I like the use of "kitten" with the language filter
It’s like an adlib. Those would make me laugh.
The best part is that kitten is such a cute and funny word, it works really well.
Imagine if it was the same thing but “Shoe”. It’s not as cute, and doesn’t evoke the same kind of absurd images as “Horsekitten” and “Kitten DPS”
That is awesome, loving it.
I kitten hate it, it’s the kitten of kitten with kitten you kitten kitten kitten – this is hilarious I love it
that is kitten fantastic.
Similarly, equiping a legendary weapon does not make you a legend.
I don’t like censoring, period.
I really, really don’t like when a chat, a forum, or a game has filters in place, yet its owners/maintainers take punitive actions against those who hit those filters even though they’re not circumventing them.
With that being said, kitten censorship is kind of fun.
I don’t like censoring, period.
I really, really don’t like when a chat, a forum, or a game has filters in place, yet its owners/maintainers take punitive actions against those who hit those filters even though they’re not circumventing them.
With that being said, kitten censorship is kind of fun.
The filter is a countermeasure to ensure that as few people are exposed to the filtered material as possible.
The punitive actions are to discourage you from repeating those events in the future, as you have breached their code of conduct agreement.
Tone carries through vulgarities that filters block, and you cannot write a filter with an algorithm complicated enough to block INTENT, only specific words/phrases.
I’m not sure why people have such a hard time with this. It’s just a crutch that people fall back on when they don’t like adhering to a code of conduct that they have already agreed to in order to access the censored medium.
The ironic part is due to the filter I kitten curse more.
it’s so kitten cuddley that I want to spread kitten love. If the filter was not there I may filter myself.
I love kitten
@Bluebird.1890: I don’t see how any of that is relevant to what I said earlier. You did read my first sentence there, right?
Look at all the kittens I give!
My favorite so far is “My charr is a badkitten”
@chase.2613: If you don’t like something, don’t actively contribute to or support it by agreeing to it and abiding by it.
Mindlessly repeating the same argument against it ad infinitum in spite of it being explained to you and every other person who has had the same epiphanic realization isn’t going to help your cause either.
I like it too. It can be downright hilarious in places.
As far as censorship goes? Filters like this are in place because some people mistakenly assume that filthy language in mixed company makes them adults.
Too kitten bad.
Raf Longshanks-80 Norn Guardian / 9 more alts of various lvls / Charter Member Altaholics Anon
(edited by Raf.1078)
I have no problem with optional filters.
I dislike them being forced on me though. I happen to be fully capable of hearing (or reading) terms which are filtered without freaking out.
Optional filters, enabled by default, is the way to go.
in the list of developers I have the least faith & trust in.
Congratulations ArenaNet!
Oh man thank you for explaining that. I was so lost and thought you all had lost your minds. I figured everyone was playing off an internet meme that I just didn’t find funny.
haha, back in the day we filtered the “F” word to “Fluffy Bunny” on our forums. Soglad that Anet did this hahaha
It’s hilarious. “Kitten” is my new favourite swear word. :-)
Are you kitten me?! This is just purr-fect. Seriously, ANet, you couldn’t be more pawesome right now.
I’ve actually started adopting kitten when speaking in real life. The swear filter is contagious!
Not a single kitten was given that day.
Holy kitten, this kitten is awesome! This is the best kitten idea i have seen in a long kitten time.
This would be even better if it applied to the game chat client.
Oh the hilarity that would ensue.
I realized this was in place just today. I was reading an angry thread and saw “bullkitten” and realized what was happening.
Please put this in-game too.
Ahhhh. That’s explains it. I thought it was some silly new meme or internet jargon. Let me test this…
kitten, kitten, kitten, kitten.
I usually turn off the profanity filter in any game… but I’d gladly turn it on again if there was an option to use the kitten filter in game..
wrapped up in some crazy ritualist hoo-ha from Cantha.
A real grab bag of ‘you can’t hurt me. They’re called Guardians.
I feel this is appropriate, considering the circumstances.
But I can’t say, Akittenu desu! Japanese is kitten’ed
It’s hilarious. “Kitten” is my new favourite swear word. :-)
Mine too, right after I was mystified by a post that said (paraphrasing) “rangers need to stop getting all kittenish over it”.
He might start thinking he knows what’s right for you.
—Paul Williams
I dunno, I think “pudding” is strong competition.
What about puppy… Everyone loves puppies. they are just so cute and cuddly. I think puppy would of been better. Although I do find the kitten replacement comical.