I just can't play.

I just can't play.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JayDako.1739


I bought this game the other day to specifically play with my friends and meet the roleplay community in the Tarnished Coast server, but I can’t play since it is full. I have checked every couple minutes from 2 pm to 3:11 am PST yesterday and I am starting to do it again today. I absolutely will not join some other server and transfer over because I don’t want to pay another $20+ just to be able to have fun.

It annoys me that the amount of people online doesn’t matter since it is tied to accounts so peak hours is not really a thing. So there could be essentially dead accounts taking up space there and thus keeping people out that want to play.

I am aware of guesting and I am not interested in that because I want to interact with the people of Tarnished Coast. I emailed ArenaNet yesterday and they said they were going to escalate my ticket but I have yet to get a follow up.

Is there any way for me to actually get in or did arenanet just, essentially, take my money and say I don’t get to have fun if I want to play?

Sorry, ugh, just so annoyed right now.

I just can't play.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thanatos.2691


TC is a popular server along with JQ and BG. I just transferred recently from ET to JQ so I understand the frustration when it comes to waiting for a spot to open up. My little sister is also eventually going to try and get into TC for the RP community, and it can take some time for a spot to actually open up.

I checked every hour when I wanted to transfer and in less than a day I got in. My advice since you haven’t yet started the game (so it sounds) is to perhaps take some time just looking at the wiki, reading a book, or other irl stuff while keeping the game open so you can check on it every so often. It’s not a perfect solution, but unless ANet changes the way accounts are tied to servers, there’s not much else we can do atm.
I wish you the best in getting in to TC! It’ll be worth it

Golden shackles are still golden.

I just can't play.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zenleto.6179


You might want to go to the wiki and look up Megaserver. It doesn’t matter what your home world is unless you want to WvW. Put your mates on your Friends list and if that doesn’t help you get onto the same map then they can taxi you in by grouping. Simple.

Fire up the Hyperbowl ma, we’re going to town!

Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?

I just can't play.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cuddy.6247


Thanks to megaserver, your server really only matters in WvW – with that said, WvW being full in the top tier isn’t exactly surprising.

Other than that, if you want to play with the RP community – add them, party up, and try to get on the same overflow.

I just can't play.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shjade.4697


You might want to go to the wiki and look up Megaserver. It doesn’t matter what your home world is unless you want to WvW. Put your mates on your Friends list and if that doesn’t help you get onto the same map then they can taxi you in by grouping. Simple.

Considering TC’s position in WvW, that is something of an important consideration if he’s thinking about it and/or his friends enjoy it at all.

I just can't play.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JayDako.1739


What I suggest, and this may sound bad, is any account that has not logged in for a few months like, maybe 6 months or so, be tossed out of the server. Keep your character and progress but get shuffled to a mostly empty one or back to the screen where you have to pick your home world again. Or on some kind of character limbo where you no longer take up space but if you come back you can get in again, I don’t know. Just something to think about because people that stop playing all together are still taking up space.

See I also don’t want to spend the entire day infront of the PC again just watching because it could possibly go ahead and open a slot them fill again when I leave the room for some reason. I just really want to get in and play since GW1 was such a great game and this looks amazing. I was told part of the issue is people that transfer just to go to the server that is top tier in WvWvW, thus taking up space for people that want to play with the community and interact.

I just can't play.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JayDako.1739


Hey I am not talking about just playing with one or two people here. I am talking about playing with many people at once on the same area. Otherwise, if I have to do the guesting or whatever, I only have a reason to play when the ones I know are online and I wouldn’t interact and meet new roleplayers when they are offline, as I would be in a non-rp community.

I just can't play.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


Just to let you know, in addition to guesting, partying, friending and joining a TC guild to ensure you always get on a TC megaserver shard, if you do create an account on another server and decide to transfer later that you can do it with gold.

My guildies got together and each chipped in a couple gold to help some friends xfer to our server, it works really well

I just can't play.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zenleto.6179


You might want to go to the wiki and look up Megaserver. It doesn’t matter what your home world is unless you want to WvW. Put your mates on your Friends list and if that doesn’t help you get onto the same map then they can taxi you in by grouping. Simple.

Considering TC’s position in WvW, that is something of an important consideration if he’s thinking about it and/or his friends enjoy it at all.

That’s why I mentioned it.

Fire up the Hyperbowl ma, we’re going to town!

Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?

I just can't play.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JayDako.1739


If I have to jump through all those hoops just to play on a pseudo-TC server only when my friends are online, why not just let me join TC? I want to meet the people on there and interact with them AND play with my friends. For transfer fees, I am not paying real money when there is only one place I want to play and for gold, if it is anything like GW1 I would only have one gold after about a year of playing. I was NOT able to really make much money in it and I hate asking people for a loan.

I just can't play.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azrael.4960


What I suggest, and this may sound bad, is any account that has not logged in for a few months like, maybe 6 months or so, be tossed out of the server. Keep your character and progress but get shuffled to a mostly empty one or back to the screen where you have to pick your home world again. Or on some kind of character limbo where you no longer take up space but if you come back you can get in again, I don’t know. Just something to think about because people that stop playing all together are still taking up space.

See I also don’t want to spend the entire day infront of the PC again just watching because it could possibly go ahead and open a slot them fill again when I leave the room for some reason. I just really want to get in and play since GW1 was such a great game and this looks amazing. I was told part of the issue is people that transfer just to go to the server that is top tier in WvWvW, thus taking up space for people that want to play with the community and interact.

Well, that wouldn’t work would it? I mean, quite a lot of people may have paid to move to TC but for one reason or another are on hiatus. It’s like if I bought a parking space that went with my apartment, but I’ve just sold my car or I’ve lent it to my brother so the space is empty and the real estate agent turning around and saying sorry you haven’t used it for 6months we’re taking it back.

Unless you’re aiming to play WvW as well, then it really doesn’t matter which server you join now because it lumps everyone into a map until it is full then creates a new shard, then when that is full a new one is created. So you’ll have people representing all the NA servers in one map. If you want to meet up with your friends from TC just add them to your friends list and party up with them. Then go to the map they’re in, right click on their party icon and select Join in <whatever map you’re in>. Even if you were in the same guild, the mega server still hasn’t been set so it preferentially puts you in shards where your guild mates are in. Yeah, it’s that good

I just can't play.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

Well, with MegaServers, you aren’t guaranteed to be with players from a specific server, anyway. You are probably much more likely to be on a map with other Role-players if you join a RP Guild, or add players that are into RP to your Friends’ list.

I’ve never seen Tarnished Coast come off Full once it reaches that designation, and I check the World List often. You may have a long wait. It might be until a new WvW Tournament starts, and ArenaNet decides to raise the population cap, again.

I’m thinking CS isn’t going to shoehorn you in as a special case…..but, who knows?

Anyway, welcome to Tyria, and good luck!

I just can't play.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JayDako.1739


AzraeL, that still means I can only play when my friends are actually online. When they are offline, I would not be able to do so as I would resent being on a non-rp server and be bored out of my mind, thus having no reason to play.

I just can't play.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Esplen.3940


If you want to play now, simply make a character on any world and play. Check back on TC’s server status before and after you’re done playing everyday.

If it goes to not being full, move everything that’s not Soulbound into your personal bank (not your guild bank, even if it’s a personal guild) and delete your characters. All of them.

You can now change your server for free. Do so, remake your characters, and loot your bank.

Don’t get too attached until then.

Also: With the new Megaserver system, you automatically get placed into a server based on your Guild, Friends, and own Server. So if all your friends and your guild is in TC, you’ll most likely be with other TC people, regardless of your world.

I’m in NSP and I’m in NSP Lion’s Arch. In most cases, I end up being in NSP servers, but when I’m not, I’m in an AARM server because I (was) in AARM and had some AARM friends (AARM is a guild, not a server).

Actually, I was in an off-shoot guild of AARM with AARM members which is why I got put into AARM servers. I wasn’t actually a part of AARM.

(edited by Esplen.3940)

I just can't play.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JayDako.1739


Esplen, everything I have seen says a transfer costs 1800 gems and therefore not free. Also I don’t want to play where other players are just -there- and not an actual community or roleplaying.

I just can't play.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zenleto.6179


Do you seriously think we don’t know what we’re talking about?

Fire up the Hyperbowl ma, we’re going to town!

Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?

I just can't play.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DragonWhimsy.6489


Server DOES matter because it will change what shards you get put into by default. You’ll have alot easier time getting into the “RP’ers” version of Divinity’s Reach for example if you are actually a TC native.

For example when Dry Top opened up, I went there and there were people RP’ing in-character even while doing the events. You won’t get that much if you are a native of another server.

Not that you’ll always run into RP’ers even as a TC native. But you’ll do it a lot more often.

I just can't play.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

Then, you should peruse the Wiki, as it explains ‘free’ transfers quite well. You are not likely to ever find a map with only those engaging in RP, no matter what Home World you join. It’s always going to be a mix of people from different servers now.

You may have to adjust your expectations just a tad. Good luck.

I just can't play.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JayDako.1739


If I am coming off as hard headed or not understanding something, sorry. I’m a para-schizo so I have some difficulties here. Maybe I am not totally grasping the megaserver thing but I just want to play with my friends, their guild, and interact with and meet new people outside their guild that roleplay even when they are offline. Also if my friends DO do WvWvW, I would want to join them and help their side, not fight against them.

I just can't play.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

Then, your choices are:

Wait until a space opens up, which may not be until the next population cap raise.

Join another Server, and transfer later (either with all characters with a cost in Gems [with cash or Gold] or with no characters at no cost).

Um…that’s about it, I guess. Good luck.

Oh, and remember, if you have joined your friends’ Guild, they don’t have to be online for the algorithm to place you on the Guild’s Home Server. Still, I would not expect to find only TC natives on any map. It’s just the way it is now, and…truth be told…was that way even before MegaServers. It’s a popular Server for guesting, etc. /shrug

(edited by Inculpatus cedo.9234)

I just can't play.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Esplen.3940


Esplen, everything I have seen says a transfer costs 1800 gems and therefore not free. Also I don’t want to play where other players are just -there- and not an actual community or roleplaying.

If you have no characters, you can world transfer for free. That feature is and has been around since the release of this game.

I just can't play.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JayDako.1739


Also is there some way I can have the game open on one monitor so I can watch the list and still use my other monitor without having to alt+tab? As it is on the “Choose initial home world” I can’t click any button other than cancel.

I just can't play.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


Esplen, everything I have seen says a transfer costs 1800 gems and therefore not free. Also I don’t want to play where other players are just -there- and not an actual community or roleplaying.

If you have no characters, you can world transfer for free. That feature is and has been around since the release of this game.

But you can only transfer, paid or free, once every seven days, so choose wisely.

We are heroes. This is what we do!

RIP City of Heroes

I just can't play.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azrael.4960


If I am coming off as hard headed or not understanding something, sorry. I’m a para-schizo so I have some difficulties here. Maybe I am not totally grasping the megaserver thing but I just want to play with my friends, their guild, and interact with and meet new people outside their guild that roleplay even when they are offline. Also if my friends DO do WvWvW, I would want to join them and help their side, not fight against them.

Megaserver is this idea that Anet implemented so that no map was ever empty. They do this by putting people from any server into a map, lets call it server 1, until it’s full, the limit is 150. When that hard cap is reached a new “shard”, server 2, is opened up. It’s exactly the same as server 1 with the same event timers, events, everything. When that is full another copy is created, server 3, and so on. In PVE, irrespective of what server you’re from, assuming you’re not in a party and the server is not capped, you could end up with people from Blackgate, Jade Quarry, Tarnished Coast, etc (I’m on the EU servers so I don’t know that many NA servers). For me I’ve ended up on maps with people from Desolation, Gandara (my home server), Ring of Fire, Whiteside Ridge, etc etc.

Meeting up with your guild is no problem, as unless the map is full you’ll be able to see where you’re guildmates are when you look at the guild roster and their map location. Their character names will also stand out in the throngs of other players because the text is in gold.

This means you’ll always find people doing the sorts of stuff you want to participate in. However if you want to do WvW then you’re pretty much stuck hoping for a slot in the server population to open up from someone transferring out.

I just can't play.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JayDako.1739


Got an email response from a GM. Yeah they say I am not eligible for help and I have to sit there and wait or play on some other server. Basically tough luck.

Ugh, getting a headache now. Would still like to know the dual monitor thing though.

I just can't play.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Esplen.3940


Press F11 → Graphics Tab → Windowed Full Screen (or Windowed) mode.

I just can't play.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JayDako.1739


Any recommendation on a server to join then for someone that likes RP since TC is full with no sign of opening up? My friends are telling me to just join a server now and to give up this fight.

Edit: Thanks Esplen, works great now. Again sorry for coming off as a hardheaded jerk to anyone here. I get kinda focused and stubborn cause of my issues.

Edit2: Ok I am thinking Gate of Madness. So it is defiantly possible to join TC later and I can play with my friends just fine? A little scared here before I hit select.

(edited by JayDako.1739)

I just can't play.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Esplen.3940


If you want to transfer for free, don’t get attached to your characters.

If you’re willing to spend the extra ($25ish) buck, go for it.

Annnnnnd again, join any server you want. Most servers (even TC, to some degree) has players who hate RP’ers. Sometimes I get into some Megaservers with RP’ers and I’ll get people in map chat flaming them and making fun of them. There’s also people who stop by and commend them for their cute characters and enjoyment of the game.

It most likely won’t make a difference what server you join if you’re going to friend (and join their guild, if you can) a lot of TC people.

I just can't play.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


As you RP with people, add them to your friends list and ask them to add you since you’re not currently on TC. See if you can find an RP oriented guild so that you have a shot of getting onto a shard with other RP’ers.

Edit2 answer: Yes, it will cost gems unless you delete all of your characters. Once you pick a server you will have to wait 7 days to transfer again and not even support can bypass.

You can probably also try guesting to TC once you pick a home world. I don’t think they removed that function when they implemented the megaserver. That may put you on a list of people considered as part of TC when choosing what shard to put you on if there is more than one.

I just can't play.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zenleto.6179


If you want to transfer for free, don’t get attached to your characters.

If you’re willing to spend the extra ($25ish) buck, go for it.

Annnnnnd again, join any server you want. Most servers (even TC, to some degree) has players who hate RP’ers. Sometimes I get into some Megaservers with RP’ers and I’ll get people in map chat flaming them and making fun of them. There’s also people who stop by and commend them for their cute characters and enjoyment of the game.

It most likely won’t make a difference what server you join if you’re going to friend (and join their guild, if you can) a lot of TC people.

All of this (again), and…

relax a little!

You’ll be fine, don’t worry about anything.

Fire up the Hyperbowl ma, we’re going to town!

Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?

I just can't play.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: crouze.3078


Any recommendation on a server to join then for someone that likes RP since TC is full with no sign of opening up? My friends are telling me to just join a server now and to give up this fight.

Edit: Thanks Esplen, works great now. Again sorry for coming off as a hardheaded jerk to anyone here. I get kinda focused and stubborn cause of my issues.

Edit2: Ok I am thinking Gate of Madness. So it is defiantly possible to join TC later and I can play with my friends just fine? A little scared here before I hit select.

  • Server Transfers are free as long as you dont have any characters on your account
    (so it’s free when you delete all your characters)
  • Megaserver system is like fusing all servers together.
    The Megaserver is then split into multiple instances for each area of the world. When you join an area, the system checks if players
    from your contact list / guild / server are in this area and automaticly puts you in the same instance of this area.
    In addition you can invite someone from another instance to your party and then get the option to join the instance the party member is in.
  • The most important thing for the server choice is World vs World.
    That is the only part of the game that you can only play with players from the same server

I just can't play.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JayDako.1739


Is anyone else having client issues? In twice now in character creation, it lost connection and the site went down for me. I don’t think it is my PC since youtube is running fine.

I just can't play.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Esplen.3940


If your internet hiccups, it will affect the connection to the GW2 client (unless it’s just a slow connection, in which case you’ll “catch up” and play a weird rubber-bandy-ing game).

If your internet hiccups, it will not affect your streaming videos as they will automatically attempt to fix the connection and continue streaming. Additionally, you have already pre-buffered many parts of a video, which means the only time a hiccup will affect is you right when a youtube video (in a playlist) switches to the next video. The hiccup has to be pretty long (not long enough that a normal video would reach the end of the buffer) to prevent the next video from starting the buffer/stream connection.

And yes, I suffer from hiccuping internet syndrome, as well.

I just can't play.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JayDako.1739


the problem is earlier I could log in fast. Now just logging in at all is taking a while.

Edit: Now it says Transaction in progress. Try again later.

I just can't play.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ProtoJ.1736


Is anyone else having client issues? In twice now in character creation, it lost connection and the site went down for me. I don’t think it is my PC since youtube is running fine.

Having issues too.

I just can't play.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


Appears to be another DDOS.

We are heroes. This is what we do!

RIP City of Heroes

I just can't play.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JayDako.1739


I’m never gonna get to play this. Heh, kidding. Just saying bad luck so far. I just want to make my asura. I hope my name fits naming convention. Male, two syllables, two letters in a row, end with a consonant. What does a “sharp” name mean though?

I just can't play.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Esplen.3940


Appears to be another DDOS.

It’s the data center having issues.

My problem is my internet routing being so convoluted it gets… weirdified. I really need to just figure out how it all works, and then cut out all the excess.

I just can't play.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vespers.1759


This game came out in 2012… Obviously servers are going to be full and to assume you can have one of your pick because you want it when there’s a ton of people that would also like to be on TC is stupid. I can’t sympathize with you.

Bristleback can’t hit anything? Let’s fix the HP bug instead.