Idea: Project Specific Bank

Idea: Project Specific Bank

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eleri Tezhme.3048

Eleri Tezhme.3048

Was mulling this about in my brain while I worked on Mawdry. Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a place in our materials storage, that was specifically for holding all the things you needed to make something.

Take Mawdry for example- the list of mats needed is a mile long- so you keep going back to the wiki to see what you need, and trying to remember which thing you’ll need 3 stacks of, and how many of those you need, and so on and so forth. Time consuming and frustrating- especially if you screw up.

So what if you could buy from the TP a special temporary material storage tab for Mawdry (or Legendaries, or other things that need a long list of supplies)… You buy it, activate it, and now, when you right click to deposit materials, is also gives you an “Deposit in project storage” option. And you can go into your bank and view that project to see what all you need, and how much of it. When something is full, it puts it in regular storage instead.

You could move things from there to regular storage if you really wanted to, but it would confirm that first, and it wouldn’t pull stuff out of that storage for crafting, so you couldn’t accidentally use up somethign you needed to save.

Want to work on a specific Legendary? Buy the project tab for it, and store all your stuff in there, instead of your regular bank tabs.

Given how it sounds like Precursors & Legendaries are going to be much more complex to build, something like this could really be a lifesaver.