I was shocked in a good way

I was shocked in a good way

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wobbles.6408


Hello All

As the title says I was shocked in a good way lol. I am one of those players that just dives in and out the game. I haven’t reached max level. I really only played the game when I was bored.

I never really gave it a chance tbh because I am use to the ways of WoW

So the past couple of nights I have been logging in and trying out this living story content and I have been REALLY!!! enjoying it.

I have been playing through it and started leveling again. I am seeing the game in a whole different way. Now I am thinking “dam I missed all the other temp content” like that 8 bit world thingy, Can’t remember what it’s called.

So just wanted to post this and well done Anet. Sorry I miss judged the game.

I was shocked in a good way

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I see a lot of this sort of thing. People who came, tried to play the game like a standard MMO, and then found that this game can only really be enjoyed by changing your approach to MMOs generally. It’s a real learning curve.

Really glad you’re back and enjoying it!

I was shocked in a good way

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: marnick.4305


In WoW I never, ever played the content of second and further patches, because they relied on being max level and a certain amount of tier. I usually didn’t have the required gear to play the content, so the patch effectively never happened.

I’m happy you can enjoy these improvements allowing you to enjoy the newest content.

If I can’t play Guild Wars 2 at work, I won’t work in Guild Wars 2 either.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto

I was shocked in a good way

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Esplen.3940


Who actually enjoyed Darkmoon Faire after the 2nd time?

I was shocked in a good way

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wobbles.6408


Who actually enjoyed Darkmoon Faire after the 2nd time?

Very true lol

I was shocked in a good way

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rock.7324


A similar thing happened to me too

I bought the game when it first came online, and even though I managed to get a character up to 80 I wasn’t really “feeling” the game. I liked it, don’t get me wrong, but after a couple of months I gave up…
I came back now after half a year and am currently very much enjoying myself. It just took a bit of a break (not from GW2, but rather from MMOs) and now I’ve been logging in every day for the last 2 weeks

Best of luck in your future endeavours.

* ’Ko leži ne beži! *
Rockbaby – Asura Guardian, Desolation EU :)
Rockavenger – Dwarf Paladin, Bronzebeard EU :D

I was shocked in a good way

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wolfheart.1938


The Super Adventure Box or SAB (the 8-bit thingy) is going to come out probably in a few months, so keep an eye out for it because I have this feeling that this time it will be HUGE.

“We have no first-person view because stupid people would lock into it”
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”

I was shocked in a good way

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Esplen.3940


Most people are so accustomed to current MMO standards that all MMO’s must meet those standards.

No endgame treadmill? THIS GAME SUCKS.

No expansion in the works? THIS GAME SUCKS.

No easy to work for shiny? THIS GAME SUCKS.

No spoonfeeding? THIS GAME SUCKS.

No new dungeon every 2 months? THIS GAME SUCKS.

No new gear for treadmill? THIS GAME SUCKS.

I was shocked in a good way

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Mad Queen Malafide.7512

I have been playing through it and started leveling again. I am seeing the game in a whole different way. Now I am thinking “dam I missed all the other temp content” like that 8 bit world thingy, Can’t remember what it’s called.

Super Adventure Box will be back, and with new levels hopefully (that is what they promised). So not to worry, you’ll be able to enjoy this content again soon, and then some.

“Madness is just another way to view reality”

I was shocked in a good way

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wobbles.6408


I have been playing through it and started leveling again. I am seeing the game in a whole different way. Now I am thinking “dam I missed all the other temp content” like that 8 bit world thingy, Can’t remember what it’s called.

Super Adventure Box will be back, and with new levels hopefully (that is what they promised). So not to worry, you’ll be able to enjoy this content again soon, and then some.

Just looking back at some Videos on Youtube about the Super Adventure box and I am kicking myself that i didn’t try it out.

Very happy tho that there bringing it back at some point. Also the fact they scale people to 80 to try it even if there not max level. I find that fantastic

I was shocked in a good way

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wobbles.6408


Just a quick question. Did they add the LFG tool yet, I just roaming around the net and saw that Anet was planning on adding it into the game?

I was shocked in a good way

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wolfheart.1938


They are not simply bringing it back, they (supposedly) have a team working on it to expand it. When it first came out, SAB had:

- 1 World, made of 3 levels + end boss
- Easy Mode
- Normal Mode
- Some special skins for certain weapons as a reward
- Sneak peek at the 4th level

The whole project includes 3 (or was it 4?) Worlds, an Hard Mode, skins for all the weapons and special titles and whanot for people completing the whole thing. We haven’t heard much about it lately though So yeah again, keep an eye out if you are a fan of 8-bit games!

No, no LFG tool has been added as of now, but if it has been in the works for a while now, so expect it shortly.

“We have no first-person view because stupid people would lock into it”
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”

I was shocked in a good way

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


Who actually enjoyed Darkmoon Faire after the 2nd time?

I think that’s a bit unfair to compare the Darkmoon Faire to some of the events of this game. It’s not like they’ll be exactly the same. Even if they did, they still had more things to do compared to it.

Darkmoon Faire also just kept showing up, there really was no explanation about the Faire or what you should do, like the living stories.

I was shocked in a good way

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: VOLKON.1290


Just a quick question. Did they add the LFG tool yet, I just roaming around the net and saw that Anet was planning on adding it into the game?

Not yet, but with the new stuff flying out every couple weeks now I’m quite willing to be as patient as needed to let them get it to where they want it to be. It’s clear they’re busting their humps up there in Seattle for this game and I’m having a heck of a time going along for the ride.


I was shocked in a good way

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Just a quick question. Did they add the LFG tool yet, I just roaming around the net and saw that Anet was planning on adding it into the game?

Nope, the only thing they said about the LFG tool was it’s coming before the end of the year. How much before the end of the year is anyone’s guess.

I was shocked in a good way

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wobbles.6408


Cool, Cheers for the feedback and the WB’s everyone.

You’s have all been very helpful and Thank you all

I was shocked in a good way

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DrixTrix.7168


personally a freind of mine went back to WoW (from league and D3) and had me join him for some arena, i have done 9 arena bouts and 3 BGs all i was thinking was ‘’i want my dodgeroll and the combat is slow and boring’’

personally WoW is over for me has been for a long time and i MUCH prefer the way GW2 is doing things Anet with there living story is very ambitious and i will not be surprised if companies with MMO’s and maybe evern RPG’s in general are keeping there eye on how its all recieved and do something themselves.

anyway Welcome back! and feel free to ad me and hit me up my guilds freindly and helpful and we run dungeons, fractals, WvW and living story (and exploration) all the time, fun bunch too.

I was shocked in a good way

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DrixTrix.7168


Most people are so accustomed to current MMO standards that all MMO’s must meet those standards.

No endgame treadmill? THIS GAME SUCKS.

No expansion in the works? THIS GAME SUCKS.

No easy to work for shiny? THIS GAME SUCKS.

No spoonfeeding? THIS GAME SUCKS.

No new dungeon every 2 months? THIS GAME SUCKS.

No new gear for treadmill? THIS GAME SUCKS.

haha completley agree and i was happy Anet changed the pace and goal with GW2 feels much better to me personally. as for your dungeon comment though we have had 3, thats almost as many as WoW takes to bring out in a year.

I was shocked in a good way

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eddie G.8731

Eddie G.8731

It’s great to see a post like this every now and again. I just got the game myself and I’m constantly counting down the moments until I can play it again. Glad to see I’m not alone!

“If knowledge is power, then to be unknown is to be invincible.”

-Romulan proverb