I really want to play your game, really. But...

I really want to play your game, really. But...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AlienMagi.7102


The narrow fov gives me a headache just after about 30 minutes of playing.

This is just insane, I bought the game, I love it but the headache is not something I can prevent unless I take 5 pills of aspirin.

EDIT: By the way I just saw this random video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CV7EGRhG1po

Theres a defitine hacker included at the end of the vid 100% a hacker!

Please take appropriate action with these kind of people.

(edited by AlienMagi.7102)

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Knote.2904


I heard they’re still working/thinking on changing this.

But in the mean time what you could do is try playing in windowed mode and squashing your screen down vertically til you reach an FoV that’s more comfortable. Only downside is you’re also squashing your UI.

I really want to play your game, really. But...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gibbel.5734


There some 3th party programs out there that can change you FoV
I have no idea if that’s against the UA though.
Personally i am fine with the FoV

I really want to play your game, really. But...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AlienMagi.7102


One dev said the Fov will not be changed in an FoV discussion thread. I really hope they reconsider.
And yeah I know about shrinking the game window in windowed mode, but that is hardly a solution :/

3rd party programs that modify field of view are bannable as far as I know.

I really want to play your game, really. But...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ColinJohanson.2394


Game Director


We’re in the middle of working on additional fixes for the FOV, we’ll have an update on this very shortly. We’ve been doing some very promising tests internally, will role out more info soon once we’re sure everything is working!

I really want to play your game, really. But...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CharrGirl.7896


Sorry but what is FOV exactly?

I really want to play your game, really. But...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: krojack.4920


P.S. Allow movable unit frames while you’re at it. Having my targets health frame at the top-center give me a headache (yes it really does) after a while of playing. Moving the frame down near my own health frame makes more sense.


80 Sylvari Ranger – Jade Quarry
» My current Guild Wars 2 game annoyances

I really want to play your game, really. But...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jnaathra.6549


I really want to play your game, really. But...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CharrGirl.7896


Thanks guys:)
Yeah I see now, I do think it’s a bit narrow. But my biggest bother is the draw distance – simply too low even on ultra settings. I was standing on top of ebonhawk fortress and the wall on the other side was fading and blurred out. Can it be more like tera? You could see the entire landscape.

I really want to play your game, really. But...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Migo.6120


ColinJohanson, Thank you!

I really want to play your game, really. But...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draygo.9473


Odd Charr, I can see the entire landscape.

It might be blurring because of a different setting that isnt draw distance. I forget exactly what its called but if you turn it off it will ‘fix’ that.

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I really want to play your game, really. But...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AlienMagi.7102


Thanks a ton for the information colin, its awesome to know that.

(edited by AlienMagi.7102)

I really want to play your game, really. But...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Luigio.3265


LOD distance adjusts how far high textures and such are loaded ( aka the higher the setting, the farther objects will keep their highrez textures, anything past the setting is downsampled or w/e and blurred out so the game doenst have to load those textures

I really want to play your game, really. But...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Striata.6739


“We’re in the middle of working on additional fixes for the FOV, we’ll have an update on this very shortly. We’ve been doing some very promising tests internally, will role out more info soon once we’re sure everything is working”!

well that’s a hell of a lot better then what JonPeters told us in the thread he created concerning this issue (https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Camera-and-FOV-field-of-view/first) he pretty much told us to go kitten yourselves and the art is more important then people getting headaches and nausea.

It’s about time you guys actually started listening to the people that give you job security.

I really want to play your game, really. But...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ulukaiulukai.2584


We’ve heard players loud and clear on this one. But we’re not prepared to answer yet because we just convened a team to investigate, on Monday in fact, and we want to give them time to investigate. For example, there may be a bug affecting FoV calculations in widescreen resolutions. We want to know what’s a bug and what’s by design before we change the design.

Source: http://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/11mz4k/i_am_a_programmer_for_guild_wars_2_amaa/c6nuoo1

The FoV is the most important annoyance for me right now, especially the widescreen bug. I really hope they implement a real solution and not just some lame, irrelevant change to silence us.

“Squashing your screen down vertically” doesn’t help with the vertical FoV btw.. This is NOT a solution.

I really want to play your game, really. But...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nexxe.7081


This is great news. FOV adjustments and more camera tweaks will be very welcome.

I really want to play your game, really. But...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: loulakion.9741



Game Director

We’re in the middle of working on additional fixes for the FOV, we’ll have an update on this very shortly. We’ve been doing some very promising tests internally, will role out more info soon once we’re sure everything is working!

please tell me that you will add updates for the camera in dungeons also, f.e. in Caudacus Manor, or at some jumping puzzles the camera is really pain in the eyes…

I really want to play your game, really. But...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lithos.9560


We’re in the middle of working on additional fixes for the FOV, we’ll have an update on this very shortly. We’ve been doing some very promising tests internally, will role out more info soon once we’re sure everything is working!

I understand that some of your people at Arena Net are stubborn, and want the FOV to stay as it is. Could you at least add an option for players to change the FOV as they desire? Honestly, you people think that if it looks fine to you it looks fine to everyone…

I really want to play your game, really. But...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SoulTrain.2157


oh great news thanks for that info colin thats one of the main things ive been wanting to see fixed in the game. i dont get headaches from playing, but i do get nausaua so bad that it seems to last for most of the day even when im done playing.

I really want to play your game, really. But...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CharrGirl.7896


Draygo, no that is just depth blur option I think. Have that turned off. No I was just referring to draw distance or how it’s called, its really really low in this game. In some other games it’s made so that the distant or bit further objects are not fully rendered but they don’t loose so much details. I have seen many landscapes in rl, and let me tell you that only the distant mountains are this faded out. This wall is maybe less then few hundred meters away:


(edited by CharrGirl.7896)

I really want to play your game, really. But...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sousuke.7268


Awesome news for the FOV!

Altho I have to agree with Charrgirl on draw distance. The distance fog is ridiculously close even on maxed out settings. Same goes for character renderings, sometimes NPC’s don’t load until you camp the area for a bit.

And no, I don’t have a weak PC either, running a x6 Phenom II on 3.2, 8gigs of DDR3, and 6870.

(edited by Sousuke.7268)

I really want to play your game, really. But...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Danikat.8537


Honestly it doesn’t bother me. It was weird at first because I was used to playing GW1 fully zoomed out, but I’ve gotten used to it.

I don’t know if it helps that I play in windowed mode (taking up the full screen except the start bar) on a very wide monitor though.

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“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

I really want to play your game, really. But...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nukeyak.1786


This is outstanding news that Anet is nearing a fix for the FOV problem! this has been the Achilles Heel for GW2 and has preventing me from playing a lot so far.

I really want to play your game, really. But...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bonzoso.7014


This thread gives me a lot more hope for the game’s longevity than I had before. The pre-patch thread where Jon shot down future FOV adjustments under the hope that the camera-smoothing patch would alleviate people’s issues was disheartening, and it’s really great to see that ArenaNet is able to swallow their pride and adjust their vision for the game when enough people call for the same feature. Nice job, ArenaNet — I’m looking forward to hearing more!

I really want to play your game, really. But...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Narkosys.5173


If you change that and fix the camera issues that would go a long way in making things more enjoyable for those of us who stick around.

I really want to play your game, really. But...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: megrim.3189


Since playing GW2 I’ve experienced 3 ocular migraines. I’ve never had them before, so I must assume that GW2’s FoV has at least something to do with it. Certainly I’ve pumped more hours-per-session into other games without incident.

Oddly enough I don’t especially notice the restricted FoV as I’m playing. The problem only shows itsself an hour or two in when I start feeling nauseous or I literally lose half my vision to swirling, shimmering lights. The screen shaking explosions in CoE combined with the narrow FoV also tend to make me feel sick. Indeed, on the first few trash fights in there I usually have to auto-attack and look away.

I really want to play your game, really. But...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: carson yuen.6739

carson yuen.6739

i hope they would give us FoV adjuster… instead of makign FoV further…

i really enjoy the current FoV. Hopefully they will let me lock down the current FoV when the fix come out.

I really want to play your game, really. But...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: orlen.7810


megrim wrote:(quote busted for me…)
Since playing GW2 I’ve experienced 3 ocular migraines. I’ve never had them before, so I must assume that GW2’s FoV has at least something to do with it. Certainly I’ve pumped more hours-per-session into other games without incident.

Oddly enough I don’t especially notice the restricted FoV as I’m playing. The problem only shows itsself an hour or two in when I start feeling nauseous or I literally lose half my vision to swirling, shimmering lights. The screen shaking explosions in CoE combined with the narrow FoV also tend to make me feel sick. Indeed, on the first few trash fights in there I usually have to auto-attack and look away.
end quote

it’s the same for me, i can play for so long before i have to just stop, i’ve not wanted to log in for over a week now.

being so close in on the action with such a narrow fov is probably the issue, with all the jerky camera movments and such i would prefer to have the camera much much further away for things like that.

getting to the point of trying to hack the game files to change view distance and to hell with eula, they should just conceed to the players on this.

as to the art excuse…that’s just terrible, one of the reasons i want the camera further away and a larger fov is to actually enjoy the scenery.

time to just do what your told Anet.

I really want to play your game, really. But...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bregah.7365


I’m in the same boat.

I really enjoy playing this game (well any game, and MMOs), but I can’t play this game more than 1 or 2 days a week (if either of those play sessions go over about 2 hours).

Last Saturday (13th) I played quite a bit, as the weather here was bad (and I hadn’t played in around a week). Woke up Sunday with that horrible GW2-FOV-induced dull pain behind my eyes.

When that happens, it doesn’t go away for 3+ days (this past week I woke up Thursday and all was fine). I WANTED to play today, but I just can’t justify the discomfort the FOV of GW2 gives me.

*I only realized what was causing this dull pain by accident. I had been feeling this way all September, until I hit DR in WvW one day (had hit DR a couple times on drops as well). Simply didn’t play for a week and suddenly I felt great. Noticed DR was reduced, so decided to log in.

Played one day and felt bad for 4ish days.

It’s a cycle that only GW2 causes.

GW1 doesn’t. Oblivion doesn’t. Skyrim doesn’t. Football Manager doesn’t (but it’s a 2d management sim for soccer). Forza on Xbox doesn’t. And nearly 2 decades of gaming hasn’t ever caused me to be physically uncomfortable playing games.

Not until GW2.

I’ve tried using a window and that seems to lessen it, but doesn’t have it go away. But even with a good FOV, the camera itself shows so little useful stuff – I’m not sure if it’s FOV or the camera or the combination.

I really want to play your game, really. But...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sunspear Mars.1480

Sunspear Mars.1480

Chiming in with me reaction: I ‘ve never experienced nausea in a game before. First time it happened here was with the dredge scaffolding jump puzzle at SW corner of Dedgehaunt map. At the time I thought I’d eaten something bad for lunch, but it happened again later that evening when I tried again. Got so annoyed with it that my gf did most of it for me.

This ties in to the larger issue of the camera spazzing out when it trieds to draw something behind my character, especially bad on norn and charr. The auto zooming in-and-out loop looks like an epileptic fit and may trigger a fit in those suffering from that condition.

The camera in original GW was fine. Just give us that much. Let me zoom further out and let me have a true first person view. There are times I want my character off the screen.

I really want to play your game, really. But...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mook.7312


GW2 is the only PC game that makes me feel very uncofortable and somewhat claustrofobic even when playing. The FOV is simply way too low and and the camera is to resctricted with the zoom levels.

It’s basically putting a massive blindfold on regarding most of the great scenery in the game, simply because it feels like you are looking trough a hole in a box, and mostly at the floor.

Why can’t we go first person or zoom out to a point where you can actually enjoy the scenery? This would also greatly help immersion.

I really want to play your game, really. But...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: brickforlife.1364


It hurts my eyes when I play it on fullscreen 16:9, please make it variable depending on your screen resolution or something, or add a slider because the only way to not get some sort of head pain is to use 4:3 and it makes the UI fill up my screen

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I really want to play your game, really. But...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SamTheGuardian.2938


FoV issue is resolution dependent. Looks great at 1680×1050, unplayable at 1366×768 on my notebook. Not good. I really hope they don’t alter the way at looks at 1680×1050

I really want to play your game, really. But...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Froze Steel.7604

Froze Steel.7604

I’m all happy for you single monitor people but I beg Anet to be mindfull of triple monitor users when making these changes.

There is nothing more beautiful then GW2 accross three monitors.

I really want to play your game, really. But...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: brickforlife.1364


I’m all happy for you single monitor people but I beg Anet to be mindfull of triple monitor users when making these changes.

There is nothing more beautiful then GW2 accross three monitors.

How about gw2 on a 60"

[BEAR] www.gw2bear.com
[DATE] www.tyriadating.com

I really want to play your game, really. But...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GarySeven.1086


Awesome news. I had pretty much given up on getting a fix and had resigned myself to moving on, so you made my day, Colin.

I really want to play your game, really. But...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Quinci.5968


This is by far the best news I’ve heard all week. I have to play the game in a ridiculous 1920×860 resolution to get a decent FOV, and my monitor is only 22 inches so it makes my screen obnoxiously small.

I really want to play your game, really. But...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: igneous.8153


Don’t get your hopes up. Expect to wait for months and months until this gets done. If it gets done.

I really want to play your game, really. But...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shion.8059


That is great news. To be honest I was using a “Mod” to make the game playable, which seems could have get me banned.

Thanks a lot Anet.

I really want to play your game, really. But...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RLD.7439


I said it before… if anyone could get this done it would be Colin! He’s still my favorite <3

Don’t get your hopes up. Expect to wait for months and months until this gets done. If it gets done.

This is a very important issue to too many people. It will get done in a very timely manner I’m sure.

“If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.” -CS

I really want to play your game, really. But...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ShRNA.4376


Thanks guys:)
Yeah I see now, I do think it’s a bit narrow. But my biggest bother is the draw distance – simply too low even on ultra settings. I was standing on top of ebonhawk fortress and the wall on the other side was fading and blurred out. Can it be more like tera? You could see the entire landscape.

I do think GW2 need to give more draw distance range.
However, Tera is a really realy poor example……. It has essentially 40yd draw distance max….. Anything beyond that is merely 2D CGs or even plain photos………

I really want to play your game, really. But...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: UnderdogSMO.9428


Thanks guys:)
Yeah I see now, I do think it’s a bit narrow. But my biggest bother is the draw distance – simply too low even on ultra settings. I was standing on top of ebonhawk fortress and the wall on the other side was fading and blurred out. Can it be more like tera? You could see the entire landscape.

Thing about that is haveing a higher FOV often has a bit more draw to it to, also being able to see more to the right and left make’s it look Much more pulled out

I really want to play your game, really. But...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blackthorne.4081


There’s new 21:9 ratio monitors coming out that will give an excellent FOV:

I really want to play your game, really. But...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cipher.7438


Awesome! I’m SO looking forward to an FoV fix. And while you’re at it, may be more zoom out? Please. Pretty please? Pretty please with a cherry and sprinkles on top?

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I really want to play your game, really. But...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Naminator.9316


We’re in the middle of working on additional fixes for the FOV, we’ll have an update on this very shortly. We’ve been doing some very promising tests internally, will role out more info soon once we’re sure everything is working!

I think i just came!

edit: I also think I just broke the thread.

I really want to play your game, really. But...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Robotsonik.4935


OMG YES! I so hope we can finally get a better FOV soon. I succumbed to a massive eye-strain headache this weekend and haven’t been able to play since Friday night.

Would love to play the game without it stabbing me in the eyeballs.
Please make it so!

I really want to play your game, really. But...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eadgyt.5987



/cheer/ Anet

I have to disable camera shakes and really focus on camera control in tight areas, in order to play for longer periods (>20mins)

I’d love a further zoomed out view and the ability to go into first person view too

~ Stuff stuff STUFF! ~

I really want to play your game, really. But...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Symbiosis.5418


Agree on FoV part. A change would be much appreciated.

I really want to play your game, really. But...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Plok.5873


P.S. Allow movable unit frames while you’re at it. Having my targets health frame at the top-center give me a headache (yes it really does) after a while of playing. Moving the frame down near my own health frame makes more sense.

I really have to concur with this. While I’m, after some earlier troubles , doing fine with the FoV now (*dodge, runs for cover), the target unit frame is pretty much always in my way. It sticks exactly where I’d see a distant target I’m facing towards. That is about the worst position I could think of.
You ArenaNet guys prefer a clean an simple style, so what about three simple horizontal bars, target HP, player HP, player endurance, target effects above and player’s below? I’d buy that with gems if I had to. ^.^

Pry Bar in yo’ face, You big disgrace / Box of Nails all over the place
Pet project: Outfit overhaul.

I really want to play your game, really. But...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lavious.4958


I have been busy with lots of the events in game, has there been any updates to the FOV news that I missed?