[Idea] In-game postcards!

[Idea] In-game postcards!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Makarow.3028


[Moved topic from art creations here]


Well... yesterday I found very old pile of my postcards what I received when I was kid. And that gave me idea - why not revive boring mailing in game, with some fashion and style?
And stamps! Oh, I remember how much of them I collected ... still having them stored inside philatelic stamp albums...

So I am asking for your feedback, ideas and opinions - would You like to see it in game? If yes, I try to make more exaples in free time.

I see few options with them, for example:
* City Postcard series - 6 postcards to collect (Black Citadel, Divinity Reach, The Grove Hoelbrak, Rata Sum)
* Special occasion postcards series - postcards with holiday/event themes, like Valentine Day, Dragon Bash, Wintersday and other
Another example ideas:
* City Stamps series - 6 stamps to collect (Black Citadel, Divinity Reach, The Grove Hoelbrak, Rata Sum)
* Special occasion stamps series - postcards with holiday/event themes, like Valentine Day, Dragon Bash, Wintersday and other
* Fauna of Tyria series - stamps with Tyria fauna
* Flora of Tyria series - stamps with Tyria flora
* Cat-o’-holic series - stamps with pictures of cats (miniatures), rare stamp with Chauncey von Snuffles III, etc.

Trading Post
Some of special occasion stamps and postcards would be available via trading post. I think 25-50 gems for stamp/postcard would be okay.
World loot and jumping puzzle chests
Rest of postcards and stamp would be randomly lootable in world, or for example in jumping puzzle chests. Of course, would be there super low % chance for getting the rarest ones.
Dungeons and fractals
Some rare and very rare stamps would be obtainable via dungeons and fractals completion, with very small % chance of drop at the end.

Yes! I think they should be - that would help us, to get Our collections completed faster. Also, that would remove some gold from game (TP transactions etc.). Of course special postcards and stamp wouldn’t be tradeable - they should be account bound.

- Some of stamps/postcards should be obtainable via vendors
- Some of stamps/postcards should be obtainable via completion of heart vendors, using karma as currency
- There should be item called [Unidentified stamp], equivalent of Unidentified dye

Can see preview of my idea in attachment below:


Minarr Howlfury – M Charr Warrior || Aghmara Ironfist – F Charr Engineer
Tammra Shadowhide – F Charr Thief
Shattersteel Datachment [SsD] @ Piken Square [EU]

(edited by Makarow.3028)

[Idea] In-game postcards!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yamialexa.5103


That is actually kinda cool, I’d be all for that. I love artwork inside the game, and this would a perfect opportunity to admire more of it.
BUT only if they have nothing important to work on atm, I’d hate for “non-flavor” contents to be delayed by the work this probably needs to be implemented.

[Idea] In-game postcards!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dolphin.2574


I like your mock-up for your suggestion.

I am not sure if I like the idea of just buying the postcards and stamps on the TP. What if you had to actually travel to a location to obtain the postcard from a local vendor? That would encourage more PvE map travel and make it a collection item. If you still wanted to monetize it you could buy the stamps from the TP as another collection and you have a Title available too – Stamp Collector.

[Idea] In-game postcards!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MuffinMan.3285


I tend to agree with Dolphin, but also selling them on the TP for lazy people to buy instead

WvW isnt fun anymore :(

[Idea] In-game postcards!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Linfang.1087


I would like to see stamps being sold on event heart vendors throughout Tyria. Just a small amount of Karma you buy a stamp/postcard.

[Idea] In-game postcards!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheBlackLeech.9360


Post cards could be gem store purchases, the stamps could be bought at vendors or looted from foes….. and i could see this bringing about new collections!

Instead of an unidentified dye…. you could loot an unidentified stamp!


[Idea] In-game postcards!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Makarow.3028


Thanks for feed back.
I semi-agree with you but if you readed whole text what I wrote in post, I said some of stamps/postcards would be "lootable" via open world or jumping puzzles, what would give some more activity on PvE maps. But idea about vendors is good, too.

Good idea! That would also "force" people to "move" their "lazy kitten s" from afking places in capital cities.

I see this as another good idea, that would make some more ways to get more stamps. Copies for example we could trade via trading post or with friends.

If You guys have nothing against it, I add your suggestions to main post, so everyone will be able to see your suggestions in one place.

Minarr Howlfury – M Charr Warrior || Aghmara Ironfist – F Charr Engineer
Tammra Shadowhide – F Charr Thief
Shattersteel Datachment [SsD] @ Piken Square [EU]

[Idea] In-game postcards!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Nice to see, that the idea that I posted likel already way over a year ago finds its way by someone else visually better shown back to the forums kudos to that

Sadly when i posted the same idea in the past, it found absolutely no interest by anyone, not even Anet as that was at a time, where even no Mail Carrier Skins existed at that point, where i thought, Anets doesn’t seem to realize that its a great opportunity to improve thwe Mail System and also that in a way with that thery can earn money via via gemstore Special Postcard Designs and Features

Heres my original idea about what I can remember what I suggested like over a year ago:

Postcard Features:

Create a Postcard for various reasons (categories) :

  • Birthdays
  • Greetings
  • Fun
  • Holidays
  • Promotions/Invitations
  • General

In regard of which category you choose you will be able to use one of various different for the category fitting “postcard motives” (Backgrounds).
If you unlock the Feature by Gemstore, you can use also “Animations/Sounds” that the Post Card Reader will get to hear/see at the moment of opening the Postcard Mail, which will have a different icon in the Mail Post than a normal Mail Message.

If you don’t use a Postcard Motive, you can choose also to use an Ingame Picture as Motive that will get automaticalyl resized down to the size of the Postcard and when clicking onto the Picture twice, a window will pop up for you “Picture Mode” to let you see the picture in nearly full size. Picture Mode will work like basically opening a “Photo Book”, where you will change between sent pictures like looking into a picture book, if the sender of the Mail sent more than 1 picture with the Postcard.

I like the Idea here of collectible Postcard Sets and Stamps to give each Postcard more of a personal touch

it would be just a different type of Collection, that for once has simply nothign to do with something “ingame material”, but for once owuld be an immaterial collection with stuff, that hasn#t to do with various inventory intems that you need to collect just to progress in a collection for something ..

Just finding all over the world as rewards unlockable postcard motives, stamps, animations, font types ect. would make up easily for nice achievements based around such immaterial collections for just unlocking more and more visual and audio stuff for your Postcards, while other unique special stuff could be put also as account upgrades under the gemstore like for example having a bunch of super cute quaggans as a birthday card motive with a special funny animation and sound behind or so, then you could buy that from the Gemstore either, or could somehow rarely earn it also ingame for exampel from opening black lion chests.

really like the UI design, great job, absolutely looks like something simply, that Anet devs you take over, modify a bit and implement nearly exactly like that without having really much work

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

[Idea] In-game postcards!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Greyhound.2058


That looks really cute, I’d actually like that!

I like the idea of buying/collecting stamps with karma, new sets could come out for different maps at various times, could be great fun, especially if you got stamps for/from the specific areas of a map, I can imagine that being good fun

In fact in my personal view, the heart quests are so tedious, especially when you’ve done them over and over on different chars, it could be a brilliant replacement for them (but still counting towards map completion) for players who have already done the heart quest there at least twice

[Idea] In-game postcards!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Makarow.3028


Hehe, then seems we think in that same way, just a bit differently with details.

Your original idea wasn’t bad, but would be harder to add to game. For example, photo mode is not needed, it would instantly apply/change appearance like on my attached picture. About sounds. Well, the problem is, good quality sound have some "weight" in bytes, simple pictures wouldn’t be much problem because for example can create simple picture for borders of postcard and stamps and just add new pictures "inside" with each path of game. The problem with sound would be, you need to start from "zero" on each sound file. Also, a lot of players plays with muted speakers (like me, when I am outside of my home) so most of them would ignore that feature. Same with animations, they are also "heavier" than just simple .jpg files. And about album feature... hmm... I think arena.net won’t add this to game, because they need to store those messages (I know simple .txt files are around 1kb, but when you have to host 1,000,000,000 of them, suddenly they change into tons of megabytes... so...), so that are additional costs for server infrastructure(HDDs and backups of those messages).

I am not writting to say Your ideas are bad, just want to say how technically it would look to implement it to game, because I am IT technician, so I know how it look in practice.

- - - - - - - - - -
Added in main post some stamp samples. I am gonna add more soon. Maybe. :P

Minarr Howlfury – M Charr Warrior || Aghmara Ironfist – F Charr Engineer
Tammra Shadowhide – F Charr Thief
Shattersteel Datachment [SsD] @ Piken Square [EU]

[Idea] In-game postcards!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

Fun idea, OP. +1

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

[Idea] In-game postcards!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kitty La Boom Boom.4065

Kitty La Boom Boom.4065

+1! I love this idea!
It’d be kinda cool to be able to put all your postcards and stamps in some kind of scrapbook…maybe some kind of in game snapshot add on?

[Idea] In-game postcards!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Makarow.3028


@Kitty La Boom Boom
I think making "collector album" wouldn’t be bad idea, but as I wrote 2 posts above, technically it may "devour" some power resources. :P
And we have already something called collectibles in achievements so... I doubt they’d introduce it. But still would be able to look at them like in Hero panel. They’d just need to add new section like for minis or weapon/armor skins etc.

Minarr Howlfury – M Charr Warrior || Aghmara Ironfist – F Charr Engineer
Tammra Shadowhide – F Charr Thief
Shattersteel Datachment [SsD] @ Piken Square [EU]