I miss GW1

I miss GW1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CookieNoodle.6503


Don’t get me wrong. I LOVE Guild Wars 2 and I’m hooked and aware that it is a new game. But I miss Elona, I miss Cantha. I miss all of the good old lore with GW1. It’s like we’ve slowly drifted off the old lore from GW1. What happened to the Gods? What happened with Elona and Cantha, we want to visit it. Am I the only one feeling like this? And I mean absolutely no offense to ANET, honestly, it’s still a great game. It’s just that I really think it’s time to wrap up the old stories again and mix it a bit more with the new ones.

I miss GW1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jski.6180


So play it? The gods where eaten by the dragon at least that what the undead mobs are saying. Cantha become super xenophobic so no one is allowed in i do not know about Elona.
GW2 is about 200 years (or 250 i am not sure) after GW1 a lot changed in that time and GW2 is still very new mmorpg it takes time to add in new maps to for new lore. More then likely the Gods will not come into play until after we get all the dragon out. The new maps will come in time but as things stand GW2 is too big so i am not sure how well they will work out.

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

I miss GW1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: milo.6942


Maybe one day they will make Guild Wars 2

I miss GW1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ShiningSquirrel.3751


Don’t get me wrong. I LOVE Guild Wars 2 and I’m hooked and aware that it is a new game. But I miss Elona, I miss Cantha. I miss all of the good old lore with GW1. It’s like we’ve slowly drifted off the old lore from GW1. What happened to the Gods? What happened with Elona and Cantha, we want to visit it. Am I the only one feeling like this? And I mean absolutely no offense to ANET, honestly, it’s still a great game. It’s just that I really think it’s time to wrap up the old stories again and mix it a bit more with the new ones.

If you want to enjoy playing GW2, it’s best to think of it as an entirely new game with no connection to GW1 other then the name. Sadly, you will be much happier in the long run.

I miss GW1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CookieNoodle.6503


Perhaps… :/
I just hope that they will add Cantha and Elona. Heard rumors of them NOT adding Cantha!

I miss GW1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


I truly miss Guild Wars as well.

I just wish i could warp them to Guild Wars 2 to put a smile in our faces.

Also, to not be treated as an outcast and a nobody, due to Favoritism and Elitism.

Our chance to finally be effective.. to be free, were immediately taken away from us; “hot-fixed”

In other word, we will continue be reminded, our only hope is inside a cage… ’your solitary prison is where your heart will always be"


Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

I miss GW1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xarallei.4279


GW2 lore is far inferior to GW1 lore. Anet needs to go back to its roots and draw more on that old lore and bring it into the new. There is so much left hanging from GW1 that needs to be resolved. Instead we get the molten alliance and Scarlett. -_-

It’s kind of mind boggling. Here you have this good lore to use as a base and you completely ignore it. Here is hoping after the Scarlett stuff ends we’ll see stories based on the old lore. Not to mention they’ve been ignoring the whole Dragon thing. I want more stories about the Dragons. This can even tie in with the old lore. We can head to the Far Shiverpeaks and have a bunch of Living Story events where we fight our way through Jormag and his minions to retake the land for the Norn. See the Eye of the North again. Fix up the HoM for players to use (it’s currently kind of a mess atm and is only used for our GW1 HoM reward vendor).

Open the gate to the Crystal Desert and let us cross it to Elona and see what Palawa Joko is doing. Let’s take a ship and head for Cantha and see what they’ve been up to. Maybe Bubbles has been giving them a hard time and we have to help liberate them.

Or the White Mantle and the Mursaat? Maybe we could see a come back from them. So many things they can work with.

I miss GW1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ricky markham.8173

ricky markham.8173

xarallei i like your ideas but id rather they wait til they start doing a better job with the living story before the go those ways. i want them to do the justice they deserve not what the ls has been

I miss GW1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zeefa.3915


I too would like to see more to the dragons, but I don’t want to see it in LS. They should make an expansion/campaign for that.

I actually don’t feel I have to forget all about GW1 to enjoy GW2. I for one can see the connection in lore. The playstyle is entirely and completely different, but though the specifics are not in here the general lore is there. It is the same world, it just had 250 years to change.

Life doesn’t stop being funny just because the dead can’t laugh.

I miss GW1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sweetbread.2679


I get not carrying over every single gameplay mechanic from the original into the sequel, but GW2 has literally nothing in common with GW1 besides the setting. The game design is almost the complete antithesis of the first one’s. They only even called it Guild Wars 2 to build hype and as a recognizable cash grab title for their new super dumbed down, grindy, shallow, cash shop storefront they call a game. And now we’ll never actually get a true Guild Wars sequel, because of how much GW2 is tanking. It’s pretty sad and pathetic.

I miss GW1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zaoda.1653


I miss certain aspects of GW1 indeed – like the ‘build templates’ where you could save and load them without costing money each time you want to change it

I miss the free traveling

I miss doing achievements/dungeons with hero npc’s when I didn’t feel like socialising/going with randoms that had high expectations of me. The 3-way necro build with olias, livia and the whispers dude was so much fun.

I miss dyeable weapons

I miss certain skins like the tormented shield, celestial weapons (those starry night looking weapons), and chaos gloves, just to name a few.

Would be awesome to have these make a return to GW2, but I wouldn’t be counting my chickens just yet.

Forever a supporter of more male skimpy armor

I miss GW1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Galphar.3901


Biggest thing I miss about GW was being able to choose ALL my skills not just half of them. Made for much more diversified builds. It was always fun coming up with that build that NOBODY else was using and being successful with it.

I do miss the lore and would love to see A-Net give us some stories that explain how we got from Kormir becoming a God and now all the Dragons being in control ( I know EotN was supposed to do that but we only had 1 Dragon there and we defeated it).

I miss GW1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FlamingFoxx.1305


Biggest thing I miss about GW was being able to choose ALL my skills not just half of them. Made for much more diversified builds. It was always fun coming up with that build that NOBODY else was using and being successful with it.

I do miss the lore and would love to see A-Net give us some stories that explain how we got from Kormir becoming a God and now all the Dragons being in control ( I know EotN was supposed to do that but we only had 1 Dragon there and we defeated it).

We never defeated Primordius in GW1. At the end of EoTN we defeated the Great Destroyer – his champion, and thus delayed Primordius’ awakening by 50 years. Not to mention you could see Kralk’s body in Grothmar Wardowns, and a champion of Jormag in Drakkar lake. I actually think they did a pretty good job of linking the two through EoTN.

I miss GW1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


So play it? The gods where eaten by the dragon at least that what the undead mobs are saying. Cantha become super xenophobic so no one is allowed in i do not know about Elona.
GW2 is about 200 years (or 250 i am not sure) after GW1 a lot changed in that time and GW2 is still very new mmorpg it takes time to add in new maps to for new lore. More then likely the Gods will not come into play until after we get all the dragon out. The new maps will come in time but as things stand GW2 is too big so i am not sure how well they will work out.

We can’t get to Elona because Palawa Joko has said up camp in the desert between us and them. And he’s a whole lot more powerful now than he was when we released him. In fact, he hunted down all the sunspears and made them his servants. There are no sunspears anymore, largely because of our actions in Guild Wars 1. I sorta like that. lol

I miss GW1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dante.1508


I do too OP i do too, you know people may disagree with me but if Guildwars 1 got Guildwars 2 Combat style and graphical overlay i’m be back in Guildwars 1 in a heart beat.

I miss GW1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ProtoGunner.4953


I miss GW1 too, but don’t get too nostalgic. There were too some things I didn’t like. Don’t you remeber the utterly cheesy Shiro Tagachi Voice acting for example?

‘would have/would’ve been’ —> correct
‘would of been’ —> wrong