I miss the activities...

I miss the activities...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Scipio.3204


I’m talking about the minigames now, like archery, polymock, bar fight. We heard about activities years ago, that there will be 4-5 each major city and you can get small rewards, like your opponent’s tooth (in bar fight).I even remember the funny comics about it.
The only activity we have now is Keg Brawl, but it gets boring after some time, and it doesn’t really reward you (except achievements). And there was the two Halloween activity, Lunatic Inquisiton & Reaper’s Bundle. I really enjoyed both, but now I have to wait 1 year to play again… it makes me sad. I really hoped that activites like these will be available all year.
I see soo much opportunity in activities, like collectable polymock figures, monthly high score , like challanges had in Guild Wars 1. And there could be an activity for everyone, for those who doesn’t like shooting gallery, they can smash someone’s face in a bar, or fight in an arena or something. But it is also important to reward these activities, it doesn’t have to be big reward… for example Shooting gallery’s bow’s skin, or keg tonic , or anything that is related to the activity itself.
Activities are really important to me, and it saddens me that Keg Brawl is the only one I can play after 3 month…. (And keg brawl isn’t even my style) I just hope there will be more in the (sooner the better) future.

I miss the activities...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Serelisk.6573


Yeah, I’m wondering where they all went too. I’m probably gonna make a post about it on the forums here too but I post over on MMORPG.com about it

Whenever I talk about this kind of stuff they never get any attention and I’m pretty sure that’s because people don’t know about them…

Seriously, who would pass up learning about Moa racing or Charr Car racing arenas. Or a pub where there’s a perpetual bar brawl and you can win prizes by collecting people’s teeth! Seriously, I thought this was gonna be a part of the game. And I’m anxiously anticipating it. :x


I miss the activities...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Scipio.3204


Nice post, I found these too, except “Circus Charricus” , because I dont really like the Black Citadel :P , but this sounds exciting, hope they will add it sometime. Reminds me of the rollerbeetle racing in GW1, it was fun too.

Probably we’ll get some temporary (or hopefully not temporary) activities during wintersday , like snowball fighting ….. but after I red the wintersday description about Toymaker Tixx something caught my eye: “he’ll visit every major city in Tyria to deliver Wintersday toys and holiday cheer.” I started wondering why…. this could be a great opportunity to open some activities with an one-time only event. This could solve the ghost-town(except LA) problem.

Well… all we can do is let them know we miss these things, and hope

I miss the activities...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ualtar.5047


Moa races would be awesome. Could allow betting on the winner or something like that to make it interesting.

Alrekr Yerling
Khazad Fundinul [KF] – Tarnished Coast

I miss the activities...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Honey.9715


I second for moa racing

I miss the activities...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GregT.4702


If Keg Brawl, Costume Brawl and the Halloween PvPs are an example, activities are not Anet’s strong suit and I’d rather they didn’t waste time on them.

That’s not a knock on Anet; you can see the same thing in a lot of games. If you have a main game, and then a subset of the game that uses fundamentally different rules, the subset it pretty likely to suck because you’re now making two games and only one is going to be a priority for development and QA. (Yes, there are plenty of examples in the world of minigames done well, but they’re examples of beating the curve rather than proof of the concept.)

I understand that activities let you appeal to a wider range of player types, but you’re still better off trying to get their attention with something that plays to your strengths rather than effectively developing Bejeweled or something in parallel with your core game.

I miss the activities...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Scipio.3204


Maybe activities are not Anet’s strong suit, but that’s not for me to tell. I really enjoyed all of them so far, and I think a lot of other people too, for example remember how many players did you see in the Lunatic Inquisition during halloween, even if it didn’t have unique rewards. Their number would only grow, if they add some cosmetic rewards that say: “Yes, I love that minigame and I’m good at it.”

The other thing activities aren’t parallel with the core game, they are part of the game, games withing the game if you prefer, like jumping puzzles or crafting: you are not forced to do it, but it improves the game’s feeling.