(edited by Cloudwalkernz.1328)
I found everything I am looking for in GW2
well, I am having a blast there too, but let´s be fair. The feeling was the same when GW2 launched. We have to see if the awesomeness endures or if it is just the excitement of something new. For now, I am glad to have my ticket out of casual hell.
I don’t really see what the two games have in common. Different strokes for different folks, have fun.
I don’t really see what the two games have in common. Different strokes for different folks, have fun.
Telegraphs, for the most part, with dodging. Nothing ground breaking or “copied”. That said, GW2 content is simpler and easier, purposely designed so everybody can do it. Wildstar, on the otherhand, is the polar opposite – according to Carbine (WildStar devs) they only predict 1% of players to have any remote success in their 40 man raids.
GW2 has the advantage of having no sub fee. So I can leave for a few months to play WildStar, then just come back to do an update if an interesting one is released, then clear off back to WildStar.
“Dear ANet, nerf Paper, Scissors is fine. Sincerely, Rock”
Elysaurus | Warrior | [LOL] | League of the Legendary | Gandara (EU)
I, too will being moving on to WS. The last ~two years of GW2 has been great. However this isn’t the game I’m looking for, and I don’t like the direction it’s heading in. Anet made a fantastic game, but it’s not for me. Like other players have stated. The two games are complete opposites, and they attract different types of players.
Heavens Rage
Looking forward to Wildstar, planning on playing it, maybe couple of months after the release after all the reviews are out and bugs fixed.
From what I’ve seen the game looks fun and challenging, and quite refreshing compared to GW2. I’d definitely would love to play those raids, I want teamwork and organization back.
Why are you two then still here in the forums?
Nobody will miss you here in the forums.
I don’t get it, what’s the sense behind this kind of threads …is this a last try of hope that someone of the white knights comes to convince you out of a sudden to just stay here, or is ist just only *horing for attention or even trying to convince others to change the game indirectly with these kinds of threads ???
These kind of “goodbye/experience” threads from or to other games will get closed/deleted anyway as they provide nothing for a good discussion around this game.
You know, this is still a GW2 forum and not a WS forum >.>
well, if you care to read my history, I am a somewhat adamant defender of GW2 against a million unreasonable complaints. And I think my answer was quite balanced even now. Actually, I was kind of defending GW2, not posting a pure “goodbye”.
(edited by Algreg.3629)
I remember back during GW2s beta. Then we had more or less exactly the same posts on other forums but with GW2 instead of WildStar.
And when the next big MMO (most likely EverQuest Next) gets into open beta we will see the same on the Wildstar forums and so on.
It happens with every game.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
I dont think anyone had any real hopes ESO will be good.
I dont think anyone had any real hopes ESO will be good.
only the “GW2 needs to improve, the almighty TESO is coming!”-crowd in here :P
I dont think anyone had any real hopes ESO will be good.
Eso =/ Everquest Next
I tried wildstar:
instead of voice over there were hundreds of bubbles everywhere
in addition to it, UI was so big I didn’t see anything in the world.
The game runs smoothly? I play smoothly every game, yet Wildstar runs horrible on both max and min details.
I tried wildstar:
instead of voice over there were hundreds of bubbles everywhere
in addition to it, UI was so big I didn’t see anything in the world.The game runs smoothly? I play smoothly every game, yet Wildstar runs horrible on both max and min details.
The morale of this whole tale: different people like different games and experience different things with them.
I personally don’t care about the dialogues or story, or quests, or anything lore, I want “bad kitten ” battles.
It’s both Ncsoft so you will likely see the same type of cash-grabbing. On the other hand Wildstar seems to be more open about it. They have a cash-shop model with the requirement to buy or optional buy a subscription. You can also earn time ingame but I’m not sure if that’s really a good option.
Really if you don’t like what happened with GW2 you should not go play Wildstar and so effectively support the same company.
There are also other alternatives that seem to be even more like what GW2 said it would be. A game like AA for example. However I would not be surprise if that also will be a lot of grinding with there F2P model.
For me Wildstar don’t work. I have no problem with the cartoon style, that makes it more timeless. However it’s like they copied WoW and then did throw in aliens (bad fit imho). In addition they took a look at games like Team Fortress and tried to copy that humor. What is nice but I just don’t see it work in an MMORPG.
If none of that bothers you the combat might be fun idk. But then there is still WoW that has proven itself. Movement is however kinda outdated so that might be an pro on Wildstar vs WoW.
Still know that you are basically supporting the same company.
I personally don’t care about the dialogues or story, or quests, or anything lore, I want "bad kitten battles.
Try Battlefield?
I think in GW2 it’s mainly the teamwork that is missing. I do not know how that will be in Wildstar.
I tried WS. It entertained me for an hour or so before I found myself logging back into GW to get my daily. Have fun Glad you’ve found a home.
I think I have missed the beta, although I won’t suffer by buying a game and getting 30 days free. I’ll try it. Also heard it is much more demanding and team-focused than GW2. I’ll see, heard the premiere is on my birthday, 3 June!:)
I tried WS. It entertained me for an hour or so before I found myself logging back into GW to get my daily. Have fun
Glad you’ve found a home.
:P Now that is a man´s [fig.] post! I don´t understand why it always has to be game a vs. game b. In the end, every game is complete garbage and the best thing ever at the same time. As hard as we may try to define what makes a game good, most of it comes down to personal taste.
And why is this topic not on their forums? :o
And why is this topic not on their forums? :o
oh, it is, but of cause, you have to switch the GW2 position for WS and WS position for some next big upcoming thing :P
And why is this topic not on their forums? :o
I’ll try to guess, which is easy in this case if you think about.
The OP is a GW2 player and, after trying the beta of WS, he had some thoughts to share with his fellow GW2 community regarding the the composition of both GW2 and WS.
I personally don’t care about the dialogues or story, or quests, or anything lore, I want "bad kitten battles.
Try Battlefield?
I think in GW2 it’s mainly the teamwork that is missing. I do not know how that will be in Wildstar.
Huge raids and dungeons?
I tried WS and played it for hole like 5 min…that animation is just horrible.I deleted game and wont go there even when it turns to FTP
And why is this topic not on their forums? :o
oh, it is, but of cause, you have to switch the GW2 position for WS and WS position for some next big upcoming thing :P
I don’t think it’s fair to suggest that the people who make this sort of posts are the ones that jump from mmo to mmo. Sure it’s true that GW2 was lucky with not have many other mmo releases so far however it did. FF and ESO and I did not see many of those threads / comments then, much more now.
The thing is that people have been on the forums giving feedback to GW2 for almost two years now (including beta) and it has pretty much been ignored. People did ask for more raid-like content, people did ask for more hard content, people did ask for more specific roles to have more team-play, they asked for more horizontal progression. All pretty much ignored. The people are still here two years later so they did give Anet time. However at some point people stop waiting and of then another game comes by that promises those thinks and then people will move on.
I looked for a MMO to play for many years as I don’t like hopping from mmo to mmo. About half a year after release I become more active on the forums giving feedback. Back that most of the problems weren’t yet as big as now it where more warnings all ignored. Now we are getting to the point where I can say “I told yo so” however I would rather have that Anet did something with the feedback they got in stead of ignoring most of it.
For now I stay and have a look but also for me there will also be a moment that I won’t wait any longer if nothing changes. In that case my list of things an mmo (and it’s company) has to comply has become way longer.
I would love to see the good times I have had in GW2 with many guild-members relive but stuff really has to change for most of them to come back to GW2 as many of them seem to already have leaved for-good. And no many did not hop on to another MMO, they just got bored by GW2.
Since Wildstar was developed by members of the original WoW team, art style is not surprising.
The only cash shop item is a 1 month subscription that you can sell on the player marketplace. The drawback is it costs $20 for a $15 monthly subscription. So it’s PLEX like in purpose but is bought at a premium.
My biggest problem is rooting. After virtually no rooting in GW2 it’s jarring that I can’t attack on the move. It might be a limitation with the class I was running, Psi, I didn’t notice with a warrior since you are in melee, only moving with the telegraph suggests it.
In a world of a zillion fantasy MMOs, maybe a WoW looking SciFi MMO with a subscription will work. I will not be an early adopter, waiting to see the launch kinks get worked out as well as more definite info on things like the player market.
RIP City of Heroes
i think after 2 years of WS graphics you’ll been more done than you are now.
I personally don’t care about the dialogues or story, or quests, or anything lore, I want "bad kitten battles.
Try Battlefield?
I think in GW2 it’s mainly the teamwork that is missing. I do not know how that will be in Wildstar.
Huge raids and dungeons?
No, for the battles.
I suggested that it’s likely the teamwork you (and many now moving on to WS) are missing.
GW2 has dungeons but they do not require real teamwork making them boring pretty fast. And the world-bosses are supposed to be the raid stuff I guess but once again because of the way it’s set up teamwork is not a real option.
It’s something GW2 has to work on (and people have said that for over a year on this forum).
We need more defined roles. I am not necessarily taking about the holy trinity, there are many ways. You can make a role for minions, a role that helps to be sneaky and a portal role (just using classes that are already in the game) and with some good AI and level design you can make them an essential part of team-work. Of course there can also be tanks and healers or / and look at the way roles work in Pokemon. Different types have there own speciality and the one is strong against the other but weak against yet another (I do think it’s strange that I can fight a fire mob with fire in GW2, makes no sense). Put multiple types in a dungeon and don’t allow to switch classes from the initial group (one ranger leaves or one person from role x leaves and only a ranger or other person with the same role can come in). Then you can also make roles that are stronger against other roles while weaker against yet another role.
Then you would have teamwork and stuff would again get really interesting.
I can’t stand the combat system in Wowstar. It looks like Geometry Wars due to the telegraph system. What’s the point of having character models, particles, or animations if it’s all covered up by red and blue swatches? It’s for that, and the monthly sub that I will never play Wowstar, no matter how casual GW2 gets…
You all are foolish, Landstalker is where it’s at, I mean if you want jumping puzzles, look no further! Continues to mumble about how silly these posts are…….
And why is this topic not on their forums? :o
oh, it is, but of cause, you have to switch the GW2 position for WS and WS position for some next big upcoming thing :P
I don’t think it’s fair to suggest that the people who make this sort of posts are the ones that jump from mmo to mmo. Sure it’s true that GW2 was lucky with not have many other mmo releases so far however it did. FF and ESO and I did not see many of those threads / comments then, much more now.
The thing is that people have been on the forums giving feedback to GW2 for almost two years now (including beta) and it has pretty much been ignored. People did ask for more raid-like content, people did ask for more hard content, people did ask for more specific roles to have more team-play, they asked for more horizontal progression. All pretty much ignored. The people are still here two years later so they did give Anet time. However at some point people stop waiting and of then another game comes by that promises those thinks and then people will move on.
I looked for a MMO to play for many years as I don’t like hopping from mmo to mmo. About half a year after release I become more active on the forums giving feedback. Back that most of the problems weren’t yet as big as now it where more warnings all ignored. Now we are getting to the point where I can say “I told yo so” however I would rather have that Anet did something with the feedback they got in stead of ignoring most of it.
For now I stay and have a look but also for me there will also be a moment that I won’t wait any longer if nothing changes. In that case my list of things an mmo (and it’s company) has to comply has become way longer.
I would love to see the good times I have had in GW2 with many guild-members relive but stuff really has to change for most of them to come back to GW2 as many of them seem to already have leaved for-good. And no many did not hop on to another MMO, they just got bored by GW2.
The thing is, it is a good thing for Anet they did not listen to those players. GW2 is very succesful, it has a comparatively huge player base and it appeals to the people it was made for. GW2 oozes and breathes “casual”. Even with some additions for “hardcore” players, this will remain its heart and soul and it will always affect the “hardcore” content. Sure, they can give us insanely difficult challenges, but they can never make it worthwhile – otherwise, they would exclude their key audience of comparatively unskilled players. That is not a bad thing. GW2 is not a bad game. GW2 is just not for me, I hung on so long because of a mixture of nostalgia, friends starting with me at launch and then the typical MMORPG trap: “I have invested so much time, all will be wasted when I quit”-nonsense.
PS: What is it with this Wowstar nonsense? If anything, WS combat is closer to GW2 or maybe TSW/TERA and could not be further from WoW.
(edited by Algreg.3629)
And why is this topic not on their forums? :o
oh, it is, but of cause, you have to switch the GW2 position for WS and WS position for some next big upcoming thing :P
I don’t think it’s fair to suggest that the people who make this sort of posts are the ones that jump from mmo to mmo. Sure it’s true that GW2 was lucky with not have many other mmo releases so far however it did. FF and ESO and I did not see many of those threads / comments then, much more now.
The thing is that people have been on the forums giving feedback to GW2 for almost two years now (including beta) and it has pretty much been ignored. People did ask for more raid-like content, people did ask for more hard content, people did ask for more specific roles to have more team-play, they asked for more horizontal progression. All pretty much ignored. The people are still here two years later so they did give Anet time. However at some point people stop waiting and of then another game comes by that promises those thinks and then people will move on.
I looked for a MMO to play for many years as I don’t like hopping from mmo to mmo. About half a year after release I become more active on the forums giving feedback. Back that most of the problems weren’t yet as big as now it where more warnings all ignored. Now we are getting to the point where I can say “I told yo so” however I would rather have that Anet did something with the feedback they got in stead of ignoring most of it.
For now I stay and have a look but also for me there will also be a moment that I won’t wait any longer if nothing changes. In that case my list of things an mmo (and it’s company) has to comply has become way longer.
I would love to see the good times I have had in GW2 with many guild-members relive but stuff really has to change for most of them to come back to GW2 as many of them seem to already have leaved for-good. And no many did not hop on to another MMO, they just got bored by GW2.
The thing is, it is a good thing for Anet they did not listen to those players. GW2 is very succesful, it has a comparatively huge player base and it appeals to the people it was made for. GW2 oozes and breathes “casual”. Even with some additions for “hardcore” players, this will remain its heart and soul and it will always affect the “hardcore” content. Sure, they can give us insanely difficult challenges, but they can never make it worthwhile – otherwise, they would exclude their key audience of comparatively unskilled players. That is not a bad thing. GW2 is not a bad game. GW2 is just not for me, I hung on so long because of a mixture of nostalgia, friends starting with me at launch and then the typical MMORPG trap: “I have invested so much time, all will be wasted when I quit”-nonsense.
PS: What is it with this Wowstar nonsense? If anything, WS combat is closer to GW2 or maybe TSW/TERA and could not be further from WoW.
Define casual? But isn’t going for skins also defined casual by many people? Isn’t going for skins exactly what GW2 focuses on and so what player-base it focuses on.
That however is exactly what they monetize effectively taking it out of the game. No teamwork also gets boring for more casual players. Easy content also gets boring for casual players. The only thing I can come up with that would be really something for hardcore players if having to put a lot of time into the game. Well with all the gold-grind and LS that keeps coming up that might be more something for the hardcore player then for the casual.
They indeed try to focus on the casual player, and then they try monetize exactly that effectively taking away the game-play for those people.
So I have to disagree with you on that. It’s not so great for many casual gamers any-more and Anet could have fixed that by listening to the feedback.
About the raids and so on. Yes if you just want hard raids then there is also WoW, of course stuff is different in Wildstar and so it is in every game.
I heard the skill system is also quite similar to the one in GW1, which is a huge selling point for me.
I like theorycrafting, making builds, both competitive and gimmicky for fun, GW2 doesn’t offer this.
I also love hardcore instances, like the ones we had in GW1, UW/DoA/FoW/Urgoz/The Deep, I hoped they’d return in GW2, but nothing similar did, instead we get “mash one button” zerg """"""""""content"""""""""".
PS: What is it with this Wowstar nonsense? If anything, WS combat is closer to GW2 or maybe TSW/TERA and could not be further from WoW.
Looks, not mechanics. Very stylized, “cartoon like” world and races.
RIP City of Heroes
I don’t think it’s fair to suggest that the people who make this sort of posts are the ones that jump from mmo to mmo. Sure it’s true that GW2 was lucky with not have many other mmo releases so far however it did. FF and ESO and I did not see many of those threads / comments then, much more now.
Is it really so hard to accept a lot of people like Gw2 as is?
Gw2 had to fight a lot more then 2 releases and each and every time there were threads about how the new MMO was going to make the player base jump ship.
Tera, The secret world, ESO, FFXIV, Neverwinter, rift going F2P, dragon prophet, Raiderz, Swtor going F2P, age of wushu, darkfall unholy wars,
not to mention the many minor/different genre blockbasters releases like city of steam and planetside2.
And to mention expansion packs for other popular MMOs.
The problem with listening to player’s feedback is you’ll always get two polar opposites:
-We need raid content
-No to raids I dont have the time to be a dedicated raid player and so no guild will ever have me.
- we need more hard content
- Tequalt is ridiculous, its impossible to win unless you’re in one of these organize servers
- we need the trinity back
- no to the trinity
Arenanet do the sensible thing they try to design content that addresses player needs without ruining for other people that like the opposite stuff.
Tequalt and the Wurm for example, requires raid like co-ordination to succeed but casuals can still join and contribute.
The marionette arena was a good example of content that required co-ordination without introducing the trinity. When you were lucky to share the arena with a group that knew the game is not just DPS fights went smoothly and we’d be done with enough time to spare that we’d do a commentary of how the fight of our lane was going for the people outside.
Unfortunately a lot of people seem to forget this is an MMO and in an MMO you have a great variety of people who like different things. If people dont get exactly what they ask for letter for letter then its Anet not listening to a single suggestion we give cause you know Tequalt and Wurm arent hard content, or content that requires co-ordination etc..
I tried WS and played it for hole like 5 min…that animation is just horrible.I deleted game and wont go there even when it turns to FTP
Beyond horrible. I don’t care how good a game is. Buzz Lightyear cartoon characters are not an option.
Define casual? But isn’t going for skins also defined casual by many people? Isn’t going for skins exactly what GW2 focuses on and so what player-base it focuses on.
That however is exactly what they monetize effectively taking it out of the game. No teamwork also gets boring for more casual players. Easy content also gets boring for casual players. The only thing I can come up with that would be really something for hardcore players if having to put a lot of time into the game. Well with all the gold-grind and LS that keeps coming up that might be more something for the hardcore player then for the casual.
They indeed try to focus on the casual player, and then they try monetize exactly that effectively taking away the game-play for those people.
So I have to disagree with you on that. It’s not so great for many casual gamers any-more and Anet could have fixed that by listening to the feedback.
About the raids and so on. Yes if you just want hard raids then there is also WoW, of course stuff is different in Wildstar and so it is in every game.
Oh, I don´t completely disagree with you. In fact, I believe every player would enjoy challenging content over a boringly easy one if he would give it a try and enjoy improving himself. But that is no longer how players work, gaming audience is a subset of society and and an achiever mindset in any field is viewed with hatred and suspicion today, certainly not to be emulated.
To me “casual” is not very useful term really. It used to mean limited time and not arranging your personal life around a game schedule. It never meant necessarily being a bad player. So many of those “casuals” enjoyed challenges, understood games and had relevant skills. And some didn´t – just like there are good and bad players who play 24/7.
But the term casual has been hijacked exclusively by bad players, it is the trick card to demand freebies in gaming forums. Why should I bother to understand what skill X does? Why should I bother what traits do? I cannot dodge that big red telegraph with 2 seconds delay because I have a full time job! That is not a matter of time, but of mindset. So yeah, I guess, casual signifies bad player these days.
Was it challenging because it was challenging or because it’s new and you haven’t run it 1000 times already?
RIP City of Heroes
Wildstar was quite the dissapointment for me, it is just another classic MMO, nothing really new in terms of gameplay… If I had to pick a game that piqued my interest it’d be Black Desert, really good graphics and interesting gameplay
and seriously, graphics as bad as Wildstar’s are a big NO for me.
PS: What is it with this Wowstar nonsense? If anything, WS combat is closer to GW2 or maybe TSW/TERA and could not be further from WoW.
Looks, not mechanics. Very stylized, “cartoon like” world and races.
It’s more to due with the structure of the overall game, not the combat or visuals. Most of it is linked back to the sub fee. When a game is designed and planned for a subscription, features, mechanics, etc are all affected from a business standpoint. Things like rested exp get built in to the core leveling system, incentivising you to NOT play the game for a period of time, yet you are still required to pay the sub fee for that time. Daily lockouts for everything from dungeons to crafting. Weekly lockouts for raids. exclusive/low drop rate items like the Time Lost Protodrake (WoW) are sprinkled around the game to tease people in to playing for insane amounts of time to get. What’s the common theme? Artificially inflate the amount of time you have to play (and thus pay the sub fee) to do anything in the game, without adding much in the way of substance. Because real substantive game content requires actual work on the part of the artists and designers. It’s a perfectly valid business practice, but it just makes for a crappy gaming experience in my opinion.
Also, the questing system is practically the same as WoW. NPCs gathered in a small hub with exclamation marks over their heads. Every quest is exactly the same. Go here, kill 10 rats. Go there, gather 10 rat tails. Go here, escort a rat. Go there, protect a rat while it does rat things. That crap bores me to tears. At least GW2 removed the middle man and rolled it all in to a comprehensive heart task.
Also also, moving around the environment without things like swiftness bores me to tears. Oh but wait there’s mounts? Okay so that means I have to grind through the oppressive rested exp-fueled exclamation mark questing system for 900 hours and use every penny I earn to buy a mount that probably wont even be the fastest mount. I think GW2 proved we don’t need mounts in MMOs. I hope they go the way of the dodo.
Also also also, I have yet to play a non-guild wars MMO that has satisfying pvp (for me at least). There is always a disparity between people with twinked out awesome gear and others. Or better yet, special pvp gear that requires a separate grind. For Wowstar in particular, I haven’t been able to find a good video of pvp or warplots, but I’m very skeptical of the telegraphing system when you start having 4, 5, and 6 players blasting each other. At what point does it just become a stupid red/blue clusterfrack of squares and triangles? I haven’t done research recently in to Wowstar pvp though, because I’ve already pretty much signed off that I don’t like that game. Feel free to correct me.
It’s funny, Saturday my son (who’s 11) was looking around for a new game to play and came across WildStar and thought it looked interesting. He asked if he could download it so I mentioned that it was going to be a subscription game… he’d have to pay every month to play it. He lost interest in a heartbeat. Good kid there.
Not sure why everyone thinks Black Desert looks so nice. I think it looks absurdly terrible. High poly and high res textures don’t make up for terrible animation and a really deadpan art style. It hits my eyes like a rotting salmon. And honestly those same issues are what drive me nuts about ESO even more so than the really bland gameplay.
Not really sure WS can survive as a sub game, it’s too niche. Action RPG with intentionally overtuned raids for end game. Not buyin’ it, ba-dum tss.
Honestly the best end game I ever played was 2003+ Ultima Online. Put all the significant bosses in nonconsentual PVP areas and make the guilds fight over them like ravenous dogs. Make the entire economy dependent on the drops. The rise of hyperzerg war guilds that hate eachother more than real life enemy nations. Recipe for a 30 year profitable game xD
(edited by Asgaeroth.6427)
I don’t think it’s fair to suggest that the people who make this sort of posts are the ones that jump from mmo to mmo. Sure it’s true that GW2 was lucky with not have many other mmo releases so far however it did. FF and ESO and I did not see many of those threads / comments then, much more now.
Is it really so hard to accept a lot of people like Gw2 as is?
Gw2 had to fight a lot more then 2 releases and each and every time there were threads about how the new MMO was going to make the player base jump ship.
Tera, The secret world, ESO, FFXIV, Neverwinter, rift going F2P, dragon prophet, Raiderz, Swtor going F2P, age of wushu, darkfall unholy wars,
not to mention the many minor/different genre blockbasters releases like city of steam and planetside2.
And to mention expansion packs for other popular MMOs.
The problem with listening to player’s feedback is you’ll always get two polar opposites:
-We need raid content
-No to raids I dont have the time to be a dedicated raid player and so no guild will ever have me.- we need more hard content
- Tequalt is ridiculous, its impossible to win unless you’re in one of these organize servers- we need the trinity back
- no to the trinityetc…
Arenanet do the sensible thing they try to design content that addresses player needs without ruining for other people that like the opposite stuff.
Tequalt and the Wurm for example, requires raid like co-ordination to succeed but casuals can still join and contribute.
The marionette arena was a good example of content that required co-ordination without introducing the trinity. When you were lucky to share the arena with a group that knew the game is not just DPS fights went smoothly and we’d be done with enough time to spare that we’d do a commentary of how the fight of our lane was going for the people outside.
Unfortunately a lot of people seem to forget this is an MMO and in an MMO you have a great variety of people who like different things. If people dont get exactly what they ask for letter for letter then its Anet not listening to a single suggestion we give cause you know Tequalt and Wurm arent hard content, or content that requires co-ordination etc..
Well define ‘a lot’ but lets take initial sales (and how many people liked GW2 the first 6 months) as 100% and a lot being then at least 75%.
Looking at GW1’s expansions sales that in fact stayed around 100% (some might have left but new might have come in)
No it’s not hard to accept but it is hard to believe. I think < 50% of the people that where really liked GW2 back then still like is that much. Most will have dislikes and would like to see elements different to make it more fun. You think it’s still a lot. Well we both can’t really know.
“Gw2 had to fight a lot more then 2 releases and each and every time there were threads about how the new MMO was going to make the player base jump ship.”
Been active here for over a year now and no I have not see many of those threads.. I did see threads like “if x does not change people will jump over when another game comes around”. I am also not sure what other releases you are talking about. I did forget about Neverwinter but the other games you name don’t really count. TSW was released around the same time as GW2, I did mention ESO and FF, rift and Swtor was older and only went F2P (what is not a good sign), the other games you mentioned are no big names and / or not at all comparable to GW2.
-We need raid content
-No to raids I don’ t have the time to be a dedicated raid player and so no guild will ever have me.
And then they listen to the ‘no raid’? How about if you don’t have time you don’t do them?
- we need more hard content
- Tequalt is ridiculous, its impossible to win unless you’re in one of these organize servers
Main complain about Tequatl I have seen is that it needs organization but that’s not easy to organize on a map. For sure there might have been people who complained about it but that never really sicked very long (so not much support)
- we need the trinity back
- no to the trinity
More hearth complain is that everything is dps and so comes down to just smashing keys missing teamwork. So make more specific roles. That do not have to be the trinity roles.
The threads that keep sticking are usually not the No trinity vs trinity but the ones that can easily make both groups happy.
The way they do it makes both groups unhappy, as your own examples show. You mean it as positives but many complains about Teq are that organized groups have troubles killing it because of pugs.
The marionette, you say yourself “if you get in a good group”. Now you see why some people want raids? So they can compare the groups themselves.
I’m not familiar with the monthly fee system, but, I guess I’d be willing to pay Arena Net to finally fix the WvW after 2 years of waiting.
I honestly can understand why ppl would like to change this game as soon as something else appears. ANet sadly has not offered anything worth in 2 years now. Just random temporary buggy glitchy laggy and overall bad designed content.
Sry if anyone from ANet reads this but that’s just the truth and the majority of your player base undeniably agrees with that (the ones that still play it). We already know your EU income has gone 50% almost compared to last year.
Same PvE..same quests, same systems overall with small cosmetic changes, same skills with 1-2 added that almost no one uses….WvW unchanged and in general going worst with each season they do..less and less ppl. More and more farming combined with the most draconic dropsystem in any mmo game ever made (and i dare any of u to come out with an mmo that is the same or worst), PvP is a game mod that very few play yet (compared to PvE / WvW playerbase) it gets more attention then all others, dungeons are lame and have nothing special about them (usually in other mmos u do dungeons for related items…here besides some skins u only need to unlock 1 time u don’t need them).
The reasons for wanting to change this game as soon as possible are piling up quite fast and there aren’t enough signs of a valid huge expansion to solve this problem any time soon.
I really wanted to like Wildstar, I mean, come on—HOVERBOARDS!
But when I got access to CBT and OBT, the questing was just—blegh! GW2 kinda spoiled me on that, and I went around killing stuff without doing the quests.
The clincher was PvP. When I queued for BGs, the battle was just a mess. I had to laugh at the overly cluttered telegraph system as everyone was just painting the ground red and green.
So many people said that about Guild wars 2 every game so far when it launched.