I find gear types very punishing
Main reason is because it’s a lot easier to do it this way, and because it’s easier to balance. Balance is the most important thing, and it’s very hard to achieve, and it can’t be perfect. But with more options to choose, it becomes harder to balance
Hi ! I always wondered why anet decided to do different gear types… They could have made a system where you distribute your stats on your own. Instead of being forced to buy a certain gear you’d just have the ’’base’’ gear and change your stats as you want ! (like in gw1) I know it’d be hard to go back but an expansion (so all actual gears are outdated) set a new base of gear right ?
What do you guys think about it ? Why did they choose that ? I don’t like to have different armor sets in my inventory…
It was probably intended to be a major time/gold sink. I think though for the majority of the playerbase they end up just doing work arounds, like getting greens/yellows to try different sets, and then getting exotics of whatever distribution they like the most.
I just follow a simple rule now, get a set of all knights and and all berserker gear. I make it a bit more complicated for the low health professions (theif, elementalist, guardian)
Norn Guardian – Aurora Lustyr (Lv 80)
Mia A Shadows Glow – Human Thief (Lv 80)
Stats were put on gear because that’s what other MMO’s do. Pursuit of stats via gear has been a part of MMO’s for a long time. GW2 has proved to be little different in that regard, albeit that the stat inflation curve is shallower than in some games.
Different options for stat combinations were put on gear to provide for variety in play styles. Unfortunately, that variety is more desirable in PvP than it is in PvE.