Iconic Tonic does nothing?

Iconic Tonic does nothing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Klonex.4562


after having the Monkey King tonic as a drop for me and reading about how rare it is… it does nothing.

Cannot be sold once used – -_-
Cannot do any emotes (i.e. do /dance, /sit, /sleep)
No combat
Cannot interact with anything, include bank/TP etc
Cannot summon pets
Cannot use any toys (i..e brooms, kites etc)

thank to dulfy for clearing what it can’t do.

really guys? having an awesome looking iconic tonic like that do absolutely nothing at all.

~Krystal <3 Angela ~
~ I taught cows how to Moo! ~

Iconic Tonic does nothing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Allaraina.8614



I guess I’m less worried about getting one now. That’s really disappointing. Maybe they’ll add that in later if there are enough requests for it?


My 18 characters are waiting for outfits from GW1 like Tuxedos! WE GOT DWAYNA! =D