Legendary SoloQ
I want Scarlet to become an ally
Legendary SoloQ
I think with Scarlett an “ally” is someone she simply hasn’t decided to try and kill yet.
Despite what she has done, I believe we can get past this misunderstanding. Sure she has killed a few people and she should pay for that somehow, but think about it, wouldnt you want to have someone as smart as her in your ranks fighting Dragons?
I for sure vouch for an “alliance” of “mutual interests” (we dont kill you, you give us weapons and your subordinates, seems fair enough).
I’m sure we can all get past our differences and join forces, after all, didnt we do something similar with the charrs even though we have a long history of pilage and massacres?
Heh, it’s a cool idea but I got to “as smart as her” and now I’m cleaning up the remnants of my Pepsi
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
Oh sure I wouldn’t mind her as an ally.
In fact I would hand her a present, a ceremonial stabby stab stab shank of friendship.
In the Shiverpeaks we use it quite a bit for sealing in alliance ceremonies.
All she needs to do it use it on herself, then she takes a long nap of celebration.
Lllllooooonnnnnnggggg nap, oh I won’t wake her because that would be rude.
I wouldn’t want her to get cold either, while she naps, so I best cover her with dirt to ensure frostbite (weather and the devourer) don’t harm her.
It’d be cool if she epically messed up and summoned a dragon/woke something terrible and/or unintended. I’m not sure humility is in her character, but maybe being slapped in the face that her own cleverness on its own isn’t as clever as the universal alchemy/the brain+brawn of the protagonists would motivate her to offer/accept outside help / not be such a self-centered crazyface. Either that or she dies. I’m not sure if I see her being hybridized by dragons or if she just disappears forever. Any of the above would be satisfying to me.
I think anything can be done with the right writing (read: character development in-game and not on the website)… I’d just like to see her grow in any direction other than “she’s a mystery! An OP mystery! She’s been everywhere! But no one’s ever mentioned her before!”. Just gonna take some time. The LS keeps improving imo, so I’m hopeful about any and all possibilities.
Slightly related: The dialogue with characters around the camp of the Tower of Nightmares really does a lot to soothe my plot annoyances, actually. Loved the asura explaining the motivation of letting her into the colleges/the double cross they wanted to enact, the Norn saying he hated the decision to let her study etc. Big step in the right direction.
Slightly related: The dialogue with characters around the camp of the Tower of Nightmares really does a lot to soothe my plot annoyances, actually. Loved the asura explaining the motivation of letting her into the colleges/the double cross they wanted to enact, the Norn saying he hated the decision to let her study etc. Big step in the right direction.
Agreed, when even the game world shows how much they dislike her it is a good step.
I think I print-screen every one of those conversations.
Heh, it’s a cool idea but I got to “as smart as her” and now I’m cleaning up the remnants of my Pepsi
Wait, what happened to me?
I guess I’d better say something related to the topic: I don’t mind what happens with scarlet either way, as long as she isn’t apart of the living story forever, (because that would be boring) which she isn’t, so thats okay.
Also I hate my user ID.
I want her dead.
As an asura, I do this all the time.”
I want her dead.
Wouldnt it be better to have her as an ally instead? You are killing potential brains and someone with the capability to gather up and control thugs which otherwise would run rampant on whatever the hell they want, which means she also has “charisma” for those things.
Legendary SoloQ
Scarlet becoming an ally is worse than a M. Night Shyamalan twist.
I think this qoute from the Untouchables sums up my feelings on the matter: “I want him DEAD! I want his family DEAD! I want his house burned to the GROUND! I wanna go there in the middle of the night and I wanna kitten ON HIS ASHES!”
Substitute him for her.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
I also think she would be an invaluable ally but she has a history of using and abandoning her allies.
Despite what she has done, I believe we can get past this misunderstanding. Sure she has killed a few people and she should pay for that somehow, but think about it, wouldnt you want to have someone as smart as her in your ranks fighting Dragons?
I for sure vouch for an “alliance” of “mutual interests” (we dont kill you, you give us weapons and your subordinates, seems fair enough).
I’m sure we can all get past our differences and join forces, after all, didnt we do something similar with the charrs even though we have a long history of pilage and massacres?
Heh, it’s a cool idea but I got to “as smart as her” and now I’m cleaning up the remnants of my Pepsi
Well she is easily the smartest character in GW2.
I also think she would be an invaluable ally but she has a history of using and abandoning her allies.
nothing a little gunpowder cant fix
Well she is easily the smartest character in GW2.
Legendary SoloQ
As if the entire storyline revolving Scarlett wasn’t bad enough, now you want to go into Kid’s TV storyline territory.
I honestly, couldn’t believe a game could have as bad a storyline as Diablo 3… but GW2 has really been pushing it with the Living Story. Can we please go back to the dragons, or the engaging stories we got from GW: Factions, Nightfall, and EotN.
I don’t want her dead, I want her retroactively removed from continuity. I want the story rolled back to its state before she entered it.
Boy, some people sure have some unnecessary hated for her, which is sad, because I only see it inforums not ingame. Most people I know ingame seem to be rather enjoying her, so my guess is that someone started hating her here and most people followed the trend, whcih im sure had the first guy to say “I like her” we would all be happy about it.
@Justive.3608: kid’s tv territory? Im sorry, but I think you are watching too much cartoons if thats where you think the idea came from. The idea of allying strong adversaries once you defeat them comes since the dawn of men, where you would go into the neighbor tribe, win the war, and use the resources and men from that tribe to further increase your domain. Translate to wars and why enemies dont destroy the entire land but instead attack the government, because you want to use the resources of that land to further increase your lead.
I simply dont want her brightness and control to disappear. She introduced and organized entire armies, technology, and much more which would otherwise go to waste. Whereas by winning and making her work (in shackles) for us would allow us to keep her as a memento and even further make her part of future plots, where some redeemable thing might come from her. If you think this is kid’s show material then you sir need to watch other series.
Legendary SoloQ
Boy, some people sure have some unnecessary hated for her, which is sad, because I only see it inforums not ingame. Most people I know ingame seem to be rather enjoying her, so my guess is that someone started hating her here and most people followed the trend, whcih im sure had the first guy to say “I like her” we would all be happy about it.
@Justive.3608: kid’s tv territory? Im sorry, but I think you are watching too much cartoons if thats where you think the idea came from. The idea of allying strong adversaries once you defeat them comes since the dawn of men, where you would go into the neighbor tribe, win the war, and use the resources and men from that tribe to further increase your domain. Translate to wars and why enemies dont destroy the entire land but instead attack the government, because you want to use the resources of that land to further increase your lead.
I simply dont want her brightness and control to disappear. She introduced and organized entire armies, technology, and much more which would otherwise go to waste. Whereas by winning and making her work (in shackles) for us would allow us to keep her as a memento and even further make her part of future plots, where some redeemable thing might come from her. If you think this is kid’s show material then you sir need to watch other series.
Funny I see the opposite within my guilds and the server I am on or visit. I’ve yet to see anyone say they enjoy her, mostly people that say she is ok or not that bad when it’s positive. I really don’t see the point of Scarlet being an ally, isn’t it time to move on once the LS finishes? Making her an ally is just rehashing old and used ideas, it’s a living story not a never ending one.
While i dont mind scarlet as much as some, truth is i am veeeerrry mindful of having another sylvari ally. the last one just sorta stole my thunder :p
Honestly I’m amazed you’re not feeling like your intelligence being actively insulted by Scarlet’s existence – the fact that the writers would shovel a badly-written Villain Sue straight out of Power Rangers right in our everyone’s faces and into the undeserved limelight.
Unrelated clip of a Power Rangers villain
Then again, they’ve done the exact same thing with Trahearne.
Granted Trahearne had no character whatsoever, so there’s not too much to hate about him other than him simply being there and simply being a poor character, which is still the same problem.
Boy, some people sure have some unnecessary hated for her, which is sad, because I only see it inforums not ingame.
Two months ago I heard someone say they liked Scarlet in-game. The first and the last time.
In my experience, it’s a lot easier to find a minority opinion on forums – because that’s what forums are for. Even if that opinion will be shrouded in Scarlet hate, but you can still find it. Just like this thread.
For myself, I think GW2’s writing is some of the most boring, formulaic, incompetent and pathetic I’ve ever seen in any game, and games aren’t exactly spoiled with good writing to begin with. Scarlet is just a cherry on top.
(edited by Draco.2806)
Well she is easily the smartest character in GW2.
Of course she is, she’s a villain sue, that is the problem.
Boy, some people sure have some unnecessary hated for her, which is sad, because I only see it inforums not ingame.
I see it ingame all the time. She’s a joke to my server.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
Despite what she has done, I believe we can get past this misunderstanding. Sure she has killed a few people and she should pay for that somehow, but think about it, wouldnt you want to have someone as smart as her in your ranks fighting Dragons?
I for sure vouch for an “alliance” of “mutual interests” (we dont kill you, you give us weapons and your subordinates, seems fair enough).
I’m sure we can all get past our differences and join forces, after all, didnt we do something similar with the charrs even though we have a long history of pilage and massacres?
Heh, it’s a cool idea but I got to “as smart as her” and now I’m cleaning up the remnants of my Pepsi
Well she is easily the smartest character in GW2.
Naturally, our little Saturday morning cartoon LS wouldn’t work without a villain that makes all the good guys look like complete morons.
I think the biggest issue for me is that for how smart Scarlet is supposed to be, she accomplishes nothing. Let’s say you took away the fact she’s poorly written and everything bad about her, she’s still a failure. Why would she now after failing at everything she’s ever done, be an asset for you?
With her track record she’d be most likely to get you killed with terrible planning than anything. Would you really want someone who cannot get anything right, really to be your ally? Would you trust a screw up friend who always messes things up with something important? Nope. So why would you trust someone like Scarlet with anything super important?
Her in game minions may be too stupid to realize that she is sadistic egomaniac and megalomaniac who tortures her allies for fun, leaves them behind at the first sign of trouble, sends them into battle for impenetrable reasons, etc, but hopefully players would never be so stupid.
Boy, some people sure have some unnecessary hated for her, which is sad, because I only see it inforums not ingame.
I don’t know about your server, but Tarnished Coast (one of, if not the most densely populated) seems to pretty widely dislike her. Mentioning her name in any map chat prompts frustrated indifference at best, frothing rage at worst.
In fact, how about an experiment? You go into Lion’s Arch map chat on your server, ask “Quick poll: I like Scarlet y/n”, and screenshot the first 20 or so responses.
Am I the only one that came into this thread thinking it would be about allying with scarlet to kill trahearne?<
Am I the only one that came into this thread thinking it would be about allying with scarlet to kill trahearne?
Nope that was my first thought.
I’m not sure I can actually ally with someone like Scarlet, I mean after all, she obviously went back in time and allied with the Flame Legion, causing The Searing. Skipped back further in time and was there when the Gods first came to Tyria and prompted them to plunk the humans smack dab in the middle of Charr lands, then hopped around in the time continuum to hand Vizier Khilbron the Lost Scrolls in order to sink Orr.
There are ancient artifacts in Orr which contain memories of her idiotic laughter, amd hidden artwork depicting her affiliation with The Six, which Trahearne is on the verge of discovering, hence her need to ally with us to kill him off before he actually determines their significance…..
Scarlet is the type to keep grudges.
Allying with her is like slapping a sign on your back that says “stab knife here.”
It’d be cool if she epically messed up and summoned a dragon/woke something terrible and/or unintended.
I think there could be potential in something like this. If Scarlet dies at the end of the next round of living story then she dies the same way she lived; as an intensely aggravating villain with told-not-shown abilities that gets beaten all the time but exits stage left unfailingly, until she mysteriously doesn’t and gets killed instead. Even though the character would be gone the memory of her is unchanged; and really every villain ever in an mmo dies, it gets quite boring to have it end the same way every time. Having her grand scheme blow up in her face and make a huge mess, followed by her being forced at the end of a sword to help clean it up, could improve Scarlet as a character and have her story end with her as a character that people can at least tolerate.