 doesn’t fall into the traps of traditional MMORPGs.
It doesn’t suck your life away and force you onto a grinding treadmill"

(edited by Ganzo.5079)

I feel like quitting the game due to Ascended Gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moderator.6837



As this thread has gone out of hand, it is now closed. Please help keep these forums a productive and friendly place by posting in a respectful tone.