I never log in for longer than an hour...

I never log in for longer than an hour...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Romeo.4378


Calm your nerd rage, young keyboard warriors.

Yes, I’ll say it again: I never seem to play Guild Wars 2 for longer than an hour a day – but I’m not saying this is a bad thing.

I am not saying I don’t log in because the game blows.

If you were to look at my previous track record, you’d probably label me an MMO addict, lol. Huge amount of hours racked up in online games such as RIFT, for instance. In previous MMO’s, I could play for 5-8 hours a day easily for months and devour content like a boss.

To my surprise, this hasn’t happened with Gw2, the game I was so hyped about.

I see a lot of threads here with titles like ‘Casual Wars’ and I really can see the arguments for it. I don’t feel ‘guilty’, if that is the correct term, for not playing. I don’t feel like I’ve been left behind by my friends, I don’t feel like I NEED to keep playing, keep progressing.

I have had the game since day 1 and my highest character is level 54. I am honestly just in no rush. At all. Don’t get me wrong, if you where to look at my total hours played, my hours /day ratio is about 3-4 hours, largely because when I first started playing I WAS playing what, like 7 hours a day. But as time has gone on I’ve just been logging in less and less.

The thing is, I do have fun whenever I’m logged in. I PvP, explore and quest with my wife. It’s good. I love my sylvari thief and he’s probably my fave character I’ve ever had in an MMO, love his style and everything.

But after an hour or so, I’m like alright, time to go do something else. This has never been the case in previous games and tbh I kind of like it.

I have read 5 books since Gw2 came out and I love sitting in the garden with a cold beer again, reading again like I used to.

But I guess the reason I am making this thread is to see whether other people really do feel this way? How many of you are playing Gw2 casually, and for how many of you is this a big change from how you normally play.

I guess I am just trying to find out whether it really is the way the game has been designed, perfect for the casual player, or whether I am just burnt out with the genre as a whole.

There are a lot of valid points which suggest this game is a casual player’s paradise, but on the flip side, RIFT, my fave MMO I have played, is launching a MASSIVE xpac is 3 weeks and I am just like…meh. I honestly just can’t be bothered going through a massive gear grind again and dedicating myself to a game so fully like before.

Anyways, sorry for the wall of thoughts. I’d be interested in hearing your thoughts regarding this?

Are you a born-again casual player, or just plain old burnt out?


(edited by Romeo.4378)

I never log in for longer than an hour...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azerack.7285


I play the game, solo or with the missus, we definitely do not get tired after just an hour.
That’s not to say the way you play is wrong, you just have a finite patience level now, or something…
RIFTS definitely is not my (or my wife’s) all-time favorite game. That would probably have been Everquest 2, where we made a lot of friends and actually stayed in a guild for years, not just weeks.
We spend afternoons playing but we prefer playing on our own… We spend lots of time together but on GW2, we prefer PUG’s to remain as people we see during dynamic events.
We do have a level 80 character, each, which we’re playing, currently, to get the rare metals and gems to make exotic items.
We also have (and will play again) LOTRO, EQ2 and The Secret War.

Play in the way that makes you happy… You bought the game, you own it, now, who’s going to complain at you for not being in there 20 minutes let alone an hour?

Oh, and for the record, I play for maybe 30-45 mins in the morning before I have to get ready for work. Currently playing a Human Engineer, kinda fun, actually… In that time, recently, I’ve played in the Metrica Province and the event stories are kinda zany but entertaining nonetheless.. After 45 mins I exit to desktop and get ready for work. ;-)

(edited by Azerack.7285)

I never log in for longer than an hour...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Goettel.4389


When I’m playing I tend to log an hour or two, with occassional five to eight hour stretches – but not often. To compare, WoW was in the three to five hour per session range, with extremes between 10 and 15 in weekends. Oh dear …

A lot of the time in WoW was spent on raid-prep grinds, some 5-man, and a lot of AB/AV. And just standing in front of AH waiting on the queues.

My GW2 time is mostly spent on ‘going walkabout’ (rarely use WP’s anymore), just killing random stuff, joining random DE’s, mopping up vista’s and hearts I’ve skipped leveling (don’t care much for map completetion) and lending a hand if peeps ask.

Not going to claim quality (GW2) over quantity (WoW) of playtime, WoW was great times. But playing GW2 feels a lot more like having fun playing a game then leading a second life – which is both a good and a bad feeling, I do miss the level of escapism WoW offered. Hey, I’m sure rats consider their little threadmills as escape as well.

I’ve taken a long trajectory into the PvP, decided to level to 80 before starting it (just to serve my suspension of disbelief); just did my first bit of it and loved it, I’m sure there’s gonna be a bump in my play-time.

Send an Asura who knows math. Problem solved.

I never log in for longer than an hour...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: marnick.4305


I’ve got it all the same. One of the best things of GW2 is, you can put it aside without problems. It’s like shooting heroin but without goosebumps if you go cold turkey. Or like boozing up but no hangover and you can go to work just fine minutes after drinking.

And yet I have a distinct feeling of progression. I like my character, I want to play, but I’m not punished when I don’t want to play. Some nights I don’t even have an hour. Even at 80 the game rewards me for just playing 20 minutes or so. Apart from dungeon runs (which at the longest are 30 minutes), I can press alt-f4 any moment I like without feeling like puppies.

That’s a good thing. It makes me want to spend money on gems!

If I can’t play Guild Wars 2 at work, I won’t work in Guild Wars 2 either.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto

I never log in for longer than an hour...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kana.6793


With nearly 500 hours played, this is definitely not the case for me ^^

I never log in for longer than an hour...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sonicsix.5713


Many people race to complete their objectives only to find themselves bored afterward. I have 2 level 80s and enjoy working on achievements. I am currently at just over 2400 achievement points. I have full exotics on the 80s (ranger and guardian) and have 2 crafting skills at 400. I am a long way from many of the goals I have in GW2 and I play for many hours a day… so I have many years of good play time ahead of me.

I am glad I didn’t race to complete anything and that I don’t play like I am in competition with anyone else.

I never log in for longer than an hour...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wryscher.1432


While I do play more I have to say I agree. So many MMOs make me feel like i must logon, or get left behind. Now I know there is nothing in the rules that say I do, but if I dont get the new gear or get the tokens for the event or the rep grind dailies done, then im further behind the next day! So i have to log on everyday for a couple hours to make sure I dont get behind.

Now I just come on because there is stuff I want to do.

[Sane]-Order of the Insane Disorder
Melanessa-Necromancer Cymaniel-Scrapper
Minikata-Guardian Shadyne-Elementalist -FA-

I never log in for longer than an hour...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: aPutridCorpse.8792


you have 2 level 80’s with their gear and you didn’t race to complete anything?

Level 80 Asura Ranger
Level 30 Human Guardian

I never log in for longer than an hour...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raf.1078


Is it just the game? Or is it just life, you know? Nothing wrong with taking a break from gaming. Especially for a beer in the garden.

Maybe you are changing instead of the game(s)?

Jus saying.

PF/ GOAT on Tarnished Coast (Semi-Retired)
Raf Longshanks-80 Norn Guardian / 9 more alts of various lvls / Charter Member Altaholics Anon

I never log in for longer than an hour...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jalliah.7862


My thoughts? That’s how life goes. I go through times when I can easily spend hours upon hours playing a game. I’ve been known to play for 18 hours straight at times when I’m not working. My usual pattern was to get a new game and play it until the end. I’d even block off a couple of days when I got a new sp game.

Right now I don’t do that. Gaming as a whole just isn’t something I feel like spending that much time on. It’s not the games. It’s me and I see nothing wrong with that. I play Rift too and am rather meh about the expansion as well. That could very well change when it comes out or it couldn’t. It’s not the game. There just isn’t any game I’m interested in playing for hours on end.

I’m really enjoying GW2 right now even though I’m only playing it an hour or two here and there. Usually in the morning I wake up, grab some coffee, put some music on and run around for a bit, have some fun. Then I get on with my day. I’m enjoying not feeling pressured to get anywhere quick. Just play for playing sake.

I never log in for longer than an hour...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Svenn.5209


The lack of a NEED to play the game is amazingly refreshing. I find myself still playing anywhere from 3-8 hours a night, but I never feel bad just putting it down for a day or two or only playing for 30 minutes here and there if I’ve got something else going on.

As far as I’m concerned they removed the addiction without removing the fun. That means it can be what a video game is supposed to be… fun to play whenever you have the time for it, and not a second job.

Svenn Ethir – Seeds of War – Stormbluff Isle

I never log in for longer than an hour...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krighton.2138


Garden, reading..lol Just doesn’t strike me as manly as I pictured this new generation of kids.

I never log in for longer than an hour...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: atlas.7914


I was a huge fan of gw1 which was based on the same ideology: that you can play for a very small amount of time, and still feel satisfied. I was very glad to see this carry over into gw2, especially now that I am 23 and working full time. I have definitely seen a diminished interest in gaming hours on end like I used to in high school. My girlfriend and I enjoy playing together when we both get off work, and will usually play 1 – 2 hours. On weekends we sometimes play longer sessions, but we are normally doing other things like biking or watching movies.

I think this game is an absolute masterpiece and I’m excited to see what it will become. It’s upsetting to see so many people, who poured 500+ hours into the game already, complain about a supposed lack of “end game”. While it does seem like gw2 doesn’t cater to these hardcore gamers as much, I’m glad that I have a game which I know I will still be playing and enjoying for years to come.

I never log in for longer than an hour...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Leiloni.7951


Some days I play for hours at a time and some I play for less. What I like is the freedom to log in when I want and do what I want without feeling any obligation to do certain things and keep up with the gear curve. I’m free to do other things outside of game without feeling like I’m falling behind. When I am in game I don’t have to deal with a ridiculous RNG gear grind and I’m free to do any content I wish at any time, or I can just wander around Orr doing events as I find them, gathering stuff, doing map completion, and just generally casually PvEing for a few hours of fun and money making so I can make my next exotic. I’m having a lot of fun so far and have many more goals to achieve on my main and several alts I enjoy.

(edited by Leiloni.7951)

I never log in for longer than an hour...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Calavera.1086


I don’t play as much as I’d like to because I don’t have the time but the good thing is that when I have the opportunity to log in it feels fresh.

I never log in for longer than an hour...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


i never log more than 30 minutes………….. in guildwars 1

I never log in for longer than an hour...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CoffeeBean.8690


Personally, before the game ever launched, I told all my friends that GW2 was most likely going to be my last MMO. So I feel it’s fitting that I’ve treat it casually – I don’t play every day, I don’t feel the need to grind the uber stuff, when I log in it’s to do whatever whim dictates… PvP? PvE?… rather than knowing I need to be at a certain raid at a certain time.

My spouse and I have been playing these games for well over a decade (my spouse has 16 years under his belt, starting with The Realm in ‘96). We’re just tired of the genre as a whole – some things have changed over time, others have not. It’s just getting near retirement time for us, I think.

So, yes, I totally understand you OP! Reading a good book (what a coincidence too, I’m buying myself an ereader soon to replace my physical books), sitting in my garden, having a glass of wine sounds really good right about now.

I never log in for longer than an hour...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: talasomething.4659


Well to be honest for me I feel like I’m accomplishing something even spending an hour online. I haven’t played many MMO’s that didn’t require a monthly subscription so part of the reason I may be more relaxed about GW2 is I don’ t feel I need to get my monies worth every month, and like others posted, I don’t seem like I will fall behind by not playing enough.

I’m probably a bit older then most people posting but over that last few years I found myself not wanting to be glued to the computer as much so GW2 is a perfect fit. DAoC was my all time favorite game for PvP which is the main reason I started GW2. Its funny how I haven’t wanted to jump right into WvW here as the PvE and all it has to offer is holding my attention right now.

Just my 2 cents. Well maybe 3 cents. =)

I never log in for longer than an hour...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tzko.2370


No subscription fee liberates the mind it seems. No pressure to get the most value out of your money. You paid once and get to play forever and ever and ever…

I cant say I stick to an hour or so. GW2 does get me involved longer then that but that is probably because I have the possibility to spend the time on it. I am playing with friend but neither one of us has the rush to do this or that or we will fall behind… its a stress-free mmorpg for me Like all games should be!

I never log in for longer than an hour...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Leiloni.7951


The funny part is that by playing this way we are getting more out of the same amount of content than we would in a pay to play game. So ArenaNet has more time to work on fixes and additions to the game and has a playerbase that is guaranteed to be around much longer because we’re not devouring the content as crazily as we have in other games. Smart move ANet. :P

I never log in for longer than an hour...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: etiolate.9185


There is a psychological part to sub MMOs that I do feel some people are struggling to shrug off when playing an MMO that doesn’t make you have to justify your sub fee for the game.

People are also used to very gated content and power creep. Yes, making gold is a bit too hard right now, loot tables and drops are boring, and the DR system is a mistake on ANet’s part, but a very large percentage of the game is not gated away like you may find in a sub MMO.

At level 80, you can do all dungeons that you’ve found in the world. They are not gated behind gear checks. Exotics are tougher to come by than rares, but you know exactly how many dungeon runs you need to get a piece and how much gold you need to buy one off the TP or many mats you need to craft one. This is different from random drops of high level loot that you need to proceed to the next dungeon.

This change in design will throw and is throwing some people off. If you just want to play for an hour or just want to do one thing for a bit then that’s fine.

This also changes how people set goals. In Sub MMOs, goals are united among the community. Everyone is on the gear treadmill, either for PVE or PVP. I’ve set various goals for myself, but they are goals I set myself and that aren’t the same goals as the rest of my guild. The element of “we’re all struggling to gear up” has been lost. People are more free to spend their game time how they want to spend their gametime. Again, this will throw people off, especially those who have mostly played MMOs since their youth.

This isn’t saying “ITS GREAT” or “ITS AWFUL”. It’s saying that if you aren’t self-aware enough, you’ll fall victim to the programming of sub mmos when playing a non-sub MMO.

Zed Zebes – SBI Mesmer

I never log in for longer than an hour...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RamzaBehoulve.5640


There is no logical reason to play hours and hours, is there? It’s not like you have to justify a monthly sub fee…

Sometimes I play an hour, sometimes I play 4h. As long as I have fun, that’s all there is to it.

Hardcore gamers are not a reference. In fact, catering to them too much is bad for a game in general, but catering too much to the casuals can be even worse (see WoW).

(edited by RamzaBehoulve.5640)

I never log in for longer than an hour...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Svenn.5209


It’s upsetting to see so many people, who poured 500+ hours into the game already, complain about a supposed lack of “end game”. While it does seem like gw2 doesn’t cater to these hardcore gamers as much, I’m glad that I have a game which I know I will still be playing and enjoying for years to come.

If it makes you feel any better… I have 440 hours played and I’m still loving it. I’ll be playing for a long time.

My spouse and I have been playing these games for well over a decade (my spouse has 16 years under his belt, starting with The Realm in ‘96). We’re just tired of the genre as a whole – some things have changed over time, others have not. It’s just getting near retirement time for us, I think.

The Realm! Still one of my favorites! I’m the opposite of you guys, though. I’ve been playing MMOs for 15+ years and it is still my favorite genre. I would like to see the genre evolve a bit more (I’m not really a big fan of theme park MMOs typically, and that’s what we seem to get from every new AAA MMO, gimme more sandbox!) and even would prefer something a bit more hardcore than what we typically see.

Actually, it would be more accurate that I’m interested more in seeing a living, breathing MMO sandbox world with lots to do and little direction rather than the linear progression and static worlds of most games. That’s why I can have a lot of fun with Guild Wars 2 despite it actually being a theme park MMO… the dynamic events are a really good evolution headed in the direction of a living, dynamic world.

Svenn Ethir – Seeds of War – Stormbluff Isle

I never log in for longer than an hour...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: oflow.2157


I’m the same way. I do play for a few hours on weekends though. I’ve logged a lot of hours in lots of MMOs and I think the reason behind chosing this playstyle for GW2 is because theres just so much stuff to do and also the way they did the events etc where it doesnt necessarily require to always group. Also the no sub also seems to ease a lot of the pressure of of having to long in a play all the time. Also, having played so many MMOs I’m burned out on the ‘must be first’ mentality that drives many MMO players. So far I havent maxed a character because everytime I get heavily into a character I see some other class do something awesome and it makes me start leveling that class lol.

Its a lot more solo friendly and I actually take my time and take in all the lore of the game. (This game looks great and I think the story modes are better than the ones in SWTOR)

Anyway, I also like not having to necessarily have to play multiple hours at a time. It lets me play other games and also keep my surfing hobby intact lol.

I never log in for longer than an hour...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lagrangeify.5641


With this game’s lack of sub, I don’t feel anything’s snapping at my heels. My time with it is highly erratic as a result; sometimes it’s a 5 or 6hr sesh, sometimes it’s a quick dip.

Because there’s no raiding pressure either, I find that any time I do spend with the game is selfish “me” time.

Walking Dead S3 starts tonight and I’ve had a few brews. I’m not going to be playing GW2 tonight – no sweat, it’ll be just as fun tomorrow.

I never log in for longer than an hour...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Heretic.5817


I log on when everyone goes to bed and even though I am tired I can’t seem to play for less than 2 hours a night. This game is going to ruin my life…..but in a good way!

I never log in for longer than an hour...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zetoe.1327


Its a double-edged sword. I often don’t log in for days because there’s no incentive to do so other than “oh, this might be fun” At the end of my play time I rarely feel like I accomplished anything.

Even with hating the standard gear grind, at the end of my play I’d get that warm fuzzy feeling of “Yeah! I got a bunch of shiny new gear, leveled, got some new skills, feelin’ good” In guild wars 2 I only really feel like I accomplished…Playing a match of pvp…or…Tediously running around for an hour to complete an area.

What exactly is it that you guys find so hype about this game, again? The whole pve environment is garbage…You literally just walk around and unlock things by walking. Oh, unless you bump into a heart, then you do the same re-hashed quest you’ve always done in every mmo…Only you don’t have to talk to an npc first! WOO

Also don’t get me started on events. 95% of them are “Gather this” “Kill this” or “Escort this”

I never log in for longer than an hour...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: talasomething.4659


See Zetoe you pointed out a feature of the game that’s nice as well. No subscription so if you don’t like the game as much as it appears you can just stop playing it. =)

Just sayin.

I never log in for longer than an hour...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


@OP: I hear you. It’s not a bad thing, not at all, see it as the reinvention of MMO gaming really. I used to play MMOs very casually and for fun up until the gorilla got on the news. After that it felt like I had to play in order to not miss out on several things.

Gear (PvP and PVE), gathering, farming, making pots, flasks etc etc. Not only was there a need to grind the gear, you had to keep/gain ranks (in the early days of PvP) or grind out the weekly/daily fix (later on). It was like a fulltime job you payed for. I never experienced this with games prior to the gorilla. But it gave MMO gaming a new twist and most gorilla babies had the same idea.

Now I’m back at the point where I enjoy MMOs again, it feels fresh and new. Sure I might really want that gear from that place, but its no sweat, its just a new look and I’ll do just as fine without it. I dont need to spend hours on end to keep a PvP rank or gain better stats to have a better chance versus people who grind day in and day out. We are equal, we face off using our skills and have the same shot at being victorious.

Last weekend when Xcom was released I actually took the whole weekend to play it, because GW2 doesnt force me to give it attention through restrictions or caps or stat inflated shinies to wear. It gives me full freedom since it has nothing of that AND it doesnt demand me to pay every month.

Imo GW2 is probably the best MMO I’ve played, well I have some small doubts, since I really loved DaoC, which had this same feel over it.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

I never log in for longer than an hour...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Romeo.4378


Wow thanks for the fantastic responses guys! It is very interesting to hear all of your views and as I expected, there is a good mix of people and opinions.

Btw, I find it absolutely great that so many of you guys play MMOs with your partners and spouses like I do! There seems to be a big increase in couples gaming together. A side question for all you gaming couples out there: did you meet you partner in a game and continue gaming together after you became an item, or did you introduce your partner to gaming and the hobby stuck?

Thanks again for all of you responses. I can’t quote all of you but there are a few responses that particularly struck me!

“But playing GW2 feels a lot more like having fun playing a game then leading a second life – which is both a good and a bad feeling”
I think you really hit the nail on the head with this sentence. Again, I think this too feels like a good and bad feeling. I miss the sheer level of escapism in previous games I’ve played but there is also no doubt it’s very unhealthy too. I am just content with finally playing an MMO I enjoy without getting addicted to it.

“you can put it aside without problems… It’s like shooting heroin but without goosebumps if you go cold turkey.”
Not that I’d know what shooting heroin feels like, but I can understand your analogy xD It does definitely seems then that the game, by design, is made primarily for the casual player because judging by this thread a lot of people are saying similar things to you.

“Is it just the game? Or is it just life, you know? Nothing wrong with taking a break from gaming. Especially for a beer in the garden.
Maybe you are changing instead of the game(s)?”
Good point in this is why I made this thread! To find out whether the game has TURNED me into a casual gamer, or whether I, over time, have just become a casual gamer and found a game that suits my different needs now. Or perhaps a mix of both!

“I’m enjoying not feeling pressured to get anywhere quick. Just play for playing sake”
Me too, friend! But I profess, I also do miss the sheer level of escapism in my previous MMO ventures. But I am aware enough to know, such addictions aren’t healthy.

“As far as I’m concerned they removed the addiction without removing the fun”
A fantastic statement and IMO, very true! Refreshing indeed! Although, judging by some player’s /age there are many people addicted to this game, which I fine! I used to be one of them!

" We’re just tired of the genre as a whole – some things have changed over time, others have not. It’s just getting near retirement time for us, I think… So, yes, I totally understand you OP! Reading a good book… sitting in my garden, having a glass of wine sounds really good right about now."
I really liked your response I also feel that I have burnt out on this genre and if Gw2 by design wasn’t so heavily catered towards the casual player, I’d probably leave the genre too b/c I don’t want to dedicate myself so fully again to a game. It just seems, to me, that Gw2 is the right game for my current needs, and it came at the right time. Enjoy your day relaxing and sipping wine and thx for your response

" didn’t require a monthly subscription so part of the reason I may be more relaxed about GW2 is I don’ t feel I need to get my monies worth every month"
There is no doubt that sub fees psychologically make you want to play more, to get your money’s worth. Lack of a sub fee, for my wife and I, feels very liberating!

Sorry if I didn’t respond to you personally but wasn’t expecting so many well thought-out responses to my thread! They were all great!

I too have been thinking more about this question – casual by game design or is it just me changing as a person – and I think it doesn’t have to be either/or.

I think that, after playing MMO’s for so long, I have begun to burn out of the mentality needed to succeed in many games; I just can’t dedicate such a big part of my life to games any more. However, Gw2 by design, definitely caters to players wanting to play casually. That said, I don’t think Gw2 has TURNED me into a casual player, rather, it’s a game that I have found in the right place at the right time, a game that caters to the casual player, in a time where, for me, and many others, it’s either play casually, or don’t play at all!

Before I go just want to remind that this thread is not the right place to write about everything you hate about the game. A simple ‘There are many parts of the game that I dislike and as such, I don’t enjoy this game or play it as much as games I’ve played in the past’ would suffice. Going through everything you dislike about the game shifts your post’s focus from the main topic

EDIT: Thanks for the responses to the people who posted whilst I was writing my responses! I value all of your opinions on this matter!

Thanks again, all!

(edited by Romeo.4378)

I never log in for longer than an hour...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: guide.1487


I felt this way too until I started approaching Gw2 as a “console” game and not an MMO. It just doesn’t give me the same enjoyment an MMORPG does because it lacks a lot of their features. The main one that comes to mind is an actual large amount of abilities available to use, only having 10 abilities out at once feels like a console game more than an MMORPG where you could have 4 hotbars filled with abilities.

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I never log in for longer than an hour...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nerva.7940


I do I do!!! Think I logged about 5 hours today ow my poor RL

Ikiro – 80 Ranger
Umie – 80 Guardian

I never log in for longer than an hour...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Oldbugga.7029


As I said in another thread….it is what “floats your boat” at the time.

Sometimes I just want the unpressured freestyle of GW2….sometimes I want the linear hack and slash of D3 and sometimes I want the discipline that the WoW gear treadmill imposes. I sincerely doubt any one game can fulfill all those roles simultaneously in a meaningful and sustainable way. It is horses for courses most of the time. And when you think about it many people expressing their differing views about the game really only reflect this.

I never log in for longer than an hour...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alyssa.7254



This is actually pretty much how I am. I played Aion and some other MMO’s 4 hours a day atleast for the last several years, all while anticipating GW2. I have GW2 now, having an absolute blast, but at most I’m on an hour, maybe 2 a day. Not playing any other games atm, just school and other rl activities. (prolly will change when Black OPs 2 comes out)

I don’t have the stress of gear grind, I can pvp my heart out without the worry that my gear isn’t up to date. The game is very fun, but its also made me realize the gear grind was more of a stress for me than anything. I’m more happy that its gone, now the only grind is for cosmetic goodies that can off how awesome you are in a purely cosmetic way.

I never log in for longer than an hour...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lyon.5397


Back in the day, I was heavily into Everquest; an every-night end game raider with not much else going on. Unfortunately, to stay at the top of the heap, logging an insane amount of hours was a necessity, not an option.

Now that I’m older, married, and with a new child, I’m only too happy that Guild Wars gives me that option. I still put in some long sessions, but being able to dip in for 30-60 minutes, have some fun, and then put it away without worrying about falling behind…well, it’s a wonderful, liberating feeling. GW2 is just what I’ve been looking for. Always fun to play, tons of content to explore, but doesn’t put a choke hold on my leisure time.

I never log in for longer than an hour...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Focksbot.6798


“Calm your nerd rage, young keyboard warriors.”

Love it, Romeo.

I tend to only log in for 1-2 hours at a time because it’s all I can fit in, tbh.

I never log in for longer than an hour...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FluffyDoe.7539


Played a lot at launch to try to get to lvl 80, but less and less now as the days progressed. Now I sometimes play for hours a day, but mostly I just touch on it with… one dungeon run and such. I have a lvl 80 memser, 53 warrior, and 40 guardian. I’ve probably explored most of the key areas (not so much of a hardcore explorer anymore).

Right now, I’m just waiting for Haloween’s new events to come out or just when they make a siginificant update, then maybe will hit more hours. But with respect to the OP, I think playing this game on a “casual” bases is the only way that this game can be played… because I played hardcore and it doesn’t last long if you play it that way “for me at least” (well or… once you’ve hit most of the areas, did enough dungeon to know how they work instead of being all hyped up about there being new contents and such, and if you aren’t a jumping quest/legendary collector type of player – which is like me). I’ve know many players who’ve hit 80… once you are there, the only things left to be ‘hardcore about’ is doing EXP dungeons, WvW, or PVP. Jump quests is more of a casual play of course.

(edited by FluffyDoe.7539)

I never log in for longer than an hour...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arsenal.2601


Calm your nerd rage, young keyboard warriors.
Yes, I’ll say it again: I never seem to play Guild Wars 2 for longer than an hour a day – but I’m not saying this is a bad thing …

I find your very healthy approach to gaming, and life in general it seems, to be out of step with MMO forums. If you wish to remain here with the rest of us, I believe you should re-think this approach and rage at the game designers for not locking you into an addiction cycle.

“I’m always achieving greatness!”

I never log in for longer than an hour...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: chasingfuries.9635


this is a really casual game, meant to be played casually. i realized that early on and so i didnt burst through content, and just played it slowly for the fun of it. On one hand its a refreshing break, on the other hand it’s somewhat disappointing cause i didnt want gw2 to be a break from gaming lol.

imo, what this game is gonna end up lacking in the longrun are the long friendships and social aspect that comes with gear treadmills and people playing for lots of hours each day. With it so casual and people logging out after an hour of playtime, it doesnt look like this is the type of game where you’ll end up having very many memorable experiences ^^ in my opinion, at least

I never log in for longer than an hour...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CoffeeBean.8690


I find your very healthy approach to gaming, and life in general it seems, to be out of step with MMO forums. If you wish to remain here with the rest of us, I believe you should re-think this approach and rage at the game designers for not locking you into an addiction cycle.

I love this post! +1

I never log in for longer than an hour...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: evasionmoon.1345


1hour maybe ingame becouse of bordom and game is way to easy its eather zerg or solo small maps, no interaction with anybody ingame chat is terible becouse of lack of this there all in there own little tiny TS worlds:(

Already looking for other game to play:(

I never log in for longer than an hour...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dogblaster.6713


630 hours played total in GW2 so far.

I never log in for longer than an hour...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Romeo.4378


I find your very healthy approach to gaming, and life in general it seems, to be out of step with MMO forums. If you wish to remain here with the rest of us, I believe you should re-think this approach and rage at the game designers for not locking you into an addiction cycle.

Haha! I love it man

Just want to say thanks again for the great responses, your opinions and own style of gaming I find very interesting. Fair play to you guys who have racked up so many hours already, I miss the days when I could do that but am enjoying my new laid-back style of playing too!

And just to clarify, y’all have your own opinions on the game, and some of you are obviously discontented with some aspects but just for the record, I think this is a great game and I enjoy it immensely. Playing for an hour at a time is not a case of me disliking the game and not wanting to play it for longer than that.
