I liked the beta attribute names

I liked the beta attribute names

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Einlanzer.1627


I kind of hated how they removed them. I understand why they did, to make the stats less confusing, but honestly the descriptive ones in the game now just feel bland and flavorless. I think at some point they should bring back the flavor names for the secondary/professional attributes, with some possible minor changes:

Precision (I like Agility, Deftness better)

Condition damage – Malice
Healing power – Compassion
Boon duration – Concentration
Critical damage – Prowess
Condition duration – Expertise

Warrior – Brawn (I like Vigor better)
Guardian – Willpower (or just Will, or maybe Zeal)
Ranger – Empathy
Thief – Cunning
Engineer – Ingenuity
Elementalist – Intelligence (I like Intellect or Knowledge better)
Mesmer – Guile
Necromancer – Hunger

What say you?

I liked the beta attribute names

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kore wa Sparta.3750

Kore wa Sparta.3750

I always thought power sounded lame. Precision sounds cool though. Makes me want to stack it to be more precise. I don’t really care about being powerful.

I liked the beta attribute names

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheOOB.7428


I honestly prefer attribute names that are very descriptive of the game effects rather than being flowery or cool. As for trait line names I personally couldn’t care less, as they are not really a feature you interact with a ton.