(edited by Lady Loony.9314)
Ouch. I feel for you, but I’d seriously recommend removing his name from your post before a mod does it for you.
Sorry this happened but you should remove the display name from your post as naming and shaming is against forum rules. You reported the scam and that is all you can do. You won’t get your gold back. Anet may suspend the person based on evidence you provided but posting here will not result in any action against them.
(edited by JustTrogdor.7892)
thank you guys, I appreciate the heads up. name removed.
Selling dungeons/instances is not supported by Anet.
Have a nice day.
That sucks, people are unbelievable sometimes. I’ve just been going over the Gates missions for AP so too bad I didn’t see your lfgs
(would have done it for free)
Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?
I hope you find someone more reliable to do the quests. It can be hard knowing when to pay for help, before/after the event but there are a lot of players out there who can be trusted and are really fair. You just copped a kitten head. Hope you get it resolved.
OP, don’t let one bad apple ruin your fun or spoil your trusting nature. In this game that person is the exception to the rule. If you are still having trouble with the achievements then I’m willing to offer my help and could maybe drag some guildies along too.
Oh and no, we don’t want any money from you. I’m usually online after 8pm BST so mail or whisper me if you like.
Welcome to the Internet, exposing characters since the early 80’s.
Anyone looking to help wouldn’t be intent on getting paid upfront anyways. If you run into greedy people like that and they insist on payments upfront for their ‘so called’ help; You have every right to refuse and look for someone more willing to help. And there’s more than enough people who’d be willing to help, just don’t get too desperate. Or.. this happens unfortunately.
(edited by mXz.4512)
Well, you reported him, and everything you and he wrote in chat are recorded.
ANet will always act on chat records.
That is atleast what they officially tell us, they might use other methods too, but are not allowed to tell about them in detail.
I rarely do PvP or Hard PvE, unless it’s organized.
I already know some people will get on this post and laugh, maybe even say some mean things like “you’re an idiot” or “you’re so stupid” but…
That wouldn’t be very nice. I’d hoped that the forum community would be a bit more eloquent than that.
so I advertised 15g for achievment help.
15 gold? Honestly I’d help you for free. If you’re on the EU region, you can just invite me when we’re both online again.
Selling dungeons/instances is not supported by Anet.
Have a nice day.
Well he was technically buying :P
Qayin to help offset the cost of you running into a not so friendly person I just sent you an in game mail with 7.5 gold. It is only half what you lost, but better than losing it all.
how do you know if OP is not trying to get your money? he didnt prove anything yet
how do you know if OP is not trying to get your money? he didnt prove anything yet
I don’t but there is no harm in being kind to someone when I can easily afford it. If the OP is truly trying to get my gold oh well. However, if the OP truly got burned by someone and I can help, I hope it makes things a tiny bit better. I’m willing to take that chance. Kindness often comes at a risk but it is a risk I am willing to live with.
report the guy. do you have a screenshot?
you could go through the support page → submit a request(top right corner)
you can then include your screenshot and tell them what happenend.
Qayin to help offset the cost of you running into a not so friendly person I just sent you an in game mail with 7.5 gold. It is only half what you lost, but better than losing it all.
That was a lovely thing to do.
thank you everyone for the kind words and mental support. I am not trolling, this actually happened, feel free to add me (I’m on gates of madness server) and you can ask any of my friends who can tell you I am an honest person. I have no reason to make stuff up, especially something this serious. I even posted the person’s user name until I was advised to remove it. but I’m not going to defend myself here, I have no reason to. JustTrogdor I got your message, that helps alot, thank you so much. and Spirited, that sounds awesome, I would love that very much. all of you are proof that there are people in the mmo community with a soul, thanks everyone. =)
how do you know if OP is not trying to get your money? he didnt prove anything yet
I don’t but there is no harm in being kind to someone when I can easily afford it. If the OP is truly trying to get my gold oh well. However, if the OP truly got burned by someone and I can help, I hope it makes things a tiny bit better. I’m willing to take that chance. Kindness often comes at a risk but it is a risk I am willing to live with.
So lets look at it this way. The potential scammer from OP post was only a random person and OP was kind enough to present him 15g. This is very nice of him and he should share his gold with more community members
how do you know if OP is not trying to get your money? he didnt prove anything yet
No ones allowed to post anything publicly incriminating someone ingame or call them out, so how could he prove it?
And if you were in his situation, anyone could easily say the same. So attempting to discredit what someone says is a waste.
We don’t know if OP is telling truth. He only claims things.
We don’t know if OP is telling truth. He only claims things.
Same goes for anyone else.
We don’t know if OP is telling truth. He only claims things.
Same goes for anyone else.
Exactly. Never trust people on the internets. Never.
you’re right, you don’t know if I am being honest, just trolling, or just trying to get gold from people. the fact is whether you believe me or not it does not change my situation, and it doesn’t change what happened at all. to take a screenshot did not dawn on me at the time, and when a friend suggested I take a screenshot I didn’t know how to, and by the time I figured it out I had already talked to so many people that I couldn’t scroll up and screenshot it, so no I do not have any physical proof of my claim, all that matters at this point is that anet sees this and gets my complaint that I sent. but… let’s say I am trolling or that I am just trying to get gold, this should solve it right here: PLEASE DO NOT SEND ME ANY GOLD, I DO NOT WANT IT, I WILL ONLY RETURN IT BACK TO YOU, BUT THANK YOU FOR BEING THOUGHTFUL. there, better?
if you dont have a screenshot, anet can check the chat logs for what was said.
I still advise you to submit a report through support -> submit a request
We don’t know if OP is telling truth. He only claims things.
Same goes for anyone else.
Exactly. Never trust people on the internets. Never.
There’s a little something called ‘benefit of a doubt’ by the way. And knowing cruel people exist. What if life imitated art and everything was only an illusion, that everyone only existed in a bubble and fed false information their whole life and your eyes only let you see what you were told to believe?
We don’t know if OP is telling truth. He only claims things.
Same goes for anyone else.
Exactly. Never trust people on the internets. Never.
There’s a little something called ‘benefit of a doubt’ by the way. And knowing cruel people exist. What if life imitated art and everything was only an illusion, that everyone only existed in a bubble and fed false information their whole life and your eyes only let you see what you were told to believe?
What….life isn’t that??
Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?
just make a report if you haven’t. people will only troll you here.
Archeage = Farmville with PK
We don’t know if OP is telling truth. He only claims things.
Same goes for anyone else.
Exactly. Never trust people on the internets. Never.
There’s a little something called ‘benefit of a doubt’ by the way. And knowing cruel people exist. What if life imitated art and everything was only an illusion, that everyone only existed in a bubble and fed false information their whole life and your eyes only let you see what you were told to believe?
The argument of “benefit of the doubt” is kind of ironic if OP situation is true, don’t you think?
if you dont have a screenshot, anet can check the chat logs for what was said.
I still advise you to submit a report through support “submit a request”
While OP should absolutely do that (he is going to need things like the average time this happened and a character names when he does), it should be noted that ArenaNet doesn’t return gold or items lost to scams that is just their policy. They will, however, take action against scammers if appropriate.
Nice that some sent you the gold back. I’m telling you, overall, the Guild Wars 2 community is awesome. Again, don’t let jerks get you down.
(edited by Ardenwolfe.8590)
We don’t know if OP is telling truth. He only claims things.
Same goes for anyone else.
Exactly. Never trust people on the internets. Never.
There’s a little something called ‘benefit of a doubt’ by the way. And knowing cruel people exist. What if life imitated art and everything was only an illusion, that everyone only existed in a bubble and fed false information their whole life and your eyes only let you see what you were told to believe?
not sure if you need to read more or less Descartes.
We’re all just brains in a vat, man. Don’t fear the reaper.
overall the community is nice. the only thing that I want to come of this is for the person to get reprimanded. someone from this post sent me some gold and I sent it back. someone is helping me get the achievments which is awesome, though that person I dont think knows anything about this post. its not about the currency, its about people being treated badly and taken advatgae of. I am sure anet will handle this properly.
How about if everyone here donates 10 to 50 silver to OP? I’ll serve as middle man, to ensure he doesn’t run off with your donations…
How about if everyone here donates 10 to 50 silver to OP? I’ll serve as middle man, to ensure he doesn’t run off with your donations…
That’s great idea! Community members should help each other to get better and have fun together. About your idea, I think you will be collecting cash and will keep it safe in the vault so you won’t get robbed. And after we collected enough, we can send it to the OP and make a post here with screenshot of our celebration. OMG there is no game like this and no community like gw2 community.!
Pls take me with you, I want to participate in helping OP getting back his money.
How about if everyone here donates 10 to 50 silver to OP? I’ll serve as middle man, to ensure he doesn’t run off with your donations…
That’s great idea! Community members should help each other to get better and have fun together. About your idea, I think you will be collecting cash and will keep it safe in the vault so you won’t get robbed. And after we collected enough, we can send it to the OP and make a post here with screenshot of our celebration. OMG there is no game like this and no community like gw2 community.!
Pls take me with you, I want to participate in helping OP getting back his money.
That’s awfully nice of you and i even believe it since you just wrote this in the other thread about the community being nice.
“Not really. Success driven communty heads towards elitism. Time spent together on playing is much more valuble than virtual currency or any other reward.
THis is why GW2 is great. It has only skilled players but winning is not the goal. Fun always wins.”
How about if everyone here donates 10 to 50 silver to OP? I’ll serve as middle man, to ensure he doesn’t run off with your donations…
That’s great idea! Community members should help each other to get better and have fun together. About your idea, I think you will be collecting cash and will keep it safe in the vault so you won’t get robbed. And after we collected enough, we can send it to the OP and make a post here with screenshot of our celebration. OMG there is no game like this and no community like gw2 community.!
Pls take me with you, I want to participate in helping OP getting back his money.
That’s awfully nice of you and i even believe it since you just wrote this in the other thread about the community being nice.
“Not really. Success driven communty heads towards elitism. Time spent together on playing is much more valuble than virtual currency or any other reward.
THis is why GW2 is great. It has only skilled players but winning is not the goal. Fun always wins.”
Thank you! I hope everyone appreciates our efforts to make world of Tyria better
Indeed, gw2’s community is the best! Now, who should i send the 50 silver to?
I can’t wait to see the post with the screenshot you mentioned, krzygum…
And yes, i play [Teef] :)
(edited by Reem.3578)
-hugs Qayin- That’s horrible. People like that don’t deserve to play MMOs… I would beat the cr@p out of that person with a banhammer.
-hugs Qayin- That’s horrible. People like that don’t deserve to play MMOs… I would beat the cr@p out of that person with a banhammer.
That’s harsh. Every player is a human being and deserves respect. Punishment should be a lesson, not a stigma. Stay classy.
That’s harsh. Every player is a human being and deserves respect. Punishment should be a lesson, not a stigma. Stay classy.
A player like that doesn’t deserve respect but that’s my opinion and therefore it doesn’t matter. Anet is classy enough, lol.
Indeed, gw2’s community is the best!
Now, who should i send the 50 silver to?
I can’t wait to see the post with the screenshot you mentioned, krzygum…
Any perceived jokes aside, I’ll be middle man, seriously. I’ll post screens of every incoming mail of everyone who donated, and when the sum is complete, I’ll post the screen of my Griffon Carrier delivering the coin to OP.
That’s harsh. Every player is a human being and deserves respect. Punishment should be a lesson, not a stigma. Stay classy.
A player like that doesn’t deserve respect but that’s my opinion and therefore it doesn’t matter. Anet is classy enough, lol.
Every people deserves respect. If you want to harass him for his potential “crime” this is lynch law. Players don’t have evidence of what happened and only anet can solve this They are professionals and never make mistakes.
Every people deserves respect. If you want to harass him for his potential “crime” this is lynch law. Players don’t have evidence of what happened and only anet can solve this They are professionals and never make mistakes.
And that is exactly why I said my opinion doesn’t matter. Because I’m not Anet staff. But I have the right to share my honest opinion and that’s what I did. I don’t care if I’m harsh or rude, that is my opinion and no one can change it. I don’t really understand your problem…
I’ve met people in real life like the person who tricked the OP. Very often just being that person and having to live their life is a greater punishment than anything anyone else could do to them.
Imagine if you cheated and stole from everyone you met? If you judged people by your own standards how could you trust anyone? How could you ever have real friends? Let’s not forget all the confrontation when your victims find you and that’s before any punishment dealt out by people in authority.
Let them have their small victories and pity them for thinking they’re winning.
Welcome to the Internet, exposing characters since the early 80’s.
Every people deserves respect. If you want to harass him for his potential “crime” this is lynch law. Players don’t have evidence of what happened and only anet can solve this They are professionals and never make mistakes.
And that is exactly why I said my opinion doesn’t matter. Because I’m not Anet staff. But I have the right to share my honest opinion and that’s what I did. I don’t care if I’m harsh or rude, that is my opinion and no one can change it. I don’t really understand your problem…
Being nice improves community. If you want to behave rude you are hurting our community and rude behaviour may lead to reports and a suspension. Remember this and stay classy. Better us, better game. We have to act responsible. We are parts of the best game and the best community i nthe world
That’s harsh. Every player is a human being and deserves respect. Punishment should be a lesson, not a stigma. Stay classy.
A player like that doesn’t deserve respect but that’s my opinion and therefore it doesn’t matter. Anet is classy enough, lol.
Every people deserves respect. -snip-.
Nice sentiment. Too bad you cant take your own advice judging from all your trolling in this thread….a post made by someone that already feels bad enough :/
That’s harsh. Every player is a human being and deserves respect. Punishment should be a lesson, not a stigma. Stay classy.
A player like that doesn’t deserve respect but that’s my opinion and therefore it doesn’t matter. Anet is classy enough, lol.
Every people deserves respect. -snip-.
Nice sentiment. Too bad you cant take your own advice judging from all your trolling in this thread….a post made by someone that already feels bad enough :/
Thanks for the quote. Now I see I should have typed “every person” not “every people” sorry for my mistake and thank you for poiting this out.
To the person collecting money for OP. How much have you gathered already? How is our great community responding? I will send you a lot of gold once I get home and log in into the game.
Okay, I don’t know why people are picking on me, this is ridiculous… Maybe I’m not a super polite person but I just posted my opinion to defend the OP. If you don’t like the way I express my honesty, just ignore me. I did not do anything bad! Seriously, what the hell? : /