ISO: Best Bet for Secret ToyMaker gifts
How about sending 5g?
Save the Bell Choir activity!
I am hosting something similar in my guild and would not recommend sending gold. If you send gold and the person that has you sends gold, you might as well not be in it in the first place.
I was thinking 5g worth of unidentified dyes, because who doesnt love lottery scratch-offs at Christmas time?
Send them 5 gold worth of black lion chests.
@JustTrogdor – That is just mean…
2 words.
Mini Pets
My suggestion is wait and see if they write anything of interest on their note. Like their most played class or something to get some better ideas pertaining to that particular person.
Which is something I totally didn’t think of when I filled out the form.
Some ideas I have lined up:
potential weapon skins (skin or weapon)
mini pets
foodstuffs (everyone always needs more foodstuffs – but getting 5g worth of foodstuffs is probably a little extreme – I’d just use it as an aside to the other gifts)
maybe armor skin but less to choose from then weapons
maybe a gemstore item if I’m feeling really generous
one of the unique tonic or “party” items
This event has made me realize though how there is not as much festive items to send friends then I originally thought though.
(edited by Katreyn.4218)