I've always wondered why Human Female...
My main is human because I wanted her to be descended from my GW1 characters (where human was the only playable race), and she’s female because that’s what fit the character I was making.
I also have norn, sylvari and asura female characters and a male charr. Long-term I plan to have at least 1 of each race/gender combination.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Female player, I only play as Asura. I am really an Asura trapped in a humans body! Asura are just too cute not to play. Excelsior.
These guys playing as females is the same as these guys playing with dolls
Is that a slight against guys playing with a doll ( all you fathers put down that barbie this instant! and stop playing barbie house with your daughters ). I just don’t know but what I do know is, that it would be pretty odd for a straight guy to want to watch the behind of another guy for hours on end, on the other hand maybe that is the way that sort of certain guy swings.
Personally I’d rather look at the behind of something female, and get some sort of sick twisted enjoyment at seeing her punished (for my mistakes) by the closest most blood thirsty grawl.
I am human female IRL, but my main (and most loved character) is a human male. I was inspired by one of my favorite books where protagonist was a male necromancer. I like everything about him – the way he looks and how the story and voice acting (thank you so much, Nolan North! I love you!) fits him just purrfectly.
Across all female characters I like my norn most of all, as she is very much like me, I guess. But I also have three human females, I must admit. They have nice haircuts and some mix-and-match sets actually look good on them.
I am human female IRL, but my main (and most loved character) is a human male.
I was inspired by one of my favorite books where protagonist was a male necromancer. I like everything about him – the way he looks and how the story and voice acting (thank you so much, Nolan North! I love you!) fits him just purrfectly.
Across all female characters I like my norn most of all, as she is very much like me, I guess. But I also have three human females, I must admit. They have nice haircuts and some mix-and-match sets actually look good on them.
then you are rare, because all ladies i have seen from my guild or streamers play female, i have never seen female gamer play male character, you are the first one lol.
as for me beauty of the character is important, in all mmos i used to play, i played as male except for ESO and GW2, because male toons in those 2 are ugly.
for gw2 i fell in love with female sylvari voice( jennifer hale is an awesome voice actress and really great voice) also there are some cute faces for female sylvari, hence my main is female sylvari
Female: because a large portion of the player base is straight and male, and there’s a thing where guys prefer to play as females. I’m not entirely sure why (apart from feeling more comfortable with staring at the opposite sex), but I am sure that there are a ton of articles online writing about it.
Yes, that is the reason and also the reason why my main is always male. He happens to be a human male but before it was a Sylvari male. (I’m a straight female)
But female humans also had nice idle animations which were also a reason for straight males to pick them, I guess.
Because of dresses.
Then, after watching a random wvw video starring an asura, I realized they had the best animation ( and ears ) and I never came back to human female.
Well, not true, I made a human male with a big beard.
then you are rare, because all ladies i have seen from my guild or streamers play female, i have never seen female gamer play male character, you are the first one lol.
Ohh, I used to get so angry when someone was asking me if I am a lesbian because I play a male character >_< I mean… where’s the god kitten logic in saying that if a guy is playing a female character, he’s probably gay and if a woman is playing a male, she’s definately a lesbian? Pretty much what Aerial said few posts above is right. If I get to choose who I need to watch 3-4 hours a day, surely I’ll prefer a handsome male, because I have my own breasts and stuff to look at for my whole life, that’s boring.
Speaking of sylvari – I would love female sylvari, but they always look so… happy, it stresses me out. I made a female sylvari revenant, used up my last hair change kit and made her a full exotic set, but now I really want do delete her, because she’s always smiling, even if she’s talking serious or people are dying. I can’t stand that! Maybe I’m just too negative, idk
I prefer sylvari master race. Human are weak and too innocent. And their voices are awful.
I am human female IRL, but my main (and most loved character) is a human male.
I was inspired by one of my favorite books where protagonist was a male necromancer. I like everything about him – the way he looks and how the story and voice acting (thank you so much, Nolan North! I love you!) fits him just purrfectly.
Across all female characters I like my norn most of all, as she is very much like me, I guess. But I also have three human females, I must admit. They have nice haircuts and some mix-and-match sets actually look good on them.
then you are rare, because all ladies i have seen from my guild or streamers play female, i have never seen female gamer play male character, you are the first one lol.
as for me beauty of the character is important, in all mmos i used to play, i played as male except for ESO and GW2, because male toons in those 2 are ugly.
for gw2 i fell in love with female sylvari voice( jennifer hale is an awesome voice actress and really great voice) also there are some cute faces for female sylvari, hence my main is female sylvari
Pretty much all the ladies I know play males.
Female player, I only play as Asura. I am really an Asura trapped in a humans body! Asura are just too cute not to play. Excelsior.
May all your theories be sound.
Every time a thread like this appears, I can’t help but wonder why does it bother the op so much what other people are playing.
| Claara
Your skin will wrinkle and your youth will fade, but your soul is endless.
It’s because the cultural amor has some kind of under moob thing. I said moob, you know what I meant, but you can’t censor that because it’s not the word you’d censor.
It’s because the cultural amor has some kind of under moob thing. I said moob, you know what I meant, but you can’t censor that because it’s not the word you’d censor.
Yeah.. moob…
It’s because the cultural amor has some kind of under moob thing. I said moob, you know what I meant, but you can’t censor that because it’s not the word you’d censor.
Yeah.. moob…
Is that heavy armour? I don’t play a heavy class, but I was wanting to if I can use armour that doesn’t make them look like a construction truck.
Is that heavy armour? I don’t play a heavy class, but I was wanting to if I can use armour that doesn’t make them look like a construction truck.
It is – both Revenants. I saw a pretty cool warrior in the JP tonight, no idea what he wore but it didn’t look heavy.
Is that heavy armour? I don’t play a heavy class, but I was wanting to if I can use armour that doesn’t make them look like a construction truck.
It is – both Revenants. I saw a pretty cool warrior in the JP tonight, no idea what he wore but it didn’t look heavy.
I just might do it then. I need to buy another character slot! lol
It’s because the cultural amor has some kind of under moob thing. I said moob, you know what I meant, but you can’t censor that because it’s not the word you’d censor.
Yeah.. moob…
Wow, they both look so awesome! <3
then you are rare, because all ladies i have seen from my guild or streamers play female, i have never seen female gamer play male character, you are the first one lol.
Ohh, I used to get so angry when someone was asking me if I am a lesbian because I play a male character >_< I mean… where’s the god kitten logic in saying that if a guy is playing a female character, he’s probably gay and if a woman is playing a male, she’s definately a lesbian? Pretty much what Aerial said few posts above is right. If I get to choose who I need to watch 3-4 hours a day, surely I’ll prefer a handsome male, because I have my own breasts and stuff to look at for my whole life, that’s boring.
Speaking of sylvari – I would love female sylvari, but they always look so… happy, it stresses me out. I made a female sylvari revenant, used up my last hair change kit and made her a full exotic set, but now I really want do delete her, because she’s always smiling, even if she’s talking serious or people are dying. I can’t stand that! Maybe I’m just too negative, idk
yeah you are right you are too negative. by no means i said you are lesbian how did you even come up with that?? i only said me and never said in general that most of female i saw play female toons and by no means i said or meant they are lesbian i also said most of my toons are male is that make me gay?? some logic is require here.
and it is color full a beautiful game, that is why i am playing it, female sylvari look beautiful too. you want to play ugly game full of blood. play “Hatred” on steam lol.
Because player’s love cute characters and the other race are so ugly asura is cool.
In Tera human is the least played race. Elins,Elf and castanic are way more popular.
Maybe because guys like to look at hot chicks sure.
But I also think it’s because other races are bland and boring and lack character customisation. Humans have more faces to choose from. Better looking armor.
yeah you are right you are too negative. by no means i said you are lesbian how did you even come up with that??
You misunderstood me here, I wasn’t saying it about you, that’s just a general complaint I had in my mind while reading the post. My knowledge of english, which went poof after I finished highschool could also be the reason why it sounds wrong xD
In fact, I can’t remember anyone from GW community saying that kind of things. It’s mostly my bad experience from Aion and World of warcraft.
These guys playing as females is the same as these guys playing with dolls
They’re not dolls….. they’re action figures :(
Because player’s love cute characters and the other race are so ugly asura is cool.
In Tera human is the least played race. Elins,Elf and castanic are way more popular.
Maybe because guys like to look at hot chicks sure.
But I also think it’s because other races are bland and boring and lack character customisation. Humans have more faces to choose from. Better looking armor.
Ugh … the new charr hairstyles. -_-
Hey, if playing a human female is like playing with barbie, then playing a human male is like playing with Ken. That’s worse, btw.
I truly believe that human females aren’t as common as people say they are… They’re common, but not that common.
It’s just what your mind chooses to notice. Like an attractive person versus an average person. You notice the “hot” people but the average ones you glaze over. Seems like there are an awful lot of attractive people but you’re just choosing not to notice the others.
And yes I know that sounds incredibly shallow but it’s for the sake of example.
I notice human females with the pouty face and blue hair with the flower in it because the look makes me want to punch them. It seems like they’re everywhere because it’s what my mind chooses to notice, not because it’s what 90% of human females look like, even if it is common, it’s not as common as I think it is.
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma
I have noticed more male norn/human then female humans when im out playing/dungeons/open world (although humans are popular so you gonna see alot of them in general)
Because sex (appeal) is a strong motivator, and men tend to be more easily indoctrinated by it.
so you wonder why you are wanting to play a female toon base on their hair and clothing options. Dude you got problems in real life then to worry bout this.