INFUZ-5959 Stat Convert Item/Service

INFUZ-5959 Stat Convert Item/Service

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zalaz.3105


It would be nice if INFUS-5959 sold an item or service that allowed the stat of an infusion to be converted into a different type of stat infusion (i.e. Mighty to Malign). As time goes by, builds go in and out of style. This could prove useful in softening the blow a player has to deal with when changing up their gear to accommodate a new build they’d like to pursue.

(edited by Zalaz.3105)

INFUZ-5959 Stat Convert Item/Service

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cirian.8917


I agree with you

I was looking over my infusions just yesterday, I have a mix of defensive and offensive types and of course now it would be possible just to run a full set of either. A trade option would be perfect.

INFUZ-5959 Stat Convert Item/Service

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: EphemeralWallaby.7643



Does anyone else agree with this or am I alone here?

Sorry, I don’t agree.

Spending currency (whether it be gold, karma, laurels, relics, etc) on new builds is part of the game. It means that players must put in time and effort to change things up.


INFUZ-5959 Stat Convert Item/Service

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Thelgar.7214


I also agree. Progress made should not be erased because of a patch.

INFUZ-5959 Stat Convert Item/Service

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: sirsquishy.2619


I also agree. Progress made should not be erased because of a patch.

Happens in every other MMO. While I agree that it sucks, I think that there needs to be some sense of progress in this game for it to be sustainable. And I think they are going in the right direction with how they are doing the infusions.

I just wish the Infusions would offer more for what they are.