I'll be trying out GW1
Don’t get this the wrong way. Gw2 is really awesome and I love it but I always wanted to try out GW1 (Never played it and because of that, I am missing on a lot of lore and other things). So anyways, any thoughts in Gw1 to give me more insight on it?
Lower your expectations.
No jumping- rooted casting – no dodge and all instanced.
I wanted to try it in Nov, bought all the packs on two accounts…
Really pretty though, with awesome armour models.
it’s really hit or miss for a lot of people.
i played it for about 6 or so months. didn’t really like it. felt too clunky, the UI is awful and it’s anything but streamlined. WoW feels a lot better than GW1 ever did.
It has a much higher learning curve, which is why you see people that dislike(typically too complex for them) and you see people that like the game. Overall the community in GW1 is much more mature and the game truly rewards you in everything you do.
P.S. builds are awesome in the game.
If I had first started with GW2, I would probably hate GW1. The interface, gameplay, etc. is so different. However, playing GW1 for six years first is the only reason I’d be able to try it again.
If you are going to play just for lore, then focus on that – the story. It’s great. But the gameplay is really different and is, in my opinion, better in GW2. Don’t go in with high expectations. Pretend you’re watching a black and white movie… it’s not as pretty, and it might be difficult to watch, but focus on the story instead and you may enjoy it.
Start with Nightfall so you have heroes.
Northern Shiverpeaks
It has a much higher learning curve, which is why you see people that dislike(typically too complex for them)
i wouldnt say it was the complexity that drove me away. that was just fine.
it was just the clumsy feel of the game. just didnt feel like the way a 3rd person game of any kind should. to me at least.
Start with Nightfall so you have heroes.
This, especially since the there’s hardly anyone left (when I go on, anyway). Heroes will allow you to more easily “solo” a lot of the content that henchmen won’t.
Start with Nightfall so you have heroes.
Was totally about to say this same thing! Beat me to the punch.
I’d recommend playing a healer, because the healing heroes and henchmen are not really adequate for some of the later content. With the game having fewer players, it will be even more difficult than it was years ago to get a healer. Also, Monks are the best!
I’d like to play too but to access the hall of monuments? Rewards you can cash in for gw2, namely the fire sword skin and the armor. You need 10 points to get to the sword, so where should I start? Do I buy all 3 or just the last which is nightfall I think?
Also, if/when you`re about to die, make sure you do not rush towards a spawn point.
You will get spawn camped by mobs
You can jump in Guild Wars, but you have to type /jump to do so ;p
Nightfall best to start as others mentioned, you get Heroes to help/hinder you (daren`t tell that I found this out at level 16 ;p).
The UI may look old (mainly because it is) but you are free to move any part of it to wherever you want, which in my opinion makes the UI far superior to gw2 UI.
Learn to swap your builds constantly, as some things are of more use then others in set dungeons, zones etc. You can save them & switch back easily in any outpost.
There are several sites with builds that you can copy/paste into the game for use.
Most of all, the story. Guild Wars story is brilliant & then some, it is the only game I have thoroughly enjoyed the story, so much that I never got around to doing any pvp. /faints ;p
Rocking Wizard Wars until this mess of a game is fixed…
Give it a chance.. once you get into the story it is very fun. Not jumping was really hard for me but you do get use to it.
The no jumping thing is enough to make some people want to tear their eyes out…
True story…
It’s an alright game, but it’s a good thing GW2 isn’t like it in most ways—otherwise it wouldn’t have been nearly as successful.
Cowrex.9564 and Dyntheos.5719 feel free to add me in-game if you wanna chat about it rq, as that can be easier to back-and-forth than on forums.
If you want to go for 30/50 HoM points (all the tangible rewards) then here’s a few tips to get you going.
1: don’t aim for 50/50 HoM or God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals titles, time investment will be too high, you won’t do it
2: use http://hom.guildwars2.com/en/ to track your progress and set goals on what you’ll do to reach 30
3: pick a character and focus on playing it, try not to make alts – you only need alts for 50/50.
a] your first goal should be (as grandmafunk suggested) playing in Nightfall to get the heroes, it’s the most rewarding of all the campaigns, gives you heroes and free bonus skills (with hero skill points)
b] find some skill builds for heroes that will work anywhere, i have a few i can give you or you can look up something like pvxwiki – the sooner you get those builds on your heroes the easier+faster it will be, invest in your heroes as fast as you can as early as you can – cheap max-stat weapons, good skills
c] as early as you can pick up the storybook (http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Storybook) related to the campaign you are playing through. the bonuses they give for content you’ll be playing through anyway shouldn’t be overlooked!
d] apart from collecting heroes and giving them weapons/skills focus on completing each campaign (all missions, including optionals you can skip) on Normal WITH bonuses for a few easy titles toward HoM and significant map/town exposure.
Like I said feel free to add me, i’m in aussie timezone though.
PS: i have a stack of stuff in GW1 that i would sell for GW2 gold – minis/money/weapons/etc. we’d both have to agree on an exchange rate and naturally there’s no way of affirming either of us don’t get scammed. up to you, i’m willing to risk since i won’t use the stuff any more anyway.
PPS: Dyntheos.5719 just re-read your post. If you only want a few points you shouldn’t buy all campaigns. You have to have Eye of the North to access HoM, you have to have one other campaign as well as Eye of the North, I suggest Nightfall.
(edited by Reya.1895)
I actually only started playing GW1 for the HoM rewards, and only they put up the calculator that described exactly what you’d get with your level of progress. So I was used to games with prettier graphics, or that made you move around a lot more and react faster. I still loved it.
With the ability to take a 7 hero party on your adventures, it felt to me like a JRPG more than a true MMORPG. Which was what I wanted.
Regarding graphics, I just felt like sharing that my laptop sits at this place where it can run GW1 at like a bajillion fps (not really, but close) at max settings, and GW2 at around 25-30 fps with not a whole lot going on at the lowest settings (except render sampling — subsample is just painful). That being the case, while GW2 does look better (i.e. show more details) than GW1 on my computer, it’s not by a whole lot, so when I go back to GW1 I don’t really feel like “ZOMG deez graphix sux!”.
It was only after I went to a friends house and watched her play GW2 with everything maxed out and running smooth did I weep. -_-
Sad thing is that most people knock it because they are used to more traditional MMOs and complain over paltry things like UI and jumping, really ridiculous in my opinion.
I played GW1 for 6 years simply because of the combat depth and PvPing with friends. GW2 may have a bigger scope, but GW2 is extremely shallow and many gameplay systems (classes, skills, etc.) are homogenized and hyper balanced. They threw out a lot of things that were amazing in GW1 to appeal to casual, WoW players.
GW1 offered a lot more in its’ prime than GW2 ever has, but it wasnt in the form of material rewards. Most people i see only play GW2 for the rewards whereas GW1 really felt like a real community because the game was inherently fun, rewarding, and deep to play.
The only thing i can say about those thinking about trying GW1 out, well, the majority of the game’s population has migrated (and many subsequently left because the game is so shallow, restrictive, and grindy) to GW2. A lot of things that made GW1 feel alive when i played it would now feel dead to new players. All i can say is that GW1 was a magical experience and it’s really a shame that people that never played it will never get to experience what i experienced. It’s a shame they casualized and homogenized GW2 so much, it’s like a slap in the face to GW1 fans.
Almost no build variety, extremely limited and shallow skill system, complete lack of effective healer role, homogenized class roles to the point that there is very little distinction and combat purpose, absolutely whack trait system that limits the viability of builds to 1-3 viable sets per class…the trait system is just really bad. They’d be better off overhauling it or just taking it out in favor of actual skills and a fully customizable bar. Elite skills are garbage, most fights are just braindead zergs with no required strategy or team composition, really just a sad bore.
Not many sensible people that actually enjoyed GW1 for the amazing game it was (not turned away by petty things like no jump and wahhhh it’s not like WoW) prefer GW2. In fact, 43 of my longtime GW1 friends say they really only play for the rewards and grind rather than the inherent depth and enjoyment of the gameplay. The other 26 have quit the game with no intention of coming back.
Just wanted to say, don’t look down on GW1 if you are just getting into it. If you give it the chance, youll actually find that in a lot of meaningful ways, it totally destroys GW2. The problem is, the community is just gone.
Sad thing is that most people knock it because they are used to more traditional MMOs and complain over paltry things like UI and jumping, really ridiculous in my opinion.
I played GW1 for 6 years simply because of the combat depth and PvPing with friends. GW2 may have a bigger scope, but GW2 is extremely shallow and many gameplay systems (classes, skills, etc.) are homogenized and hyper balanced. They threw out a lot of things that were amazing in GW1 to appeal to casual, WoW players.
GW1 offered a lot more in its’ prime than GW2 ever has, but it wasnt in the form of material rewards. Most people i see only play GW2 for the rewards whereas GW1 really felt like a real community because the game was inherently fun, rewarding, and deep to play.
The only thing i can say about those thinking about trying GW1 out, well, the majority of the game’s population has migrated (and many subsequently left because the game is so shallow, restrictive, and grindy) to GW2. A lot of things that made GW1 feel alive when i played it would now feel dead to new players. All i can say is that GW1 was a magical experience and it’s really a shame that people that never played it will never get to experience what i experienced. It’s a shame they casualized and homogenized GW2 so much, it’s like a slap in the face to GW1 fans.
Almost no build variety, extremely limited and shallow skill system, complete lack of effective healer role, homogenized class roles to the point that there is very little distinction and combat purpose, absolutely whack trait system that limits the viability of builds to 1-3 viable sets per class…the trait system is just really bad. They’d be better off overhauling it or just taking it out in favor of actual skills and a fully customizable bar. Elite skills are garbage, most fights are just braindead zergs with no required strategy or team composition, really just a sad bore.
Not many sensible people that actually enjoyed GW1 for the amazing game it was (not turned away by petty things like no jump and wahhhh it’s not like WoW) prefer GW2. In fact, 43 of my longtime GW1 friends say they really only play for the rewards and grind rather than the inherent depth and enjoyment of the gameplay. The other 26 have quit the game with no intention of coming back.
Just wanted to say, don’t look down on GW1 if you are just getting into it. If you give it the chance, youll actually find that in a lot of meaningful ways, it totally destroys GW2. The problem is, the community is just gone.
This is exactly the reasons to play and not to play GW1. If you ever want help in a mission, I am a particularly good monk, I’ll be happy to help lend a hand.
Character movement and the general feel of combat are much, much worse.
Pretty much everything else is better.
I got over the movement issue by zooming the camera out and pretending I was playing DOTA.
Almost forgot the other bonus.
drum roll
You can buy town clothes & fight in them!
Rocking Wizard Wars until this mess of a game is fixed…
Make sure you roll assassin
Spirit of Faith [HOPE] – RIP
Almost forgot the other bonus.
drum roll
You can buy town clothes & fight in them!
and mercenary heroes you can buy from the shop, dress them all up and set them as a hero
fighting through tyria in wedding finery outfits :P
GW1 is, IMO, one of the best PC games of all time. However I also consider Quake in that category and I don’t have any desire to play that in 2013. Just remember GW1 is quite a bit older than GW2.
It was too complex for me the first time I tried it, fast forward 6 years in wow and 4 in eve and I was finally skilled enough to make a build in gw1..barely.
I played it at launch and I’ve played it many times on and off since. It’s not a game for me. I like MMO’s, it’s not technically an MMO. I forget what ArenaNET called it, but it was something else.
Anyhow, it’s instanced everywhere except the towns. I hate large amounts of instancing like that, I find it boring and it makes me feel alone in the world.
The character models (especially for the time in which the game was created) are gorgeous, the armor also gorgeous and the overall graphics, are also gorgeous. But it’s not enough for me to actually play and stick with the game.
If you’re going into it solely for lore purposes, go for it, or just go read the lore on the wiki(s). In my opinion, you’re really not missing out on much, but others would greatly disagree with me on that.
It’s hard to know what to say to a new player, because I’m totally biased, having played GW almost from launch, for 4-5 straight years. I adored it. The music, the flexibility in builds, ability to solo farm, the pvp variety, the armor variety, the elite areas, my wonderful guild…
You don’t really get your hand held as much in GW. So if you have problems getting through missions or you’ve run out of quests, the one best piece of advice is to visit the GW wiki when you get stuck.
There ARE guilds still recruiting, and sometimes even when it’s not the Zaishen daily mission, occasionally I end up in a mission town with a bunch of people running around.
The game may be dead—pvp certainly is, unfortunately—but there are still signs of life.
Posted in the wrong places sry.
I think GW1 is still alive just a very low pop game.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
(edited by Jski.6180)
The no jumping thing is enough to make some people want to tear their eyes out…
True story…
It’s an alright game, but it’s a good thing GW2 isn’t like it in most ways—otherwise it wouldn’t have been nearly as successful.
Funny, as the success of GW1 made this game possible.
The no jumping thing is enough to make some people want to tear their eyes out…
True story…
It’s an alright game, but it’s a good thing GW2 isn’t like it in most ways—otherwise it wouldn’t have been nearly as successful.
Funny, as the success of GW1 made this game possible.
Dangbat said gw2 wouldn’t have been as successful if it was like gw1, times have changed, they are probably right.
Though I wish the one thing they didn’t remove was having quite a lot of skills, they did it for balance sake but the balance doesn’t seem any better than gw1.
Guild Wars 1 has pretty slow pacing compared to Guild Wars 2…which isn’t necessarily a down side. The stuff you unlock to make yourself more powerful happens a lot more slowly. The builds are more complex, and you need to know more to play. This is particularly true if you’re starting with Prophecies, the first of the games, which I did.
I’d say the slow pacing and high learning curve of the game threw a whole lot of people off.
Guild Wars 2 is much easier to learn…and still has issues in that area. Guild Wars 1 is much tougher to get into.
Sad thing is that most people knock it because they are used to more traditional MMOs and complain over paltry things like UI and jumping, really ridiculous in my opinion.
I played GW1 for 6 years simply because of the combat depth and PvPing with friends. GW2 may have a bigger scope, but GW2 is extremely shallow and many gameplay systems (classes, skills, etc.) are homogenized and hyper balanced. They threw out a lot of things that were amazing in GW1 to appeal to casual, WoW players.
GW1 offered a lot more in its’ prime than GW2 ever has, but it wasnt in the form of material rewards. Most people i see only play GW2 for the rewards whereas GW1 really felt like a real community because the game was inherently fun, rewarding, and deep to play.
The only thing i can say about those thinking about trying GW1 out, well, the majority of the game’s population has migrated (and many subsequently left because the game is so shallow, restrictive, and grindy) to GW2. A lot of things that made GW1 feel alive when i played it would now feel dead to new players. All i can say is that GW1 was a magical experience and it’s really a shame that people that never played it will never get to experience what i experienced. It’s a shame they casualized and homogenized GW2 so much, it’s like a slap in the face to GW1 fans.
Almost no build variety, extremely limited and shallow skill system, complete lack of effective healer role, homogenized class roles to the point that there is very little distinction and combat purpose, absolutely whack trait system that limits the viability of builds to 1-3 viable sets per class…the trait system is just really bad. They’d be better off overhauling it or just taking it out in favor of actual skills and a fully customizable bar. Elite skills are garbage, most fights are just braindead zergs with no required strategy or team composition, really just a sad bore.
Not many sensible people that actually enjoyed GW1 for the amazing game it was (not turned away by petty things like no jump and wahhhh it’s not like WoW) prefer GW2. In fact, 43 of my longtime GW1 friends say they really only play for the rewards and grind rather than the inherent depth and enjoyment of the gameplay. The other 26 have quit the game with no intention of coming back.
Just wanted to say, don’t look down on GW1 if you are just getting into it. If you give it the chance, youll actually find that in a lot of meaningful ways, it totally destroys GW2. The problem is, the community is just gone.
GW2 was in it’s prime already?? wait, what?? Theres not even 1 expansion out…
GW1 is a whole different game. Everywhere you go and there are enemies to kill is an instance and is only for you and your teammates. Since you want the story, you will want to buy all 3 parts of the game eventually ( Prophecies, Factions, Nightfall) and when you feel like it go for Eye of the North. The 3 parts of GW1 are not tied together. Every part tells a story of a different region of the world and with EotN things come together. To get the background story of GW2 as it is now you will want to play through the story of Prophecies and Eye of the north. The other 2 part’s stories are not in GW2 yet and you can postpone it for later . Make sure to check PVXwiki for builds since without a good build it will be very difficult to finish missions and progress the story. If you do buy and stick with the game it is very likely to get 10-15 points for the hall of monuments rewards as well by the time you finish everything. Also HoM is a EotN thing only. You can always add me and Id be happy to help you progress until you can get around on your own
It’s NOTHING like GW2.. so don’t expect it to be…
I tried GW when my mates were in it after they were done raiding in WoW.
I didn’t like it, mostly because GW isn’t an MMO in the sense that you can play with a lot of people. It’s basically a singleplayer/co-op game with an ‘MMO lobby’, but also because of the bland/old graphics and clunky (looking) interface.
I wouldn’t recommend you pay a lot for it, but since it has (or had) an army of dedicated fans, there’s obviously a good game in there, somewhere.
After spending 10 minutes in the GW2 beta, it was clear that it is an entirely different beast, so liking one doesn’t necessarily translate to liking the other as well.
As long as you can get over the antiquated movement system, it still is a brilliant game. Took a while to really get going, so at least u will have the beauty of seeing it in its fullness (minus the population). The story is pretty much as badly written, but the lore is exceptional and that more than makes up for it.
Its also intetesting seeing the map in its first incarnation.
Just remember, it was ground breaking – most mmos since have copied a slice from it, but gw did so many things first and can proudly say it did those things better
Go to nightfall, grab the heroes there and complete the story. Just follow the missions and you’ll have a blast.
Once you have a bit of gold, which is easy to get, build yourself a set of heroes from www.gwpvx.com. Some of the most powerful builds can be found on that website allowing you to enjoy the game without too much difficulty.
Starting from nothing, expect to be in for a pretty hard time at moments since the game can be extremely unforgiving.
Good luck, and whisper/mail me in gw2 at any time for help.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto
most people already answered so ill just add some info that is probably already said:
- go nightfall get heroes
- do daily zaishen challenge to get baltazar faction and exchange those for normal skills(those skills can be used by heroes so making a strong hero team is done faster this way)
- do all missions and check wiki for their bonus part (do those all to make sure you dont have to repeat to get max reward for titles)
- finish Nightfall then EotN then factions and last prophecies. however start character in prophesies. (lore is best in my opinion and proph give most free skills for quests downside here is that lvling is slow at the start)
- get daily zaishen missions and do those try to combine those example 1: you need to do the mission “ring of fire” soon and its obtainable at the zaishen missions get it!!! it gives extra exp/gold/ somtimes title points.
- if you wanna go for big titles combine the zaishen bounty with skill capping/ zaishen vanquish with zone you havent vanquished/ zaishen mission with missions you still need. this all will give you a nice ammount of gold fast that can be used to buy hom weapons/armors/mini’s.
i did all my titles up to GWaMM with heroes while playing monk. you dont need other people to complete things however with others its more fun and usually a lill faster.
If I had first started with GW2, I would probably hate GW1. The interface, gameplay, etc. is so different. However, playing GW1 for six years first is the only reason I’d be able to try it again.
If you are going to play just for lore, then focus on that – the story. It’s great. But the gameplay is really different and is, in my opinion, better in GW2. Don’t go in with high expectations. Pretend you’re watching a black and white movie… it’s not as pretty, and it might be difficult to watch, but focus on the story instead and you may enjoy it.
Actually, even though I started with GW2, the gameplay of GW1 is pretty good (honestly) Reason why is because I view GW1 as another game different from GW2.
It’s NOTHING like GW2.. so don’t expect it to be…
Of course I’m not expecting it to be like GW2. It’s a very different game!
Cowrex.9564 and Dyntheos.5719 feel free to add me in-game if you wanna chat about it rq, as that can be easier to back-and-forth than on forums.
If you want to go for 30/50 HoM points (all the tangible rewards) then here’s a few tips to get you going.
1: don’t aim for 50/50 HoM or God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals titles, time investment will be too high, you won’t do it
2: use http://hom.guildwars2.com/en/ to track your progress and set goals on what you’ll do to reach 30
3: pick a character and focus on playing it, try not to make alts – you only need alts for 50/50.a] your first goal should be (as grandmafunk suggested) playing in Nightfall to get the heroes, it’s the most rewarding of all the campaigns, gives you heroes and free bonus skills (with hero skill points)
b] find some skill builds for heroes that will work anywhere, i have a few i can give you or you can look up something like pvxwiki – the sooner you get those builds on your heroes the easier+faster it will be, invest in your heroes as fast as you can as early as you can – cheap max-stat weapons, good skills
c] as early as you can pick up the storybook (http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Storybook) related to the campaign you are playing through. the bonuses they give for content you’ll be playing through anyway shouldn’t be overlooked!
d] apart from collecting heroes and giving them weapons/skills focus on completing each campaign (all missions, including optionals you can skip) on Normal WITH bonuses for a few easy titles toward HoM and significant map/town exposure.Like I said feel free to add me, i’m in aussie timezone though.
PS: i have a stack of stuff in GW1 that i would sell for GW2 gold – minis/money/weapons/etc. we’d both have to agree on an exchange rate and naturally there’s no way of affirming either of us don’t get scammed. up to you, i’m willing to risk since i won’t use the stuff any more anyway.
PPS: Dyntheos.5719 just re-read your post. If you only want a few points you shouldn’t buy all campaigns. You have to have Eye of the North to access HoM, you have to have one other campaign as well as Eye of the North, I suggest Nightfall.
Will do boss! I’ll let you know as soon as I get it! It’s a good tihng that the GW Trilogy is only 29.99 bucks!
For HoM you’ll also need EOTN! Without it no HoM!
Cowrex.9564 and Dyntheos.5719 feel free to add me in-game if you wanna chat about it rq, as that can be easier to back-and-forth than on forums.
If you want to go for 30/50 HoM points (all the tangible rewards) then here’s a few tips to get you going.
1: don’t aim for 50/50 HoM or God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals titles, time investment will be too high, you won’t do it
2: use http://hom.guildwars2.com/en/ to track your progress and set goals on what you’ll do to reach 30
3: pick a character and focus on playing it, try not to make alts – you only need alts for 50/50.a] your first goal should be (as grandmafunk suggested) playing in Nightfall to get the heroes, it’s the most rewarding of all the campaigns, gives you heroes and free bonus skills (with hero skill points)
b] find some skill builds for heroes that will work anywhere, i have a few i can give you or you can look up something like pvxwiki – the sooner you get those builds on your heroes the easier+faster it will be, invest in your heroes as fast as you can as early as you can – cheap max-stat weapons, good skills
c] as early as you can pick up the storybook (http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Storybook) related to the campaign you are playing through. the bonuses they give for content you’ll be playing through anyway shouldn’t be overlooked!
d] apart from collecting heroes and giving them weapons/skills focus on completing each campaign (all missions, including optionals you can skip) on Normal WITH bonuses for a few easy titles toward HoM and significant map/town exposure.Like I said feel free to add me, i’m in aussie timezone though.
PS: i have a stack of stuff in GW1 that i would sell for GW2 gold – minis/money/weapons/etc. we’d both have to agree on an exchange rate and naturally there’s no way of affirming either of us don’t get scammed. up to you, i’m willing to risk since i won’t use the stuff any more anyway.
PPS: Dyntheos.5719 just re-read your post. If you only want a few points you shouldn’t buy all campaigns. You have to have Eye of the North to access HoM, you have to have one other campaign as well as Eye of the North, I suggest Nightfall.Will do boss! I’ll let you know as soon as I get it!
It’s a good tihng that the GW Trilogy is only 29.99 bucks!
These are good ideas, but I would suggest against them. Play GW1 like it was played during its glory days. Find a guild (there are still players left), do some cooperative missions, have fun making your own build.
Don’t rely on heroes and PvX builds to get you through the game. Enjoy the game as it was originally intended. That was when it was glorious.
If you want titles and things, go for it, but really I would just play the game for the fun of playing the game, because without any rewards or titles, the game is good enough to play.
Cowrex.9564 and Dyntheos.5719 feel free to add me in-game if you wanna chat about it rq, as that can be easier to back-and-forth than on forums.
If you want to go for 30/50 HoM points (all the tangible rewards) then here’s a few tips to get you going.
1: don’t aim for 50/50 HoM or God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals titles, time investment will be too high, you won’t do it
2: use http://hom.guildwars2.com/en/ to track your progress and set goals on what you’ll do to reach 30
3: pick a character and focus on playing it, try not to make alts – you only need alts for 50/50.a] your first goal should be (as grandmafunk suggested) playing in Nightfall to get the heroes, it’s the most rewarding of all the campaigns, gives you heroes and free bonus skills (with hero skill points)
b] find some skill builds for heroes that will work anywhere, i have a few i can give you or you can look up something like pvxwiki – the sooner you get those builds on your heroes the easier+faster it will be, invest in your heroes as fast as you can as early as you can – cheap max-stat weapons, good skills
c] as early as you can pick up the storybook (http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Storybook) related to the campaign you are playing through. the bonuses they give for content you’ll be playing through anyway shouldn’t be overlooked!
d] apart from collecting heroes and giving them weapons/skills focus on completing each campaign (all missions, including optionals you can skip) on Normal WITH bonuses for a few easy titles toward HoM and significant map/town exposure.Like I said feel free to add me, i’m in aussie timezone though.
PS: i have a stack of stuff in GW1 that i would sell for GW2 gold – minis/money/weapons/etc. we’d both have to agree on an exchange rate and naturally there’s no way of affirming either of us don’t get scammed. up to you, i’m willing to risk since i won’t use the stuff any more anyway.
PPS: Dyntheos.5719 just re-read your post. If you only want a few points you shouldn’t buy all campaigns. You have to have Eye of the North to access HoM, you have to have one other campaign as well as Eye of the North, I suggest Nightfall.Will do boss! I’ll let you know as soon as I get it!
It’s a good tihng that the GW Trilogy is only 29.99 bucks!
These are good ideas, but I would suggest against them. Play GW1 like it was played during its glory days. Find a guild (there are still players left), do some cooperative missions, have fun making your own build.
Don’t rely on heroes and PvX builds to get you through the game. Enjoy the game as it was originally intended. That was when it was glorious.
If you want titles and things, go for it, but really I would just play the game for the fun of playing the game, because without any rewards or titles, the game is good enough to play.
Are you really suggesting him to have Alesia carry him through the game?
To OP: do yourself a favour and get a good gwpvx monk build on your heroes. Will spare you a lot of headdesks.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto
Cowrex.9564 and Dyntheos.5719 feel free to add me in-game if you wanna chat about it rq, as that can be easier to back-and-forth than on forums.
If you want to go for 30/50 HoM points (all the tangible rewards) then here’s a few tips to get you going.
1: don’t aim for 50/50 HoM or God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals titles, time investment will be too high, you won’t do it
2: use http://hom.guildwars2.com/en/ to track your progress and set goals on what you’ll do to reach 30
3: pick a character and focus on playing it, try not to make alts – you only need alts for 50/50.a] your first goal should be (as grandmafunk suggested) playing in Nightfall to get the heroes, it’s the most rewarding of all the campaigns, gives you heroes and free bonus skills (with hero skill points)
b] find some skill builds for heroes that will work anywhere, i have a few i can give you or you can look up something like pvxwiki – the sooner you get those builds on your heroes the easier+faster it will be, invest in your heroes as fast as you can as early as you can – cheap max-stat weapons, good skills
c] as early as you can pick up the storybook (http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Storybook) related to the campaign you are playing through. the bonuses they give for content you’ll be playing through anyway shouldn’t be overlooked!
d] apart from collecting heroes and giving them weapons/skills focus on completing each campaign (all missions, including optionals you can skip) on Normal WITH bonuses for a few easy titles toward HoM and significant map/town exposure.Like I said feel free to add me, i’m in aussie timezone though.
PS: i have a stack of stuff in GW1 that i would sell for GW2 gold – minis/money/weapons/etc. we’d both have to agree on an exchange rate and naturally there’s no way of affirming either of us don’t get scammed. up to you, i’m willing to risk since i won’t use the stuff any more anyway.
PPS: Dyntheos.5719 just re-read your post. If you only want a few points you shouldn’t buy all campaigns. You have to have Eye of the North to access HoM, you have to have one other campaign as well as Eye of the North, I suggest Nightfall.Will do boss! I’ll let you know as soon as I get it!
It’s a good tihng that the GW Trilogy is only 29.99 bucks!
These are good ideas, but I would suggest against them. Play GW1 like it was played during its glory days. Find a guild (there are still players left), do some cooperative missions, have fun making your own build.
Don’t rely on heroes and PvX builds to get you through the game. Enjoy the game as it was originally intended. That was when it was glorious.
If you want titles and things, go for it, but really I would just play the game for the fun of playing the game, because without any rewards or titles, the game is good enough to play.
Are you really suggesting him to have Alesia carry him through the game?
To OP: do yourself a favour and get a good gwpvx monk build on your heroes. Will spare you a lot of headdesks.
Well, if he was in a guild, he could find a monk hopefully. But, yes, that would be one exception if you can’t find a monk.
The idea was just try to find a group of people to play with rather than running solo with heroes. The game was designed to be a COORP. As such, the experience is way better with others.
From what I have seen, the people left are really helpful to help.
I think you missed the train. When it was released it was fantastic. Lots of players doing missions, buying/selling, chatting, running “dungeons,” etc. It was innovative and original and could be played solo or in groups. And when it was just Prophecies it had fantastic population density. The expacs were wonderful.
But now it’s not as alive as it once was. The combat movement will probably frustrate you (no jumping, click to move). The lack of players running missions and dungeons like Dreadnought & Tombs will frustrate you. The empty, instanced world will frustrate you. It was gorgeous at the time, but GW2’s vivid world makes GW1 look polygonal and flat.
I’m really glad I played GW1 for years and from launch. But I’ve tried going back and it just doesn’t have that draw it once did. I do miss the oodles of skills & dual classes that made endless build-making fun.
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)
It really is a nice game. I played it at launch and found it to be a blast. I left the game after only a few months because all my friends stopped playing and my guild died.
But I have to say the stories of Ascalon and the Dwarves are worth taking the time to check out. Also, the monk class is awesome, it’s the only healing based class I’ve ever played and loved.
P.S. I bought it on Steam last weekend and checked it out again.
Mintari Le Voss – 80 – Mesmer
Winslow Heer – 80 – Ranger
Cowrex.9564 and Dyntheos.5719 feel free to add me in-game if you wanna chat about it rq, as that can be easier to back-and-forth than on forums.
If you want to go for 30/50 HoM points (all the tangible rewards) then here’s a few tips to get you going.
1: don’t aim for 50/50 HoM or God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals titles, time investment will be too high, you won’t do it
2: use http://hom.guildwars2.com/en/ to track your progress and set goals on what you’ll do to reach 30
3: pick a character and focus on playing it, try not to make alts – you only need alts for 50/50.a] your first goal should be (as grandmafunk suggested) playing in Nightfall to get the heroes, it’s the most rewarding of all the campaigns, gives you heroes and free bonus skills (with hero skill points)
b] find some skill builds for heroes that will work anywhere, i have a few i can give you or you can look up something like pvxwiki – the sooner you get those builds on your heroes the easier+faster it will be, invest in your heroes as fast as you can as early as you can – cheap max-stat weapons, good skills
c] as early as you can pick up the storybook (http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Storybook) related to the campaign you are playing through. the bonuses they give for content you’ll be playing through anyway shouldn’t be overlooked!
d] apart from collecting heroes and giving them weapons/skills focus on completing each campaign (all missions, including optionals you can skip) on Normal WITH bonuses for a few easy titles toward HoM and significant map/town exposure.Like I said feel free to add me, i’m in aussie timezone though.
PS: i have a stack of stuff in GW1 that i would sell for GW2 gold – minis/money/weapons/etc. we’d both have to agree on an exchange rate and naturally there’s no way of affirming either of us don’t get scammed. up to you, i’m willing to risk since i won’t use the stuff any more anyway.
PPS: Dyntheos.5719 just re-read your post. If you only want a few points you shouldn’t buy all campaigns. You have to have Eye of the North to access HoM, you have to have one other campaign as well as Eye of the North, I suggest Nightfall.Will do boss! I’ll let you know as soon as I get it!
It’s a good tihng that the GW Trilogy is only 29.99 bucks!
These are good ideas, but I would suggest against them. Play GW1 like it was played during its glory days. Find a guild (there are still players left), do some cooperative missions, have fun making your own build.
Don’t rely on heroes and PvX builds to get you through the game. Enjoy the game as it was originally intended. That was when it was glorious.
If you want titles and things, go for it, but really I would just play the game for the fun of playing the game, because without any rewards or titles, the game is good enough to play.
Are you really suggesting him to have Alesia carry him through the game?
To OP: do yourself a favour and get a good gwpvx monk build on your heroes. Will spare you a lot of headdesks.
I haven’t seen how monks play yet or even know about them although I’ll research about them and keep that in mind! Thanks!
Oh yea, and I have a few friends in GW2 who are willing to play Gw1 with me
Well, the first thing you want to know about monks is to kill the enemy’s monk before they kill yours.