I would like some changes to PvP

I would like some changes to PvP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


So for regular attenders of PvP, i’m sure most of you are aware at how many classes have bottlenecked into roles, instead of GW2’s legendary (and outlandish) claim that they want all classes to be able to fulfill all roles and playstyles through the trait system.

Many examples any seasoned pvp’er is aware of.

Necro’s severe lack of direct damage and nonexistent stability stopping it from becoming a bunker.

Warrior’s hideously poor condition damage output backed by being kittened as a “crit-bleed” style condition trait line.

Engineers significantly lacking direct damage and unable to stack blocks like Guardians/Wars/Eles.

Ranger’s lack of signicicant raw damage burst.

The fact that healing others is severely limited to a few traitlines of a few classes, when it should be available to all classes in at least one spec.

All these examples and more lead Players to concretely beleive that classes have roles now. Wait…. wasn’t GW2 supposed to abandon roles with the disassembly of the trinity?

Now for roles i don’t mean damage, healer tank. I mean when people say “Roll a necro/ dodge theif for conditions” “roll a warrior/thief for damage, they’re the burst class”, or “roll a guardian or elementalist for bunker”. And the sad thing is i believe the Dev’s are pushing for this sad defeatest fact to solidify.

Its like even they have given up trying to make the gameplay like what it was supposed to be, instead of people being forced to play a certain style because so much of their other mechanics are weak/underdeveloped or bugged (cough warrior cough….)

I wanted a game where i could go against the status quo of other MMOs and use a class against what it was expected to be. Condition Warriors, Tank thieves, Nuking Rangers, Ranged Guardians.

But its all too apparent that gw2 put significantly more effort into trait lines of certain classes just to revive the old Class Metas( “Disease Necromancer”, “Tanky Guardian”) and leave behind a poor piss kitten job on the other trait lines.

This not only makes gameplay very dull, unsatisfying, but discourages the testing of builds and alternative gameplay which was supposed to make this game rich and diverse.

Its insulting and unavoidable to feel like players have been left in the dust from the Dev’s not caring to keep to their original point, and be lazy to turn their MMO into a gear treadmill and make balancing attempts number slashing instead of mechanic fixing (yes thieves, i’m sorry they made backstab the only viable build instead of fixing what needs to be fixed. prepare for more nerfs from the incompotent developers)

Some of you may say “well its a new game, stop expecting so much!”. I’ll ask you if you played SWTOR at launch, and i will ask you again if you remember the massive series of patches fixing class imbalance, bugs, mechanic abuse (masterstrike burst herrderrr, and separate level 1-49 and 50 pvp) to quickly snap the game back into shape.

P.S. dont go into bashing SWTOR, we already know their players ran back to the other $15 monthly where they already have much more content to complete, GW2 isn’t dying for the same reasons.

I would like some changes to PvP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


Also another example of incompotent Devs is the recent Warrior changes to just add projectile finishers on underwater attacks.

Don’t roflnoob flame me saying warriors don’t need buffs, but they do need MANDATORY and immediate bug fixes on many things (as im sure other classes do), but nah the Devs think that you should get a few conditions from virtually nonexistent combo fields underwater.

I would like some changes to PvP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mechrophilia.6987


Some classes do seem to fit certain roles more than others, but it’s a small matter.

(edited by Mechrophilia.6987)

I would like some changes to PvP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AcidicVision.5498


Poor kid. So angry.

Professions are were designed to cater to different play styles. The filling any role and traiting for variety of utilities was meant to make it so any profession can be effective without relying on another profession. As opposed to other games where Tank depends on healer, healer depends on DPS.

It also means that groups don’t need to sit around waiting for a particular class (healer for instance) because people can trait around it to be support in their own ways that suit their play styles (banners, shouts, spot healing, removing conditions, giving boons).

If every profession had the ability to be as effective as any other profession at anything at any time, then there would be no need for professions.

Yes you have some of your stereotypical classes. Yes they do some of the stereotypical things. But they also do things that other games have never allowed them to so they can be effective on their own and more versatile in a party.

The Kismet

I would like some changes to PvP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mulch.2586


I think it’s too late to try to save pvp in GW2. Class balance is something you’d wished they’d been working on months ago. But we’re still lacking the basic features, and before you can address balance, you need to fix bugs and get some vision.

Look at Elementalists, they got a seemingly small change, the rules of the game arbitrarily changed vis-a-vis rez timers, and they suddenly went zero to hero. The game isn’t well-developed enough to make appropriate balance changes yet.

I would like some changes to PvP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Knote.2904


I think it’s too late to try to save pvp in GW2. Class balance is something you’d wished they’d been working on months ago. But we’re still lacking the basic features, and before you can address balance, you need to fix bugs and get some vision.

Look at Elementalists, they got a seemingly small change, the rules of the game arbitrarily changed vis-a-vis rez timers, and they suddenly went zero to hero. The game isn’t well-developed enough to make appropriate balance changes yet.

Yeah I kinda agree with this.

I really gave up hope TBH, I’m just popping in once in a while and try to enjoy some PvE and keep on eye on changes now. With how slow changes are coming that IMO are probably the top issue in this game since class balance/bugs/build variety effects every part of the game and directly affects how much fun I personally have playing it, I just lost hope. =/

Maybe in a year or something they’ll actually get somewhere we’ll see. =p

Poor kid. So angry.

Professions are were designed to cater to different play styles. The filling any role and traiting for variety of utilities was meant to make it so any profession can be effective without relying on another profession. As opposed to other games where Tank depends on healer, healer depends on DPS.

It also means that groups don’t need to sit around waiting for a particular class (healer for instance) because people can trait around it to be support in their own ways that suit their play styles (banners, shouts, spot healing, removing conditions, giving boons).

If every profession had the ability to be as effective as any other profession at anything at any time, then there would be no need for professions.

Yes you have some of your stereotypical classes. Yes they do some of the stereotypical things. But they also do things that other games have never allowed them to so they can be effective on their own and more versatile in a party.

That’s not true at all. Just because every profession can fill the same role or do similar things (Burst/spike dmg, direct dmg dps, condition dps, debuff/control build, support build, tank build, pet build, etc.) doesn’t mean they’d all be exactly the same, that’s exactly what the point is.

A thief burst build is different from a warrior burst build, even 100b/Quickness vs. PW/Haste although similar is still different because of how each class functions overall.

Bunker Ele and Bunker Guardian are also very different overall. Condition builds for each class are different because they might stack conditions differently. A boon spreading mesmer build isn’t the same as a boon spreading Guardian Build, and a healing Guardian build isn’t the same as a healing Ele or Engy build.

(edited by Knote.2904)