I got quite confused at the AMA

I got quite confused at the AMA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Agenteusa.6380



First let me start by saying that I always have been defending ANet (sometimes too vigorously) through all the latest complaint posts and accusations.

My position on vertical progression is quite mixed but lately (and I never played GW1) I understand some players that defend the theory that games shouldn’t evolve in stats as I realized after years and years of HC raiding in the other “oh-so mentioned mmo” that I really don’t want to do more X dmg so that the boss has more Y dmg. Really doesn´t make sense. (I had a laidback opinion on this some days ago yes).

I still try to keep my hope alive at doing it but that AMA sure got me confused and worried.

1 – I don’t think Chris or ANet prepared themselves properly for the questions which I find weird unless they really don’t read anything on the forums. I mean most of the questions answered are we are looking into it and even those they decided their philosophy on are being answered with a “we are looking into it” answer.
At this point Chris should be prepared and with all info to be able to disclose a path of progression on GW2 cause at the moment I’m really not sure what to invest on.

Should I go for legendary as I already have the precursor? Dunno cause 15 days from now it could be much easier to obtain and I will feel kinda ripped.

Should I farm for X or Y tokens? Again don’t know as they might be coming by larger bunches.

These are examples of questions that should have been answered and mind you they were asked but they got poorly replied to.

I don’t foresee any “end of the world” nor this is that kind of thread but the indications from that AMA kinda remind me of SWTOR and how it ended up. Now ANet is much more experienced than Bioware at making mmo’s so I clearly was expecting more insightful answers.

What do you guys think?

Did you get a sense of fulfillment out of the AMA?

PS I know there’s a thread about the AMA but since I wanted to get some opinions I know after 3-4 posts the chain would be lost so I hope you understand that.

I got quite confused at the AMA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Narkosys.5173


Should I play guildwars 2?
Looking into it. Lol
The only real hope is that they communicate more openly in a timely fashion. That AMA was a joke.
Until I see how they actually implement stuff no way am I playing this game. I cant trust them to do anything right or what changes are happening.
Who knows maybe fractals will be the only way to get ascend gear and they are blowing smoke?

I got quite confused at the AMA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Galen Grey.4709

Galen Grey.4709

I personally think people are being a bit too focused on details rather the big picture. Yes a lot of things are currently in flux, From the AmA I get that the crafting requirements of Ascended gear are likely to go down. I personally dont like to play the game goal oriented, I play what I enjoy and then use that to get rewards so maybe for me its easier to say. But if you’re worried about spending more then you have to on items, why dont you just play the game and for now just hang on to the materials for a while. If the price goes down you might end up having to get 2 armor pieces instead of 1 if they dont go down you can then just craft it when you feel you’ve waited enough!

I think that decisions in Gw2 seem to be taken between teams and that might cause things to be in flux until an agreement is reached! And it does make sense, from a crafting perspective someone might say ohh lets lower the requirements to craft say an exotic weapon for example. But then a team from dungeons might go no, that will make crafting a much more alluring way to get an exotic weapon and that will hurt dungeon running … just an example… So I can understand there is a lot more then just coming up with a good idea before you nail down a decision. Different departments have to look at every change and see how that change might effect the part of the game they’re responsable for ! Seeing how people tend to focus on everything said and hold it like an unbreakable promise I understand why he didnt want to commit to things that were yet ot be set in stone!

I got quite confused at the AMA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CC Ivonne.6782

CC Ivonne.6782

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