I had a dream about dyes on weapons
I would love to be able to dye weapons. At least parts of them.
loading 2 volcanus’ with different flame colours would require 2 different models, its going to get heavy in zergs tbh, however i see no problem on having this option on some weapons, other weapons like the mystic weps already have counterparts not all weps in GW1 were dyeable. i would be quite tough looking at it to add this feature to the game, they’d have to completely rework the models for each weapon to correlate with the dye system
Current Season – Platinum (Soloq)
Retired GW2 ESL Tournament Admin
I see you know what you re talking about but i played other mmos where you change wep colors by that “sliding color bar” and it opens so many opcional colors that i doubt they had done what you saying.
Maybe in gw2 they forgot ppl someday would start thinking about changing weapons color.
Maybe anet have something to say i dont know.
well tbh its the texture they use, if they did use the texture that can be coloured originally it means they have to change it, and due to the politics inside a company this kind of update would take from an idea months to go through :C so i cant see them doing it, im just disappointed they didnt think of this originally when they were supposed to think about it.
Current Season – Platinum (Soloq)
Retired GW2 ESL Tournament Admin
I don’t think we should be allowed to dye stuff like the blade on SAB skins because the yellow SAB skins show your achievement, and frankly, it may even have techno cal problems. What would the blade on Sunriselook like if we dyed it black?
But I think you should be able to due certain parts of certain weapons, like say, the hilt on Sunrise if you wanted a black hilt to match your armour.
Exactly Xae Isareth, as i said in first post box wep and other “leet” wepons should have their proper and unique colors. On the other hand, most of craftable wepons with nice glow and effects should be color optional cause nowadays with ascended wep , i dont see ppl crafting Vision of the mist , volcanus etc cause it does not fit every class and some of them are too expensive to craft only for their old skin.
Well that was a ideia that i have had since i have started the game, that customizable side of it that dyes brougth to us should be extended to the weapons, i dont mean all of them of course, keep that “leet” weapons aside from it to respect the hard-work that they have given, but all the others most “common” would be simple perfect with some personal touch on it, i mean not only the weapon body color but even some glow if that was possible, that was just a ideia but its seems a very atractive one..
In fact, ricochett.5761, i have to agree with you. ANET should think on less RNG and upvote for better self-customization, like better weapons and gear customization. They dont need to rework on the current weapons or gear they just need to create new legendarys “tier2 legendary” or “legendary gear” that can be dyed. For weapons ( color options and effects) and for gear ( Better color options and affects).That would make people to do this new legendary weapons and gear :P
Said that,
Regards and have fun.
Sometimes small things makes huge diference.
Adding dye channels to the hundreds of weapon textures would take up time better spent elsewhere.
Also its clear its never going to happen, because they keep releasing reskins in different colors.
this is another thing i liked about gw1 that they didn’t put in gw2
i looked in the pvp locker and there’s some weapons i like but they are in silly looking blue colours or bright pink and would love to dye them a better colour (and i don’t mean by buying a 1 time use “weapon dye kit consumable” from the gem shop either…)
Since actual weapons probably cant ever be dyed, lets hope next set of wep can!