I'm disappointed with the end game

I'm disappointed with the end game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrDmajor.7084


That’s what it feels like. I think Fractals was the worst thing that happened to the game for the simple fact it yanked the player base from other areas (that were already slowly dying out). I also think the unreasonable dungeon mechanics chased people away from higher level dungeons.

I don’t wish to get 100% map completion. I don’t wish to play Super Guild Wars Bros and do jump puzzles. I’d like to advance exciting story or make some kind of progress w/ my character and see other characters out in the world and join with them and do stuff… new stuff.

I try to log-in and not be negative, but I usually just end up running around aimlessly and then logging out.

I can’t be the only person feeling this way. I don’t hate GW2. I enjoyed my path to where I am now… but I feel like I “beat” a console game right now.

What the heck happened to the game ANet was advertising before launch?

ArenaNet does NOT play Guild Wars 2. This can’t be.

(edited by Moderator)

I'm disappointed with the end game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrDmajor.7084


Your response has a lot in common with Guild Wars 2 actually.

ArenaNet does NOT play Guild Wars 2. This can’t be.

I'm disappointed with the end game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrDmajor.7084


And there goes your ninja’d no content update as well. Nice.

ArenaNet does NOT play Guild Wars 2. This can’t be.

I'm disappointed with the end game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kenshinakh.3672


It’s still the same content since launch with a few new areas. A lot of recent content were events/holiday so maybe that’s something you missed out on. There’s always new content being added almost monthly, so that’s something to look forward to.

I'm disappointed with the end game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nuka Cola.8520

Nuka Cola.8520

i feel the same for months now waiting for something new and most importantly BIG for pve that will occupy me for weeks/months or a completely new pvp mode that doesn’t rely on capping bs for 15 minutes. People on this forum are generally fanboys that will defend this game even if there’s lots of stuff they don’t like so don’t expect many agreeing with you.

Fact: every Thief tells you to “l2p” when the subject is to nerf stealth.

I'm disappointed with the end game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrDmajor.7084


It’s still the same content since launch with a few new areas. A lot of recent content were events/holiday so maybe that’s something you missed out on. There’s always new content being added almost monthly, so that’s something to look forward to.

I was around for Lost Shores and Halloween. Halloween was cute, Lost Shores was a big mess, I had no desire to do the cutsie Christmas stuff.

The game was a lot of fun when people populated the various areas and the Dynamic Content was fresh. Maybe I expected too much from ANet when they doubled down on the dynamic content thing. Turning GW2 into Lions Arch = Fractals ruined all of it though.

ArenaNet does NOT play Guild Wars 2. This can’t be.

I'm disappointed with the end game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Unspecified.9142


First, I don’t play as much as I used to. I tend to play in spurts. Right now I’m not playing, haven’t logged in for a few days because I just don’t want to and I’m having more fun with other games. I also took about a month and a half break after the Lost Shores patch playing a bit over Wintersday and then picked it up again from the start of January to last week. My breaks are partly a result of what the OP is talking about.

The thing is, I’m okay with that.

The kind of content the OP is talking about is finite and always will be. The development time required to make that kind of content is several times greater than the time it takes players to consume that content. It’s simply unrealistic to expect to have unlimited story driven content. Even if you only play 1 hour a day they just can’t make new content fast enough. It takes longer than an hour just to write the dialogue.

I’ve never really understood why people think MMOs need to be a 24/7 365 days a year game to play. It’s simply not a realistic expectation. No MMO has ever succeeded in making a game that anyone can play a couple hours a day 365 days a year without repeating content.

The biggest difference with GW2 is the fact that, unlike other MMOs, it’s not filled with unnecessary time sinks designed to waste your time. They just took out (most of) the time sinks because there is no subscription. They don’t need to needlessly drag out simple tasks to prevent you from making progress so that the next monthly subscription fee comes due before you finish what you want to do.

Crafting is perhaps the most obvious example. Did you ever stop and ask yourself why sub based games make crafting a items take so long? It’s not for a ‘more realistic feeling’. I can’t remember the name of the game now but I remember one MMO I played that when I needed to do a lot of crafting I went afk a lot because it literally took 20 minutes to refine stacks of materials. GW2 I just alt-tab briefly or go get a drink because it takes ~2 minutes to make 250 of something.

Another example of time sinks in other games is raids. There’s a reason why the best gear in most MMOs drops one piece at a time from raids that take 15+ people that you can only do once a week. It’s simply because that way if those 15+ people all need a specific drop from the same boss and it only drops 1 of the items they need at a time that’s 4+ months those 15+ people are paying $15 a month. That’s also part of why it’s RNG instead of fixed drops. Again, it makes sure it takes longer because odds are at least one run an item no one needs will drop off a boss and that’s another week 15+ people are paying… errr, “playing” the game. Especially since they can’t even try again until the weekly raid reset.

This is just what an MMO is when you pull out (most of) the useless time sinks designed to drag out the experience needlessly so you will pay $15 a month for longer. What you’re left with is a game you play because it’s fun or you stop playing. You can always come back when there’s new stuff. It is free to do so since you already bought the game.

I'm disappointed with the end game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


That’s what it feels like. I think Fractals was the worst thing that happened to the game for the simple fact it yanked the player base from other areas (that were already slowly dying out). I also think the unreasonable dungeon mechanics chased people away from higher level dungeons.

I don’t wish to get 100% map completion. I don’t wish to play Super Guild Wars Bros and do jump puzzles. I’d like to advance exciting story or make some kind of progress w/ my character and see other characters out in the world and join with them and do stuff… new stuff.

I try to log-in and not be negative, but I usually just end up running around aimlessly and then logging out.

The Living Story started out terribly. First impressions are your last, and if fixing broken signs, lighting fires and rummaging dead bodies is how ANet planned on rolling it out… the content managers need Cocaine introduced into their lifestyle immediately.

I can’t be the only person feeling this way. I don’t hate GW2. I enjoyed my path to where I am now… but I feel like I “beat” a console game right now.

What the heck happened to the game ANet was advertising before launch?

Great point! I do want world completion without forced pvp however. thats how you and I differ.

But that shouldnt excuse anyone for not adding DE metas , permanent ones not holiday events. I still haven’t seen a new one since launch. Just the dragons. sigh

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

I'm disappointed with the end game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Unspecified.9142


But that shouldnt excuse anyone for not adding DE metas , permanent ones not holiday events. I still haven’t seen a new one since launch. Just the dragons. sigh

There’s at least one meta event in every single zone.


Honestly the dragons everyone is so obsessed with are some of the most boring meta events in the entire game outside of the awesome visuals that dragon fights have.

I'm disappointed with the end game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Goettel.4389


There’s plenty to do after you’re done leveling. GW2 is the first MMO I enjoy leveling and alting in, so I’m on my fourth character. Do your dailies casually, i.e. by just ‘running around’. Try some instances other than fractals if you don’t like them – all of them have nice looking gear to collect, if you’re into that, or just do them for fun – like me and my small guild do. Having fun is a goal in itself, right ?

OP, not saying you don’t have a point, the endgame IS a little unfocussed to me, but that’s because I come from the strict tier-regime of WoW. Just find stuff to do you enjoy, you don’t need endgame goals to play and have fun !

Send an Asura who knows math. Problem solved.

I'm disappointed with the end game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: offence.4726


Sorry to hear that OP , to be honest i’ve taken quite a brake myself but due to other games im back on the horse though. Besides the many dungeons there is a complex PvP system ranging from casual to (hardcore) paids , WvW which is the best thing and is on a constant change especially played within a community , crafting professions , world exploring , maxing a main chars stats , ascendant gear, getting the best looking skins ingame ? Way too many things so im not gonna waste the forum bandwidth but you get my point I hope

play hard , go pro.

I'm disappointed with the end game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fish of doom.4137

Fish of doom.4137

the lack of challenge i the open world is the reason for most problens IMO peaple dont efficiently use their characters let alone group together… when the content is easy, and the only need for success is auto attacking of course the gme will feel hollow. creting a hard mode server is a must, with better reward of course

I'm disappointed with the end game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cazio.2137


That’s what it feels like. I think Fractals was the worst thing that happened to the game for the simple fact it yanked the player base from other areas (that were already slowly dying out). I also think the unreasonable dungeon mechanics chased people away from higher level dungeons.

I don’t wish to get 100% map completion. I don’t wish to play Super Guild Wars Bros and do jump puzzles. I’d like to advance exciting story or make some kind of progress w/ my character and see other characters out in the world and join with them and do stuff… new stuff.

I try to log-in and not be negative, but I usually just end up running around aimlessly and then logging out.

The Living Story started out terribly. First impressions are your last, and if fixing broken signs, lighting fires and rummaging dead bodies is how ANet planned on rolling it out… the content managers need Cocaine introduced into their lifestyle immediately.

I can’t be the only person feeling this way. I don’t hate GW2. I enjoyed my path to where I am now… but I feel like I “beat” a console game right now.

What the heck happened to the game ANet was advertising before launch?

That is pretty much it. Get to 80 and then stop playing or level another character. This is probably the most boring MMO at max level that I have played. The entire reason is because of there being very little character development once you hit max level. How this got into an MMORPG I will never know. The entire point of an RPG is to develop your character.

Think about what this game actually does. You hit max level and the game then says now that you have reached the pinnacle, you are going to grind for clothes. Not clothes that make you all that more powerful but instead just clothes in a fashion sense. In other words “End Game” turns you into a teenage girl who has to find the perfect outfit. That is supposed to keep people playing?

I really did enjoy leveling up but after getting necro and thief to 80 I see little point to do the content over again knowing that once I hit max level it is game over.

I'm disappointed with the end game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Riss.1536


If think there are a lot of people who never played GW1.

I'm disappointed with the end game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cazio.2137


If think there are a lot of people who never played GW1.

You are right. The game was not popular and filled little more than a niche role in the MMO community. So yes, few have played GW1. However, Anet was supposed to be trying to compete with WoW. You do not compete with WoW by having an end game that turns the player base into teenage girls looking for the perfect outfit.

I'm disappointed with the end game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tosha Daydreamer.9251

Tosha Daydreamer.9251

That’s what it feels like. I think Fractals was the worst thing that happened to the game for the simple fact it yanked the player base from other areas (that were already slowly dying out). I also think the unreasonable dungeon mechanics chased people away from higher level dungeons.

I don’t wish to get 100% map completion. I don’t wish to play Super Guild Wars Bros and do jump puzzles. I’d like to advance exciting story or make some kind of progress w/ my character and see other characters out in the world and join with them and do stuff… new stuff.

I try to log-in and not be negative, but I usually just end up running around aimlessly and then logging out.

The Living Story started out terribly. First impressions are your last, and if fixing broken signs, lighting fires and rummaging dead bodies is how ANet planned on rolling it out… the content managers need Cocaine introduced into their lifestyle immediately.

I can’t be the only person feeling this way. I don’t hate GW2. I enjoyed my path to where I am now… but I feel like I “beat” a console game right now.

What the heck happened to the game ANet was advertising before launch?

That is pretty much it. Get to 80 and then stop playing or level another character. This is probably the most boring MMO at max level that I have played. The entire reason is because of there being very little character development once you hit max level. How this got into an MMORPG I will never know. The entire point of an RPG is to develop your character.

Think about what this game actually does. You hit max level and the game then says now that you have reached the pinnacle, you are going to grind for clothes. Not clothes that make you all that more powerful but instead just clothes in a fashion sense. In other words “End Game” turns you into a teenage girl who has to find the perfect outfit. That is supposed to keep people playing?

I really did enjoy leveling up but after getting necro and thief to 80 I see little point to do the content over again knowing that once I hit max level it is game over.

Yes, grinding for extra stats that don’t make any difference in the long run, because mobs and content scale as well… And all your effort is pointless anyway when a new patch hits – that is MUCH better indeed.

It’s all psychological. You are not getting stronger, or better, or “more developed”, you just think you’re getting stronger because now it says 105 instead of 100.

If that is what you seek in an RPG (what in my opinion stands for “role playing game” – not “grinding for stats”), than yes, it’s going to be boring for you. As long as you keep in mind that those stats are just as pointless as searching the perfect outfit, and the “getting stronger” is just as fake.

I'm disappointed with the end game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tosha Daydreamer.9251

Tosha Daydreamer.9251

If think there are a lot of people who never played GW1.

You are right. The game was not popular and filled little more than a niche role in the MMO community. So yes, few have played GW1. However, Anet was supposed to be trying to compete with WoW. You do not compete with WoW by having an end game that turns the player base into teenage girls looking for the perfect outfit.

You do not compete with WoW by making yet another clone either. If it’s WoW or WoW-like you want, there are plenty of other options out there for you.

I'm disappointed with the end game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tobias Trueflight.8350

Tobias Trueflight.8350

If think there are a lot of people who never played GW1.

You are right. The game was not popular and filled little more than a niche role in the MMO community. So yes, few have played GW1. However, Anet was supposed to be trying to compete with WoW. You do not compete with WoW by having an end game that turns the player base into teenage girls looking for the perfect outfit.

I don’t think they said they were out to compete with WoW this time, much as the last time they said explicitly they weren’t.

Also, GW1 wasn’t really “unpopular”, but it didn’t get very much marketing or notice that I remember. I don’t think half the gaming press really covered it well, because it wasn’t WoW or competition. It arrived quietly, and with not too much fanfare. GW2 on the other hand . . .

. . . is another example of how marketing can raise expectations really high through hype and then disappoint by not being 100% perfect and the game which made Blizzard say “you know what guys, we’re out”.

Seeking assistants for the Asuran Catapult Project. Applicants will be tested for aerodynamics.

I'm disappointed with the end game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Safer Saviour.9685

Safer Saviour.9685

If think there are a lot of people who never played GW1.

You are right. The game was not popular and filled little more than a niche role in the MMO community. So yes, few have played GW1. However, Anet was supposed to be trying to compete with WoW. You do not compete with WoW by having an end game that turns the player base into teenage girls looking for the perfect outfit.

Actually, GW1 was remarkably successful. Games don’t have to match WoW’s profit margins in order to be considered a success. GW1 sold seven million copies, which is no mean feat. I do think there are lessons from GW1 to be properly learned from though, things that would improve the quality of GW2 – and its endgame.

For instance, the Elite Missions and the very varied structure of all Missions across the game. Some of them were very inventive and fun to play through. Hard Mode – or something equivalent – is worth looking at too and the Zhaishen Dailies were a fantastic way of motivating people to go back to certain areas, which is an issue in GW2.

(edited by Safer Saviour.9685)

I'm disappointed with the end game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anakin.9765


Based on your forum activity, you’re not going to get the answer you’re looking for. You’ve decided you don’t enjoy the game. You’re bashing every little thing that isn’t molded to your specific tastes and assume its a game breaking issue.

You don’t like the dungeon design, you don’t like jumping puzzles, you feel Fractals ruined the game, you don’t like the battle system (claiming it was a last minute addition to compete with Tera – hah), you simply do not like ANet, and you claimed to not enjoy the holiday events.

This is just what I get from your posts with a quick glance. Face it, you don’t like GW2 and you refuse to. Every thread you reply on, whether the thread is positive or not, you turn it into a “Yeah, but this part is bad.” thread.

What did you want to accomplish with this thread? We get it, Guild Wars 2 isn’t a game for you.

I'm disappointed with the end game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Czar Peter.7961

Czar Peter.7961

Here’s the problem in a nutshell

Fractals: Fun level: low. Reward level: highest.
WvW/exploring: Fun level: High. Reward level: low to negative

Engineer – Thief – Warrior

I'm disappointed with the end game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eladriel.7295


That’s what it feels like. I think Fractals was the worst thing that happened to the game for the simple fact it yanked the player base from other areas (that were already slowly dying out). I also think the unreasonable dungeon mechanics chased people away from higher level dungeons.

I don’t wish to get 100% map completion. I don’t wish to play Super Guild Wars Bros and do jump puzzles. I’d like to advance exciting story or make some kind of progress w/ my character and see other characters out in the world and join with them and do stuff… new stuff.

I try to log-in and not be negative, but I usually just end up running around aimlessly and then logging out.

I can’t be the only person feeling this way. I don’t hate GW2. I enjoyed my path to where I am now… but I feel like I “beat” a console game right now.

What the heck happened to the game ANet was advertising before launch?

Sorry, but no I don’t feel the same way. It’s the same game they had at launch with new stuff and areas.

Together we stand in the face of evil!

I'm disappointed with the end game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ravenmoon.5318


I tried TERA, I really did try to like their combat system, in comparison to GW2. I’m sorry but it’s simple button mashing. with a crosshair instead of target. A game with kittenload of skills and “stats fight”. You are locked to a profession defined weapon, animations are not as smooth, and lets face it, it’s korean grinder. I’m fed up with korean grinders. I simply don’t find joy to login each and every day and WORK for hours to get something that I want.
All of the above is done right in GW2. This is why I will pick gw2 before any other mmo currently out there at any given second. GW2 is a revolution. It changes the idea of what MMO should feel like, should play like and it should look like.

In no other game, not just MMOs, ANY GAME, you get THIS amount of professionalism and content for 60$ with NO DLCs, and no subscription fees. I don’t know what you are crying about. You payed your 60$, you’ve played your 100 hours. Move on. I recently passed the 1000 mark, being playing since headstart, and I’m still having a blast and no I’m not some GW fanatic. Infact I never played Gw1 before, I just like what they did in Gw2.

I do not know what you don’t like in dungeons, they are impossible with bad group, and really easy with a good group that works together. I mean after failing Simin for 3 times and having 1 guy coming and doing this in less than 20 minutes just makes you go WOW.

I'm disappointed with the end game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Skugga.5298


That is pretty much it. Get to 80 and then stop playing or level another character. This is probably the most boring MMO at max level that I have played. The entire reason is because of there being very little character development once you hit max level. How this got into an MMORPG I will never know. The entire point of an RPG is to develop your character.

Think about what this game actually does. You hit max level and the game then says now that you have reached the pinnacle, you are going to grind for clothes. Not clothes that make you all that more powerful but instead just clothes in a fashion sense. In other words “End Game” turns you into a teenage girl who has to find the perfect outfit. That is supposed to keep people playing?

I really did enjoy leveling up but after getting necro and thief to 80 I see little point to do the content over again knowing that once I hit max level it is game over.

Confirmed WoW player (or any like MMORPGs). Such people are those that push for vertical progression in this game.

I do have to add that in GW1 you had other activities such as : Guild battles, farming, Z-keys, Zaishen dailys,… which had some end-game feel to it.

My favorite part in GW1 was farming, just because I thought it was relaxing and trying to come up with new builds etc,..

I'm disappointed with the end game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


That is pretty much it. Get to 80 and then stop playing or level another character. This is probably the most boring MMO at max level that I have played. The entire reason is because of there being very little character development once you hit max level. How this got into an MMORPG I will never know. The entire point of an RPG is to develop your character.

Think about what this game actually does. You hit max level and the game then says now that you have reached the pinnacle, you are going to grind for clothes. Not clothes that make you all that more powerful but instead just clothes in a fashion sense. In other words “End Game” turns you into a teenage girl who has to find the perfect outfit. That is supposed to keep people playing?

I really did enjoy leveling up but after getting necro and thief to 80 I see little point to do the content over again knowing that once I hit max level it is game over.

Confirmed WoW player (or any like MMORPGs). Such people are those that push for vertical progression in this game.

I do have to add that in GW1 you had other activities such as : Guild battles, farming, Z-keys, Zaishen dailys,… which had some end-game feel to it.

My favorite part in GW1 was farming, just because I thought it was relaxing and trying to come up with new builds etc,..

And how long after launch did Z-quests and Zkeys appear? 5 years? How can you compare.

The game is six month old. It has a lot more content than most games at lauch, a fact people seem to ignore. You might not enjoy the content, but it’s there. More stuff will get added over time. That’s it.

Honestly, comparing four games seven years after the first one launched to a new game that just launched is just bad form. It misleads people into thinking that Guild Wars 1 is somehow better because it has more to do. But at six months old, it didn’t have a lot of the stuff that came later. Not even Sorrow’s Furnace. I don’t even think hard mode had been introduced by that point.

Just be patient, more content, particularly end game stuff is coming.

I'm disappointed with the end game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cesmode.4257


Leveling 1-80 was my best experience in this game so far. World vs World was the next best experience. Running dungeons and gearing up was the next best experience. The Haloween even was the next best.

I don’t think this game is what was advertised, not by a long shot. The big liner was “we don’t want you to suddenly play a different game than you have 1-80”. Well, at 80 its been a dungeon grind(OK this is fine for me.), and then a fractal grind. I can choose not to do fractals sure. But if I don’t, that leaves me with map completion, orr farming, or dungeons. Not much else.

Sadly I am only logging in to complete the daily and logging out, and Ive been a bug supporter and still am despite some flaws(in my opinion) concerning development direction. I am taking a small break from the game other than dailys, to play diablo 3 again. Hopefully the next patch(the 25th?) will spark some life into the game for me. Otherwise my hiatus will continue for a while longer. Which is OK. It doesn’t mean I dislike GW2 or that I do not plan to come back and play 3+ hours a night. Just for me, right now, I’ve stalled in my desire to do anything because everything is literally tied to accumulating better gear and/or legendary completion(map completion, farming mats, etc…everything can be bubbled up to the legendary) which sadly is unattainable at the moment for me due to precursors requiring me to put a second mortgage on the house.

Karma is as abundant as air, and as useless as the Kardashians.

I'm disappointed with the end game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ravenmoon.5318


How about helping your home server get more bonuses by competing in the WvW? My server has been both, at the absolute bottom, and the weekly top, owning every map. The bonuses are noticeable

I'm disappointed with the end game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


End game is W3 or sPvP.

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

I'm disappointed with the end game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hawkian.6580


If think there are a lot of people who never played GW1.

You are right. The game was not popular and filled little more than a niche role in the MMO community. So yes, few have played GW1. However, Anet was supposed to be trying to compete with WoW. You do not compete with WoW by having an end game that turns the player base into teenage girls looking for the perfect outfit.

You may not be aware of it, but Guild War 1 was by far the most successful MMO besides WoW… and it wasn’t even actually an MMO.

I'm disappointed with the end game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

There are plenty of things to do at 80 yet you don’t like any of them.
What do you expect us to tell you? Move to a game you like or something.

I'm disappointed with the end game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lynne.8416


I’m sorry OP that you are disappointed in the endgame. When you are satisfied that you have done everything that you want to do in the game, then stop playing, but keep coming back to see if anything “new” has been added that you wish to do.
That’s the great thing about this game, since there is no subscription fee, you can stop and start as often as you like and not miss out on anything.

I play the game for the open world PvE, I don’t care for dungeons nor PvP.
I am content to play the game that I want to play. I’ll never be rich, and probably won’t get all the armor and weapons that I like the best as that would take lots of gold that I don’t have, but that’s okay because I am enjoying the journey.

I'm disappointed with the end game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrDmajor.7084


There are plenty of things to do at 80 yet you don’t like any of them.
What do you expect us to tell you? Move to a game you like or something.

I liked the Dynamic Events, I liked the Dungeons when they were reasonable to get done as well as a population to do them with, I like exploring new areas and experiencing new beasts, sometimes I did WvW before culling and door glitches and crappy class balance ruined it.

As dense, and derpish as the retort was this person has a 100% valid point.

If you do not like doing 100% map completion or doing “jump puzzles” and making Alts to do them again… leave GW2 alone, as the things I have outlined I liked were only meant to be done on your way to 80.

ArenaNet does NOT play Guild Wars 2. This can’t be.

I'm disappointed with the end game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cazio.2137


If think there are a lot of people who never played GW1.

You are right. The game was not popular and filled little more than a niche role in the MMO community. So yes, few have played GW1. However, Anet was supposed to be trying to compete with WoW. You do not compete with WoW by having an end game that turns the player base into teenage girls looking for the perfect outfit.

Actually, GW1 was remarkably successful. Games don’t have to match WoW’s profit margins in order to be considered a success. GW1 sold seven million copies, which is no mean feat. I do think there are lessons from GW1 to be properly learned from though, things that would improve the quality of GW2 – and its endgame.

For instance, the Elite Missions and the very varied structure of all Missions across the game. Some of them were very inventive and fun to play through. Hard Mode – or something equivalent – is worth looking at too and the Zhaishen Dailies were a fantastic way of motivating people to go back to certain areas, which is an issue in GW2.

If you actually believe that GW1 was “remarkably successful” you must have a very low view of what success is.

I'm disappointed with the end game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cazio.2137


If think there are a lot of people who never played GW1.

You are right. The game was not popular and filled little more than a niche role in the MMO community. So yes, few have played GW1. However, Anet was supposed to be trying to compete with WoW. You do not compete with WoW by having an end game that turns the player base into teenage girls looking for the perfect outfit.

You do not compete with WoW by making yet another clone either. If it’s WoW or WoW-like you want, there are plenty of other options out there for you.

I find it comical that people such as yourself do everything in your power to shove people out the door in an effort to maintain the status quo. It is clear with the rapidly declining populations that a lot of people do not enjoy the game. Yet every other post I see you attacking anyone that criticizes it. I simply do not understand that mentality. People did the exact same thing in SWTOR and the game tanked. I find it odd that you want the same to happen to GW2.

I'm disappointed with the end game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


If think there are a lot of people who never played GW1.

You are right. The game was not popular and filled little more than a niche role in the MMO community. So yes, few have played GW1. However, Anet was supposed to be trying to compete with WoW. You do not compete with WoW by having an end game that turns the player base into teenage girls looking for the perfect outfit.

You do not compete with WoW by making yet another clone either. If it’s WoW or WoW-like you want, there are plenty of other options out there for you.

I find it comical that people such as yourself do everything in your power to shove people out the door in an effort to maintain the status quo. It is clear with the rapidly declining populations that a lot of people do not enjoy the game. Yet every other post I see you attacking anyone that criticizes it. I simply do not understand that mentality. People did the exact same thing in SWTOR and the game tanked. I find it odd that you want the same to happen to GW2.

The population is not rapidly declining. It declined for a bit and I’m pretty sure at the moment it’s growing. At least my server is growing.

When you say stuff like that with no evidence to back it up, it makes your entire argument suspect. Why not concentrate on facts, instead of inventing fictions?