I'm sorry, class balance isn't there.

I'm sorry, class balance isn't there.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raserei.8361


Population on the chart posted on the blog can’t be right…

On my server all I see are WARRIORS, THIEVES, and RANGERS…..

I do see other classes but the NOTICEABLE majority are these 3 classes.

Mesmer is very weak…. Necromancer is an acquired taste…. Guardian is boring….Elementalist is too squishy….. Engineer is confusing…..

Warrior/Thief/Ranger are literally the 3 easiest classes to play AND they are quite strong. Buff the other classes…

I'm sorry, class balance isn't there.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rainshine.5493


Care to link to the chart?

Ruse Torrent (elementalist) on JQ
trixnotes tumblr: quick hits of lore | personal tumblr (some other GW2 stuff)

I'm sorry, class balance isn't there.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: marianitten.1247


That’s funny.. WARRIORS, THIEVES, and RANGERS are the last classes i’m interested to try

For Those About to Zerg (We Salute You)

I'm sorry, class balance isn't there.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JemL.3501


i absolutely not want to create a warrior or thief, isee them so boring

I took an arrow to the knee

I'm sorry, class balance isn't there.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Echo.7634


I am an 80 mesmer.
If you think the class is “very weak” then I am not sure you understnad how the class works. As anyone who does WvW or SPVP and they will tell you horror stories at how they killed themself while trying to fight a mesmer.

Nothing makes me smile when some warrior, ranger or thief thinks they are going to take me 1 on 1.

Cant comment on the necro, havent played it yet. The ones I see running around seem to do JUST FINE.

Guardian has a great array of abilities that really work great in groups. Its actually probably one of the more dynamic classes out there.

Elementalist just seem to run around with their staff casting fireballs. Dual dagger frost/earth + signet of elements = win. Your not squishy if mobs/players can’t catch you.

Different game, different set of rules to play by.

I'm sorry, class balance isn't there.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: juiceman.2870


Its not perfect but its pretty good for the game just coming out its still early days. Much like starcraft 2 you let the meta game develop you dont just start making a bunch of changes right away unless something is broken

I'm sorry, class balance isn't there.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Killthehealersffs.8940


My engineer beats warriors+thiefs for breakfast ! (when i am not guarding a place – too much stress fighting in the cirle boarders)
They must nerf the Enginners then :P

And its not comfusing
Just close ur eyes , and push randomly bottuns
Open again ur eyes , and u will far far , in an other continent :P

(edited by Killthehealersffs.8940)

I'm sorry, class balance isn't there.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nemain.9802


I hate mesmers in pvp, I always end up chasing theirkittenclones. Unless they do something that gives them away.

I'm sorry, class balance isn't there.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lynce.1705


Guardian is boring?

Have you even played Guardian? It is insanely fun. Equipped a Great Sword or Hammer and look at the skills

I'm sorry, class balance isn't there.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blaine.1263


I’ve just started to get to grips with Guardian in an sPvP environment (being mostly a Warrior PvE player), speccing and traiting for survivability and point holding, and I’m having a huge amount of fun. Haven’t taken it past level 2 in PvE yet though.

Blaine – Warrior – Greatsword & Longbow
Sir Byren – Guardian – Mace/Shield & Scepter/Focus
Zaldoras – Necromancer – Staff & Scepter/Dagger

I'm sorry, class balance isn't there.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deadpoint.4751


Necros have huge swaths of traits and skills that aren’t functional. I’ve played around with every profession, and no one is as bugged as the necros.

I'm sorry, class balance isn't there.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Failsociety.4569


Being a 80 Necro I have no problems taking down 1-3 players at a time, my only problem seems to be finishing them off before they are downed and taking me out. lol.. As for Mesmers.. Mesmers aren’t really that hard to take down, you just have to watch for certain key things. A big one is movement. Most Mesmers I have met will dance around, where as clones pretty much act like bots.

FFXI: 75 Blm Rdm Blu Thf Smn Nin Bst (Retired since Abyssea) FFXIV: 50 War Blm Whm Brd Pld
Loathe WoW and the Community it brings.

I'm sorry, class balance isn't there.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saranis.3718


“Haha L2P Nubz”… No.

I agree, the classes don’t seem to be balanced that well, but at the same time if you CAN play one of those other classes effectively you should take greater pride in it.

My main is a lvl 80 Ranger, but I also try to play all classes because they each offer something different. I think that unless you play a class you can’t really understand it. I don’t even pretend to understand engineer yet, but I hope too in the future.

I'm sorry, class balance isn't there.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Colonel Kernel.7506

Colonel Kernel.7506

Um, yeah. Mesmers are way underpowered, they need serious buffs <snork>. Ahem, no really! <snicker>

Oh come on, I mean no one plays them. They must really suck pond water.

(No, I really was unable to keep a straight face while I typed that)

Look Mr/Ms professional game designer OP. The game has been out less than 30 days. If you have one class at 80 for a week and can write 8,000 words comparing all of it’s weapons, and another 8,000 words comparing it’s skills, with a 1,500 word followup on various trait builds to compliment each weapon THEN I’ll consider what you have to say.

If you can’t do that, you have no business calling for nerfs or buffs to any class. Please pick a topic you know something about to post on.

Blasted WoWzers infecting the boards…. Get the Hell offa my lawn!

I'm sorry, class balance isn't there.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lokai.7850


I am an 80 mesmer.
If you think the class is “very weak” then I am not sure you understnad how the class works. As anyone who does WvW or SPVP and they will tell you horror stories at how they killed themself while trying to fight a mesmer.

Nothing makes me smile when some warrior, ranger or thief thinks they are going to take me 1 on 1.

Cant comment on the necro, havent played it yet. The ones I see running around seem to do JUST FINE.

Guardian has a great array of abilities that really work great in groups. Its actually probably one of the more dynamic classes out there.

Elementalist just seem to run around with their staff casting fireballs. Dual dagger frost/earth + signet of elements = win. Your not squishy if mobs/players can’t catch you.

Different game, different set of rules to play by.

actually ele’s are in a weird spot from what i can tell they have more skills other players at any given time, but they also do about half there damage per skill, have longer cooldowns ect so takes them longer to do the same damage as other classes, and requires them to hit more often. This seems to be general consensus on forums at least. Other classes can do ele’s job quicker and with less effort,

From what i have read about the necro they seem to be in a strange spot to where they do there job easily enough HOWEVER classes like the warrior and thief can do the same duty, quicker and more effectively.

I think its more a case of, some classes are doing to much in some areas that maybe they shouldnt, or other classes are to weak in some areas. I do think needs to be some slight adjustments amongst all the classes though to what extent only more playing will tell me that.

I'm sorry, class balance isn't there.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IntheCoconut.3497


My friend plays a Minion master Necro and he is unstoppable in PvP. He’s top of the charts in EVERY game. I’m playing Mesmer. I LOVE their playstyle but I am horrible, but I am not crying for buffs to the class because of it. I know I am bad, but I also know that there are people out there that will make your life a living hell in pvp as a mesmer. It just has a very high skill-cap, and I like that. I enjoy signing on and learning something new and getting better every time I play.

Different strokes for different folks. Warrior/ranger/thief are easier to play, so naturally people will gravitate to those classes, especially when learning a new game. When people become more familiar with the mechanics, they will start to venture out and play around with more difficult classes.

I'm sorry, class balance isn't there.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fiennes.9568


A good mesmer is far from a weak class. They just require a bit more skill to play than some of the others.

And no, I’m not a mesmer.

I'm sorry, class balance isn't there.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cures.7451


I guess its your first mmo OP? otherwise: gz to the balls starting a thread that makes you look like its your first mmo “I see only X, and X is stronger than Y” is sooooo 80ies … oh, and balance is great in the game. fact.

I'm sorry, class balance isn't there.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: illgot.1056


I hate mesmers in pvp, I always end up chasing theirkittenclones. Unless they do something that gives them away.

can we mark players? Say, mark the mesmer so we know them from their clones?

I'm sorry, class balance isn't there.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Duckzor.4327


Lol@saying ranger is OP in sPvP. Rangers are very weak in PvP damage wise.

Thief WvW Solo Roam Video


I'm sorry, class balance isn't there.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: iniside.4736


The OP do not deserver to provide any feedback. Rest of people who write 4 line posta and that basically say (sux buff/nerf please), as well.
If you are not capable of provided detailed insight of what ir broken, where is broken, and propose some solutions, you should not be posting at all. You just wasting moderators time on opening your thread.

I'm sorry, class balance isn't there.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cerpin.7839


I love when bads show up to proclaim that particular classes aren’t balanced because they don’t have the ability to play them well.

I'm sorry, class balance isn't there.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Noktrin.8051


mesmer is hard to play well, but it’s very rewarding. Unless i come against someone very skilled, i rarely lose 1 vs 1.

I'm sorry, class balance isn't there.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: omgwtfbbq.5374


Can I just say that I want my dervish class back. Most fun class I’ve ever played in an MMO. Other than that, I plan on making a mesmer next, don’t really care for the melee classes.

I'm sorry, class balance isn't there.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fiennes.9568


By the way, saying “I’m sorry” is pretty condescending, and it doesn’t make your statement any truer. Also you present it as fact, which it isn’t.

I'm sorry, class balance isn't there.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ErkiB.8375


Please take it down a notch, now youre just spewing hatred. I just saw a thread that said Mesmers and Guardians are overpowered, now they are weak again?…. Oh well, The only thing Im going to tell you is that This game is deeper than just; This character is weak. You have to know how to move in the game, Utility skills and Traits are the KEY. And if you are bad at playing a Mesmer or a Guardian or dislike Necromancers, thats on you because I know plenty of people which play those classes and are beasts.

I'm sorry, class balance isn't there.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gurugeorge.9857


Class balance is not defined by relative take-up of the various classes. There are always going to be some classes that are easy to play and some classes that are an acquired taste. If all classes were equally easy to play, those of us who like classes that are a bit more tricky to play would have nothing to play. But we are in a minority. Most people like something that’s a bit easier to play (and even people who like complicated classes will have a few easy-to-play alts for a change of pace). Horses for courses.

Class balance is defined by how well classes do against each other in the long run, and the facts of that matter only Arenanet will know from their datamining.

(edited by gurugeorge.9857)