I swing my sword
Can you also jump and swing your sword? I can remember way back in GW1 that everyone was soooo looking forward to jumping in this game. Maybe all these new updates were done just to remind us all how AWESOME jumping is and to employ it even more!.
stepping backwards is the only way to get the carrot on a stick. . .
At least be happy you can move… But don’t worry, you’ll soon be lvl80 tu unlock the full potential of your character!… /sarcasm
Son of Elonia.
Next patch foward movement unlocked at level 25. Until then the enemies will come to you, limit 10 enemies per reset. They will do this to save server capacity.
And did you swing your sword again?
Are you kidding me? Do you know just how much ENERGY it requires to run up to something, target it (not even), press 1, and … and… AND…. W-WAIT ?!?!?!!?!? WAIT!!! WAIT FOR THE MOB!!! TO DIE…!!!!
Sooo, how heroic do the hero’s of Shaemoor feel this time around?
We will tell you when we are through swinging our swords.
And did you swing your sword again?
The vid wont load for me but I have a feeling it’s that one with Colin making fun of other games where you swing your sword and then says “hey yay I swung my sword again” and then says something similar to “we don’t want our players going through that experiance”. Poor Colin I feel sorry for him now.
Finally loaded and yes it was as I thought lol. Good work posting this!
I whip my sword back and forth…