I finish "Monthly" before 9/3/13 updated?

I finish "Monthly" before 9/3/13 updated?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DivineSlasher.8762


I finished my Monthly before 9/3/13 update which is today, I log on today and saw my Monthly is 3/4 and it seem some of the Monthly is different now. What would happen if I finish 4/4 again? Is this how Anet intended or it need to be fix?

I finish "Monthly" before 9/3/13 updated?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TehPwnerer.7215


Once again people who get all the content done day 1 get rewarded. Someone finished it again today in my guild (who finished it yesterday previously) got the reward again. I’m sure once they “fix it” you’ll be able to get it done AGAIN too.

That really frustrates me. All I needed was one more daily completion to be done with the monthly and they go and reset all my freaking progress.

I finish "Monthly" before 9/3/13 updated?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


oh my god I was considering finishing it last night -_-

Oceanic [LOD]

I finish "Monthly" before 9/3/13 updated?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DivineSlasher.8762


I really dont want to finish today reset daily the reason why is that my monthly completionist is 3/4, if I finish it today it will also complete monthly again. Im afraid to finish the monthly 2nd time, can Anet personel gaveus some information what should we do?

I finish "Monthly" before 9/3/13 updated?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


I guess it would be acceptable to those who can’t get the extra 10 laurels to have 10 laurels taken away from those who did.

What a bunch of spoiled, entitled people who other than buying the game pay nothing to keep playing it.

You weren’t shafted, some people were fortunate. Deal.

It’s like ordering the veal and getting charged for the chicken or buying the regular edition of a film and finding the collector’s edition in the box. Mistakes happen, some people are lucky.

We are heroes. This is what we do!

RIP City of Heroes

I finish "Monthly" before 9/3/13 updated?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Stain.4169

The Stain.4169

My “problem” is a bit different.

I had three of the monthly categories completed….but with the patch it removed the “Group Event” category and the “Champions Killed” category. So now I only have “Monthly Events” completed…and it says I need to do three more categories.

I guess this isn’t the end of the world…but I find monthlies kind of tedious and I’m not all that eager to do it all again….after having it all basically completed.

Anet…..is this going to be corrected?

I finish "Monthly" before 9/3/13 updated?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461



After investigation by our programmers, they have determined that the fix to this issue would be too risky and could end up making the situation worse than it is. Unfortunately, this means that we’re not able to make changes to correct the issue. We’re sorry about this and we will be implementing ways to ensure this doesn’t happen in the future.


Oceanic [LOD]

I finish "Monthly" before 9/3/13 updated?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Syktek.7912


You will not get 10 laurels.

Vesper Dawnshield | Guardian

I finish "Monthly" before 9/3/13 updated?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


I guess it would be acceptable to those who can’t get the extra 10 laurels to have 10 laurels taken away from those who did.

What a bunch of spoiled, entitled people who other than buying the game pay nothing to keep playing it.

You weren’t shafted, some people were fortunate. Deal.

It’s like ordering the veal and getting charged for the chicken or buying the regular edition of a film and finding the collector’s edition in the box. Mistakes happen, some people are lucky.

ANet has already acknowledged that the reset was an unintended consequence. Did you expect people who logged out 3/4 would not notice, or noticing, would say nothing? Yeah, mistakes happen — and sometimes, they even get fixed. If it’s any consolation, I don’t care if people get ten more laurels than I did and ANet decides not to revert that, because taking stuff away is always going to generate anger — just look at the people who were 3/4 and got stuff taken away.

The “fairest” thing would be to allow 10 laurels for completing 4/x and another 10 for completing 6/x — this month only.

I finish "Monthly" before 9/3/13 updated?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: morrolan.9608



After investigation by our programmers, they have determined that the fix to this issue would be too risky and could end up making the situation worse than it is. Unfortunately, this means that we’re not able to make changes to correct the issue. We’re sorry about this and we will be implementing ways to ensure this doesn’t happen in the future.


Yet this has happened before. Where is the quality control?

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

I finish "Monthly" before 9/3/13 updated?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CreativeAnarchy.6324


I finished the first monthly specifically so I could get the karma jugs before the change. Happy I did.

I speak for my self and no one else. Only fools believe they speak for a majority.

I finish "Monthly" before 9/3/13 updated?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Snaekolf.5973


I was one day away from finishing the monthly….This is the second time I was screwed this patch. Wow.

Winslow Arden – 80 – Thief
Mintari Le Voss – 80 – Mesmer
Winslow Heer – 80 – Ranger

I finish "Monthly" before 9/3/13 updated?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TehPwnerer.7215


I was one day away from finishing the monthly….This is the second time I was screwed this patch. Wow.

Yep same. 3/4 and only needed 1 more daily to be completed for me to get my monthly done. Now I’m 0/4 and have to re-acquire everything. I’m about done with this BS game.

I finish "Monthly" before 9/3/13 updated?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: clint.5681


I was one day away from finishing the monthly….This is the second time I was screwed this patch. Wow.

Me too

Rangir Dangir – Ranger | Mr. Ragr- Guardian| Sneak Stab – Thief | Mr. Ragir- Warrior
[url=https://] [/url]

I finish "Monthly" before 9/3/13 updated?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I’m thinking of it a bit differently. People finished their MONTHLY on day two, mostly because of a specific LS event that made it super, super easy.

I’m pretty sure most people were quite happy to run invasions and farm farm farm and get the free month. It’s only the third day of the month. If you can finish it once while trying, just imagine how easy it will be to coast through the month and not worry about it, and get the monthly anyway.

I’m not thinking getting any of these four categories in a month is that hard for the reward offered.

Obviously the previous event artificially made the monthly even more easy than it already was.

I finish "Monthly" before 9/3/13 updated?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


Yet this has happened before. Where is the quality control?

quality control

be realistic plz

Oceanic [LOD]

I finish "Monthly" before 9/3/13 updated?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: azurrei.5691


I guess it would be acceptable to those who can’t get the extra 10 laurels to have 10 laurels taken away from those who did.

What a bunch of spoiled, entitled people who other than buying the game pay nothing to keep playing it.

You weren’t shafted, some people were fortunate. Deal.

It’s like ordering the veal and getting charged for the chicken or buying the regular edition of a film and finding the collector’s edition in the box. Mistakes happen, some people are lucky.

ANet has already acknowledged that the reset was an unintended consequence. Did you expect people who logged out 3/4 would not notice, or noticing, would say nothing? Yeah, mistakes happen — and sometimes, they even get fixed. If it’s any consolation, I don’t care if people get ten more laurels than I did and ANet decides not to revert that, because taking stuff away is always going to generate anger — just look at the people who were 3/4 and got stuff taken away.

The “fairest” thing would be to allow 10 laurels for completing 4/x and another 10 for completing 6/x — this month only.

I finished monthly #2 and DID NOT get 10 more laurels…XP, 50s, 6k karma jug (lol), 1 purple essence of luck, and 20 more coins

in other words, you are not missing much.

I finish "Monthly" before 9/3/13 updated?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Stain.4169

The Stain.4169

The fix is simple….simply give everyone who asks for it the rewards for the monthly…laurels, karma, etc.

Then if they chose to they can complete the monthly again for double reward…like those who timed it correctly have already done.

I think Anet is making a HUGE mistake just blowing this off. It is really going to kitten a lot of people off. The only reason I got my categories done so quickly was because of the Clockwork Chaos events. Since they are now over….I have to do that tedious crap allll over again?

I have always hated monthlies….now I get to do them twice. All I had to do to complete them was today’s daily….that was it.

Anet….you don’t want to just kiss this off. Trust me.

(edited by The Stain.4169)