I would pay money/gems for...
While I shouldn’t have to pay and was perfectly content with my 5 characters for 13+ months, I would pay $20/character to have my running animation back.
First two I wouldn’t mind – they’re cosmetic. Last one is a “buy to win” perk. I don’t want to see Anet fall into that trend. Ever.
First two I wouldn’t mind – they’re cosmetic. Last one is a “buy to win” perk. I don’t want to see Anet fall into that trend. Ever.
I just made this post and I would argue the pay 2 win for this game in fact I have entire post about it here https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/GW2-Becoming-P2W/first#post3266132
Hide weapons out of combat.
Solo dungeons.
Dungeon tokens.
Non level adjusting zones.
Personal damage meter.
I just made this post and I would argue the pay 2 win for this game in fact I have entire post about it here https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/GW2-Becoming-P2W/first#post3266132
It’s just cosmetics. When they start adding game breaking items in the gemstore, then I’ll be packing up my bags and leaving. I don’t want to end up in another ‘pay to win’ by skill MMO.
I can think of another popular online game where their cashshop focuses heavily on cosmetics – starts with League and ends with Legends. Yes, there are upgrades available that would help a hardcore player, but they can just as easily be done without.
I would pay for original armor and weapon skins that I like.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
I would pay to just get items and then I can idle in town like I did stuff, but I didn’t. Oh wait…
I would pay for priority wvw and zone queueing.
I will quit the day that happens, you can hold me to these words.
(Specifically, the WvW priority.)
(edited by Zero Day.2594)
Haha, but seriously. I would pay for a set of each of the mesmer elite armors from gw1.
Give me gw1 armor.
Oh… and I’d pay to have it stay elite too, whatever that means when I’ve bought it with real money.
I would pay to get the light human t3 on my other characters…oh wait!
I would pay for things that I think fit the theme I chose for my characters…. as long as they get UNLOCKED so they can be used with another character if so I wanted.
I would have bought most town clothes, weapon and armor skins released so far, and all gathering tools (except the horrible, horrible, HORRIBLE, ABERRANT clown scythe) if they had been unlocks.
As for the ability to change the colour of spells and abilities, I had suggested something alike some time ago: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/suggestions/Gem-store-Class-Visual-Effects-Color-Sets/first#post2915449
1.good, charr-fitting armor that goes well with tails/horns and isnt a kittening skirt
2.new skill-skins/animations for things like summons/banners/engi-turrets etc.
3.the ability to dye more parts of a piece of armor, like cof’s flames or currently undyable parts on some armor pieces (sylvari t2 for example)
4.some more NORMAL townclothing that fits into the game world and isnt some holiday-gimmick-stuff
5.an option that removes most of the clutter on my screen like the personal/living story garbage in the top right corner, the xp-bar or all the symbols in the top left corner.
Gunnar’s Hold
(edited by RashanDale.3609)