This forum is a wretched hive of scum and villainy. ~DevilLordLaser
IMO, ppl with 2x Legendaries should be comp'd
This forum is a wretched hive of scum and villainy. ~DevilLordLaser
To those who are arguing against compensation of any type, why? What does it matter to you?
it affects the economy.
They still have both Legionaries. They are turned into a skin after that. So they still have both weapons.
Unbinding duplicate legendaries seems to make the most sense and would be very easy to implement. It would cause no harm. People who don’t have legendaries might benefit as it could potentially increase the supply available on the TP which might drive down the price a bit. Even unbinding all legendaries with this update wouldn’t hurt anything. Only people currently speculating in legendaries or precursors would seem to have a strong objection. Any other reason why this would be a bad thing?
I don’t see any reason why Anet wouldn’t compensate people who crafted 2 of the same legendary. They had to see this coming, though its Anet so would we really be surprised if they didn’t.
The token idea seems legit, and would not effect the econ. The problem is this was not Anets “idea” so good look getting them to do something about it – lol.
The responses from the community I’ve seen include:
“You’re not losing anything, it’s just that everyone else is gaining a little more than you.”
“You still have another Legendary weapon, which is more than just a skin. You can change stats on the fly and it will always be best in slot.”
“Your time and gold invested has already been rewarded, as you’ve had the opportunity to use what you’ve crafted prior to the implementation of the wardrobe.”
You know our answers, you need to make an argument showing that those opinions are not valid and a refund is needed.
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)
Why only multiple legendaries? Why not those who own several ghastly grinning shields or molten jetpacks or Mjölnirs?
If it’s about the work that went into legendaries, I’d argue that there are a few exotic skins that can take the same amount of time to craft.
Point is, you crafted it or more less likely, bought it, live with it. Nothing about having that item is changing. It’s not like gem store services where there is a hard policy regarding what you can and can’t get refunds for when the game is changing the entire makeup of those services.
So you made 2 Incinerators. Both of them were bound when you equipped them. You didn’t care, because you did ALL that work just to have a matching offhand, and didn’t care about changing stats.
Well now you have the ability to have 1 Incinerator on Thief, and now that second one can be put on your Ele. You couldn’t do that before but now BOTH characters can have a main Legendary, which you can change stats on. Guess what else you can do? Now you can get 2 more skins from the wardrobe to skin your offhand exotic/ascended to match.
Only play 1 dagger class?
You still have 2 stat-swappable daggers that are account bound should you decide to create another dagger wielding character, and now have the skin to apply infinitely to any other dagger, ever.. Also even if you keep them to dual wield it’s STILL easier than crafting another Ascended dagger if you ever decided to switch build/stats because the work is already done to account for ANY weapon stat you want, AND you don’t need to reskin it and waste a transmutation charge.
I just don’t feel like chanting “refund” is warranted.
So you made 2 Incinerators. Both of them were bound when you equipped them. You didn’t care, because you did ALL that work just to have a matching offhand, and didn’t care about changing stats.
Well now you have the ability to have 1 Incinerator on Thief, and now that second one can be put on your Ele. You couldn’t do that before but now BOTH characters can have a main Legendary, which you can change stats on. Guess what else you can do? Now you can get 2 more skins from the wardrobe to skin your offhand exotic/ascended to match.
Only play 1 dagger class?
You still have 2 stat-swappable daggers that are account bound should you decide to create another dagger wielding character, and now have the skin to apply infinitely to any other dagger, ever.. Also even if you keep them to dual wield it’s STILL easier than crafting another Ascended dagger if you ever decided to switch build/stats because the work is already done to account for ANY weapon stat you want, AND you don’t need to reskin it and waste a transmutation charge.
I just don’t feel like chanting “refund” is warranted.
This says everything that needs to be said.
If I were to sum up why I am against people getting compensation I’d say it’s because it’s a first world problem.
No other MMORPG company in the world so far has given as much compensation as ANet has done so far in various occasions.
Lets say I have a 6 member family, and my favorite car brand only makes cars with 3 seats. I’ll buy 2 of them because I like the cars and because I need to go on vacation with everyone. After a year I’ve bough the cars, the same brand released a mini van with 6 seats. What do I do? Do I ask for a refund on the second car because a new system came out? No…. Of course you don’t.
You assume that people made the Legendary only for the skin. I see a lot of people assuming it. But I haven’t seen that many people actually admitting it. I for one made it for the BiS and the skin was an extra.
I am going to assume something myself. How many people actually made double weapons? So far on the forums I’ve only seen 2 people that actually have made 2 of the same weapon. I think that if the total number of players that actually made 2 of the same weapon is under 1k, it’s not worth the hassle to think of them.
You also ask why it matters to people if some get compensation or not. For the first thing, this is the game’s forums, and people have the right to pretty much post their ideas and what they think as much as any other. For the second thing, why should they not have a standing point on a situation even though they’re not affected? Is it wrong to express one’s ideas? No I don’t think so. And if that’s not the case then:
I ask you, since you said you’re not affected either, yet you are “pro” compensation. What’s in it for you?
I don’t see WHY someone would feel that they need to be compensated for having done the work to get a 2nd legendary. They still get to keep the skin, any duplicate skins will be converted to something appropiate, if I understand the new wardrobe system at all, AND they get to keep the weapon. And said weapons are now becoming account bound so you can use BOTH of them on multiple toons. I don’t see why it should even be an issue.
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”
What lack of empathy. I doubt anyone would be saying these things if they did it themselves.
I myself only have twilight, but I can see the frustration caused to those who put time into their dual daggers. Or for that matter, double of any legendary on different toons. I can understand that refunding materials/unbinding would throw the economy off, but swapping for a different legendary (account bound) wouldn’t effect it one bit.
As I said in one of many topics about this, I understand the frustration of the players that made 2 legendaries only for the skin, but I still think that they don’t deserve a refund.
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)
What lack of empathy. I doubt anyone would be saying these things if they did it themselves.
Oh, this argument again.
I finished my second quip literally the day before the new wardrobe system was explained to us. And I have taken much teasing from my guild (in a very good natured way, of course) because of it.
Had I known that I could have had the matching skins for free in a few weeks, yes, I would have spent those 6 weeks I spent building my second quip building a legendary for my necro instead, and just skinned an ascended pistol on my off-hand. (I do not have an alt who uses a pistol, and even if I did, legendaries are going to be account bound, I could have swapped them.) Building any legendary is a lot of work and investment (and unless you have a huge amount of real life money to throw at it – which I had none – that applies even if you farmed the gold and bought it – which I did not do).
Would I argue if Anet felt some need to compensate me for that – no. Of course not. A game that goes out of its way to feel for the work and effort a player has put in is always to be admired.
THAT SAID — i played another game where we were continually spending months farming gear for it to become irrelevant within days of getting it. That was the system we signed up for. no one said “plz u r gimme my (time/money/mats/life) back”.
and also, i agree with the theory that there are other items out there in the game that take significant investment of time/resources — refunding legendaries opens a flood gate of “if you have duplicates of anything, you should receive a refund if you so choose”.
i made a decision to embark on making a second goofy clown horn that shoots confetti at people. a selection of other people, which i am sure is relatively minor compared to the entire player base made similar decisions to make 2 clown guns or 2 blow torch daggers. the fact that it would now do me a lot more good to have made my cloud scepter and taken advantage of owning the goofy clown gun skin (or for them to have insert-weapon instead of dual incinerators) — is just part of life. asking anet to find a perfect solution to it never even crossed my mind… i can still put different sigils in them each, link em both, and show the fact that i did all that work if i really want to.
the only part of it at all that frustrates me is people yelling “stat selector, shush up”. i have used the stat selector on my weapons exactly once — when i built them. most people i’ve talked to with legendaries are the same way. yes, its a nice feature – i dont have to go skin my legendary onto a weapon with the stats i choose anymore like i did before the stat selector — on the other hand, as of tomorrow, i’d be able to do that anytime i choose anyway.
What lack of empathy. I doubt anyone would be saying these things if they did it themselves.
I make two legendaries. This patch hits. I have two legendaries. I have lost nothing.
Compensate for what? You got EXACTLY what you paid for.
Anet didn’t compensate time wasted in SPVP. ALL you must farm years before now will be available for any PvE player, that plays ~week as 80lvl. (except lol finishers).
So stop cry about legendary, it’s still better than transmuted weapon with same skin
May the community give you as much sympathy and understanding and may ANet give you as much compensation as those who lost levels during the Fractal Reset.
Hello everyone, sorry but this is not fair. How many of you have said we have no right to compensation. But I like many others have spent a lot of time to create these weapons. An fair solution would be to make the skin reachable on different characters, but not 2 at the same time if you’ve built one weapon. Maybe I misunderstood the news and will not be applied in this way, but I think this is the biggest problem of the holders of two legendary weapons.
(edited by strifer.7986)
It’s called jealousy and envy and those who don’t have a legendary are mad at those who do because of those two things.
Same thing with money in the real world. Everyone wants it and the minute you have more than them they hate you.
It’s called jealousy and envy and those who don’t have a legendary are mad at those who do because of those two things.
Same thing with money in the real world. Everyone wants it and the minute you have more than them they hate you.
If you start compensating legendaries, then you have to compensate EVERY SINGLE SKIN. “Hey, I just bought karma skins, I want my karma back”. “Hey, I just bought dungeon skins, I want my tokens back”. Etc…
Also, the value of a legendary crafted 12 months ago isn’t the same as 3 weeks ago. So compensating someone who crafted a long time ago is like giving him free money.
To me this is a rich people problem.
“Oh, you crafted the same legendary twice? Oh, poor you… Here you go, have some money for all your hardships…”. Is that what you want us to say? Well too bad for you. Asking for compensation is just making you look like a greedy kitten.
It’s called jealousy and envy and those who don’t have a legendary are mad at those who do because of those two things.
Same thing with money in the real world. Everyone wants it and the minute you have more than them they hate you.
Maybe around your age, yeah. Most people grow out of it.
Am I the only one who think that if ANet just simply exclude legendaries from the wardrobe and make them account bound then all of these problems would go away?? Not to mention this is probably the easiest solution on the technical side of things.
One can argue some of the harder to make exos should get the same treatment, but the line has to be drawn somewhere. But let’s face it, you cant list one exo that is harder to make then the cheapest legendary out there.
TL;DR I dont think duplicate legendary owners should be compensated in any way. However, just keep the legendaries account bound feature and exclude them from the wardrobe and it should resolve most, if not all, of the problems.
(edited by Kaien.2083)
Wow, I am honestly surprised that so many people are against compensation.
I don’t have two legendaries. But I do have one, so I know how much time and effort goes into making them (assuming you didn’t just buy them).
The compensation would be, in my opinion, for that time and effort. It’s what makes legendaries special – Not their monetary value, but the symbol of a very hard task completed.
I spent 500g buying and opening dragon coffers to get the 3 weapon tickets i wanted. Several weeks later the skins become tradeable and go for 30g on the tp.
It was bitter, but I didn’t go on the forums to cry about it. Neither did I demand anet reimburse me for my 400g loss compared to people who buy the tickets now.
The 500g was what i was willing to pay for the weapons, just as people with dual legendaries were willing to pay x amount for dual legendaries.
IMO people who cry for free legendaries should just suck it up and be happy that they can now use as many copies as they want, just like everyone else.
Wow… I cant believe people are actually against compensation.
Just imagine you spent hundreds of hours on something, and after you conplete it, it’s pretty much deleted.
This game is about skins, no one would spend 1000s of gols on a legendary just to get ascended stats and a free ‘stat selector’. With the wardrobe its very easy to just buy an exotic for 3 gold, conpared to the 1500 gold some spent on their second legendary.
There’s really no reason to be against a refund, except for jealousy.
Warning: link may contain traces of awesome.
Lyssa’s Grimoire – a guide every Mesmer should read.
I spent 500g buying and opening dragon coffers to get the 3 weapon tickets i wanted. Several weeks later the skins become tradeable and go for 30g on the tp.
It was bitter, but I didn’t go on the forums to cry about it. Neither did I demand anet reimburse me for my 400g loss compared to people who buy the tickets now.
The 500g was what i was willing to pay for the weapons, just as people with dual legendaries were willing to pay x amount for dual legendaries.
IMO people who cry for free legendaries should just suck it up and be happy that they can now use as many copies as they want, just like everyone else.
Thats RNG. You couldve spent either 10 gold, or een 50000. Later tey just added a non-RNG way of getting them.
If they suddenly added a 200 hour long quest that gives you a legendary for free, should people get a refund if they spent money on it? Ofcourse not, it’s just an alternative way of getting it that takes yhe same amount of time.
The wardrobe… Is not. It basically gives that second skin FOR FREE without anything else. It takes a minute to buy an exotic, go to the transmute screen, and click apply. Compare that to the hundreds of hours you spend on making a legendary.
Warning: link may contain traces of awesome.
Lyssa’s Grimoire – a guide every Mesmer should read.
Uhhh… I didn’t expect I’ll post in this kind of subject at all, but rather wait for the things to solve themselves. Yet here I am. And this post is longer than I expected. It takes 2 posts. There’s a tl;rd in the bottom if you don’t want to waste your time on me. But skipping may result in not fully grasping my intensions.
To start things off, I admit: I do have two legendaries of the same type. I am therefore taking side of the people who also do, but I’ll try to explain my points as good as I can and perhaps convince you to look at the things from my perspective rather than forcibly throw my opinions (that usually come with some not necessarily desirable words) onto you.
I’d also like to mention, that whenever I use word “we” in the context of legendary users, I do not, by any means, have all of them in mind. But I am 100% sure that, if not majority, then still a lot of people share my thoughts and it’s them that I’m referring to.
A short story of my process of legendary weapon crafting. I decided to make one when I completed pretty much every point of the game that had some meaning to me (which includes dungeons, bosses, leveling several characters, completing 100% map and so on). It wasn’t any immense urge – I just thought about a way of spending the money that I managed to collect. Make no mistake – it wasn’t a simple process and I didn’t complete it on a whim – it actually took a lot of effort. The skin was really awesome and had something specian in itself – so I made it. I transmuted it almost immediately (back then it had only one type of stats – you had to take i.e. zerker ones from another exotic item) and had a lot of fun with it. I immersed myself in WvW, but not having any serious way of spending money I yet again gathered a considerable amount and started working on another one of items that represented end-game for me – legendary weapon. I had a tough time deciding whether I want the same one (I used d/d almost all the time) or a different one for some kind of variety. After all I decided to make second Incinerator instead of Bolt.
And there goes my first counterargument for one of the basic answers of people that stand against “compensation” – that you can swap stats and have BiS forever. The stat swapping wasn’t even there from the beginning and lots of people crafted their legendaries before it was available. As for myself I didn’t even use it, I always use the same stat combo (I’d rather have the ability to swap sigils – I even swap one of my Incinerators for a plain ascended dagger sometimes just to change the sigil) BiS doesn’t really mean that much – afaik ascended weapons are meant to be last tier, and even if they won’t be forever, let’s face it – would you rather craft 2+k worth Incinerator, or just the new tier, even if it was a cost of, let’s say, 500g (assuming you could just put your unlocked legendary skill onto it)? I do understand, that in some cases (someone swapping stats a lot) second legendary weapon is better – let’s not forget, though, that these people can still craft second legendary if they so desire. My point is – even though we do get those features they aren’t wort anything for some of us, and very little for most of us (I assume).
Second answer that I see a lot is “you got two legendaries, you have two legendaries – what should you be compensated for?”. This one also contains a few smaller points that I’ll try to cover below. To be honest it creates a rather large “tree” of possible Q/A rows and I’m not sure how well can I show in this post – I’ll try to put answers that I saw or came to my mind in quotation marks and answer them below. But let’s start – I have two legendaries and ONE skin, while I could have two legendaries and TWO skins, for (more or less) the same amount of time/money. And the deciding factor could be i.e. a friend with his simple “meh, Bolt looks better” text.
“The game changes, you could have seen this change coming”
Could I really? Think whatever you want, but wardrobe was a total surprise for me. There was something alike in PvP, but I really coud have seen the PvE system coming to PvP rather than the other way around. Noone can see the future, we all agree on this one I guess?
“Still, it just is this way, you are not entitled to anything”
Well, I actually kind of agree with this one. I am not entitled to anything. But simply skipping this issue would really give a bad example – I mean, in this kind of game (with so-called hotizontal progress) this change looks like a giant “DO NOT MAKE PROGRESS” sign. If I am left with two Incinerators, I’d consider my last 2-3 months a total (well, maybe not total, I did some other things sometimes I guess) waste of time. If I had one of them, I wouldn’t actually feel any difference (see the part about stat swaps and BiS). Had I done Bolt instead of second Incinerator, I’d have two times more in terms of legendary items (for me – I do acknowledge some people look at this differently, but believe me, a lot of others think the way I do). Doesn’t this feel like hitting a random people, where in this case “random” means those that made twin legendary instead of another one (as they had no way of knowing this change would come)? They do not loose anything – I agree, but while everyone else is gaining, not gaining really looks like loosing in comparison. Their progress has been… lost? Why not give them something – they did work for two legendaries after all, as did the happy possessors of two different ones.
“But then – what about Mjolnirs, Infinity Lights, etc.?”
The same thing, I guess? I mean, the only thing that changes is the value of the item, and most likely support team would have to consider all the tickets one by one anyway. You would have to draw the line somewhere I guess – it’s not for me to decide. But is not drawing the line at all better? I wouldn’t say so. Also, aren’t the legendary weapons supposed to be the “final reward” or something along these lines? Simply making some of those “final rewards” effectively worthless isn’t a way to go in my opinion.
“All games make some of your items useless with new patches (better tier and so on)”
Yes. But while doing that, they also provide you with new challenges and things to do, and all of the lower-tier users are affected. New tier doesn’t usually drop from random mobs – it’s a reward for completing high-level dungeons or other challenges, that often require having some decend equipment already anyway. In this case… well, yeah. First of all, if you have two legendaries, you’re no longer equal (in terms of time spent or whatever resource you can imagine – i DO NOT think that having a legendary, two of them or even ten makes you any better than anyone else) with other people with two aswell (one skin vs two skins post-patch). Also, this doesn’t really give you new things to do – takes them away if anything (come on, who would do a twin legendaries after this patch //I know some of you would – you’re weird )
“It was your decision to make two”
Yes again. I wanted twin Incinerators, in terms of skin (most desired feature by many). Still, this patch makes me suffer for actually crafting two (instead of one and waiting for the patch I had no idea of) and that’s what this discussion is about, isn’kitten
Uhh, that’s tiring, let’s just continue with next answet that I see often.
“You’re minority, why bother?”
Really? Would you like it, if someone didn’t bother for you, because you chose/managed to do what most people didn’t?
“You already got what you paid for before the patch came to life – you could have used legendaries then”
Did I? I don’t think two weeks have even passed since I created a second Incinerator when I saw announcement about wardrobe. Actually, it was on the guild missions on TS, when someone asked me “Hey, Vimph, how do you like your second Incinerator?” while laughing silently. “It’s awesome, why?” “Oh, did you see the incoming patch notes?” So I checked them. Oh well. Anyway, is 2 weeks enough in your opinion? What about two days? Two hours? Where lies the line?
Since I written too much already, let’s just skip to the possible solutions. Only two have a chance of working imo:
-unbinding duplicates
-rewarding another skin for each duplicate (just a skin)
Those solutions should work as “n legendaries made – n skins available”. Now possible waknesses are as follow:
Unbinding duplicates: it would affect the trading post. But hey, it’s already affected by this patch, isn’kitten The precursor prices are rising like crazy. The demand is rising, twin-wielded legendaries are more popular now. Why not rise supply? Anyway, it’s all just speculations, I doubt anyone could say with 100% certainty how the market will react. Some of people who sold duplicates would buy another legendaries – there’s the demand rising again. But even if the price drops, is it really that horrible?
Giving another skin: well, the exact legendary price comes to mind. No idea how to solve it. Getting average price and making support team check whether it’s higher or lower than yours every time is quite stupid, so I think the unbinding would be a better option. It would also sink 15% of the value in case owner decided to sell it.
With this I’ve conveyed most of my thought to you, and if someone managed to read all of it – I salute you. I am also open for discussion, but I’ll most likely answer in a few hours and in a bulk.
Thank you for your patience
I didn’t check what I’ve written, there’s possibly a lot of errors, I’ll edit it tomorrow. It’s late. And it took 3 posts after all.
(most of you most likely, I don’t even want to read it myself again)
Please note, that this is VERY simplified and I’d appreciate it if before asking/answering you could read the whole post
n legendaries are not equal to n skins anymore, which affects some users in negative way, and actually punishes them for making progress in the past.
Possible solutions are discussed just above, feel free to check them out.
I have zero compassion for anyone with a legendary let alone 2.
Unlucky since launch, RNG isn’t random
PugLife SoloQ
Wow… I cant believe people are actually against compensation.
Just imagine you spent hundreds of hours on something, and after you conplete it, it’s pretty much deleted.
This game is about skins, no one would spend 1000s of gols on a legendary just to get ascended stats and a free ‘stat selector’. With the wardrobe its very easy to just buy an exotic for 3 gold, conpared to the 1500 gold some spent on their second legendary.
There’s really no reason to be against a refund, except for jealousy.
Terrible argument. It’s an online game. One day it WILL be deleted. If that’s your biggest fear that everything you do on the internet will one day be deleted, find a real life hobby with solid objects.
Can’t delete table top gaming.
The wardrobe… Is not. It basically gives that second skin FOR FREE without anything else. It takes a minute to buy an exotic, go to the transmute screen, and click apply. Compare that to the hundreds of hours you spend on making a legendary.
You “earned” the rights to that skin once. We both know there’s nothing legendary involved in making a legendary. There’s no skill involved. There is no challenge. Just money.
You should be thanking them that they’re saving you the effort a second or third time and now even your level 1 character can be equipped with a legendary skin.
A free legendary implies that because you’ve unlocked it, I can get it too. It wasn’t free.
If a legendary took skill, you’d revel in it and embrace having the skin for all your characters. We both know it’s only money. That’s why you’re asking money in return.
(edited by Darkobra.6439)
Legendary items allow you to change stats and will always have the best stats if I am not mistaken. That alone is reward enough. When stats get increased again I’m sure you won’t be complaining about having 2 of them then.
I have no legendaries. I think people with duplicate legendaries have to be compensated. This should have been provided by this patch. What’s there to discuss?
IMO, not.
/fifteen chars
I have one legendary and definitely think people with duplicates should be compensated somehow. Legendaries are such a huge investment, having it made pointless must be so frustrating.
I have one legendary and definitely think people with duplicates should be compensated somehow. Legendaries are such a huge investment, having it made pointless must be so frustrating.
The tears of the lucky are delicious.
Unlucky since launch, RNG isn’t random
PugLife SoloQ
I have one legendary and definitely think people with duplicates should be compensated somehow. Legendaries are such a huge investment, having it made pointless must be so frustrating.
The tears of the lucky are delicious.
I have believe most people on here simply want to instigate to annoy at this point or have some ulterior motive to opposing compensation. I’d say n legendaries =/= n skins is one of the simplest and best ways I have heard it put.
Some new very bad arguments seem to have popped up though.
1. Something else isn’t being compensated therefore you shouldn’t get compensated.
2. There’s nothing legendary involved in making a legendary. There’s no skill involved. There is no challenge. Just money.
Addressing 1, you are saying anet shouldn’t figure out a way to do compensation because of something that hasn’t been addressed just like legendaries haven’t yet. If anet found a way to compensate everyone and announced it you wouldn’t have any reason to complain. Anet can choose what to address and what not to, but until they have you shouldn’t try and assume what will happen and use it as a basis for something else that will happen. It would be better to argue that because anet is refunding x already they will or won’t refund y.
Addressing 2, why even complain against this then. You can buy everything in the game except for dragonite, karma, and a few specific items. Anet is already refunding gem purchases and your argument is don’t refund them because you can buy them. I’m not sure that kind of logic follows anets logic at all… if anet chooses no refund it won’t be because of that and it is an extremely subjective argument. You might as well be arguing they shouldn’t refund legendaries because I like cake.
Legendary items allow you to change stats and will always have the best stats if I am not mistaken. That alone is reward enough. When stats get increased again I’m sure you won’t be complaining about having 2 of them then.
Anet told us that ascended was the final tier of stats. If the best stats never change then you might as well argue that legendaries will always be ascended. I could have made over 25 ascended weapons with different sigils in each one for the price of my legendary that doesn’t even benefit me with a skin.
No, I won’t be complaining because it won’t ever happen.
Because people need to be accountable for what they purchase. Before these changes everyone with 2x legendaries were completely satisfied with their purchases. They invested the time/money into getting them. Knew they were soul bound and would never be able to sell them and there was not a peep around.
Then wardrobe made it so you can duplicate skins. Yea, something changed. But that absolutely does not mean that everyone that got 2x legendaries should be compensated. That is life. Sometimes you purchase an item or two and then some time later you find out that there was a better deal if you would have waited.
They aren’t losing anything. They just aren’t going to get their money back.
Now, where there is some difference is that in real life you could likely sell whatever it is you felt was a mistake. On eBay, on Craigslist, whatever.
In the end they would pretty much be better off than everyone else. I mean think about it, for months they’ve been enjoying two legendaries. Now this change happens and they get a couple thousand gold and still are able to walk around with two legendary skins? They would be slightly better off than someone that just got one legendary after wardrobe and a skin because they had full use of both legendaries for a period of time. Which does have some value.
The absolute fairest thing to do would be to allow anyone with duplicate legendaries to trade one in for an account bound different legendary. That would be fair. You don’t get extra money, but you can at least trade your duplicate for a different one. You shouldn’t be able to run around with a soul bound legendary, then magically get it unbound and sell-able. You should be stuck with two legendaries, but can make one of the duplicates a different one.
Problem solved.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Hahah… oh the ranting, as if have an universal (acc-bound) free stat-switching weapon wasn’t enough…
So the people who opted to make dual legendaries, don’t need compensation. Not how do you pick what they get? If they made their duals early the cost was MUCH lower. Any retail place gives lowest sale item on returns without a receipt … I don’t know when they made their legendaries.
The token idea is flawed. If I own two of the horn legendaries (cheap compared) so I then I can claim a token, and pick eternity or juggaurnaught. Something that is massively more expensive to make? I mean the cost in precursors is so different 800 gold and 50 gold…. Just saying
People were not forced into making ANY of their legendaries, just as I was not forced into making mine. I wanted it. I took MY time to grind for the mats, for the gold and for the recipes needed.
Since they were not forced into making it; buying it- or since the item is not broken why would a refund or exchange be warranted?
If they ever compensate your current legendary for another of your choice, I demand scavenger hunt to compensate the heavy grinding I have to go through while others get free legendary swap.
It would be very hard to compensate people for legendary or extremely rare items. As soon as Anet puts a price tag on an item, it impacts the player run economy. As an example, it could keep a certain legendary from ever raising in value. Or the opposite. It could keep something inflated because As soon as Anet sets a value, it would become a standard.
That is assumed a gold value is place on it. It can always be compensated in other ways, but since you can exchange between the gems and gold medium the same problem exists.
Theoretically an answer could be to give them something you can exchange a legendary for that you can not get another way. Or something with a similar concept. But that’s just me brainstorming ideas.
It would be very hard to compensate people for legendary or extremely rare items. As soon as Anet puts a price tag on an item, it impacts the player run economy. As an example, it could keep a certain legendary from ever raising in value. Or the opposite. It could keep something inflated because As soon as Anet sets a value, it would become a standard.
That is assumed a gold value is place on it. It can always be compensated in other ways, but since you can exchange between the gems and gold medium the same problem exists.
Theoretically an answer could be to give them something you can exchange a legendary for that you can not get another way. Or something with a similar concept. But that’s just me brainstorming ideas.
There is already a price tag thanks to the TP. Giving players a skin as compensation doesn’t effect the economy at all. They already paid for two legendaries, they lost a skin. If they are given of one skin of equal or lesser value based on what anet decides (maybe the average price over the last 3 months) then I see no issue. The economy isn’t effected at all because anet doesn’t give them any more than they have already earned and they can’t sell the skin.
As to people who made legendaries way back getting more. The truth is they are not really getting more. Back then there was less gold and it was more difficult to make gold. They made there legendary at the established market price and now it has inflated as more gold enters the system than it leaves things naturally become more expensive gold wise, but so does everything else. Meaning you can sell items that you make money with for more too.
There are ways for anet to handle this on a case by case basis if they choose to.