When a game is heavily advertised to favor skill over gear, but gear differences are allowing one person to dominate compared to the other, how can you claim “working as intended” when that’s not the advertised intention? And I’m not talking about a case where one character is wearing junk that is not appropriate for his level, but instead about two characters wearing gear appropriate for their level but one of them being so much more powerful because the scaling mechanic that is meant to put them on roughly equal footing is failing to come reasonable close to that.
You seriously believe the skill>gear thing? Like, for real? I’m not sure if you are delusional, naive or just new to MMOs. The only reason people get exotics in the first place is because it matters. Gear will always make a difference if it gives stats. Same with skills. If they don’t make you stronger than those who don’t have them…what’s the point in getting them?
The developers love to discuss how every feature in their game is aimed at making you excited to have other players around (rather than dread their competitive presence). Whether it’s resource node sharing to events scaling according to population, you’re supposed to be happy when another player shows up. But the fun that many associate with challenging gameplay is easily ruined when someone (or a bunch of someones) enters an event and their overpowered nature turns that challenge into a cakewalk. Again, how can you claim “working as intended” when that’s not the advertised intention?
Really? I spent 50% of my time in CF(as a lvl 80 staff ele in full exotics) and till now only got “ty for helping” and a few lowbies asked me if I needed a staff, cause they just dropped a lvl 5 one(that was rly cute xD). Been reading these topics for a few days now and still waiting for someone, anyone, to complain that I ruined their experience(from what I’ve seen MMO players aren’t just too polite or shy to say when smth annoys them).
And, finally, the whole concept of us earning rewards that are appropriate for our actual level (even when we’re playing a max level character in a zone aimed at players half our level) is based on the idea that the precious balance of “risk versus reward” is being maintained. And yet, a max level character can decimate low level content so much more easily than someone of the appropriate level, and yet still earn rewards appropriate for his true level. Do I really need to explain why that’s broken? Because this is basic game balance I would think any MMO player would be familiar with.
I’m still waiting to hear what lvl appropriate rewards does a lvl 80 get in a lvl 1-15 zone. Yall keep talking bout them, yet I never saw a single one….
What exactly are you afraid of here? That you’ll visit a level 20 zone on your level 80 character and find it nearly as challenging as the level 20 players playing around you? I hate to break it to you.. but that’s pretty much how it was supposed to work. And, no, that’s not an opinion. Maybe you’re just not familiar with the design (and that would certainly explain your point of view).
Yes, that’s exactly what I’m afraid of. That I spent the last 2 months leveling, unlocking skills, perfecting my build, getting gear and it was all for absolutely nothing. Other questions?
I think you forgot to log into your GW2 team member account before posting.