I wouldn’t recommend a Berserker’s warrior in PvP. The nice thing, however, is that you can use an entirely different build and setup in PvP if you like. Heck, maybe even try out a few other classes.
I remember I Liked the Engineer in sPVP with grenadier build ^^ liked to pawn people from top of clock tower for example) Never had the patience to lvl one outside sPVP.
Could give some tips for sPVP ?
I remember I Liked the Engineer in sPVP with grenadier build ^^ liked to pawn people from top of clock tower for example
) Never had the patience to lvl one outside sPVP.
Could give some tips for sPVP ?
Any engineer tips from me might do more harm than good. I’d suggest watching some games with Teldo or I Will Lead You All. You can observe their builds and tactics and you should learn quite a bit about how to successfully play an engineer.
spvp is mor fun than wvwvw according to me.
the lattest is just running up and down and basicaly raging when you die because of said running.
spvp it is nice and fun, you have immediate reward if you win and can learn something new about your class.
also you can try any build you like for free like should be also in pve.
Join the Rainbow Pride
I like WvW, since its somewhat social, and is constantly happening. For a long period I completly forgot about PvE, though now I try to do both each day. I dont like PvP, but maybe its cause Im not good at it, but if you prefer more direct competition, I guess it would be more for you.
I am getting bored of this game, and instead of releasing an Expansion they gonna give us free content, free is great but free has it’s limitations, with a new exp we would get a new race, new class, new gameplay mechanics, and probably Cantha or Elona to explore, free content won’t be the same, got bored of Bazaar of the Four Winds in 1 day the new area is beautiful but it lacks life, it’s a a big jumping puzzle, once you are done nothing left to see..
Berserker Warrior? I vote WvW. If you like the playstyle I’d recommend taking your current build and gear directly into WvW. If you find survivability to be a problem you might want to mix in some Knight’s pieces and even soldier’s runes. Eventually, you’ll find your sweet spot for damage and survivability. WvW takes a far greater toll in terms of incoming damage than PvE whether you are zerging it up or roaming with a small group.
Play WvW. It’s essentially PvE but with enemies that have a brain (occasionally) that will disrupt your goals.
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
[…]with a new exp we would get a new race, new class, new gameplay mechanics, and probably Cantha or Elona to explore[…]
Any source on that? Did they say anything like:
In an expansion we would’ve added races, professions and new areas, but we did this instead.
Nope, don’t think so. It’s all player speculations. Can you be sure that in an expansion we wouldn’t have gotten exactly this, just clumped into 1 day?
I’d suggest giving WvW a try, it’s a good constant 24/7 battle over objectives. sPvP doesn’t have the same continuous everlasting/ever changing gameplay that you get from WvW. That’s my biased opinion anyway
Try WvW if you can. It’s a lot of emphasis on teamwork, group builds (esp if you are in WvW focused guild), tactical and strategic play with great commanders.
The fun thing is that the WvW game meta is constantly evolving even now, with 15-20 mans working as coordinated unit to demolish forces bigger than them. Take a look at this:
Good hunting,
I am getting bored of this game, and instead of releasing an Expansion they gonna give us free content, free is great but free has it’s limitations, with a new exp we would get a new race, new class, new gameplay mechanics, and probably Cantha or Elona to explore, free content won’t be the same, got bored of Bazaar of the Four Winds in 1 day the new area is beautiful but it lacks life, it’s a a big jumping puzzle, once you are done nothing left to see..
Way to bring something totally irrelevant into a thread. But since Anet can open new zones and add no races for free, I don’t get your objection.
On topic: WvW and SPvP are very different games. SPvP is a quick hit type of thing. Unless you’re playing in tournaments, it’s a pick up and play, hot join, drop out when you’re done sort of thing. It’s fast and fun but it’s like candy.
WvW is longer, slower, more down time, more traveling but the big battles can be quite epic. It’s a longer, slower, more drawn out process that’s a lot better for some people.
This is particularly true if you join a WvW guild or you’re part of a group that plays. Roaming in WvW..that I’m not too sure about. That also turns WvW into a different game.
I think you should try both though, because I play both and they fill compelely different roles for me.
For example, I like to do SPvP to kill some time, between doing other things because its’ fast. I really can’t do that with WvW. But WvW would be a better long term PvE replacement for me.
PvE has 10000x more content than PvP. Still not much, and that says it all.
Try out hotjoin to learn your build and how to counter some other classes, but then move to tournament and ask higher ranked guys about what should you do in the given map, so ask them about your role.
Hotjoin is just a cancer of PvP. It’s mindless zerging, ignoring all tactics, roles and everything. It’s like farming cof p1 all day and you think you can play. But still gives more reward than anything else.
Fear The Crazy [Huns]
(edited by Gandarel.5091)
The best thing you can do if you don’t wanna buy new gear/run different build is make a Killshot build and go troll people for dat 20k+ damage per killshot in wvw.
Give WvW a shot first. It gets you into the idea of PvP on a larger scale and gets you used to playing against others with larger groups. Once you feel comfortable and enjoy it get into some sPvP less people but more structured. However a zerker war probably wont be your best option in sPvP because you will get merc’d. So this way it gives you a chance to look at other options of your class to see what else you can do with it
Same, I think just make a break of a couple of months and come back.
I really hope they will introduce a new continent, new zones, playable races or profession and higher level cap, new story with an elder dragon etc. Otherwise this game just becomes a casual fest every 2 weeks which i don’t appreciate.
‘would of been’ —> wrong
Im a dedicated WvW player who recently took up sPvP. In all honesty, sPvP is in a better place right now. The developers working on WvW are way too slowly and implementing the tools in WvW that WvW players need. Id recommend you try sPvP. The game format is actually really fun.
Its fun for the first 100 PvP matches then you realize its the same old same old. I got tired of PvP ever since the first few months.
What motivates you to PvP in GW2? Can’t be because of progression, skins.
I only started doing 15-20min PvP purely for the AP. In fact I wish I could be in a guild that farmed the PvP AP efficiently, pretty sure that this isn’t against the TOS.
Its fun for the first 100 PvP matches then you realize its the same old same old. I got tired of PvP ever since the first few months.
What motivates you to PvP in GW2? Can’t be because of progression, skins.
I only started doing 15-20min PvP purely for the AP. In fact I wish I could be in a guild that farmed the PvP AP efficiently, pretty sure that this isn’t against the TOS.
Basketball is the same game every time too. You know why people keep playing it? It’s fun. This is why tPvP players keep playing tPvP.
Based on your post, I’m assuming your PvP experiences begin and end with hot join.
Basketball is the same game every time too. You know why people keep playing it? It’s fun. This is why tPvP players keep playing tPvP.
Based on your post, I’m assuming your PvP experiences begin and end with hot join.
The concept of fun is subjective unless you live in a totalitarian political system. And yes my PvP experiences currently begin with and end with pvp browser within 15 min just for the AP, not because I find it fun in any shape or form.
And I may be in the vast majority of players who do casual PvP or at all. Not sure why Time Warp gets nerfed for the 1% ers.
Basketball is the same game every time too. You know why people keep playing it? It’s fun. This is why tPvP players keep playing tPvP.
Based on your post, I’m assuming your PvP experiences begin and end with hot join.
The concept of fun is subjective unless you live in a totalitarian political system. And yes my PvP experiences currently begin with and end with pvp browser within 15 min just for the AP, not because I find it fun in any shape or form.
And I may be in the vast majority of players who do casual PvP or at all. Not sure why Time Warp gets nerfed for the 1% ers.
I understand that fun is subjective, hence why not everyone plays basketball. However, I don’t know why you’d play hot join (the sewer system of PvP) and then claim that all PvP is boring. It’s like eating nothing but hamburger and then claiming sirloin is boring to eat.
I understand that fun is subjective, hence why not everyone plays basketball. However, I don’t know why you’d play hot join (the sewer system of PvP) and then claim that all PvP is boring. It’s like eating nothing but hamburger and then claiming sirloin is boring to eat.
Yes bow down to the l33t pvpers. I have a similar view about PVP in general as opposed to PvE but I dont want to sound rude and confrontational. Clearly if I said PvP wasnt fun and unenjoyable, I would just have it over as quickly as possible just so I can get the AP. If you don’t understand this the first time round I doubt repeating myself will get the message through.
(edited by Khal Drogo.9631)
I understand that fun is subjective, hence why not everyone plays basketball. However, I don’t know why you’d play hot join (the sewer system of PvP) and then claim that all PvP is boring. It’s like eating nothing but hamburger and then claiming sirloin is boring to eat.
Yes bow down to the l33t pvpers. I have a similar view about PVP in general as opposed to PvE but I dont want to sound rude and confrontational. Clearly if I said PvP wasnt fun and unenjoyable, I would just have it over as quickly as possible just so I can get the AP. If you don’t understand this the first time round I doubt repeating myself will get the message through.
So I’m not sure why you even commented then. The OP has already stated he finds PvP fun and we’ve agreed fun is subjective, so therefore your opinion of the fun factor has no bearing on the OP’s, yes? You then asked how anyone could enjoy PvP, while afterwards stating that fun was subjective, answering your own question. Is there something I’m missing here? What advice are you giving to the OP? Did you just want to use this as a soapbox against PvP and PvP’ers?
The sPVP can be annoying at times, for example at the spirit watch tower and your in the team near the orb and the other team comes and kills you in seconds after getting down from the starting point. Don’t know if is exploiting but is annoying. And WwW is too imbalanced in my opinion. Had too many gates at 25% and got mopped on the floor by a huge zerg(you don’t even see them only after your dead),or huge zergs coming to take your tower and youre only like 10 people in the tower and none outside, the gate falls faster than you can blink almoust(Vizunah with their HUGE zergs-god knows from where they get so many people) Both have good and bad parts
This sucks lol. WoW bred a generation of content-clearing-grind-machines and now they can’t enjoy games like this because they get to the end too fast and have no interest in alternate toons or even alternate builds and gear.