I have not received dye from drops in 10-12 hours
It drops plenty.
Complete perception issue.
I find about 1 every two hours in dungeons with ~ 150MF.
In Orr it was about every hour with the same MF.
I’m still getting dye drops.
I’ve noticed that French players in WvW drop good dyes.
I’ve gotten four in the last 8 play hours. Outside of that recent time when they were dropping like coppers, 1 every 2 hours seems about right.
But it isn’t really a timeframe thing as much as it’s a quantity-of-drops one. You are more likely to see them if you’re doing a zone wide event in one of the Orrs than you will by just hunting the occasional Champion
Also harvesting food nodes seems to drop them with somewhat of a regularity. Especially if your wvwvw bonuses are up.
Haven’t had any issues getting dyes the last couple of days. Maybe you just haven’t been lucky in regard to how random it is.
I haven’t found any dye drops in 3 days.
Master Tools seem to have little to no noticeable effect.
Got one from a tree using a black lion tool and one from a mob. That’s all I’ve seen in the last few days.
They were both crap.
I’ve gotten quite a bit in the past 5 days or so. Even one harvesting a plant. Having said that, I do spend quite a bit of time in lower level areas, either playing with friends who just started in 1-15 areas or in 35-60 areas collecting crafting materials for my Ranger (and Guardian who makes my Ranger’s weaponsmith items).
I’ve been getting maybe 2 a day?
Can always buy them from the gem store, haha
Can always buy them from the gem store
, haha
A few weeks ago I bought my one and only dye from the TP. I was lucky enough to get Abyss early on (though sadly I put it on my main Elementalist, and I don’t particularly fancy wearing black on her. In hind sight, I would have saved it for a Leather or Heavy wearer), but what I really wanted was Celestial. I put in a big for 1.45 (I think it was going for 1.6 at the time) and picked it up within a day or two.
I just looked and it’s going for over 6.
I don’t always get a dye, but when I do, it’s blue!
I knew it, they gave too much first, only to justify a nerf. It’s never going to return to par.