World bosses dying too fast [Merged]

World bosses dying too fast [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ethics.4519



Before you continue saying the words “boring”, “easy” and so forth, I would like to point out that GW2’s difficulty is out-of-wack right now. For example, making the dragons do instant kills may not provide the challenge you guys seek, what the dragons really need is more moves, animations, different attacks, a larger health pool, and a system that works like overflow, where only about 30 or so people can fight a dragon in an instance.

If you guys want more difficulty, at least give some explanation as to how that can be accomplished, because when the players request more difficulty, Anet devs go and make it like AC dungeon, where a single tiny spider can kill you with one attack. Please be wise as to what you all request from anet.



They don’t need a larger health pool. That’s the exact opposite of what should happen. If anything it should be a lower health pool. But there should be more mechanics like jormag (1st half) but more interesting. Say make the wing help block attacks, like a shield, so then you focus the wing down and it falls off. I definitely agree with it moving around. Adds and CCs don’t add to the event, just make it more tedious.

RIP in peace Robert

World bosses dying too fast [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dasorine.1964



They don’t need a larger health pool. That’s the exact opposite of what should happen. If anything it should be a lower health pool. But there should be more mechanics like jormag (1st half) but more interesting. Say make the wing help block attacks, like a shield, so then you focus the wing down and it falls off. I definitely agree with it moving around. Adds and CCs don’t add to the event, just make it more tedious.

Some definitely do need larger health pools, namely the low level zone ones, behemoth and Maw shaman often die before people who did the pre-events can actually arrive, Jungle wurm has been killed multiple times BEFORE he finished spawning (before his health bar popped up in the event box and thus didn’t reward chests) those ones definitely need more health and better scaling.

World bosses dying too fast [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SilverWF.4789


The world bosses in this game are a joke. I have never seen an entire group of people wipe or lose more than 20% of the players (dead). The bosses need mobility, tethered of course (but a huge tether).

In DAoC it wasn’t uncommon for a whole zerg to be whiped because a boss clobbered them. The unpredictability of the boss is what makes the event fun; the loot afterwards is just the icing on the cake.

In this game, everyone just stands in a “safe spot” and afk’s while their toon AA’s the boss…lame.

Does anyone else feel the same? If not, why? Please be constructive.

Yeah, you are right but… But with that culling and lags boss killing will becomes to the suicidal thing, if they make them more mobile and harder, you know…

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World bosses dying too fast [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eltiana.9420



Before you continue saying the words “boring”, “easy” and so forth, I would like to point out that GW2’s difficulty is out-of-wack right now. For example, making the dragons do instant kills may not provide the challenge you guys seek, what the dragons really need is more moves, animations, different attacks, a larger health pool, and a system that works like overflow, where only about 30 or so people can fight a dragon in an instance.

If you guys want more difficulty, at least give some explanation as to how that can be accomplished, because when the players request more difficulty, Anet devs go and make it like AC dungeon, where a single tiny spider can kill you with one attack. Please be wise as to what you all request from anet.



They don’t need a larger health pool. That’s the exact opposite of what should happen. If anything it should be a lower health pool. But there should be more mechanics like jormag (1st half) but more interesting. Say make the wing help block attacks, like a shield, so then you focus the wing down and it falls off. I definitely agree with it moving around. Adds and CCs don’t add to the event, just make it more tedious.

Generic adds don’t. Adds that do very particular things can imo.

World bosses dying too fast [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dasorine.1964


shatterer and claw can already do lethal attacks that require effort to dodge and block its just that they are totally ignored by standing in the safe spots.

Most of the bosses are already actually fairly lethal IF they get the attacks off properly and such, its just with the speed they go down coupled with a few things like safe spots, mobs staying away from where players actually are and scaling issues they don’t get to show their full lethality.

World bosses dying too fast [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: danbuter.2314


I agree! World bosses should be super-powered! Even if you attack him with 50 level 80 Ascended-gear specced characters, he should only be knocked down to MAYBE 75% health before killing them all!

World bosses dying too fast [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Amadan.9451


i already said it, but why since you all like challenge, temple boss are almost always avoided?

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World bosses dying too fast [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Frosty and Frosty Law Firm.4981

Frosty and Frosty Law Firm.4981

I don’t even bother with Dragons any more. The loot is all blues and greens(if I’m lucky and I even get greens), WPing there costs more than the event gives you, and the fights are just too easy to be interesting any more. My only memorable experience was at launch fighting the fire elemental with people his level that didn’t know how to fight him— in other words, that fight was a challenge. Now he dies in under two minutes.

Edit: To be fair, Balthazar was a fun fight, even if my group had no idea how to fight him and ended up failing the event.

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World bosses dying too fast [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Amadan.9451


I don’t even bother with Dragons any more. The loot is all blues and greens(if I’m lucky and I even get greens), WPing there costs more than the event gives you, and the fights are just too easy to be interesting any more. My only memorable experience was at launch fighting the fire elemental with people his level that didn’t know how to fight him— in other words, that fight was a challenge. Now he dies in under two minutes.

Edit: To be fair, Balthazar was a fun fight, even if my group had no idea how to fight him and ended up failing the event.

how long you don’t fight this bosses? you know they now have a guaranteed rare loot?

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World bosses dying too fast [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ronah.2869


This is how a dragon boss fight should look like. Sorry A-net but OP is right. The world boss fight are very … meh.
after fights like this, all players will say" Man I really “worked” for that reward chest" not like beating a world boss in 5 min.

(edited by Ronah.2869)

World bosses dying too fast [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ethics.4519


This is how a dragon boss fight should look like. Sorry A-net but OP is right. The world boss fight are very … meh.

Did you know you can repair your items using the anvil.

Anyway, looks awesome. Is Vindictus F2P or sub?

@Dasorine. I agree, but the person I quoted said dragons. I agree Maw, fire elemental, and worm should have higher HP, but they are in low level zones, so meh.

@Eltiana. Yep, that’s what I was thinking in my head, I was just hoping people would get the point.

RIP in peace Robert

(edited by Ethics.4519)

World bosses dying too fast [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Twinny.9304


Its ok saying more HP but u wouldnt have normally had so many ppl fighting the dragons/boss as u have now since last patch. However, i do agree that removing safe spots would make a huge difference.

Although perhaps a little more frequent dmg at close range (like around the dragons feet and when it fly’s up creating a sort of wind that blows u away and creating AoE knock downs would also make it a little more challenging.

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World bosses dying too fast [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ronah.2869


Anyway, looks awesome. Is Vindictus F2P or sub?

Its F2P but Its more a Co-op then a MMO coz every mission is instanced. I wouldnt advise it for MMO fans, but the fights are an example for how epic bosses should be like
If you search other clips about iot, you will see that every boss there is a challenge

World bosses dying too fast [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kitedyou.1720


Perhaps… instead of making the world boss dmg larger area…make it random with a relatively large area…

I agree with Ronah on the video link.

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World bosses dying too fast [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drawing Guy.3701

Drawing Guy.3701

I have to agree. WBs are currently boring – they are too static and too predictable. Making them hit harder just means it will continue being a game of ‘find the safe spot’. More HP just means you stand there attacking longer. I want them to be more dynamic. Dragon fights like the linked video, and I could list/link a dozen other games (Skyrim, Monster Hunder, even DDO has good ones). Dying in 1 hit =/= fun, though it should be important to avoid it’s attacks. Taking an hour to kill a boss because it has a trillion HP isn’t fun, but I don’t want it to last seconds. But being dynamic whether either previous factor is true or not makes a big difference in fun.

World bosses dying too fast [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draco.9480


+1 I agree with you it’s just I stand and shoot 1 2 3 4 5 swap 1 2 3 4 5 F1 4 1 1 1 F1 1 2 3 4 5……………. BORING!!!!!!!!!!

Why those world bosses can’t hurt us a bit more or make the shatterer to fire purple breath on the whole map and not some tiny flares. Make tequatl to fire sludge/acid. Make claw of jornag to breath ice beam on people or something make some difficulity and not just a dragon standing there to get killed. The only hard bosses are Balthazar and Grenth because of kitten but generally all world bosses are boring and people just come to grind items on ’em.

World bosses dying too fast [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ethics.4519


I have to agree. WBs are currently boring – they are too static and too predictable. Making them hit harder just means it will continue being a game of ‘find the safe spot’. More HP just means you stand there attacking longer. I want them to be more dynamic. Dragon fights like the linked video, and I could list/link a dozen other games (Skyrim, Monster Hunder, even DDO has good ones). Dying in 1 hit =/= fun, though it should be important to avoid it’s attacks. Taking an hour to kill a boss because it has a trillion HP isn’t fun, but I don’t want it to last seconds. But being dynamic whether either previous factor is true or not makes a big difference in fun.

I completely agree, especially with the dying in 1 hit =/= fun but it’s important to avoid attacks.

I think they should instituted something like fear…. but not fear. Say, a very telegraphed attack that immobolizes and stuns you for say… 10 seconds. That way you won’t die, but if you don’t dodge it the fight will last longer.

RIP in peace Robert

World bosses dying too fast [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: De Dam.2961

De Dam.2961

I think the scaling tables for all bosses and events have a maximum limit, so just remove the limit and let it scale up for each person that joins instead of only the first 25, or whatever its set on now

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World bosses dying too fast [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


This is how a dragon boss fight should look like. Sorry A-net but OP is right. The world boss fight are very … meh.
after fights like this, all players will say" Man I really “worked” for that reward chest" not like beating a world boss in 5 min.

although choppy,that fight looked like a lot of fun. Now translating those kinda mechanics to something as big as the dragon lieutenants would be difficult without looking flat out horrible but the idea still stands.

They should add veteran or champion dragons around orr (you know, the ones that fly over head and do nothing but pop baloons out of the sky?) that have something like that where it charges, swings tail, breathes fire/loctus/poison/etc. I’m shocked to only see 4 “dragon” encounters atm when this game’s main antagonist is the elder dragons. Heck gw1 atleast had mini bosses that were dragons.

I would like to see something like a mix of skyrim + that video (w/e it was) + gw2 dragons. They are large, movement deals aoe damage/effects like kb/kd, can launch players and/or pick them up and fling them to death if not careful (not in skyrim I believe but they did fling npc enemies and what not, imagine a mini boss dragon fling an asuran away.. ahhh ), be hard to kill not in just health and toughness but also them flying become untargetable or shielding themselves with their wings, and most importantly require some coordination to kill. Even if it is open pve, make some challenges out there that arn’t meant for random people to hop in. Requesting a zerg fest to take down a boss isn’t real fun or challenging, there should be some side objective to them where no such thing as a safe zone is present nor is pressing 1 and going afk possible with success.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
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World bosses dying too fast [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wiazabi.2549


Have to agree that dragons are no fun there is no fear involved and its just autoloot i mean its a DRAGON but there is no sense of danger.

Daoc was fun and really fun when the dragon went on patrol and a midgard xp group forgot it and POOF they all dead.

World bosses dying too fast [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mcarswell.3768


+1 I agree with you it’s just I stand and shoot 1 2 3 4 5 swap 1 2 3 4 5 F1 4 1 1 1 F1 1 2 3 4 5……………. BORING!!!!!!!!!!

if only you had to press that many keys. more like autoattack, afk, alt tab, check the dragon timer site for the next free loot site, alt tab back, collect free loot.

world bosses need to be harder, and less predictable both in their attacks, and in their spawn time.

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World bosses dying too fast [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mystic.5934


fire elemental used to be like what you describe. zergs would wipe, piles of corpses, people getting angry at the noobs, etc. let me paint you a picture of what you faced:
1 ember every 1000 range, so you’re almost never out of range of one
fire balls landing everywhere. when they hit you, you get thrown, stunned, and delt half of your life in damage. likely to get hit again before you can get back up. something to note: the effect would happen just before the red circle appeared, making dodging impossible.
flame attack that travels along the ground is about the same as now…
people would be timid and huddle near the bridge, so that was where all these attacks were focused, so you likely got nailed while you were approaching.
don’t even consider going there unless you’re at least level 30 (even though it downlevels you to 15), as you couldn’t even survive one fire ball.
it would take 30-60 minutes of the best skills you could bring to bare, along with 5-20 wp runs, to defeat this beast. even with 50+ players present.

World bosses dying too fast [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Warruz.8096



Before you continue saying the words “boring”, “easy” and so forth, I would like to point out that GW2’s difficulty is out-of-wack right now. For example, making the dragons do instant kills may not provide the challenge you guys seek, what the dragons really need is more moves, animations, different attacks, a larger health pool, and a system that works like overflow, where only about 30 or so people can fight a dragon in an instance.

If you guys want more difficulty, at least give some explanation as to how that can be accomplished, because when the players request more difficulty, Anet devs go and make it like AC dungeon, where a single tiny spider can kill you with one attack. Please be wise as to what you all request from anet.

I personally separate how difficult and how challenging something is. Something difficult in terms of bosses would be bosses that have mechanics that must be followed through to the T or its an instant wipe, no room for recovering. Challenging would be things like additional mechanics.

Maybe shatterer does have an increase in damage but no health but parts of his armor become weekend (say by NPC artillery ) , then you have to attack the armor quickly enough before it heals to break off, the more you break off he goes intro a frenzy. Once you break X amount of pieces it shatters all the armor and a health bar appears (this point is just killing him).

Fire elemental being of fire drains the oxygen in the room, in the 4 corner of the room there are destroyable walls that you need to break open so you dont die. However its a catch 22 by lowering the oxygen level you weaken the fire elemental by having nothing to consume by yourself takes more and more damage the lower it gets, on the flip side if you have to much oxygen the fire elemental tips the scale and does extra damage.

Just two ideas off the top of my head but honestly, any creature esc boss just look towards monster hunter for ideas. Anything else, look towards some wow boss designs (specific ulduar as it was the best raid). IF you made fights like this you can increase the rewards as they would be challenging.

Why was Crab Toss Removed? –

World bosses dying too fast [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gallrvaghn.4921


i already said it, but why since you all like challenge, temple boss are almost always avoided?

People will always go for the path of least resistance. Why would I dive into hard content when there are easy modes which can rack me up almost the same rewards (heck even more if you consider the time/reward ratio) and I believe this needs balancing or tweaking.

People are not saying they like super hard core content like the Temples with 1HKO mechanics from adds and bosses. However, they want the fail ones to be improved gameplay-wise to allow for better experience.

“The boss you just killed respawns ten minutes
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”

World bosses dying too fast [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sovta.4719


fire elemental used to be like what you describe. zergs would wipe, piles of corpses, people getting angry at the noobs, etc. let me paint you a picture of what you faced:
1 ember every 1000 range, so you’re almost never out of range of one
fire balls landing everywhere. when they hit you, you get thrown, stunned, and delt half of your life in damage. likely to get hit again before you can get back up. something to note: the effect would happen just before the red circle appeared, making dodging impossible.
flame attack that travels along the ground is about the same as now…
people would be timid and huddle near the bridge, so that was where all these attacks were focused, so you likely got nailed while you were approaching.
don’t even consider going there unless you’re at least level 30 (even though it downlevels you to 15), as you couldn’t even survive one fire ball.
it would take 30-60 minutes of the best skills you could bring to bare, along with 5-20 wp runs, to defeat this beast. even with 50+ players present.

Miss those fights.

World bosses dying too fast [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kakeru.2873


There is nothing u can do.

Gw2 has one of the most terrible enemy AI, I have seen in a game, they just line up and take it, they don’t move expect in random directions (see the Tameni) .

TESO boost actual AI which there mobs, I just say if your wanting a challanege with World Content and such GW2 isn’t the game for you, if you want a casual experience were you can sit afk and press 1 then lucky you :P

World bosses dying too fast [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lambent.6375


It would be nice if there were just some aoes to make people scatter and keep them on their toes, or aoes that just targeted large groups of people, after the culling is fixed, because that would be a disaster if you can’t see who is standing next to you, lol.

The fun thing about DAoc dragons is that dragon would call someone out in chat, and basically let everyone know that they called out person, and anyone around them was about to get blasted…..of course the person who was called out can run to a large group of people and get them all killed, but that was a no no.

“Caithe, someday you’ll see, Tyria needs me. -Scarlet”

World bosses dying too fast [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wryscher.1432


fire elemental used to be like what you describe. zergs would wipe, piles of corpses, people getting angry at the noobs, etc. let me paint you a picture of what you faced:
1 ember every 1000 range, so you’re almost never out of range of one
fire balls landing everywhere. when they hit you, you get thrown, stunned, and delt half of your life in damage. likely to get hit again before you can get back up. something to note: the effect would happen just before the red circle appeared, making dodging impossible.
flame attack that travels along the ground is about the same as now…
people would be timid and huddle near the bridge, so that was where all these attacks were focused, so you likely got nailed while you were approaching.
don’t even consider going there unless you’re at least level 30 (even though it downlevels you to 15), as you couldn’t even survive one fire ball.
it would take 30-60 minutes of the best skills you could bring to bare, along with 5-20 wp runs, to defeat this beast. even with 50+ players present.

Miss those fights.

I do as well. It is like they have 2 teams that don’t talk.

Lets nerf the loot. People stop going. Oh nerf the Mob, so people will go. Good plan.

Hey lets raise the loot. Mob dies in 10-20 seconds and noone has any fear of dieing.

[Sane]-Order of the Insane Disorder
Melanessa-Necromancer Cymaniel-Scrapper
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World bosses dying too fast [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ensoriki.5789


Should be in proportion.
Maw, Wurm, Behemoth should be starting and remain easy
Tequila and shatterer need better defensive tools and a couple more attacks or at least monsters supporting them well to make up for their lack of attacks.

Tequila is currently easier than the Fire elemental becuase as soon as you get near him there is basically no threat save a random giant.

The great forum duppy.

World bosses dying too fast [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gallrvaghn.4921


@Dasorine. I agree, but the person I quoted said dragons. I agree Maw, fire elemental, and worm should have higher HP, but they are in low level zones, so meh.

They are low level zoned bosses but they are being swarmed by dozens upon dozens of fully geared level 80s because these bosses have chests that may unique level 80 exotic weapons, and rares. This in return spoils the fun for the lowbies who actually are encountering these bosses for the first time because of the ridiculous amount of level 80 players farming them so a proper event scaling not only based on the number of participating players BUT ALSO the general level of these players involved in these mega boss events is very much needed. There is down-scaling yeah being fully geared as a downscaled level 80 has very noticeable stat boost compared to a player actually on that level.

“The boss you just killed respawns ten minutes
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”

(edited by Gallrvaghn.4921)

World bosses dying too fast [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Randulf.7614


The Priest bosses I like – they have mechancis which can wipe zergs (grenth/balth), but are doable with coordination.

The dragon bosses, look stunning. Animation in partciular. WHen Shatterer lands and roars, that is almost an iconic moment, it is just let down by no real mechanic. Knockbacks, aoe spikes, anything – but I’m totally in favour of seeing these guys really make us work for our loot. I don’t even mind if they are easy (they need to appeal to ALL skill levels), but varied mechanics will keep the entertainment factor up.

Great work by the design team on the aesthetics at the least

World bosses dying too fast [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gallrvaghn.4921


If only those World Bosses especially the dragons could actually walk and move around..

“The boss you just killed respawns ten minutes
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”

World bosses dying too fast [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


I don’t know why the meta bosses are so static. Maybe it’s some issue with the engine, or the programming. It’s almost like the large meta bosses are not a single avatar, but rather several “glued” together. Instead of what we usually see from bosses – 1, 2 or maybe 3 dangerous moves, the meta bosses just proc indirect FX like Jormag’s cold dot, Teqatl’s poison pools or Shadow Behemoth’s AoE claw smack. This sort of “difficulty” seems cheap.

The Jormag event is annoying. Advance on Jormag — fear, run back — advance on Jormag — fear, run back — advance on Jormag — ice spikes, pushed back — sit waiting for ice spikes to end — advance on Jormag — get there and start dpsing ice wall — have to turn and run back due to a DoT you can do little about — get health back, etc.

The Champion Abomination in Cursed Shore is big, highly mobile, can leave a path of downed players in its wake, and takes a large group some time to finish off. Frankly, this fight is more interesting to me because the mechanics are something I can do something about, not crap that is just there to prolong the fight.

World bosses dying too fast [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drew.1865


I find the world bosses and the combat boring in this game. It’s pretty though :-)

Is GW2 a game or a virtual casino?

World bosses dying too fast [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Darx.9842


The ONLY world boss that isn’t a joke is the Megadestroyer in Mount Maelstrom.

He actually moves around unlike all the rest of them. And he can 1 shot or 2 shot people. And I’ve seen him wipe out dozens of players with his aoe flame attack.

This is how dragons should have been.

World bosses dying too fast [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Edge.4180


I think the entire Megadestroyer chain is an example of a decent world-boss event. Not stellar, but decent. All other events should be at least that well designed.

World bosses dying too fast [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khyber.2693


I agree. Boss fights are really just about sitting in a safe zone and AAing until the creature dies. Sad but true.

World bosses dying too fast [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vorch.2985


It’s harder to give the bosses mobility than the “trash mobs”.

Add the some of the new Veteran Kraits to the Tequatal battle and see how quickly people switch their tunes.

You want people mobile during boss events? Make them focus on both the boss AND quick spawning roaming veterans. Of course after that, people will say that the events are too hard and don’t justify “trash rares” (yes, I heard trash rare yesterday)

Here’s what people thought of GW1 when it first came out:
“A release is 7 days or less away or has just happened within the last 7 days…
These are the only two states you’ll find the world of Tyria.”

World bosses dying too fast [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

World bosses are definitely paying zero challenge to me.
Never do them, though it’s fun to see the huge mob of people gathering up just to get the shinie.

World bosses dying too fast [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lafiel.9372


A bunch of bosses need thier scaling tables adjusted. Especially Wurm’s and Shaman’s. if they do that and address safezones it should be fine.

They are low level zone bosses and are meant to be easy. The harder world bosses are in Orr, though personally, I can still solo the entire grenth chain event without breaking a sweat.

World bosses dying too fast [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nuka Cola.8520

Nuka Cola.8520

one thing you should understand is that world bosses weren’t made to be challenging but for you to auto attack while surfing on youtube.

Fact: every Thief tells you to “l2p” when the subject is to nerf stealth.

World bosses dying too fast [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure Prower.8701

Azure Prower.8701

i already said it, but why since you all like challenge, temple boss are almost always avoided?

People will always go for the path of least resistance. Why would I dive into hard content when there are easy modes which can rack me up almost the same rewards (heck even more if you consider the time/reward ratio) and I believe this needs balancing or tweaking.

People are not saying they like super hard core content like the Temples with 1HKO mechanics from adds and bosses. However, they want the fail ones to be improved gameplay-wise to allow for better experience.

There is both to cater to players of all sort of skill ranges.

If you like a challenge? Go temples.

If you like an epic battle that’s super easy? Go dragons.

It’s a self defeating purpose if you say ‘Oh I still goto dragons because they’re easier.’ Anet looks at the Temple statistics and see they’re not very popular and thus the majority don’t want a challenge. Thus see no need for change or need to cater to the niche.

World bosses dying too fast [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raging Simian.5690

Raging Simian.5690

The change in the rare drop will help a lot I believe or at least open up the possibility for some mechanics tweaks. At least in the lower level areas. I’m only in the 60’s.

People need to die. Some more than others … but everyone should at least see that bundle of fireball death pretty heading at them. “I forgot to dodge … it was too pretty” I don’t know how many times I took a bullet in the head from BF3 because of that.

With all of those high-level rare farmers cranking out flashy animations I can’t even tell what I’m shooting at. Adding HP only makes it so I can’t see for longer. Making the enemy attacks that I can’t see hit harder makes me dead and annoyed.

The Champion fights sound more like what folks want the meta-event fights to be like but bigger, smarter and harder. To an “I love the pretty” player like me who actually (overpaid) for a 3D nvidia rig to optimize my pretty … the champions are pretty boss already. I’m sure they will be adding more.

The person who talked about the tactical environment triggers for a true meta-event I think is most on to something. The boss fights need more square footage under contention to properly pull that off. These things kill armies! It shouldn’t be a boss-fight event … it should be full-on siege warfare event requiring more than arrows and swords and sorcery pew pew.

And heck yeah … I would love see dragons like walking (hopping, swaying, and flapping mostly) castles where you need to construct, build, maintain, enchant, protect etc things to dismantle the kittener. Give me humans summoning winged demi-gods for an air-strike. Super pretty half naked angel streaking across the skyline to provide death from above while her oversized boobs flop around. Protect the spell casters or no boobs for you. I’m sure someone can find a lore loophole for that!

Lose an event and you better hoof-it off the battle area or die nastily in the fantasy equivalent of a side-scroller bulletstorm. Make even an kitten whooping pretty and ideally funny.

To get the battlefield of the size it should be I can’t see a way to avoid meta-events existing in their own persistent instance space like cities do so you can get the map equivalent of a Tardis. The place you fight is bigger than the space shown on the main map with features you might not even see on the main map.

As talked about by the dev during design it should not a place that “unlocks” only for the meta-event. It can always be unlocked more trivially for looking around and exploration. Follow a rabbit down a rabbit hole type event chain. A simple event chain might be to help a scout punching a whole in the barrier and preventing minions from patching it. You can’t have enough “protect/kill the engineers” missions! (joke)

The meta-event chain can cross into it smoothly and just like what happens today on the existing map … stuff just starts popping up in response to stuff. NPC’s bring seige gear then run off shouting “Your’re on your own! We got families!”. These baddies smash armies after all.

Crafting story reasons for the change to instances can be events in and of themselves. Some “living stories” where you assist in pushing the baddest of the bad back into some part of their domain and keeping them from coming back. Or surrounding a nasty area with a protective barrier. etc. Or even the opposite with baddy making a beachead for players to breach and weaken from the inside.

I got a bit carried away in my ideas … oops … but yeah … meta-events need a good bit of work to survive as a user draw for the game.

And a shout-out to ANet Guild Wars is not just a good MMORPG in my opinion, its a good RPG period. The MMO is a freebie in my opinion. It takes a lot of artistic and hollywood level work to keep the RPG aspects moving and fresh. That’s paid for by begin-game noob cash not end-gamers who already got what they fairly paid for … A kitten long RPG with friends and guarantees of more to come.

Cheers mates! See you on the fields of glory … or something

—Mung Kee the Raging Simian

World bosses dying too fast [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kitedyou.1720


The issue that I have with the dragons is that they don’t move and don’t force players to pay attention…if the current attacks the dragons have would pop in random places that would be more interesting. The addition of some other abilities would be nice too. I am not advocating that a fight last an hour or more, but to have to pay attention while fighting the “world boss”…is that too much to ask?

Sea of Sorrows
Tjegra: 80 Norn Necromancer
Mefitic: OTW to 80 Asura Necromancer

World bosses dying too fast [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kitedyou.1720


Another thing that would be cool is that if the players wiped out the dragon would essentially take over a small area in the map it inhabits…and the players would then have to regain control of the poi’s & WP’s in that area along with fighting the dragon.

Please just make them more interesting!!!

Sea of Sorrows
Tjegra: 80 Norn Necromancer
Mefitic: OTW to 80 Asura Necromancer

World bosses dying too fast [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draco.9480


why those dragons don’t charge wild on us? why they don’t use their tails/claws to attack us? why no fire/laser/plague/ice breath? why can’t they knock us out with their wings and do tornados with their wings? why can’t they confuse us with their flying and not just a tiny jump for 10 seconds and goes down to the same spot. why it’s in the same spot? why do we have those safe spots? Can’t he just attacking many people at once and go after ’em?

World bosses dying too fast [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lambent.6375


I guess it’s worth mentioning that people die all the time at Claw of Jormag. Whenever I needed to get a Rez daily I got it at that event.

“Caithe, someday you’ll see, Tyria needs me. -Scarlet”

World bosses dying too fast [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


I guess it’s worth mentioning that people die all the time at Claw of Jormag. Whenever I needed to get a Rez daily I got it at that event.

It’s the cold DoT. People don’t pay attention to their health, or are looking to maximize their DPS time and are hoping that people will stop dps-ing to rez them. The other ways around it are to ball up and hope the AoE heals are enough, or to run back out of combat every 20-30 seconds. Also, while the dragon’s presence is producing the DoT, there is no sense that it actually did anything. If the DoT procced on its breath, and players could dodge to avoid it, it would be a more interesting mechanic. Instead, it’s just area denial (that doesn’t work across the board).

World bosses dying too fast [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jareth.4813


I agree that the world bosses are far too easy when surrounded by 100’s of people. When there’s only about 20 they can be fun, but that rarely happens these days.

I’m hopeful though that Anet will have good things planned for these bosses once the revamps are done.

Fingers crossed for stages and failure scenarios where the bosses do something else rather than just hang around waiting for people to kill him.

World bosses dying too fast [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: azazil.9541


Yea yea…. still i can’t see half of ppl and mobs at world bosses cuz kittening culling….

So what are you talking about guys!!!! We are hitting and killing huge practice boards with kittening culling issue.

And don’t tell me they solved for WvW.. kitten the WvW i don’t like it i dont playing it..