I have had this idea rolling around my head for a long time now and I think it would be a great idea for when GW2 turns 2. Since the first birthday gave us a “Mini Queen Jennah”, the second birthday should do the same by giving a mini but with a little twist.
I would like a new Mini Doppelganger. Basically it would be a call back to GW1. It matched the person who was fighting it. In this case though it would be so awesome if when it was summoned/taken out, it takes the appearance of the person who summoned it. Think of it like a Mini of yourself that can change based on who summons it and what they are wearing/wielding at the time it was summoned. A mini of myself with a mini Bifrost running around with little rainbow footfalls…OMG!
I think this is a great idea and I doubt I am the only person who would love a Mini Clone of themselves running around with them. Anyone else think this would be great! I am sure I will never get a reply from a dev about this idea but I really hope it gets up the ladder somehow. Thanks!!!