I find it VEEEEEEERY interesting...
The Sea of Sorrows is an old old book. I think it has been through three authors and two major re-writes now as well as delays and publisher issues. One consistent bit is that it is a prequel to GW2 of sorts that goes down about the time Orr rises and Zhaitan wakes up (The order of all three books is backwards chronologically).
Anything is possible I guess, but since this book was conceptualized and in editing before the Aetherblades were a twinkle in Anet’s eyes, I wouldn’t expect them or the inquest to be linked to it at all.
Appears sound to me.
Mud Bone – Sylvari Ranger
The Sea of Sorrows is an old old book. I think it has been through three authors and two major re-writes now as well as delays and publisher issues. One consistent bit is that it is a prequel to GW2 of sorts that goes down about the time Orr rises and Zhaitan wakes up (The order of all three books is backwards chronologically).
Anything is possible I guess, but since this book was conceptualized and in editing before the Aetherblades were a twinkle in Anet’s eyes, I wouldn’t expect them or the inquest to be linked to it at all.
I mention the book as a case for odd timing… why re-release a book with a title that given other evidence, lends that area of the map to be the source of the coming invasion…
(Stealing a running joke)
You had 6 points. Half of 6 is 3. Half and 3.
Half-life 3 confirmed!
The Sea of Sorrows is an old old book. I think it has been through three authors and two major re-writes now as well as delays and publisher issues. One consistent bit is that it is a prequel to GW2 of sorts that goes down about the time Orr rises and Zhaitan wakes up (The order of all three books is backwards chronologically).
Anything is possible I guess, but since this book was conceptualized and in editing before the Aetherblades were a twinkle in Anet’s eyes, I wouldn’t expect them or the inquest to be linked to it at all.
Unless the idea for the Aetherblades started with the book and they’ve been holding off on introducing them to the game until the book was ready.
I do think it’s more likely that the two are unconnected, but I guess we’ll have to wait and find out.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
To me, it appears that ANET has found an INGENIOUS way to slowly introduce new major content such as large scale map expansion.
Think of it carefully…
What better way to build up a mythos about a previously uncharted area of Tyria other than to slowly trickle in storyline surrounding a chain of events that would lead to the opening of said area?
We, through no fault of our own, have inadvertantly, invaded Sea of Sorrows. We did this as a place to find a home for Refugees whose lands had been destroyed by the Molten Alliance.
At first the Aetherblades (Which logically should be from Sea of Sorrows, given the fact that an airship invasion from any other direction would have been noticed) and Inquest took a wait and see approach in regards to Southsun.
Now, Southsun has been left in total disarray and the island is chaos. Due to like minded interests the Inquest and Aetherblades have joined forces to strike back, starting with assasination attempts on the LA Council.
Aetherblades want us out of there territory and the Inquest just do not want us discovering their experiments in Orr.
I tell you friends… ANET is using Living Story as a platform for launching large scale expansion…
I’d LOVE to hear what you all think about my theory?
Not to mention the fact that we will be having a scavenger hunt to search Tyria for Mariner’s Plaques… Which of course focus around? The main character in the “Sea of Sorrows” book!
I’m telling you peeps… hold on tight because we are in for a wild ride that I believe will culminate in a MASSIVE map expansion for Tyria!
And so many of you thought Living Story was useless!
To me, it appears that ANET has found an INGENIOUS way to slowly introduce new major content such as large scale map expansion.
Think of it carefully…
What better way to build up a mythos about a previously uncharted area of Tyria other than to slowly trickle in storyline surrounding a chain of events that would lead to the opening of said area?
We, through no fault of our own, have inadvertantly, invaded Sea of Sorrows. We did this as a place to find a home for Refugees whose lands had been destroyed by the Molten Alliance.
At first the Aetherblades (Which logically should be from Sea of Sorrows, given the fact that an airship invasion from any other direction would have been noticed) and Inquest took a wait and see approach in regards to Southsun.
Now, Southsun has been left in total disarray and the island is chaos. Due to like minded interests the Inquest and Aetherblades have joined forces to strike back, starting with assasination attempts on the LA Council.
Aetherblades want us out of there territory and the Inquest just do not want us discovering their experiments in Orr.
I tell you friends… ANET is using Living Story as a platform for launching large scale expansion…
I’d LOVE to hear what you all think about my theory?
I agree! Its an awesome way to build up towards really making Tyria a world that constantly emerges in the “Eternal Alchemy.”
Logically, it makes sense to make the Living World a spring board towards making Tyria a truly emergent world. Its like the LW builds up to a climax, where the climax is a large change in the story or future of Tyria.
Introducing the Sea of Sorrows will be the climax that the recent LW events are building towards.
Guild Wars 2 needs a Public Beta Environment
Will this arc culminate in August….say around the 28th?
I can see the island south of Claw Island being a candidate for a new zone, but anything north of Southsun Cove and anything west of Lion’s Arch is crossing into the Dominion of Winds, that’s Tengu territory and I doubt ArenaNet is going to allow us in there as a part of the living story. It’s not impossible though, can’t remember where I read this but ArenaNet did say that they were going to add in the Crystal Desert, Ring of Fire island chain, and the Isles of Janthir as free content so expanding into the Dominion of Winds doesn’t sound too unlikely.. would probably shatter any speculation to having the Tengu as a playable race since the Dominion of Winds is the last Tengu-controlled city in the world.
There’s also a chunk of land brancing from Sparkfly Fen and east of Southsun Cove and another island south of that.. though it’s quite far away from Lion’s Arch and not that big once you compare it to Southsun Cove. Maybe ArenaNet’s making Claw Island an explorable area?
Will this arc culminate in August….say around the 28th?
Very close, but no. All this will culminate in August 27th, when the final Sky Pirates patch is released (Unless they decided to make this storyline huge.)
Very close, but no. All this will culminate in August 27th, when the final Sky Pirates patch is released (Unless they decided to make this storyline huge.)
The sky-pirate patch is released on Tuesday, June 25th, that is over 2 months before August 27th.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
I think it’s a bad idea to jump to conclusions. If people get attached to a particular idea, and then the new content doesn’t actually match it they’re going to be disappointed, even if the new content is actually something they would normally like.
Personally though I think any new areas/open world PVE content is good.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
I wouldn’t get my hopes up for any Sea of Sorrows-related expansion until we see more of the Tengu first, as their city is very close to the Sea of Sorrows.
Will this arc culminate in August….say around the 28th?
I was thinking a major map expansion for the one year anniversary…
ANet using living story to launch expansions from…?
Yes, yes, and triple yes! That’s the best idea I’ve heard so far. I really hope Sky Pirates starts the story that will lead into the coming expansion — and the introduction of the Tengu!
I have this sneaky suspicion that ANet will announce the GW2 expansion somewhere around the 1st anniversary.