I want to keep playing- but lost at 80
Get a legendary.
Try to get maximum Fractal level.
Experience the world.
Try to become rich.
Meet new people.
Do guild missions.
Rage in PVP.
Rage in WvWvW.
Complaint on the forums.
Collect dyes.
Collect Minis.
Annoy people with Endless Bells.
Do the living story.
See? plenty to do
My advice would be to make friends with some other people who play the game. Half the fun of this game is just exploring, running around doing events with your buddies.
You should play for fun. If you can find nothing that interests you i’m sorry. Hopefully you had fun leveling your 3 guys. Take a break, but keep updated on the game news. Maybe a future update might interest you. Good Luck
(edited by Orion the Cursed.1206)
Get a legendary.
Try to get maximum Fractal level.
Experience the world.
Try to become rich.
Meet new people.
Do guild missions.
Rage in PVP.
Rage in WvWvW.
Complaint on the forums.
Collect dyes.
Collect Minis.
Annoy people with Endless Bells.
Do the living story.See? plenty to do
Probably the best post i’ve ever read. I agree that making friends and rolling with them is vital to having fun in gw2. Making a legendary will also keep you playing, though you might find yourself farming a bit!
Pinkiy – 80 Warrior
Stytch – 80 Mesmer
Sky, I love your post.
To the first post, I think leveling another charater is interesting, I enjoy the story-line of the game personally, (atleast up to where it merges into one) After I hit 80, and did alittle crafting to 400, I made another charater a different race just to read there story, getting a legendary is quite time (and gold) consumeing so if your farm dungeons or something go for that.
Get all crafting professions to 400
Run around LA dropping bee hives (Saw someone doing that a few days ago made me laugh)
SPvP in truth, has no real rewards, but imo, its accually kinda fun, its like doing JQ (in GW1) all over again which alot of people did yet had no real rewards, other than a title (which SPvP has titles too so no real difference from the GW1 equilivent)
WvW, is something alot of people do, (I find it kinda boring, but to each is there own)
Do all the jumping puzzles in the game (If your bad at jumping bring alot of energy soda, something shinny to keep your attention, wear no armor, get a falling 50% damage decrease perk, and some headache meds and something to calm your throat from yelling “GOD kitten JP I HATE YOU!” 301 times.
Or go find all the easter eggs in the game, some of them are quite amuseing like the Zelda Chicken.
I’ve gotten three toons to 80. I get to 80, and am completely at a loss as to what to do. SPVP seems pointless to me, or at least nothing seems appealing or rewarding about doing it. WPVP seems equally pointless – a few resources go back and forth, but for the most part it all stays the same and there are no real rewards that I can see.
What does everyone else do at 80? What is the point of these “fractals”? Why do you even need better gear? For the look of it alone?
Any help is appreciated.
The point of gaming is having fun.
To some it’s challenge, to other it’s JPs, to others PvP etc.
As a general rule though, no MMO is fun if played alone.
Make friends and have fun together.
Get a legendary.
Try to get maximum Fractal level.
Experience the world.
Try to become rich.
Meet new people.
Do guild missions.
Rage in PVP.
Rage in WvWvW.
Complaint on the forums.
Collect dyes.
Collect Minis.
Annoy people with Endless Bells.
Do the living story.See? plenty to do
This is the perfect response lol :-)
I can’t stress enough the value of finding a guild of like-minded players. Much of the post 80 content requires coordination of some kind. Instead of pugging dungeons, be part of a team that plays together. It’s much more fun.
And you get to see stuff you’d never see solo. Some of it is very cool.
The game doesn’t offer you a whole lot of concrete goals, but there’s a few you’ll find if you look out for them.
Try filling out your achievements. Especially hero, jumping puzzles, exploration and bosses will keep you entertained for a while.
There’s a whole lot of cool weapons to craft that aren’t legendary yet at least as cool:
And dungeons … I love the dungeons in this game. Lack of trinity makes for a refreshing experience that’s based around skill. You’ll only learn to appreciate dungeons once you’re getting really good at the game. They’re difficult at first yet with practice, you can slide through a dungeon like a hot knife through butter, even though your character didn’t get better stats. That’s good design imho.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto
I’ve gotten three toons to 80. I get to 80, and am completely at a loss as to what to do. SPVP seems pointless to me, or at least nothing seems appealing or rewarding about doing it. WPVP seems equally pointless – a few resources go back and forth, but for the most part it all stays the same and there are no real rewards that I can see.
What does everyone else do at 80? What is the point of these “fractals”? Why do you even need better gear? For the look of it alone?
Any help is appreciated.
PvP pointless? WPvP also pointless? No real reward? How about just having fun while you are playing PvP and WPvP?
PvP in Guild Wars 1 and Guild Wars 2 is an eSport. Like Counter Strike, without real reward. The whole point of PvP and WPvP is a process, not reward. In Fifa and Pro Evolution Soccer you don’t have “real rewards” either. Get use to it.
If you got bored with SPvP and WvW, I suggest you to take a break. And then return when you are rested and ready to play a little in PvP.
About what to do in PWE. If you are playing very often, it will be hard to find something interesting to do either. Just like with PvP situation, you will find it boring.
I suggest you playing not often, or at least take a break. I’m playing not often and not long. That’s why I can find a lot of things to do:
Daily, or some jumping puzzle, or if I want – PvP, or Dungeons/Fractals. Many things. I’m even doing simple Dynamic Events, which, given that fact that they don’t have “real reward” to my 80 character, are pointless. But I do DE just for fun. And I get fun, because I’m playing not often.
I simply don’t have time for getting bored of any content of GW2.
And besides, it’s 6 month since game was released. We will have more things to do in a future.
Take a break, and then return. Maybe when you will return, game will have a lot of new content for you, and you probably will want to do old content too.
(edited by Kreslin.6832)
Try to play a full song with Choir Bell. My guildie played “To Zanarkand” with it and it was beautiful.
WvW rocks I only got to 80 so that i could fight lol
@Kreslin PvP is an Esport in Guild Wars 2…. seriously LOL, there is no spectator mode, no ranking, no leaderboard, not a single person who wants to cast is as it is totally messed up atm….and Im not talking about rewards, thats the least of my worries.
As for the OP there is tons of stuff to do in PVE as mentioned above and it is FUN!!!
but if you want to be competitive in GW2 there is virtually nothing as you cant compare how good or bad you are in sPvP and that is exacly what you need.
(edited by Darkdanjal.3401)
Sky, I love your post.
To the first post, I think leveling another charater is interesting, I enjoy the story-line of the game personally, (atleast up to where it merges into one) After I hit 80, and did alittle crafting to 400, I made another charater a different race just to read there story, getting a legendary is quite time (and gold) consumeing so if your farm dungeons or something go for that.
Get all crafting professions to 400
Run around LA dropping bee hives (Saw someone doing that a few days ago made me laugh)
SPvP in truth, has no real rewards, but imo, its accually kinda fun, its like doing JQ (in GW1) all over againwhich alot of people did yet had no real rewards, other than a title (which SPvP has titles too so no real difference from the GW1 equilivent)
WvW, is something alot of people do, (I find it kinda boring, but to each is there own)
Do all the jumping puzzles in the game (If your bad at jumping bring alot of energy soda, something shinny to keep your attention, wear no armor, get a falling 50% damage decrease perk, and some headache meds and something to calm your throat from yelling “GOD kitten JP I HATE YOU!” 301 times.
Or go find all the easter eggs in the game, some of them are quite amuseing like the Zelda Chicken.
Why wear no armour? Death from falling does not damage your gear.
The Same things you have been doing the entirety of the game their is just a little more of it now. Dungeons and Fotm are the only things that high level player can do that new players have to level to do everything else is available at lower levels(some might be harder to get yet still possible).
Find a guild or a small group of people and have some fun. I’ve had the most fun in this game with 4 of us taking on 3-5x our numbers in WvW. We don’t often get out alive, but we take half of them with us.
You could also find a group of people who want to make a theme group. 5 asura mesmers that all look the same popping 3 clones each is a lot of fun. Same with making a Norn Wolf-Pack.
If you can’t find something to have fun with then perhaps you’ve hit your limit with this game. Considering there’s not subscription fee and you have played for awhile you’ve probably gotten your money’s worth.
Yeah, once you hit 80 the game stops setting so many goals for you. Just pick something you want to do and go for it.
That’s the beauty and downfall of horizontal progression – once you hit the top, you don’t have to worry about better stats again. GW2 is still a mostly horizontal game, so while there’s a ton of stuff to do very little of it will get you better stats, since stats aren’t the point. Do you have a particular look you want? Do you want to find the weirdest spots in Tyria? Do you want all the minis, or all the dyes, or to have an exact stack of every material in the game? Do you want alts of every class? Perhaps you want a legendary, or to run all the JPs in the game without making any mistakes.
And sometimes the game just feels boring and it’s time to take a break. No sub fee means you can do that and come back whenever you want to without spending any extra money.
There is a big objective that keeps me motivated:
- Helping my guild with influence gain, gold gathering and providing items for the bank.
It works for me, big time. I enjoy being in my guild a lot, playing/chatting with guild buddies and helping the guild grow and prosper. Guild missions give a big incentive for amassing those influence points. Love getting involved in an awesome guild.
Other than that, i go for having the best look i can for my chars, since aesthetics is one of the main draws of the game ( and like it that way ).
I’m not going for the mystic forge recipes or legendaries though, since i feel it’s too painful of a grind. I am enjoying getting the gold for my desired cultural items though.
Don’t care much about ascended trinkets. If i get them for my main by playing normally, cool, if not it’s okay too. Thank Dwayna there’s not a gear requisite for completing content.
Get a legendary.
Try to get maximum Fractal level.
Experience the world.
Try to become rich.
Meet new people.
Do guild missions.
Rage in PVP.
Rage in WvWvW.
Complaint on the forums.
Collect dyes.
Collect Minis.
Annoy people with Endless Bells.
Do the living story.See? plenty to do
While this is a great list I feel like these posts are always missing the point. It’s not that there isn’t plenty to do it’s that there is no clear goals once you hit 80.
1-79 the objective is clear: get experience.
After that it’s kind of like… Okay now what? I have to do a bunch of research to figure out what path I want to take.
Basically this game doesn’t do a good job of curbing analysis paralysis. We have an abundance of options but we don’t really need more options we need a clear goal with an obvious path to make sure we are motivated to do something.
Get a legendary.
Try to get maximum Fractal level.
Experience the world.
Try to become rich.
Meet new people.
Do guild missions.
Rage in PVP.
Rage in WvWvW.
Complaint on the forums.
Collect dyes.
Collect Minis.
Annoy people with Endless Bells.
Do the living story.See? plenty to do
While this is a great list I feel like these posts are always missing the point. It’s not that there isn’t plenty to do it’s that there is no clear goals once you hit 80.
1-79 the objective is clear: get experience.
After that it’s kind of like… Okay now what? I have to do a bunch of research to figure out what path I want to take.
Basically this game doesn’t do a good job of curbing analysis paralysis. We have an abundance of options but we don’t really need more options we need a clear goal with an obvious path to make sure we are motivated to do something.
Some people do need a clear goal with a clear path. Some people HATE that. I don’t really want to be led around by the nose. In fact, Guild Wars 2 does this too much. I’d rather have less constraints than more constraints.
At any rate, having options shouldn’t be a bad thing. People need to learn how to have fun all over again, instead of being told what to do.
Some people do need a clear goal with a clear path. Some people HATE that. I don’t really want to be led around by the nose. In fact, Guild Wars 2 does this too much. I’d rather have less constraints than more constraints.
At any rate, having options shouldn’t be a bad thing. People need to learn how to have fun all over again, instead of being told what to do.
It’s not really about being told what to do or having constraints in any way it’s about how the game directs players and gives cues as to what you should probably do next.
For example: When you hit 80 you receive a mail that opens a map overview like those that the Scouts give you, which describes what your next few steps COULD be (Where to find 80 armor, how to begin building a legendary, etc). This wouldn’t force you to do any of those things but it would give players who don’t know what to do a path to follow rather than saying “Alright, what now?”.
im at 80 and i cant get no more trait points.
I play the game, WvW, dungeon runs, random parties r fun, don’t really have a goal, no promises made, but usually keep coming back for one reason or another. I prefer it that way, got enough goals IRL that r stressful enough why make the game stressful lol. I know what you mean about SPVP tho. I get a kick out of it anyway, not having any promises or anything, just playin and see what happens. I was really hoping for some kind of rank (number), not one that scales like leveling, but scales w/ your wins… but no. So kinda lame on that. but Maybe you can get really good and join the top tier roster ;p
(edited by Lunar Corporation.5720)