IRL activities generating in-game rewards?
For the love of God, no. And if you need to ask why?
And that was on the top of my search in Google. . . .
^ this x infinity
| 61 Asura | 5 Charr | 2 Norn | 1 Human | 1 Sylvari |
Pokemon Go is a game in itself so it works to earn rewards while out and about…you are playing the game. What you seem to be requesting is a means to be rewarded in GW2 for doing something other than playing GW2. Something that actively encourages people to NOT log in to an MMO seems like a questionable addition to the MMO.
You seriously think that every game-related app has to be like Pokémon Go? It was just an example since I didn’t feel that geocaching would quite catch what I meant in terms of a game.
Actually, I believe it would encourage people to take a break from the pc to earn something in the game. Perhaps I’m wrong, but I was thinking about something like a mini-game that’s connected to GW/GW2. I don’t know about you, but sometimes I’m not able to log on for weeks, although I can bring my phone with me almost everywhere.
I’ve actually been thinking it would be cool to have an AR RPG, like Pokémon Go (or those zombie games/audio books that play as you walk).
But it would have to be a stand-alone game. I can’t see any developer encouraging people to not play their game.
The nearest you’re likely to get in GW2 is getting a part-time job outside and using the money to buy gems.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
(edited by Danikat.8537)
Still seems odd to actively encouage people to not log into a game where active log in is the lifeblood of the genre.
But it would have to be a stand-alone game. I can’t see any developer encouraging people to not play their game.
Yeah, this.
But it would have to be a stand-alone game. I can’t see any developer encouraging people to not play their game.
Yeah, this.
Not necessarily. The company would have to make sure that whatever activity is done outside the game would not be preferential to playing the game.
And the benefit to this would be that people who aren’t logged in (because of work, commute, whatever else) are being encouraged to keep thinking about the game. It’s similar to why dailies exist: to keep the game in the front of people’s minds.
If people are thinking about the game, they’re more apt to spend money on the game… at least more money than if they’re not thinking about the game.
P.S. A bit off topic: I’m so unplugged from pop culture that I didn’t know Pokemon Go even existed until this thread… and it still doesn’t interest me, lol.
Going outside and doing things is rewarding enough for me. I don’t need a video game to encourage me to do that. It’s much more rewarding than playing GW2. Maybe GW2 should offer some IRL rewards for playing the game.
Also, I think I have one of those Pokemon things in my yard. On several occasions recently I’ve seen people standing around my yard staring at their phones. At first I thought maybe it was some kind of cell phone driven zombie apocalypse starting. After finding out about Pokemon Go maybe I’m not too far off. Perhaps I should start charging admission.
(edited by JustTrogdor.7892)
They had a contest for some kind of gw2 related app a while back I seem to remember. No idea what came of it though.
A related minigame could be cool. Maybe an interesting way to involve some of the lesser races with some of the stories that don’t involve the current dragon of choice.
Eg. Quaggans at risk from minions of Bubbles.
Tengu gliding in the Dominion of Wind, keeping out trespassers.
Going around as a hylek alchemist that collects alchemical reagents to craft potions (xp gain, karma, food buffs?) [envisioning a mix of pokemon go and the Cooking discovery system]
A kodan message of the day/words of encouragement
P.S. A bit off topic: I’m so unplugged from pop culture that I didn’t know Pokemon Go even existed until this thread… and it still doesn’t interest me, lol.
I’m slightly horrified by Pokemon Go Outdoors. There’s a world of danger out there that isn’t mitigated by walking around staring at the pavement through your phone. Gotta catch that pokemon in that moving traffic? Gotta catch that pokemon over by those big lads? Gotta catch that pokemon on that weird old guys private propery?
Needs to be a worried parent version – Pokemon Go Nowhere, Stay In Your Room.
Back on topic.. neverwinter had something I vaguely remember, you could do something on the main website that had something to do with the game? Like I say.. vague memories..
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!
Now, if we could cash in Huggies and Pampers rewards for gems or something…that would be great. Otherwise…no.
Sooo many diaper changes…sooo many.
Maybe when the toddler learns to play I can get her to farm me some mats…maybe.
Te Nosce [TC]
Pokemon Go is going to destroy the human race, unless they manage to successfully ban it in the future. I wouldn’t want something so destructive created in another form.
GW2 is an MMORPG that is about Character Progression within a fictional world, with content that tells not only a story for the whole world but a Personal Story directly tied to your Character. RL is not Tyria. This is proposing gaining something In-Game for essentially not playing the game.
This already exists.
1. Get a job
2. Buy gems with your paycheck
3. Convert gems to gold
4. Buy reward you want
Closest thing we ever got was exclusive giveaways at cons and that didn’t go so well for the OCD pet collectors.
RIP City of Heroes
Actually, I believe it would encourage people to take a break from the pc to earn something in the game. Perhaps I’m wrong, but I was thinking about something like a mini-game that’s connected to GW/GW2. I don’t know about you, but sometimes I’m not able to log on for weeks, although I can bring my phone with me almost everywhere.
I think the only types of “play” I could see being able to do outside of the actual game would be things like dealing with your Inventory / Trading Post, manipulating your Guild interface, and maybe being able to do some kind of chat. Although the chat would probably also be good for Gold Sellers.
Maybe also play with your character’s looks / wardrobe / dyes? Stuff that could keep you interested in the game without becoming a substitute for actually playing the game.
I definitely could not see being able to do anything to gain In-Game stuff other than selling things you already had in your inventory on the TP.
I can’t see them making anything IRL interactive like Pokemon Go for the Guild Wars franchise, it just doesn’t really fit.
I could, however, see them come up with some kind of “Clash of Clans” type game or RTS where you build up guilds to fight with each other. A game set in the actual “Guild Wars” of Tyria’s history. You could unlock interesting characters and bits of lore, which then might show up in GW2 as some uncovered bit of ancient history. And if they link the games, then maybe meeting some goals in the Guild game could unlock a few minor skins like a shield or back banner with the emblem of one of those ancient guilds for GW2.
That way, playing one game tempts you with the other, in the hopes that you end up playing both and giving ANet even more money.
delicate, brick-like subtlety.
There’s already a way to get rewarded in-game for out-of-game activities.
Step 1: Get a Job.
Step 2: Use Job to make money
Step 3: Use money to Buy Gems
Step 4: Spend Gems on rewards.