(edited by NeHoMaR.9812)
I still need old transmutation functionality.
Use BLSK (Black Lion Salvage Kit) to extract the Rune or Sigill from the old armor/Weapon, then put Rune or Sigill in new armor/weapon with the new skin.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
If you need the rune you have to use black lion kits. Otherwise you just take the item you want the stat from and transmute a skin on it.
I’m confused?
The wardrobe still allows that.
If you want the stats -soulbind it.
Then for the look use (unlock in wardrobe/skin) then use the wardrobe to place that skin on your armour.
Its still the same, (btw, its more expensive to do this while leveling, and best leaving armour merges and the likes at lv 80.)
Only problem afaik are Karma Armors that can’t be salvaged, in that case you really need to buy a new rune for your new armor.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
I know about the salvage kit, I have 2 years playing the game. And also know you CAN’T use it with equipment from WvW vendors. So, this is NOT the answer, thanks anyway. Also, a 2hand weapons have THREE upgrades, 2 sigils and an infusion.
Before April 15th I was able to use a Transmutation Crystal (40 gems each I think) to merge whatever level 80 items I want. Like for example, an ascended weapon keeping all upgrades (some got with laurels).
Now we have “transmutation charges” that only work with skins, and not with stats and upgrades. We have also the Upgrade Extractor that cost 250 gems, that is EXTREMELY expensive, I think it should cost like 40 gems (5 for 200 gems, like trans. crystals)
(edited by NeHoMaR.9812)
i agree with this, i dont feel like tossing away 30g worth of runes alone just to change my stats on my armor. luckily the runes i use are 4-5g each and not 10g each like travelers. they either need to make karma and wvw armor salvageable or else re-do the transmute system a little. and hopefully sometime soon -.-
(^.^)b Cmdr Whíte Rabbit, The Bunny Mesmer
d(“)(”) Alias: Thalia Cereus, Cisna Brightwell, Toxic Bunny
i agree with this, i dont feel like tossing away 30g worth of runes alone just to change my stats on my armor. luckily the runes i use are 4-5g each and not 10g each like travelers. they either need to make karma and wvw armor salvageable or else re-do the transmute system a little. and hopefully sometime soon -.-
They really should make wvw and karma armour salvageable. They could even flag it so all it gives is the runes and no mats. The mats are irrelevant from salvaging it it’s the runes! No one wants to have to throw away a full set of runes because it’d be cheaper to buy them all again than to buy the extractors. It’s ridiculous.
Make the runes salvaged from karma armor account bound and you solve the buying karma armor to sell the runes issue.
There should be a way though to merge the rune from say an exotic armor into a newly created ascended armor. With Fine Transmutation stones it was easy, now you need to BUY an extractor from the TP with gems to get the rune out.
Tifa Ran/Ranger with a Pet
Commander WvW – Henge of Denravi
I know about the salvage kit, I have 2 years playing the game. And also know you CAN’T use it with equipment from WvW vendors. So, this is NOT the answer, thanks anyway. Also, a 2hand weapons have THREE upgrades, 2 sigils and an infusion.
Before April 15th I was able to use a Transmutation Crystal (40 gems each I think) to merge whatever level 80 items I want. Like for example, an ascended weapon keeping all upgrades (some got with laurels).
Now we have “transmutation charges” that only work with skins, and not with stats and upgrades. We have also the Upgrade Extractor that cost 250 gems, that is EXTREMELY expensive, I think it should cost like 40 gems (5 for 200 gems, like trans. crystals)
I still don’t see your problem.
In the old way you needed always to destroy a piece of armor, now if you just want to use a different skin that you have already unlocked there is no need to destroy anything anymore. Just use the Skin on you actual armor and you have the stats of that armor and the look you want.
If you want an armor with other stats you can put also the skin on that one and still keep your old armor and don’t need to destroy it.
Only if you want a rune from your old armor you need to destroy it, however you have at least the chance to get also ectos and dark matter that way, before it was always destroyed and you only got the rune.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
Yes, something needs to happen about this. I find it even more frustrating when the rune is tedious to come buy, like from dungeon tokens (yes, not everyone likes to farm dungeons).
This change is why I can’t switch out my runes in my current WvW set on my necro :s. I’m planning on making ascended armor soon, but the armor I currently have is all temple/WvW gear, and thus unsalvageable. Could’ve re-used Melandru runes before, but I’m sure as kitten not wasting them on gear now when I’ll just have to re-buy them when I craft ascended gear.
I really hope they come up with an alternative for this, like making them salvageable, at least with the BLSKs, but it looks so far to be a cash grab to get people to buy extractors. Trouble is, the extractors aren’t worth the cost, which is way more than buying the runes outright, so no one’s going to use them unless they’re seriously obtuse. Still not nice to be out 60+ gold for the more expensive runes, for people that already have them in karma/ascended/WvW gear.
Catorii | Lustre Delacroix | Catorii Desmarais | Synalie
Anet please solve this, we are sick of your issues
…… you CAN’T use it with equipment from WvW vendors.
Only if you want a rune from your old armor you need to destroy it, however you have at least the chance to get also ectos and dark matter that way, before it was always destroyed and you only got the rune.
Are you reading the posts at all? you can’t salvage some equipment, plus now is a lot more expensive and time consuming to change stats of equipment.
2 examples:
- You get an exotic greatsword in WvW vendor, and upgrade it with 2 sigils, then make an ascended version of the same stats. You was able to merge them with Trans.Crystal for 40 gems; Now you must buy the 2 sigils again or buy an Upgrade Extrator of 250 gems each (I am not even sure if you can use it in not salvageable items). You can’t salvage the sigils of that weapon with salvage kit (not even sure if you can get both sigils with this method anyway)
- You have an ascended greatsword with 2 sigils plus the infusion, you change your mind about main stats, craft a new greatsword with different stats. You was able to merge them with Trans.Crystal for 40 gems; Now you must buy the 2 sigils again (plus the infusion) or buy an Upgrade Extrator of 250 gems each that almost always cost more that the sigils and infusion. Notice I am NOT talking about skins at all.
Summary: You was able to change the stats of you weapon with 40 gems, now you need to spend 250 gems, or buy the sigils and infusion again, both options are a LOT more expensive (and time consuming because not all upgrades are easy to get in TP) than before.
(edited by NeHoMaR.9812)
They really should make WvW, Order, Cultural, and Karma armors salvageable, it makes no sense for them to be non-salvageable and is rather punitive toward players who slot expensive (to them, not everyone has 10k gold in their wallets yet) runes into them.
Well its seems the solution is to just make certain armors salvageable now. There is no need to bring back the old mechanic for such a minor issue
Tidal Legion [TL] – Sea of Sorrows
Well its seems the solution is to just make certain armors salvageable now. There is no need to bring back the old mechanic for such a minor issue
Or make Upgrade Extrator CHEAP, and able to extract everything of every armor/weapon in the game, whatever the method you used to get it.
Well its seems the solution is to just make certain armors salvageable now. There is no need to bring back the old mechanic for such a minor issue
Or make Upgrade Extrator CHEAP, and able to extract everything of every armor/weapon in the game, whatever the method you used to get it.
But how is Anet supposed to gouge those who need to move their enormously expensive infusions off of their gear if they do that?
Same problem here. I ve got 19teen armor pieces, all with traveler and melandru runes, its around 150-170g depend on TP. I want to move them to anoter toon or sell them, after patch they r useless for me on actual character. If i ll buy 25 extractors = 5000 gems = 550g idd fair price -,- i ll loose a lot of money its cheaper to buy new1
server jumper
Well its seems the solution is to just make certain armors salvageable now. There is no need to bring back the old mechanic for such a minor issue
Or make Upgrade Extrator CHEAP, and able to extract everything of every armor/weapon in the game, whatever the method you used to get it.
Dropping the prices of the extractor would be the best compromise.
Of course Anet could just turn this around and make a reusable “perma-extractor” (only costs 1 silver!) for a ridiculous amount of gems (say, 2000)…
The wardrobe is good, all right, but I still need a way to merge two armors/weapons into one, to change stats and keep the rest. How I do that now?
EDIT, extended opinion I posted below:
I know about the salvage kit, I have 2 years playing the game. And also know you CAN’T use it with equipment from WvW vendors. So, this is NOT the answer, thanks anyway. Also, a 2hand weapons have THREE upgrades, 2 sigils and an infusion.
Before April 15th I was able to use a Transmutation Crystal (40 gems each I think) to merge whatever level 80 items I want. Like for example, an ascended weapon keeping all upgrades (some got with laurels).
Now we have “transmutation charges” that only work with skins, and not with stats and upgrades. We have also the Upgrade Extractor that cost 250 gems, that is EXTREMELY expensive, I think it should cost like 40 gems (5 for 200 gems, like trans. crystals)
I too have run up against this missing this functionality several times since the update. Just one of the many unintended (or perhaps not-so-unintended) consequences that make the game more difficult, more expensive, and/or less fun. We still need the abilities of the old transmutation stones.
Just make sigils and runes work the same way as they do in sPvP: you obtain them once, “learn” them and then you can use them as you see fit.
Currently, runes and sigils they are too much hassle for their own worth. Most of them aren’t even worth crafting because they cost gold to make, but they sell for coppers. Whenever I salvage my loot, my inventory gets clogged with useless runes nobody wants to buy. Only thing they are good for is when you’re doing the Mystic Forgesmith daily and need something worthless to flush down the toilet.
The problem is we can’t transmute anymore the stats and runes like we did before, this is one nerf forcing people to buy one gem store item to recover upgrades that costs more than any rune in-game.
Asura thing.